What is the most efficient way to implement a complicated reactive program in vertx? Should I depend on event bus? - vert.x

I want to implement a complicated reactive program in vertx, which contains multiple blocking operation steps. There seems several ways to implement it AFAIK, there may be other ways as well, what is the most efficient way in terms of throughout and response time, in a multi-core computer?
Separate each operation step in different verticles, and use event bus to communicate with these verticles.
Make all operations in one verticle, chain all operations with Future composition
Make all operations in one verticle, chain all operations with RxJava 2
According to Vertx core document, "There is a single event bus instance for every Vert.x instance and it is obtained using the method eventBus", the 1st way seems less efficient than others because the data transmission between verticles is in a single event bus thread, while for others, multiple instances of the verticle can be created so that more cores are used as event loop thread. Do I understand correctly?


Vertx - multiple vs single verticle for event processing

I receive a message in a specific "address" in Vertx eventbus - the message can be of four types. The handler should process the message and send the result to another eventbus "address", its handler posts it to an external-service api.
How to design the Verticle for this? I have described two approaches below - which one is efficient, faster and is able to scale well, considering this will be deployed in Kubernetes. How about worker verticles? Any other effective approach I am missing?
The approaches
Write a verticle for each type, with an eventbus consumer consuming and processing this type. Send the processed data to the "external-service-call" address.
Write only one verticle - the eventbus handler can decide and invoke appropriate method based on the type of message, finally publish it to an the "external-service-call" address.
To my understanding, I can scale the second approach by deploying multiple instances of that verticle. By scaling I mean this can accept and process much volume concurrently? How about the first approach?
Other approach you think I should know?
First approach is slightly more preferable for two reasons:
Doing less checks => Less CPU time => more concurrency
Less code in each verticle => easier to maintain
Having said that, that's not something that should concern you. Your external-service-call will be by order of magnitude slower than any micro-optimisation on EventBus.
Approach 1:
a. More cleaner. eventbus is designed to for communicating between the verticles of same vertx instance or within cluster verticles.
b. Performance - Since verticles are on the same host, so no network IO and not much performance impact.
Approach 2:
a. Less cleaner but will gain very small amount of perf improvement which is negligible compared to the external service calls
b. Not good from maintainability point of view.
I would probably choose approach 1.

Is it possible to combine REST and messaging for microservices?

