How to hide a panel in a dashboard? - grafana

I have a panel that I use as a data source for other panels to reduce the query load on the database. I do not want the data source panel to show up in the dashboard. How do I achieve this?


In Grafana's node-graph panel, does the context manager (tooltip which contains detail__* fields) only render in grid-view and not in graph-layout?

I am working on the Grafana's node-graph panel, and I would like to render the context manager menu when I click on a node or an edge. This feature is enabled only when I turn on Grid view, and not in graph layout. This does not allow me to see the details of an edge.
Is it possible to do so in graph layout itself? I tested it in testDB provided by Grafana, and it didnt render in the Graph Layout panel.

Disable View, Share and More menu from graph in Grafana

How to disable the View, Share and More menu from the Grafana [Panel Menu --> View, Share, More–Export CSV, JSON etc;]. I don't want to show these options to user.
I have provided a solution to this on the grafana community forum.
You will have to update your CSS to hide all the extra options.
Have a look at this Link

How to hide drop-downs when clicking Tableau buttons using Tableau Reader

how do I hide the little drop-down menus on a Tableau worksheet used as a button....
See picture...
Everything is working perfectly in Tableau Desktop, but in Reader I get these drop-downs that I don't want the user to see or have to be bothered by?
The buttons don't show this if i a browsing through them in Desktop--only in Tableau Reader.
Are you able to see the picture? Let me know, if not.
Those controls should go away when the dashboard is put into presentation mode by clicking this icon.

Global filter in a single sheet

Recently, I saw a tableau workbook with all filters in one dashboard. Simply it acts as a master filter for all the dashboards. How to create such a dashboard with global filter alone in one place without any graphs?
On any of the worksheets you have on the dashboard, click the Options button. In the dropdown menu, one option will say Filter. That opens a submenu of all possible filter dimensions and measures. Choose one and it will create the filter on the dashboard itself. And as #Silva said, make sure to set it to Apply to All Worksheets.
Click on the sheet in the dashboard
In the upper right of the layout container, there is an arrow, a funnel, and a "x".
Select the arrow.
Hover over Filters.
Select which filter should be added to the dashboard.
Video from Tableau available at

How do I get html data to show in an panel when I click an item in my listbox? gwt

I am using eclipse with the google web toolkit plugin and have built a widget which has a ListBox and a horizontal SplitLayoutPanel. I want to be able to click on an item in my list box and have it display the HTML in the top pane of my split panel. I think I need to setup click handler but I am not quite sure how to go about this. Please give me a push in the right direction.
Add a ChangeHandler to the listBoxInstance. In the onChange, get the selected value using getSelectedIndex()/getValue(). Process as required.