How to make inheritance hierarchy for Type Converter of Dart Floor? - flutter

As below, I define ListConverter<T> to make inheritance hierarchy.
abstract class ListConverter<T> extends TypeConverter<List<T>, String> {
static const delimiter = "!DELIMITER!";
T fromDB(String databaseValue);
String toDB(T value);
List<T> decode(String databaseValue) {
return databaseValue
.where((element) => element.isNotEmpty)
.map((e) => fromDB(e))
String encode(List<T> value) {
return => toDB(e)).join(delimiter);
Using ListConverter<T>, I implement IntListConverter.
class IntListConverter extends ListConverter<int> {
int fromDB(String databaseValue) {
return int.parse(databaseValue);
String toDB(int value) {
return value.toString();
My plan was to use ListConverter<T> also on StringListConverter, etc.
But unfortunately, I got this error message while running floor_generator.
[SEVERE] floor_generator:floor_generator on lib/persistence/db/app_database.dart:
Only classes that inherit from TypeConverter can be used as type converters. Make sure use a class that inherits from TypeConverter.
I know that Hierarchy (B) works well, but I want to build (A) structure for managing other list converters.
(A) TypeConverter -> ListConverter -> IntListConverter
(B) TypeConverter -> IntListConverter
How to make inheritance hierarchy for Type Converter of Dart Floor?

I resolved this problem in a roundabout way.
I use mixin keyword instead of direct inheritance.
class IntListConverter extends TypeConverter<List<int>, String>
with ListConverter<int> {
int fromDB(String databaseValue) {
return int.parse(databaseValue);
String toDB(int value) {
return value.toString();


[DART]: Telling dart generics that an attribute will exist when used

Not sure if I'm using generics properly but is there a way I can let <T> know that it has (or will have) a certain attribute when it's used? This wouldn't be a problem if it weren't generics but since it's not I keep getting the error The getter 'id' isn't defined for the type 'T & Object'.
class Foo<T> {
List<T> items = [];
removeById(int id) {
items.removeWhere((T element) =>! == id); // Error
You can have either static (compile-time) checks or runtime checks. For compile-time checks, you would need to parameterize your generic on some base interface. For example:
abstract class HasId {
int get id;
class MyClass implements HasId {
final int id;
class Foo<T extends HasId> {
If you really want duck-typing, that inherently requires using dynamic to disable static type-checking and relying on runtime checks:
class Foo<T> {
List<T> items = [];
void removeById(int id) {
items.removeWhere((element) => (element as dynamic).id! == id);
If there's a possibility that instances of T might not have an id member, you will need to catch a potential NoSuchMethodError yourself.

How can I test a method and to mock another method that are in the same class in Flutter

