Flutter bloc rebuild on change state - flutter

For filter my list I use a state FilterState.
I have in this state my list filter but my widget for build list is not rebuild.
My print shows that the list is correct according to the state.
But GameList keeps its initial state which is not filtered : it's not rebuild.
my page for state :
BlocBuilder<GameBloc, GameState>(
builder: (context, state) {
if (state is LoadingState) {
return buildLoading();
} else if (state is FailState) {
return ErrorUI(message: state.message);
} else if (state is ListLoadedState) {
_list = state.list;
return GameList(list: state.list!);
} else if (state is FilterGamesState) {
return GameList(list: state.list!);
return Container();
Bloc Page :
class GameBloc extends Bloc<GameEvent, GameState> {
GameBloc({required this.repository}) : super(LoadingState()) {
GameRepository repository;
final currentFilter = BehaviorSubject<Map<String, dynamic>>();
Future<void> _onFilter(
FilterGamesEvent event,
Emitter<GameState> emit,
) async {
try {
final list = event.list?.where((Game item) {
if (currentFilter.value.containsKey('player')) {
int players = currentFilter.value['player'].nb;
return players.isBetween(from: item.nopMin, to: item.nopMax);
return true;
}).where((Game item) {
if (currentFilter.value.containsKey('age')) {
return item.age!.isBetween(
from: currentFilter.value['age'].min,
to: currentFilter.value['age'].max);
return true;
}).where((Game item) {
if (currentFilter.value.containsKey('duration')) {
return compareToDuration(
return true;
}).where((Game item) {
if (currentFilter.value.containsKey('tags')) {
return item.tags!
.compareToList(currentFilter.value['tags'] as List<String>);
return true;
}).where((Game item) {
if (currentFilter.value.containsKey('collection')) {
return item.collection!
.compareToList(currentFilter.value['collection'] as List<String>);
return true;
emit(FilterGamesState(listGame: list!));
} catch (e) {
emit(const FailState(message: 'Failed to fetch all games data.'));
Event Page :
abstract class GameEvent extends Equatable {
final Game? item;
const GameEvent({this.item});
List<Object> get props => [];
class InitialEvent extends GameEvent {
const InitialEvent({required Game item}) : super(item: item);
class BackEvent extends GameEvent {}
class SavingEvent extends GameEvent {}
class FetchGameEvent extends GameEvent {
const FetchGameEvent({required Game item}) : super(item: item);
class FetchGamesEvent extends GameEvent {}
class FilterGamesEvent extends GameEvent {
const FilterGamesEvent({required this.list});
final List<Game>? list;
State Page :
abstract class GameState extends Equatable {
final Game? item;
final List<Game>? list;
const GameState({this.item, this.list});
List<Object> get props => [];
class GameInitial extends GameState {}
class FailState extends GameState {
const FailState({required this.message});
final String message;
class LoadingState extends GameState {}
class ListLoadedState extends GameState {
const ListLoadedState({required this.listGame}) : super(list: listGame);
final List<Game> listGame;
class ItemLoadedState extends GameState {
const ItemLoadedState({required this.game}) : super(item: game);
final Game game;
class FilterGamesState extends GameState {
const FilterGamesState({required this.listGame}) : super(list: listGame);
final List<Game> listGame;

I resolved this,
I send the key to GameList in FilterGameState.
else if (state is FilterGamesState) {
return GameList(key: GlobalKey<GameFilterState>(), list: state.list!);

You are using Equatable but your props are empty. If you're using Equatable make sure to pass all properties to the props getter. (In both your state and event!)
Source: https://bloclibrary.dev/#/faqs?id=state-not-updating
The Flutter Todos Tutorial might also be helpful because it uses a filter too.


