how to debug CUDA,TensorRT in vscode - visual-studio-code

Environments: ubuntu20.04 + vscode(cmake) + CUDA + TensorRT
There are 2 ways to specify paths of include files and libs of CUDA+TensorRT:
1, in CMakeLists.txt
2, in vscode's c_cpp_properties.json
my questions are:
1, if I want to debug the program in vscode, both 1 and 2 are need to specify header files and lib files of CUDA and TensorRT, or just choose 1 or 2 is ok
2, I want vscode to recognize the system paths of CUDA I have written in
~/.bashrc, /usr/local/cuda-11.3/targets/x86_64-linux/include
should I write in c_cpp_properties.json manually?


VS Code: Include External OpenCV Install with CMake Tools

I am trying to set up an OpenCV C++ project using VS Code. I am able to compile the project just fine from the command line, by manually generating CMakeLists.txt:
# CMakeLists.txt
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION "3.17")
# set OpenCV_DIR variable equal to the path to the cmake install
set(OpenCV_DIR /Users/tstoff/git/opencv/install/lib/cmake/opencv4)
# Tell compiler to use C++ 14 features
# configure the necessary common CMake environment variables
# needed to include and link the OpenCV program into this
# demo project, namely OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS and OpenCV_LIBS
find_package( OpenCV REQUIRED )
# tell the build to include the headers from OpenCV
include_directories( ${OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS} )
# specify the executable target to be built
add_executable(simple-demo main.cpp)
# tell it to link the executable target against OpenCV
target_link_libraries(simple-demo ${OpenCV_LIBS} )
which I can build using make and cmake .. from a build directory. But I want to use the power of the VS Code CMake Tools library! How do I add external libraries to VS Code projects, preferably using CMake Tools? Many thanks!

On Visual Studio Code, how do I specify my pytest.ini file for test discovery

I use pytest for testing. My test files reside in a subdirectory tests and they are named, instead of,, etc. So, to make sure pytest find them, I have a pytest.ini file in the root dir of the project with the following contents:
How to I specify the path to the pytest.ini file in Visual Studio Code so that the vscode-python plugin can correctly/successfully discover my test files? No matter what I try, I get Test discovery failed, with no reasons given.
To set up VS Code to use a specific pytest.ini file, you need to do the following:
Open a directory in VS Code (ctrl+k > ctrl+o)
Select a Python interpreter (ctrl+shift+p > Python: Select Interpreter > Python interpreter)
Configure the testing framework you want to use, in this case PyTest (ctrl+shift+p > Python: Configure Tests > Pytest > {pytest rootdir}
Open the settings.json file generated inside the .vscode/ directory that was created in your working directory (the one you chose in step 1)
Add the following setting to the file (it may already exist if you specified a rootdir when configuring pytest):
"python.testing.pytestArgs": [
That's it! VS Code should be using the pytest.ini file you specify in the last argument. You can specify any CLI options you want there.
Pytest requires the test function names to start with test or ends with test.
The ini file instructs py.test to treat all * files as unit tests.

JPL Prolog/JAVA connection

I want to consult my Prolog project from the eclipse console.
I Installed: SWI PROLOG 32 bit and ECLIPSE LUNA 32 bit
About environment system variable...
I added SWI_HOME_DIR with my path of swi prolog, that is C:\Program Files(x86)\swipl;
I added to path variable at the end ;%PrologPath%\bin;%PrologPath%\lib\jpl.jar ;
What should I do to get the output of the prolog-project to my console ? What kind of project should i build in eclipse, and what kind of java file should I create ?
Can someone give me some code to consult my prolog-project ? My prolog-project is in the prolog home ( C:\Program Files (x86)\swipl\project1\src\ )