I have already tested methodA() and methodB() so I can be sure that they are covered.
What are the ways to test methodToBeTested() by mocking methodA() and methodB() that are in the same file? The parameters are passed through the methodToBeTested() to the methodA() and methodB() to properly test these methods using injection.
Note: They are cannot be extracted to a different class since it is a related logic of the calculation service and these methods are already atomically is separated.
class ClassForTesting {
int methodToBeTested(String a, String b) {
// Calculation in this method also is a bit more difficult
return methodA() + methodB();
int methodA(String a) {
int value = 1;
// Here is calculation logic that has been tested
return value;
int methodB(String b) {
int value = 2;
// Here is calculation logic that has been tested
return value;
What has been done:
I have tried several approaches from Mockito, but it doesn't allow to do such a trick:
#GenerateMocks - is creating a mock and requires me to stub each method using when(), even methodToBeTested().
By extending Fake using the next construction:
class Mock extends Fake implements PasswordValidatorService {}
But in this way, I'm only inheriting the PasswordValidatorService's behavior instead of instead implementation and each non-overridden method throws UnimplementedError. Thus, I'm not able to override methodToBeTested() and call its super implementation.
I found that Mockito for Java has #Spy construction that would be perfect in this case but unfortunately it is not available for Dart and Flutter.
The only way I currently came is to create my own Mock:
class MockClassForTesting extends ClassForTesting {
int methodA() {
return 2;
int methodB() {
return 5;
But this implementation doesn't allow me to use Mockito's flexibility of when() construction since I must have different methodA() and methodB() returns.
This fact forces me to have additional variables in my MockClassForTesting to achieve when() construction functionality.
The questions:
What would be the best way to achieve my purposes?
Can be the same mocking approach to be used during the Widget testing?
One approach would be to use a hybrid approach where you create your own derived class but where some of its overrides delegate to a Mock implementation. For example:
class ClassForTesting {
int methodToBeTested(String a, String b) {
// Calculation in this method also is a bit more difficult
return methodA(a) + methodB(b);
int methodA(String a) {
int value = 1;
// Here is calculation logic that has been tested
return value;
int methodB(String b) {
int value = 2;
// Here is calculation logic that has been tested
return value;
class PartialMockClassForTesting extends ClassForTesting {
final mock = MockClassForTesting();
int methodA(String a) => mock.methodA(a);
int methodB(String b) => mock.methodB(b);
void main() {
test('Test partial mock', () {
var partialMock = PartialMockClassForTesting();
expect(partialMock.methodToBeTested('hello', 'world'), 52);
expect(partialMock.methodToBeTested('goodbye', 'world'), -32);
If you want to conditionally mock certain methods, you could have your overrides check boolean flags to conditionally call either the mock or the real implementation. For example:
class PartialMockClassForTesting extends ClassForTesting {
final mock = MockClassForTesting();
final shouldMock = <Function, bool>{};
int methodA(String a) =>
shouldMock[methodA] ?? false ? mock.methodA(a) : super.methodA(a);
int methodB(String b) =>
shouldMock[methodB] ?? false ? mock.methodB(b) : super.methodB(b);
void main() {
test('Test partial mock', () {
var partialMock = PartialMockClassForTesting();
partialMock.shouldMock[partialMock.methodA] = true;
partialMock.shouldMock[partialMock.methodB] = true;

Copying objects bug in Flutter BLoC

I am building an app with Flutter using BLOC Architecture with the flutter_bloc package.
I have a data class for an object, which looks like this example:
class MyClass {
int? id;
List<MyOtherClass> myOtherClasses = [];
MyClass._(, this.myOtherClasses);
MyClass copyWith({int? id, List<MyOtherClass>? myOtherClasses}) {
return MyClass._(
id ??,
myOtherClasses ?? this.myOtherClasses,
class MyOtherClass {
int value;
Now I a Screen that shows the values of the class, and a Dialog to edit it. To store the state, I am using a Cubit, that looks like this:
abstract class MyClassState {
final MyClass myClass;
class MyClassInitial extends MyClassState {
MyClassInitial() : super(MyClass());
class MyClassEditing extends MyClassState {
final MyClass editingMyClass;
MyClassEditing(MyClass myClass, this.editingMyClass) : super(myClass);
class MyClassChanged extends MyClassState {
MyClassChanged(MyClass myClass) : super(myClass);
class MyClassCubit extends Cubit<MyClassState> {
MyClassCubit() : super(MyClassInitial());
void editMyClass({int? id, List<MyOtherClass>? myOtherClasses}) {
state.myClass.copyWith(id: id, myOtherClasses: myOtherClasses)));
void saveChanges() {
if (state is MyClassEditing)
emit(MyClassChanged((state as MyClassEditing).editingMyClass));
void discardChanged() {
So, basically, what I am trying to achieve here is to story a backup of MyClass in the MyClassEditing state in order to be able to discard the changes I made to MyClass. When I call the constructor of MyClassEditing here in this line: emit(MyClassEditing(state.myClass, state.myClass.copyWith(id: id, myOtherClasses: myOtherClasses)));, the state should contain the initial instance of MyClass without any changes, and the copy of the initial MyClass instance with the changes applied. But somehow, both instances have the changes applied, and I just don't get why this happens. Am I doing something wrong copying the instance?
Probably, the issue might be lists, if you make shallow copy of them.

Flutter generalized parameter?