Flutter BlocConsumer doesn't listen to state change when searching

I have been battling with this flutter bloc problem. I am currently using flutter Bloc 7.0.1. The BlocConsumer doesn't listen to the state changes at all. Anytime I enter values inside the search field, event is been called and state is yielded but the listener fail to listen to state changes.
This issue is really driving me mad.
part of 'people_bloc.dart';
abstract class PeopleState {}
class PeopleInitial extends PeopleState {}
class PeopleLoadingState extends PeopleState {
List<Object?> get props => [];
class SearchLoadingState extends PeopleState {
List<Object?> get props => [];
List<SearchPeopleResponseData> people = [];
Stream<PeopleState> mapEventToState(
PeopleEvent event,
) async* {
if (event is SearchPeopleEvent) {
yield SearchLoadingState();
try {
var token = await getToken();
SearchPeopleResponse responseData =
await client.getPeople(token!, event.term);
if (responseData.status == 200) {
yield GetSearchResultState(getPeopleResponse: responseData);
} else {
yield PeopleErrorState(message: responseData.msg);
} catch (e) {
//print("error msg here ${e.toString()}");
PeopleErrorState(message: e.toString());
part of 'people_bloc.dart';
abstract class PeopleEvent {
const PeopleEvent();
class GetPeopleEvent extends PeopleEvent {
final String term;
GetPeopleEvent({required this.term});
List<Object> get props => [term];
class SearchPeopleEvent extends PeopleEvent {
final String term;
SearchPeopleEvent({required this.term});
List<Object> get props => [term];
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return BlocConsumer<PeopleBloc, PeopleState>(
listener: (context, state) {
print("Listener has been called");
if (state is GetSearchResultState) {
loading = false;
print("Result Found in view");
} else if (state is SearchLoadingState) {
loading = true;
print("Search loading");
} else if (state is PeopleLoadingState) {
loading = true;
See screenshot

