string parameter inside object in bicep - azure-bicep

can I add a string parameter inside an object in bicep?
param str string = 'value'
param ob array = [
name: str //param str
name: 'value'
Thank you for your support.


Dart Factory class for creating variables with type

The problem is the following.
I had a typescript factory class that I attempted to do in Dart:
class FactoryClass{
factory FactoryClass(dynamic types, String className, dynamic defaultValue){
if(types[className] != null ){
return types[className](defaultValue);
throw Exception("");
In TS it was used like this:
let variable= new FactoryClass([String, Number, etc...], "Number", "42")
That in TypeScript would give back a Number type variable with the value 42
However, it's not gonna work in Dart since types have no constructor for this. So I can't do something like
final myString = new String("def_value")
So the question arises, how can I go about it in dart?
You can do similar in Dart with just functions:
typedef Factory = dynamic Function(dynamic value);
dynamic create(Map<String, Factory> types, String className, dynamic defaultValue) {
if (types.containsKey(className)) {
return types[className]!(defaultValue);
} else {
throw Exception("no factory for $className");
final factories = <String, Factory>{
'String': (s) => s.toString(),
'int': (i) => i is int ? i : int.parse('$i'),
'bool': (b) => b is bool ? b : ('$b' == 'true'),
show(v) => print('Value $v has type ${v.runtimeType}');
main() {
show(create(factories, 'String', 'foo'));
show(create(factories, 'int', '42'));
show(create(factories, 'bool', 'false'));
Value foo has type String
Value 42 has type int
Value false has type bool

How to initiate a var which will store array of values with different datatypes?

I have a dynamic expression built in .net, which works if the column type is string, however, if the column is date or int then i have to convert the input to the respective datatype before passing to the expression. How can I make it dynamic?
MemberExpression member = Expression.Property(param, filter.Name);
var propertyType = ((PropertyInfo)member.Member).PropertyType;
if (propertyType.GetType() == typeof(Int32))
var criteria = Array.ConvertAll(filter.Value, Int32.Parse);
else if (propertyType.GetType() == typeof(DateTime))
var criteria = Array.ConvertAll(filter.Value, DateTime.Parse);
var criteria = filter.Value;
criteria.Aggregate( // -- gives error here since criteria does not exist in current context
(acc, next) =>
acc, Expression.Equal(member, Expression.Constant(next))));
I already tried defining
var criteria = null;
var criteria = object[];
dynamic criteria;
var criteria = new {};
"pageFilters": [
"name": "string",
"condition": "Equals",
"value": [

How to check if list contains a String, but String value is from other dart file

As you can see I have a list:
List avatarList = [
I understand I can use method:
final bool isVIP = avatarList[index].contains('VIP');
But since AssetsResources.VIP1 is not a String like 'VIP1'but a path from other dart file, so here I have no idea how to check if the element from avatarList contains VIP value, thanks for any clue!
Thanks guys for the help and sorry I didnt describe clearly, what I mean is, if
List idealList = [
so the elements in the idealList is 'vip1' but in my case the list myList is
List myList = [
So it seems I can not directly use some methode as follows
final bool isVIP = myList[index].contains('VIP');
since the elements from myList is just a path(sorry I dont know how to call this value), could you please let me know in my case how to check if this path contains 'VIP' value? thanks!
yes, AssetsResources is very simple, just store the asset path:
class AssetsResources {
/*worm avatar*/
static const String VIP1 = 'assets/worms/VIP_1.svg';
static const String VIP2 = 'assets/worms/VIP_2.svg';
static const String VIP3 = 'assets/worms/VIP_3.svg';
static const String VIP4 = 'assets/worms/VIP_4.svg';
The code should work fine :
class AssetsResources {
/*worm avatar*/
static const String VIP1 = 'assets/worms/VIP_1.svg';
static const String VIP2 = 'assets/worms/VIP_2.svg';
static const String VIP3 = 'assets/worms/VIP_3.svg';
static const String VIP4 = 'assets/worms/VIP_4.svg';
void main() {
List myList = [
for (final asset in myList) {
The above prints :
If I understood you correctly.
void main() {
for(var i = 0; i < avatarList.length; i++) {
String element = avatarList[i];
if(element.contains('VIP')) {
print(other.contains(element)); // true
print(other.firstWhere((e) => e.contains(element))); // 'VIP1', 'VIP2', 'VIP3', 'VIP4', 'VIP5'
List<String> avatarList = ['VIP1', 'VIP2', 'VIP3', 'VIP4', 'VIP5', 'w1', 'w2'];
List<String> other = ['VIP1', 'VIP2', 'VIP3', 'VIP4', 'VIP5', 'w1', 'w2'];

how to achieve object literals in dart

I have a class which has named constructor and I want to pass variable and eval the result as a class variable how can I achieve it like in javascript we have object literals and eval
I'm getting the data from server like [{path: 'fullName', msg: "Field is Required" }, {...}]
below is the example:
class Test{
String fullName;
Map ob = {fullName: "someAnotherName", another:another};
var t = Test(ob); //how to achieve this line
var varaible = "fullName";
t.[variable]; //how to achieve this line
It is common to write a named fromJson factory constructor which accpets a Map<String, dyanmic> as an argument which is the json data you will pass to it.
For the code you provided it would be like:
class Test{
String fullName;
factory Test.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
return Test(
fullName: json['fullName'],
Map ob = {fullName: "someAnotherName", another:another};
var t = Test.fromJson(ob);
Since your ob is a Map you can get fullname by writing
var name = ob['fullName'] or this way
var fullName = 'fullName';
var name = ob[fullName];
Both should contain someAnotherName

Interested Challenge: Is it possible to make a class according to a given prototype?

Say: there is already a given schema definition object:
const schema = { prop1: { type: String, maxLength: 8 }, prop2... };
Is it possible that: without declare the interface for each schema object, make a respective class which can produce documents with prop1:string, prop2... extracted from the schema.
I expect something like this in my app:
// schema definition:
const PersonSchema = { name: { type: String, maxLength: 8 } };
// class factory
const PersonClass = SchemaClassFactory(PersonSchema);
// instance with props defined in schema.
let person1 = new PersonClass(); = 'Jack';
let person2 = new PersonClass(); = 3; // should be wrong hinted by tslint.
How can I achieve that?
You can create a class for the schema object using a mapped type and conditional types to extract the shape of the object from the schema.
A possible solution is below, I am not sure I covered all the ways you can defined the schema in mongoose, but this should get you stared:
const PersonSchema = {
name: { type: String, maxLength: 8 },
age: { type: Number },
title: String,
id: ObjectID
type PrimitiveConstructor<T> = {
new (...a: any[]): any;
(...a: any[]): T
type Constructor<T> = {
new (...a: any[]): T;
type ExtractType<T> = {
[P in keyof T] :
T[P] extends PrimitiveConstructor<infer U>? U :
T[P] extends { type: PrimitiveConstructor<infer U> } ? U:
T[P] extends Constructor<infer U> ? U :
T[P] extends { type: Constructor<infer U> } ? U:
function createClass<T>(schema: T): new (data?: Partial<ExtractType<T>>) => ExtractType<T> {
// The class will not have the fields explicitly defined since we don't know them but that is fine
return new class {
// Optional constructor for assigning data to the fields, you can remove this if not needed
constructor(data?: any){
if(data) {
Object.assign(this, data);
} as any;
var PersonClass = createClass(PersonSchema);
type PersonClass = InstanceType<typeof PersonClass>
let p = new PersonClass(); =""; = 2; // error = new ObjectID(10);
let p2 = new PersonClass({
name: "",