I have a flutter app that uses a database what is generated by Moor.
Normally I would need 3 pages but since all 3 pages would look the same, the code would be the same. Only difference is the DAO they use.
So I have FirstDao, SecondDao, ThirdDao. All of them have the list() method and all of them return different type of objects (FirstType, SecondType, ThirdType) At the moment this is how I made it work but I am not sure is this a good way:
class RollingListChoice<T> extends StatefulWidget {
T dao;
_RollingListChoiceState createState() =>
class _RollingListChoiceState<T> extends State<RollingListChoice> {
T dao;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Text(getDao().list());
getDao() {
if (dao.runtimeType == FirstDao) {
FirstDao mydao = dao as FirstDao;
return mydao;
} else if (dao.runtimeType == SecondDao) {
SecondDaomydao = dao as SecondDao;
return mydao;
} else if (dao.runtimeType == ThirdDao) {
ThirdDao mydao = dao as ThirdDao;
return mydao;
Any way to improve the code? Is there any best practice for this type of problem?
you can have an interface for DAO classes (for example IDAO) and replace RollingListChoice<T> with RollingListChoice<T extends IDAO> to restrict type T to specific classes. by that, you don't need to cast dao in getDao() method and you will be sure that dao has list() method.
abstract class IDAO {
String list();
class RollingListChoice<T extends IDAO> extends StatefulWidget {
T dao;
_RollingListChoiceState createState() =>
class _RollingListChoiceState<T extends IDAO> extends State<RollingListChoice> {
T dao;
Widget build(BuildContext context) => Text(dao.list());
if you do mentioned changes you don't need to getDao() method, but you can change getDao() method like this as well:
getDao() {
if (dao is FirstDao) {
FirstDao mydao = dao as FirstDao;
return mydao;
} else if (dao is SecondDao) {
SecondDaomydao = dao as SecondDao;
return mydao;
} else if (dao is ThirdDao) {
ThirdDao mydao = dao as ThirdDao;
return mydao;

Extending base List class with extra functionality in Dart language

This question is about Dart language.
I want to have a class which is just a List but with some extra functionality.
For example I have a class named Model:
class Model{
String name;
int type;
Model(, this.type);
I know that Model's type could take only four values: from 0 to 3.
And I want to have a method, which can give me a List of Models of specified type, e.g. List<Model> modelCollection.getByType(int type);.
I plan to to have four 'hidden' Lists of the Models (grouped by type) in that class.
Thus I need to override addition and removal of List elements to make that hidden lists being up to date.
How can I realize this as easy as possible?
P.S. I know this is quite simple, but I'm poorly familiar with Object inheritance and can't find proper examples.
P.P.S. I've also checked this but don't know is it outdated or not and didn't catch the idea.
To make a class implement List there are several ways :
Extending ListBase and implementing length, operator[], operator[]= and length= :
import 'dart:collection';
class MyCustomList<E> extends ListBase<E> {
final List<E> l = [];
void set length(int newLength) { l.length = newLength; }
int get length => l.length;
E operator [](int index) => l[index];
void operator []=(int index, E value) { l[index] = value; }
// your custom methods
Mixin ListMixin and implementing length, operator[], operator[]= and length= :
import 'dart:collection';
class MyCustomList<E> extends Base with ListMixin<E> {
final List<E> l = [];
void set length(int newLength) { l.length = newLength; }
int get length => l.length;
E operator [](int index) => l[index];
void operator []=(int index, E value) { l[index] = value; }
// your custom methods
Delegating to an other List with DelegatingList from the quiver package:
import 'package:quiver/collection.dart';
class MyCustomList<E> extends DelegatingList<E> {
final List<E> _l = [];
List<E> get delegate => _l;
// your custom methods
Depending on your code each of those options have their advantages. If you wrap/delegate an existing list you should use the last option. Otherwise use one of the two first options depending on your type hierarchy (mixin allowing to extend an other Object).
A basic approach is to extend an Object with IterableMixin. It also seems that you don't even need to override the "length" getter or let's say all methods that the IterableMixin already provides.
import 'dart:collection';
class Model {
String name;
int type;
Model(, this.type) {
class ModelCollection extends Object with IterableMixin {
List<Model> _models;
Iterator get iterator => _models.iterator;
ModelCollection() {
this._models = new List<Model>();
//get one or the first type
Model elementByType(int type) {
for (Model model in _models) {
if (model.type == type) {
return model;
//get all of the same type
List<Model> elementsByType(int type) {
List<Model> newModel = new List<Model>();
for (Model model in _models) {
if (model.type == type) {
return newModel;
add(Model model) {
Excuse my strong static typing.
You might be interested in quiver.dart's Multimap. It behaves like a Map that allows multiple values per key.
Here's the code on github:
It's on pub simply as quiver. We'll be hosting the dartdocs somewhere soon.