Using a bloc with Navigator 2.0

Hi I am trying to use a bloc instead of ChangeNotifierDelegate in my RouterDelegate class. Unfortunately the bloc is not being called when a route is changed through my routebloc, not sure why. I have tried wrapping the delegate in a BlocProvider, but it made no difference (I currently have it injected above in the main file.)
class _MyApp AppState extends State<MyApp> {
MyAppRouterDelegate _routerDelegate = MyAppRouterDelegate();
MyAppRouteInformationParser _routeInformationParser = MyAppRouteInformationParser();
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MultiBlocProvider(
providers: [
lazy: false,
create: (context) => getIt<AuthBloc>()//..add(AppStarted()),
lazy: false,
create: (context) => getIt<RouterBloc>(),
child: MaterialApp.router(
title: 'MyApp',
theme: globalAppThemeData,
routerDelegate: _routerDelegate,
routeInformationParser: _routeInformationParser,
In my RouterDelegate I have .....
lass MyAppRouterDelegate extends RouterDelegate<MyAppConfiguration>
with ChangeNotifier, PopNavigatorRouterDelegateMixin<MyAppConfiguration> {
final GlobalKey<NavigatorState> _navigatorKey;
String currentPage = '';
String selectedItem = '';
GlobalKey<NavigatorState> get navigatorKey => _navigatorKey;
MyAppRouterDelegate() : _navigatorKey = GlobalKey<NavigatorState>();
MyAppConfiguration get currentConfiguration {
currentPage = currentConfiguration.screen;
selectedItem = currentConfiguration.selectedItemId;
if (currentPage == UNKNOWN) {
return MyAppConfiguration.unknown();
} else if (currentPage == SPLASH) {
return MyAppConfiguration.splash();
} else if (currentPage == LOGIN) {
return MyAppConfiguration.login();
} else {
return MyAppConfiguration.unknown();
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
List<Page> pages = [SplashPage(SPLASH)];
return BlocBuilder<RouterBloc, RouterState>(
builder: (context, state) {
if (state is ChangedRoute) {
pages = state.pages;
return Navigator(
key: navigatorKey,
pages: pages,
onPopPage: (route, result) {
if (!route.didPop(result)) return false;
return true;
Future<void> setNewRoutePath(MyAppConfiguration configuration) async {
if (configuration.unknown) {
currentPage = UNKNOWN;
selectedItem = configuration.selectedItemId;
} else if (configuration.isSplashPage) {
currentPage = SPLASH;
selectedItem = configuration.selectedItemId;
} else if (configuration.isLoginPage) {
currentPage = LOGIN;
selectedItem = configuration.selectedItemId;
} else if (configuration.isSignUpPage)
currentPage = SIGNUP;
selectedItem = configuration.selectedItemId;
} else {
_clear() {
currentPage = UNKNOWN;
selectedItem = '';
In my app configuration...
class MyAppInformationParser
extends RouteInformationParser<MyAppConfiguration> {
Future<MyAppConfiguration> parseRouteInformation(RouteInformation? routeInformation) async {
final uri = Uri.parse(routeInformation!.location!);
if (uri.pathSegments.length == 0) {
return MyAppConfiguration.splash();
} else if (uri.pathSegments.length == 1) {
final first = uri.pathSegments[1].toLowerCase();
if (first == LOGIN) {
return MyAppConfiguration.login();
} else {
return MyAppConfiguration.unknown();
} else {
return MyAppConfiguration.unknown();
RouteInformation restoreRouteInformation(MyAppConfiguration configuration) {
if (configuration.isUnknownPage) {
return RouteInformation(location: '/unknown');
} else if (configuration.isSplashPage) {
return RouteInformation(location: '/splash');
} else if (configuration.isLoginPage) {
return RouteInformation(location: '/login');
} else {
return RouteInformation(location: '/unknown');
My auth bloc ...
class AuthBloc extends Bloc<AuthEvent, AuthState> {
IAuthFacade authRepo;
RouterBloc routerBloc;
AuthBloc(this.authRepo, this.routerBloc) : super(Uninitialized());
Stream<AuthState> mapEventToState(
AuthEvent event,
) async* {
if (event is AppStarted) {
yield AuthenticationLoading();
Option<CurrentUser> user = await authRepo.getSignedInUser();
yield user.fold(() {
routerBloc.add(RouterEventNewPage(pages: [LoginPage(LOGIN)]));
return Unauthenticated();
}, (user) {
routerBloc.add(RouterEventNewPage(pages: [HomePage(HOME)]));
return Authenticated(user);
if (event is AuthEventLoggedOut) {
///TODO: clear hive here??
abstract class AuthEvent extends Equatable {
List<Object> get props => [];
class AppStarted extends AuthEvent {}
class AuthEventLoggedOut extends AuthEvent {}
abstract class AuthState extends Equatable {
List<Object> get props => [];
class Uninitialized extends AuthState {}
class Authenticated extends AuthState {
final CurrentUser user;
class Unauthenticated extends AuthState {}
class AuthenticationLoading extends AuthState {}
My Router Bloc...
class RouterBloc extends Bloc<RouterEvent, RouterState> {
RouterBloc() : super(RouterInitial());
Stream<RouterState> mapEventToState(
RouterEvent event,
) async* {
if (event is RouterEventNewPage) {
yield ChangingRoute();
yield ChangedRoute(pages: event.pages);
abstract class RouterEvent extends Equatable {
const RouterEvent();
List<Object> get props => [];
class RouterEventNewPage extends RouterEvent {
final List<Page> pages;
RouterEventNewPage({required this.pages});
List<Object> get props => [pages];
abstract class RouterState extends Equatable {
const RouterState();
List<Object> get props => [];
class RouterInitial extends RouterState {}
class ChangingRoute extends RouterState {}
class ChangedRoute extends RouterState {
final List<Page> pages;
ChangedRoute({required this.pages});
List<Object> get props => [pages];
The app runs through the Navigator in the build function of the delegate first, it navigates to the splash screen perfectly, then after my animation finishes in the splash screen it calls the auth bloc to check if user is authorised, this works perfectly which then calls the routerbloc. The router bloc adds the new login screen (as the user is logged out). However, the bloc inside the build function of the MyAppRouterDelegate is not firing again.
Any help provided would be very much appreciated.
When it runs through the MyAppRouterDelegates build function the first time I do receive the error
════════ Exception caught by scheduler library ═════════════════════════════════
The following StackOverflowError was thrown during a scheduler callback:
Stack Overflow
When the exception was thrown, this was the stack
#0 CrokettRouterDelegate.currentConfiguration
But I don't receive any more information on the error.
Don't you need a notifyListeners() somewhere in your blocBuilder after you update the page stack?
I am interested to know if you got it working.

