Tableau: Can Grand Totals have text (raw number) and rows have shapes? - tableau-api

I have checkmarks representing matches in my cross-table/text table; however, for my grand total, I want to see the total count (i.e., count the number of checkmarks across the row). I currently just have a checkmark showing up. Can I differentiate marks in the regular columns with the grand total column? If so, how would I go about this? I've tried with messing with some of the settings, but I have not found the right one yet.

Use the three calculated fields used in the comment thread, you need to map them to your fields, it will do the job


Tableau calculated field total number of records in title

I'm not sure if you can quick question someone can provide me with an answer for.
I am trying to add a total number of records to the title of a sheet, however every calculated field I do returns "1" as they must be just counting one row not all the rows.
TOTAL(SUM([Number of Records]))
COUNT([Number of Records])
COUNTD([Number of Records])
I would like the title to say "Incidents Active over 7 days Total 12" (or whatever the number of records in the sheet are)
Put a calculated field that simply calls Size() on the detail shelf.
Click on that field and then Edit the Table calc to define the partitioning and addressing (aka compute using) This is the trickiest part. From your screen shot, it looks like you'd want to choose Specific Dimensions, and then set At the Level to Number. You may need to experiment or RTFM.
Insert Size() into your title
To understand how this works, especially the tricky step 2, read the on line help about Table Calc, and check out some of the videos and training materials on table calcs from the Tableau Conference. Last year's are available at

Cognos Report Studio - Grouping/Filtering

Truth be told I'm not entirely sure what it is I'm trying to do here, well, that is I know what I want to achieve, but not how to go about it... so here's hoping you can help point me in the right direction!
I need to create a Crosstab report which has customers down the side, dates for columns, sales for figures. Simple enough.
Where it gets tricky is that they then want another row beneath the customers which singles out two customers, and their sales for one particular product.
They then want another row which will remove that figure from the total of the overall sales total for the first section (see example image).
I'm not really sure where to even start with this. I think I may need to use a query union, but every time I start I get kinda stuck... help!
That's not a crosstab. The summary calculations don't work. It's probably going to end up being three crosstabs formatted to look like a single crosstab. The first crosstab is everything down to the Total line. The last two lines are each crosstabs. Set the Size & Overflow, Padding, Margin, and other formatting properties so everything is layed out, bolded, and shaded the way you want.
You can create this as a crosstab
If you are okay with setting each customer as a fact
You can add them to a crosstab in any order you want
Then you can create a new data item and use a conditional statement that sets the metric to be the specific customers the consumer wants
For example,
IF([Customer] IN(?PrmCust) Then([Sales])Else(0)
For the revised total, unlock the report and replace them with layout calculations that take the total and reduce it by the amount of the selected customers

Display filtered value and grand total in the same sheet

I have a data source which is a database table where I group the number of active customers by SalesOwner.
What I want to do is filter my sheet using SalesOwner so that I can make a bar chart that contains one of SalesOwners together with the Grand Total. What happens as of now is that when I filter my data and select one SalesOwner, the Grand Total obviously shows the grand total of that one filter.
Is there a way around this? A bar chart with just one of SalesOwners and the total?
You can use a fixed level of detail expression:
In this case, something like {FIXED : COUNTD(wk_customer)}. You would create a calculated field named Grand Total that uses that calculation.

Show calculated measure in row?

I'm using Tableau Desktop 9.0 on OSX. I have data (loaded from a local CSV file) that looks like this:
I want a chart that shows the number of items beginning with 0212 as a percentage of all items, for each organisation. (I mean as a percentage of the organisation's items - for example, in the above, I would like to show 0.1 (10/(10+90)) for organisation 142.)
I have been able to get part way there, by adding org to Columns, and SUM(items) to Rows. Then by adding a Wildcard filter on code, for starts with 0212.
This shows me the number of items starting with 0212, by organisation.
But what I don't know how to do is show this divided by the value of all items for the organisation.
Is this possible in Tableau, or do I need to pre-calculate it before loading my data source?
One way is to define a calculated field called matches_code_prefix as:
left(code, 4) = "0212"
You can also define a parameter called, say, code_prefix to avoid hard coding the prefix string:
left(code, 4) = code_prefix
And then show the parameter control for code_prefix to allow the user to interact with it.
If you use this new field as a dimension to separate SUM(items) according to those that match the prefix and those that don't, you can then use a quick table calculation to get the percent of total.
For example, you can place org on the Rows shelf and matches_code_prefix on the Columns shelf, and SUM(items) on the Text shelf to make a table. Then under the analysis menu, turn on grand totals for both rows and columns to see the behavior. Next, right click on SUM(items) and choose Quick Table Calc->Percent of Total. Tableau will display the percents of total in the table.
If you want the percent of total defined differently than the default, then right click on the measure again and set Compute Using to a different value such as matches_code_prefix in your case. It's usually better to set compute using to a specific field.
If you only want to display the value for the matching case, select the column header you don't want to see and choose hide. You can also turn off the grand totals from the analysis menu when you are done.
When you are confident in the values in your table, you can turn it into a bar chart for example by moving matches_code_prefix to the detail shelf and the measure to the Columns shelf.
The above is the drag and drop approach. If you prefer to hard code everything in a single calculated field that is calculated on the database side, you could instead define a calculation such as:
zn(sum(if matches_code_prefix then items end)) / sum(items)
Then set the default number format for that field to display as a percentage

Crystal reports - Group total

I have a report that I've written and I understand how to create running totals and such, but need help creating a custom evaluation formula.
I have two levels of groups, first group is based upon a certain user, the next group is based upon transactions that user has been involved in. I have details hidden, and am only interested in the totals for a particular activity. This is working great, and totals are working properly but the problem is, each activity has a 'line number', which essentially can be the same as another activity (ie: two activities can have lines 1, 2, 3 contained within), so doing a distinctive total based upon a set of data isn't accurate because I only want it to be distinct based upon each individual recordset, and not globally.
The example is below... if I do a count on each record for this dataset, it comes out to 18 because there are duplicate line numbers on each... but if I do distinct, it only comes to 9 because of duplicate line numbers across multiple actives.
I guess what I need to know is how I can take the totals per detail group, and have them total up in my second footer properly. I assume it's going to take me compiling together a string including the activity number and line number, and then comparing them?
Here is an example of the data contained within the total groupings:
I figured this out on my own... turned out it was pretty simple. I converted my numeric values to text, and included a copy of the transaction id and the line id as my test value, and did distinct on that... Sometimes it just helps not staring the problem down.