We have the first version of an application based on a microservice architecture. We used REST for external and internal communication.
Now we want to switch to AP from CP (CAP theorem)* and use a message bus for communication between microservices.
There is a lot of information about how to create an event bus based on Kafka, RabbitMQ, etc.
But I can't find any best practices for a combination of REST and messaging.
For example, you create a car service and you need to add different car components. It would make more sense, for this purpose, to use REST with POST requests. On the other hand, a service for booking a car would be a good task for an event-based approach.
Do you have a similar approach when you have a different dictionary and business logic capabilities? How do you combine them? Just support both approaches separately? Or unify them in one approach?
* for the first version, we agreed to choose consistency and partition tolerance. But now availability becomes more important for us.
Bottom line up front: You're looking for Command Query Responsibility Segregation; which defines an architectural pattern for breaking up responsibilities from querying for data to asking for a process to be run. The short answer is you do not want to mix the two in either a query or a process in a blocking fashion. The rest of this answer will go into detail as to why, and the three different ways you can do what you're trying to do.
This answer is a short form of the experience I have with Microservices. My bona fides: I've created Microservices topologies from scratch (and nearly zero knowledge) and as they say hit every branch on the way down.
One of the benefits of starting from zero-knowledge is that the first topology I created used a mixture of intra-service synchronous and blocking (HTTP) communication (to retrieve data needed for an operation from the service that held it), and message queues + asynchronous events to run operations (for Commands).
I'll define both terms:
Commands: Telling a service to do something. For instance, "Run ETL Batch job". You expect there to be an output from this; but it is necessarily a process that you're not going to be able to reliably wait on. A command has side-effects. Something will change because of this action (If nothing happens and nothing changes, then you haven't done anything).
Query: Asking a service for data that it holds. This data may have been there because of a Command given, but asking for data should not have side effects. No Command operations should need to be run because of a Query received.
Anyway, back to the topology.
Level 1: Mixed HTTP and Events
For this first topology, we mixed Synchronous Queries with Asynchronous Events being emitted. This was... problematic.
Message Buses are by their nature observable. One setting in RabbitMQ, or an Event Source, and you can observe all events in the system. This has some good side-effects, in that when something happens in the process you can typically figure out what events led to that state (if you follow an event-driven paradigm + state machines).
HTTP Calls are not observable without inspecting network traffic or logging those requests (which itself has problems, so we're going to start with "not feasible" in normal operations). Therefore if you mix a message based process and HTTP calls, you're going to have holes where you can't tell what's going on. You'll have spots where due to a network error your HTTP call didn't return data, and your services didn't continue the process because of that. You'll also need to hook up Retry/Circuit Breaker patterns for your HTTP calls to ensure they at least try a few times, but then you have to differentiate between "Not up because it's down", and "Not up because it's momentarily busy".
In short, mixing the two methods for a Command Driven process is not very resilient.
Level 2: Events define RPC/Internal Request/Response for data; Queries are External
In step two of this maturity model, you separate out Commands and Queries. Commands should use an event driven system, and queries should happen through HTTP. If you need the results of a query for a Command, then you issue a message and use a Request/Response pattern over your message bus.
This has benefits and problems too.
Benefits-wise your entire Command is now observable, even as it hops through multiple services. You can also replay processes in the system by rerunning events, which can be useful in tracking down problems.
Problems-wise now some of your events look a lot like queries; and you're now recreating the beautiful HTTP and REST semantics available in HTTP for messages; and that's not terribly fun or useful. As an example, a 404 tells you there's no data in REST. For a message based event, you have to recreate those semantics (There's a good Youtube conference talk on the subject I can't find but a team tried to do just that with great pain).
However, your events are now asynchronous and non-blocking, and every service can be refactored to a state-machine that will respond to a given event. Some caveats are those events should contain all the data needed for the operation (which leads to messages growing over the course of a process).
Your queries can still use HTTP for external communication; but for internal command/processes, you'd use the message bus.
I don't recommend this approach either (though it's a step up from the first approach). I don't recommend it because of the impurity your events start to take on, and in a microservices system having contracts be the same throughout the system is important.
Level 3: Producers of Data emit data as events. Consumers Record data for their use.
The third step in the maturity model (and we were on our way to that paradigm when I departed from the project) is for services that produce data to issue events when that data is produced. That data is then jotted down by services listening for those events, and those services will use that (could be?) stale data to conduct their operations. External customers still use HTTP; but internally you emit events when new data is produced, and each service that cares about that data will store it to use when it needs to. This is the crux of Michael Bryzek's talk Designing Microservices Architecture the Right way. Michael Bryzek is the CTO of Flow.io, a white-label e-commerce company.
If you want a deeper answer along with other issues at play, I'll point you to my blog post on the subject.

Efficient processing of custom data by actors

I am an Akka newbie trying things out for a particular problem. I am trying to write code for an actor system which would efficiently process custom data coming from multiple clients in the form of events. By custom data, I mean, the content and structure of the data would vary between events from the same client (e.g., we might have instrumented to drop 5 events containing 5 different piece of information for the same client), and between events from different clients (e.g., we might be capturing completely different set of information from one client vs. another). I am wondering what would be a good way to use actor-based processing for this type of scenarios.
This are the alternatives what I have thought so far:
(A) I will write an actor which would load client-specific processor class through reflection, based on the client whose event is being processed. The client-specific processor class would contain logic corresponding to all the type of events that would be received for that client. I will initiate 'n' instances of this actor.
context.actorOf(Props[CustomEventProcessor].withRouter(RoundRobinPool(nrOfInstances = 100)), name = "CustomProcessor")
(B) I will write actors for each client, each containing logic corresponding to all the type of events that would be received for that client. I will initiate 'n' instances of each of these actors.
context.actorOf(Props[CleintXEventProcessor].withRouter(RoundRobinPool(nrOfInstances = 50)), name = "ClientXCustomProcessor")
context.actorOf(Props[CleintYEventProcessor].withRouter(RoundRobinPool(nrOfInstances = 50)), name = "ClientYCustomProcessor")
At this point, I have a few questions:
Would [A] be slower compared to [B] becuase [A] is using reflection? I am assuming that once an actor instance has finished processing a particular event, it dies, so the next actor instance processing an event from the same client would have to start with loading the processor class again. Is this assumption correct?
Given a specific event flow pattern, would a system based on [B] have a heavier runtime memory footprint compared to [A] becuase now each actor for each client can have multiple instances of them in memory?
Any other way to approach this problem?
Thanks for any pointers.
It could be a bit slower, but I think not really noticeable. And no, you don't have to kill actors between events.
No, because single actor takes like 400 bytes in memory, so you can create a single actor for each event, not only one actor per client.
Yes, via Reactive Streams which I think is a bit clearer solution than actors, but Akka Streams are still experimental, and it may be a bit harder to learn than actors. But you'll have backpressure for free if its needed.

What is Event Driven Concurrency?