How to change state of individual list items using bloc flutter?

How to change the widgets in a list item in flutter using bloc pacakage.
Should i use BlockBuilder or listener on the whole ListView.builder or only the individual items.
It would be nice if u share an example or tutorial.
eg If i have a checkbox i need to change its state on clicking it.
These are my Bloc classes
const String SERVER_FAILURE_MESSAGE = 'Server Failure';
const String CACHE_FAILURE_MESSAGE = 'Cache Failure';
class MarkAttendanceBloc extends Bloc<MarkAttendanceEvent, MarkAttendanceState> {
final MarkStudentPresent markStudentPresent;
final MarkStudentAbsent markStudentAbsent;
MarkAttendanceBloc({#required this.markStudentPresent,#required this.markStudentAbsent});
MarkAttendanceState get initialState => MarkedInitial();
Stream<MarkAttendanceState> mapEventToState(MarkAttendanceEvent event) async* {
yield MarkedLoading();
if(event is MarkAbsentEvent){
final remotelyReceived = await markStudentAbsent(MarkStudentParams(classId: event.classId, courseId: event.courseId,studentId: event.studentId));
yield* _eitherLoadedOrErrorState(remotelyReceived);
else if(event is MarkPresentEvent){
final remotelyReceived = await markStudentPresent(MarkStudentParams(classId: event.classId, courseId: event.courseId,studentId: event.studentId));
yield* _eitherLoadedOrErrorState(remotelyReceived);
Stream<MarkAttendanceState> _eitherLoadedOrErrorState(
Either<StudentDetailsFacultyFailure,int> failureOrClasses,
) async* {
yield failureOrClasses.fold(
(failure) => MarkedError(_mapFailureToMessage(failure)),
(studentId) => Marked(studentId),
String _mapFailureToMessage(StudentDetailsFacultyFailure failure) {
switch (failure.runtimeType) {
case ServerError:
return 'No internet';
abstract class MarkAttendanceState extends Equatable{
const MarkAttendanceState();
class MarkedInitial extends MarkAttendanceState{
const MarkedInitial();
List<Object> get props => [];
class MarkedLoading extends MarkAttendanceState{
const MarkedLoading();
List<Object> get props => [];
class Marked extends MarkAttendanceState{
final int studentId;
List<Object> get props => [studentId];
class MarkedError extends MarkAttendanceState{
final String errorMessage;
List<Object> get props => [errorMessage];
import 'package:equatable/equatable.dart';
abstract class MarkAttendanceEvent extends Equatable {
const MarkAttendanceEvent();
class MarkPresentEvent extends MarkAttendanceEvent {
final int studentId;
final int courseId;
final int classId;
MarkPresentEvent(this.studentId, this.courseId, this.classId);
List<Object> get props =>[studentId,courseId,classId];
class MarkAbsentEvent extends MarkAttendanceEvent {
final int studentId;
final int courseId;
final int classId;
MarkAbsentEvent(this.studentId, this.courseId, this.classId);
List<Object> get props =>[studentId,courseId,classId];
Maybe by now you have found a solution but this is how i managed to achieve the same functionality using flutter cubits.
This code is hand written and not tested but it should guide you to achieve your goal
1 Declare the class objects
class ClassItem{
int? price;
bool isChecked;
class ClassOverall{
List<ClassItem> items;
double? total;
Declare the cubit class
class OverallCubit extends Cubit<ClassOverall> {
OverallCubit(ClassOverallinitialState) : super(initialState);
void checkUncheckCart(int index) {
if (!state.items
.elementAt(index).isChecked) {
.elementAt(index).isChecked =
var t_total = double.tryParse(state.items
.elementAt(index).price!)! * 1;
emit(OverallCubit (state.items,state.total));
} else {
state.items.elementAt(index).isChecked =
emit(OverallCubit (state.items,state.total));
void calculateTotal() {
var tot = 0.0;
for (var tick in state.items) {
if (tick.isChecked) {
tot = (tick.t_total! + tot);
emit(OverallCubit (state.items,tot));
Declare the top class widget to hold the state
class TopState extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return BlocProvider(
create: (_) => OverallCubit(ClassOverall(items,0)),//fetch items from your source
child: Home(),
Declare the stateful widget and add a bloc builder
class Home extends StatefulWidget {
_HomePageState createState() => _HomePageState();
class _HomePageState extends State<Home> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return BlocBuilder<OverallCubit, ClassOverall>(
builder: (ctx, state) {
return Column(children:[
padding: EdgeInsets.all(0.0),
shrinkWrap: true,
itemCount: state.items.length,
itemBuilder: (context, index) {
return ListTile(
onTap: () {
tileColor: state.elementAt(index).isChecked ? Colors.red : Colors.white
title: Text(state.items.elementAt(index).price!),