How to edit build properties of a Java Library

There seem to be some similar questions, but nothing quite specific enough, I hope this is OK.
I am wondering how to edit the build properties of the Jamod MODBUS library so as to use the RxTx API instead of the deprecated javax.comm. The Library page says this is supported:
You will need an implementation of the Java Communications API extension (javax.comm) installed to be able to run serial modbus applications.
Note that there is also support for building with the prefix (RXTX), via the boolean build property build.serial.gnu (true will cause the build process to replace the javax.comm prefix with in the sources used for builds).
More info here:
I am unsure how to access this file, or the technique for doing so. Do I need to create it or edit and existing one? I have look for build.xml in the project, but no luck, and have googled many times. Any help very much appreciated.
Just open the proyect source (you can download it from rxtx) with an IDE (for example Netbeans) then replace every appearance of javax.comm by, from rxtx, add RXTXcomm.jar library to project, and if you are using windows then copy and rxtxSerial.dll for example to C:\windows\system32.
It will work. Good Luck
The " Modbus Jamod Project - Original " folder contains the original project is available at
Web . This project has a significant dependence :
[1 ] javax.comm : comm : jar :3.0 -u1
Description : The Java Communications 3.0 API is a Java extension That Facilitates develop developing platform -independent communications applications for technologies : such as Smart Cards , embedded systems, and point -of -sale devices , financial services devices , fax , modems, display terminals , and robotic equipment .
This API is not available from Oracle repositories .
That's why you have to open the " Jamod -1.2 -SNAPSHOT - sources.jar " project and recompile using other libraries for serial communication. This project is now ready to " Modbus Jamod Project with CXR " to 64 Bits.
To recompile the Jamod (Modbus Jamod Project - Original) project, you must open the project with Netbeans clear the javax.comm library , and replaced with the rxtx library. CXR This library can be selected which are in the " CXR - Serial comms Java " folder , ie :
[1 ] MFZ - rxtx -2.2- 20081207 -linux- i386
[2 ] MFZ - rxtx -2.2- 20081207 -x86_64 -linux
[3 ] MFZ - rxtx -2.2- 20081207 -win- ia64
[4 ] MFZ - rxtx -2.2- x64 -win- 20081207
[5 ] MFZ - rxtx -2.2- x86 -win- 20081207
We must take into account the following when choosing :
Select a binary build - x64 or x86 (based on Which version of
the JVM you are installing to)
NOTE : You MUST match your architecture . You can not install the i386
version on a 64 - bit version of the JDK and vice - versa.
For a JDK installation:
Copy RXTXcomm.jar ---> <JAVA_HOME> \ jre \ lib \ ext
Copy rxtxSerial.dll ---> <JAVA_HOME> \ jre \ bin
Copy rxtxParallel.dll ---> <JAVA_HOME> \ jre \ bin
Select a binary build - x86_64 or i386 (based on Which version of
the JVM you are installing to)
NOTE : You MUST match your architecture . You can not install the i386
version on a 64 - bit version of the JDK and vice - versa.
For a JDK installation on i386 architecture =
Copy RXTXcomm.jar ---> <JAVA_HOME> / jre / lib / ext
Copy ---> <JAVA_HOME> / jre/lib/i386 /
Copy ---> <JAVA_HOME> / jre/lib/i386 /
NOTE : For a JDK installation on architecture = x86_64 , just change the
i386 to x86_64 above.
-------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
After this replace the javax.comm library , the Jamod (Modbus Jamod Project - Original) project is recompiled , and the generated Jar Crossover is added.
When the Crossover project contains the library Jamod repaired , it will have to also add the RXTX library to Crossover.
-------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
There is a copy of a build.xml file if you download the source ZIP of version 1.2rc1 at
If you unzip, you will find build.xml and build-snap.xml, as well as the file, which lets you specify the build.serial.gnu.
You then just need to install ant and run it in the directory to initiate the build.
Edit: I also didn't have Apache Forrest installed, which appears to be using for generating the docs, so I needed to comment out all references to Forrest in the build.xml as well.

What is the difference between building C++ Builder project from IDE and command line?

I have different behaviour of compiler, when building project from IDE and from command-line, which I can not explain.
The detailed issue's description is rather big, but it's really simple.
I have a C++ Builder project, which has a PAS-file included (IncludeUnits.pas). This pas-file has several units and inc-files listed. These files are located in separate folders and these folders are listed in library&include paths in project's options.
Folders layout:
Bin is output folder, Project/CBuilder5 holds project (bpr-file), Project/Common holds included pas-file (IncludeUnits.pas), Source and Source/Common hold other files (pas&inc). I think that it's pretty usual layout.
C:\Demo\Project\Common\ IncludeUnits.pas :
unit IncludeUnits;
C:\Demo\Source\ Test.pas :
unit Test;
C:\Demo\Source\Common\ :
// this file is empty
If I compile this project from C++ Builder IDE - it will compile fine. C++ Builder IDE doesn't have any additional paths in IDE settings set.
Now, I want to compile it from command-line. First, I issue
bpr2mak.exe MyProject.bpr
This command creates MyProject.mak file, where I can see all paths ("....\Source" and "....\Source\Common" are the paths in question):
INCLUDEPATH = $(BCB)\include;$(BCB)\include\vcl;..\Common;..\..\Source;..\..\Source\Common
LIBPATH = $(BCB)\lib\obj;$(BCB)\lib;..\Common;..\..\Source;..\..\Source\Common
Now, I run make command:
make.exe -B -f"MyProject.mak"
It gives me the following output:
C:\PROGRA~1\Borland\CBUILD~2\BIN\dcc32 -N2....\Bin -N0....\Bin -$Y+ -$W -$R -v -JPHNE -M -UC:\PROGRA~1\Borland\CBUILD~2\bin..\include;C:\PROGRA~1\Borland\CBUILD~2\bin..\include\vcl;..\Common;..\..\Source;..\..\Source\Common -D_DEBUG;_RTLDLL;NO_STRICT -OC:\PROGRA~1\Borland\CBUILD~2\bin..\include;C:\PROGRA~1\Borland\CBUILD~2\bin..\include\vcl;..\Common;..\..\Source;..\..\Source\Common --BCB ..\Common\IncludeUnits.PAS
Borland Delphi Version 13.0 Copyright (c) 1983,99 Inprise Corporation
C:\Demo\Project\Common\IncludeUnits.pas(1) C:\Demo\Project\Common\IncludeUnits.pas(1) C:\Demo\Project\Common\IncludeUnits.pas(1) C:\Demo\Project\Common\IncludeUnits.pas(6) C:\Demo\Source\Test.pas(1) C:\Demo\Source\Test.pas(5) Fatal: File not found: ''
As you can see - all search path is passed to compiler and the file ( is all here - in that Source\Common folder. But still compiler can't find it?
Of course, I run both commands from folder with bpr-file. And changing paths to absolute doesn't help.
Copying from Source\Common to Source will help. Changing {$I} to {$I Common\} will also help.
Why? It seems that I'm missing something. Remember: project have no problems with compiling from IDE, is found without copying or changing declaration. Did I miss some switch to make or dcc32?
I found the reason: command line for dcc32 misses -I switch, which specifies paths for include files.
For some reason, bpr2mak doesn't respect this option. Fortunately, it allows you to specify alternate template for conversion bpr -> mak. I edited default template and added "-I" option to it, pass new template to bpr2mak - and it worked.