I am starting to learn Scala and functional programming. I was reading the book !Programming scala: Tackle Multi-Core Complexity on the Java Virtual Machine". Upon the first chapter I've seen the word Event-Driven concurrency and Actor model. Before I continue reading this book I want to have an idea about Event-Driven concurrency or Actor Model.
What is Event-Driven concurrency, and how is it related to Actor Model?
An Event Driven programming model involves registering code to be run when a given event fires. An example is, instead of calling a method that returns some data from a database:
val user = db.getUser(1)
You could instead register a callback to be run when the data is ready:
db.getUser(1, u => println(u.name))
In the first example, no concurrency was happening; The current thread would block until db.getUser(1) returned data from the database. In the second example db.getUser would return immediately and carry on executing the next code in the program. In parallel to this, the callback u => println(u.name) will be executed at some point in the future.
Some people prefer the second approach as it doesn't mean memory hungry Threads are needlessly sat around waiting for slow I/O to return.
The Actor Model is an example of how Event-Driven concepts can be used to help the programmer easily write concurrent programs.
From a super high level, Actors are objects that define a series of Event Driven message handlers that get fired when the Actor receives messages. In Akka, each instance of an Actor is single Threaded, however when many of these Actors are put together they create a system with concurrency.
For example, Actor A could send messages to Actor B and C in parallel. Actor B and C could fire messages back to Actor A. Actor A would have message handlers to receive these messages and behave as desired.
To learn more about the Actor model I would recommend reading the Akka documentation. It is really well written: http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/2.1.4/
There is also lot's of good documentation around the web about Event Driven Concurrency that us much more detailed than what I've written here. http://berb.github.io/diploma-thesis/original/055_events.html
Theon's answer provides a good modern overview. I'd like to add some historical perspective.
Tony Hoare and Robert Milner both developed mathematical algebra for analysing concurrent systems (Communicating Sequential Processes, CSP, and Communicating Concurrent Systems, CCS). Both of these look like heavy mathematics to most of us but the practical application is relatively straightforward. CSP led directly to the Occam programming language amongst others, with Go being the newest example. CCS led to Pi calculus and the mobility of communicating channel ends, a feature that is part of Go and was added to Occam in the last decade or so.
CSP models concurrency purely by considering automomous entities ('processes', v.lightweight things like green threads) interacting simply by event exchange. The medium for passing events is along channels. Processes may have to deal with several inputs or outputs and they do this by selecting the event that is ready first. The events usually carry data from the sender to the receiver.
A principle feature of the CSP model is that a pair of processes engage in communication only when both are ready - in practical terms this leads to what is usually called 'synchronous' communication. However, the actual implementations (Go, Occam, Akka) allow channels to be buffered (the normal state in Akka) so that the lock-step exchange of events is often actually decoupled instead.
So in summary, an event-driven CSP-based system is really a data-flow network of processes connected by channels.
Besides the CSP interpretation of event-driven, there have been others. An important example is the 'event-wheel' approach, once popular for modelling concurrent systems whilst actually having a single processing thread. Such systems handle events by putting them into a processing queue and dealing with them due course, usually via a callback. Java Swing's event processing engine is a good example. There were others, e.g. for time-based simulation engines. One might think of the Javascript / NodeJS model as fitting into this category as well.
So in summary, an event-wheel was a way to express concurrency but without parallelism.
The irony of this is that the two approaches I've described above are both described as event driven but what they mean by event driven is different in each case. In one case, hardware-like entities are wired together; in the other, almost all actions are executed by callbacks. The CSP approach claims to be scalable because it's fully composable; it's naturally adept at parallel execution also. If there are any reasons to favour one over the other, these are probably it.
To understand the answer to this you have to look at event concurrency from the OS layer up. First you start with threads which are the smallest section of code that can be run by the OS and eventually deal with I/O, timing and other kinds of events.
The OS groups threads into a process in which they share the same memory, protection and security permissions. Above that layer you have user programs which typically make I/O requests that are handled by user libraries.
The I/O libraries handle these requests in one of two ways. Unix-like systems use a "reactor" model in which the library registers I/O handlers for all the different types of I/O and events in the system. These handlers are activated when I/O is ready on a specific device. Windows-like systems use an I/O completion model in which I/O requests are made and a callback is triggered when the request is complete.
Both of these models require a significant amount of overhead to manage overall program state if you were to use them directly. However some programming tasks (web apps / services) lend themselves to a seemingly more direct implementation if you use an event model directly, but you still need to manage all of that program state. In order to track program logic across dispatches of several related events you have to manually track state and pass it around to the callbacks. This tracking structure is usually called a state context or baton. As you might imagine passing batons around all over the place to numerous seemingly unrelated handlers makes for some extremely hard to read and spaghetti-like code. It's also a pain to write and debug -- especially when you're trying to handle the synchronization of various concurrent paths of execution. You start getting into Futures and then the code becomes really difficult to read.
One well-known event processing library is call libuv. It's a portable event loop that integrates Unix's reactor model with Windows' completion model into a single model usually called a "proactor". Its the event handler that drives NodeJS.
Which brings us to communicating sequential processes.
Rather than writing asynchronous I/O dispatch and synchronization code using one or more concurrency models (and their often competing conventions), we flip the problem on its head. We use a "coroutine" which looks like normal sequential code.
A simple example is a coroutine that receives a single byte over an event channel from another coroutine that sends a single byte. This effectively synchronizes I/O producer and consumer because the writer/sender has to wait for a reader/receiver and vice-versa. While either process is waiting they explicitly yield execution to other processes. When a coroutine yields, its scoped program state is saved on a stack frame thus saving you from the confusion of managing multi-layered baton state in an event loop.
Using applications built on these event channels we can construct arbitrary, reusable, concurrent logic and the algorithms no longer look like spaghetti code. In pure CSP systems if you write to a channel and there is no reader, you will be blocked. The channel endpoints are known via handles internally to the program.
Actor systems are different in a couple of ways. First, the endpoints are the actor threads and they are named and known external to the mainline program. The second difference is that sends and receives on these channels are buffered. In other words if you send a message to an actor and there isn't one listening or its busy you aren't blocked until one reads from their input channel. Other differences exist like one actor can publish to two different actors concurrently.
As you might guess Actor systems can easily be built from CSP systems. There are other details like waiting for specific event patterns and selecting from them, but that's the basics.
I hope that clarifies things a bit.
Other constructs can be built from these ideas. Various programming systems (Go, Erlang, etc) include CSP implementations within them. Operating systems like Inferno and Node9 use CSPs and Channels as the basis of their distributed computing model.
Go: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Go_(programming_language)
Erlang: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erlang_(programming_language)
Inferno: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inferno_(operating_system)
Node9: https://github.com/jvburnes/node9