State not changing (stuck on initial)

Recently i'm learning about bloc_pattern , so i follow this https://medium.com/flutter-community/implementing-bloc-pattern-for-parsing-json-from-api-5ac538d5179f .
Here is my script
My Bloc File
class HotProductBloc extends Bloc<HotProductEvent, HotProductState> {
HotProductRepository repository;
HotProductBloc({#required this.repository});
HotProductState get initialState => InitialHotProductsState();
Stream<HotProductState> mapEventToState(HotProductEvent event) async* {
if (event is FetchHotProductEvent) {
yield HotProductsLoading();
try {
List<HotProducts> dataHotProduct = await repository.getHotProduct();
yield HotProductsLoaded(hotproduct: dataHotProduct);
} catch (e) {
yield HotProductsError(message: e.toString());
Repository file
abstract class HotProductRepository {
Future<List<HotProducts>> getHotProduct();
class HotProductImplement implements HotProductRepository {
Future<List<HotProducts>> getHotProduct() async {
final response = await http.post(Configuration.url + "api/getHotProducts",
body: {"userId": "abcde"});
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
var data = json.decode(response.body);
List<dynamic> responseData = jsonDecode(response.body);
final List<HotProducts> hotProducts = [];
responseData.forEach((singleUser) {
productId: singleUser['productId'],
isNew: singleUser['isNew'],
productName: singleUser['productName'],
isHot: singleUser['isHot'],
productImage: singleUser['productImage'],
categoryId: singleUser['categoryId'],
productPrice: singleUser['productPrice'],
productDescription: singleUser['productDescription'],
isLiked: singleUser['isLiked'],
image1: singleUser['image1'],
image2: singleUser['image2'],
image3: singleUser['image3'],
productColorId: singleUser['productColorId'],
return hotProducts;
} else {
throw Exception();
Event file
abstract class HotProductEvent extends Equatable {
HotProductEvent([List props = const []]) : super(props);
class FetchHotProductEvent extends HotProductEvent {
List<Object> get props => null;
State file
abstract class HotProductState extends Equatable {
HotProductState([List props = const []]) : super(props);
class InitialHotProductsState extends HotProductState {}
class HotProductsLoading extends HotProductState {}
class HotProductsLoaded extends HotProductState {
final List<HotProducts> hotproduct;
HotProductsLoaded({#required this.hotproduct})
: assert(hotproduct != null),
class HotProductsError extends HotProductState {
String message;
HotProductsError({#required this.message});
// TODO: implement props
List<Object> get props => [message];
and here is how i implement the bloc
BlocListener <HotProductBloc, HotProductState>(
listener: (context, state) {
if (state is HotProductsError) {
content: Text(state.message),
child: Container(
child: BlocBuilder<HotProductBloc, HotProductState>(
builder: (context, state) {
print("BLoc State "+ state.toString());
if (state is InitialHotProductsState) {
return Text("Siaaap");
} else if (state is HotProductsLoading) {
return Text("Loading");
} else if (state is HotProductsLoaded) {
return Text("DONE");
} else if (state is HotProductsError) {
return Text("ERROR");
return Text("Unknown error");
when i run my script above, i get this on my Log
I/flutter ( 390): BLoc State InitialHotProductsState I/flutter (
390): BLoc State InitialHotProductsState
You need to fire an event to start any change of state. Try adding this to somewhere in your build() method:

How do I use flutter bloc pattern to load list of data with paging?

I am using flutter_bloc in my application and referring to this sample. Now when I am running my application it gives me an error saying:
flutter: type 'MovieUninitialized' is not a subtype of type
'MovieLoaded' in type cast
My bloc contains three files: movie_state, movie_event, and movie_bloc
import 'package:equatable/equatable.dart';
import 'package:movie_project/models/movie.dart';
abstract class MovieState extends Equatable {
MovieState([List props = const []]) : super(props);
class MovieUninitialized extends MovieState {
String toString() => 'MovieUninitialized';
class MovieError extends MovieState {
String toString() => 'MovieError';
class MovieLoaded extends MovieState {
final List<Movie> movies;
final bool hasReachedMax;
// Keeps track of the page to fetch the latest movies from the api
final latestMoviesPage;
}) : super([movies, hasReachedMax, latestMoviesPage]);
MovieLoaded copyWith({
List<Movie> movies,
bool hasReachedMax,
int latestMoviesPage,
}) {
return MovieLoaded(
movies: movies ?? this.movies,
hasReachedMax: hasReachedMax ?? this.hasReachedMax,
latestMoviesPage: this.latestMoviesPage,
String toString() =>
'PostLoaded { posts: ${movies.length}, hasReachedMax: $hasReachedMax }';
import 'package:equatable/equatable.dart';
abstract class MovieEvent extends Equatable {}
class Fetch extends MovieEvent {
String toString() => 'Fetch';
class MovieBloc extends Bloc<MovieEvent, MovieState> {
final MovieRepository movieRepository;
MovieBloc({#required this.movieRepository});
Stream<MovieState> transform(
Stream<MovieEvent> events,
Stream<MovieState> Function(MovieEvent event) next,
) {
return super.transform(
(events as Observable<MovieEvent>).debounceTime(
Duration(milliseconds: 500),
MovieState get initialState => MovieUninitialized();
Stream<MovieState> mapEventToState(MovieEvent event) async* {
if (event is Fetch && !_hasReachedMax(currentState)) {
try {
if (currentState is MovieUninitialized) {
final movies = await movieRepository.fetchMovies(1);
yield MovieLoaded(
movies: movies,
hasReachedMax: false,
(currentState as MovieLoaded).latestMoviesPage + 1,
if (currentState is MovieLoaded) {
final movies = await movieRepository
.fetchMovies((currentState as MovieLoaded).latestMoviesPage);
yield movies.isEmpty
? (currentState as MovieLoaded).copyWith(hasReachedMax: true)
: MovieLoaded(
movies: (currentState as MovieLoaded).movies + movies,
hasReachedMax: false,
(currentState as MovieLoaded).latestMoviesPage + 1,
} catch (_) {
yield MovieError();
bool _hasReachedMax(MovieState state) =>
state is MovieLoaded && state.hasReachedMax;
I need to increment the latestMoviesPage until it reaches the max limit. If I remove latestMoviesPage from my bloc code issue gets resolves but I really need it to load more pages.
Instead of
latestMoviesPage: (currentState as MovieLoaded).latestMoviesPage + 1,
I need to write:
latestMoviesPage: 2,