Using Scala Akka framework for blocking CLI calls

I'm relatively new to Akka & Scala, but I would like to use Akka as a generic framework to pull together information from various web tools, and cli commands.
I understand the general principal that in an Actor model, it is highly desirable not to have the actors block. And in the case of the http requests, there are async http clients (such as Spray) that means that I can handle the requests asynchronously within the Actor framework.
However, I'm unsure what is the best approach when combining actors with existing blocking API calls such as the scala ProcessBuilder/ProcessIO libraries. In terms of issuing these CLI commands I expect a relatively small amount of concurrency, e.g. perhaps executing a max of 10 concurrent CLI invocations on a 12 core machine.
Is it better to have a single actor managing these CLI commands, farming the actual work off to Futures that are created as needed? Or would it be cleaner just to maintain a set of separate actors backed by a PinnedDispatcher? Or something else?
From the Akka documentation ( http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/snapshot/general/actor-systems.html#Blocking_Needs_Careful_Management ):
Blocking Needs Careful Management
In some cases it is unavoidable to do blocking operations, i.e. to put a thread to sleep for an indeterminate time, waiting for an external event to occur. Examples are legacy RDBMS drivers or messaging APIs, and the underlying reason in typically that (network) I/O occurs under the covers. When facing this, you may be tempted to just wrap the blocking call inside a Future and work with that instead, but this strategy is too simple: you are quite likely to find bottle-necks or run out of memory or threads when the application runs under increased load.
The non-exhaustive list of adequate solutions to the “blocking problem” includes the following suggestions:
Do the blocking call within an actor (or a set of actors managed by a router [Java, Scala]), making sure to configure a thread pool which is either dedicated for this purpose or sufficiently sized.
Do the blocking call within a Future, ensuring an upper bound on the number of such calls at any point in time (submitting an unbounded number of tasks of this nature will exhaust your memory or thread limits).
Do the blocking call within a Future, providing a thread pool with an upper limit on the number of threads which is appropriate for the hardware on which the application runs.
Dedicate a single thread to manage a set of blocking resources (e.g. a NIO selector driving multiple channels) and dispatch events as they occur as actor messages.
The first possibility is especially well-suited for resources which are single-threaded in nature, like database handles which traditionally can only execute one outstanding query at a time and use internal synchronization to ensure this. A common pattern is to create a router for N actors, each of which wraps a single DB connection and handles queries as sent to the router. The number N must then be tuned for maximum throughput, which will vary depending on which DBMS is deployed on what hardware."