How to get GPS coordinates from Raspberry Pi? - raspberry-pi

When I watch it on the internet, the code in the image proceeds without error when run, but it gives me such an output. What could be the reason for this?
I am using Raspberry Pi 3B+ model.


ADS1115 and raspberry pi pico

is there any way to use the ADS1115 with a raspberry pi pico?, I'm in the middle of a project where I need 4 analog inputs but the pico only has 3, I'm using circuit python btw... any help is appreciated
I found this on github ads1115 and raspberry pi pico i hope it will work for your project!
You can also watch the tutorial on youtube here
So i used this library. The ADS1115 just connects to a i2c port and your off to go. One thing to note that you will need to do single shots for each adc read. You can only do continues sampling on one channel at a time.

What object detection architecture would run best on a raspberry pi?

Want to run a small custom model on a raspberry pi, what architecture would run inference the fastest given the limited power of a pi?

Can I use Grove LCD on raspberry pi without Grove Pi?

I'd like to use the a Grove RGB LCD on a raspberry Pi. I would like to plug it directly with minimal circuitry.
It's a cheap RGB LCD that use I2C. There's raspberry pi librairies (Python and C)... but it's supposed to be plugged to a Grove Pi wich is more expensive but you don't have to.
Has anyone done that already ?
The RGB LCD uses a 5V rail. The Raspberry Pi uses a 3V3 rail. If you're going to connect them, you'll need a level converter chip in between them. The GrovePi provides the level conversion, but if you're not going to use the GrovePi for the Raspberry Pi, you'll need to find your own chip or you risk damaging both the Raspberry Pi and the LCD.

Grove Pi+ CO2 MH-Z16 sensor

I am using a Raspberry Pi 3 B model with a Grove Pi+ (1.2.2 firmware), and Raspbian for Robots Image.
I have plugged in the CO2 MH-Z16 sensor in RPISER port, and I am trying
to execute the code that is available in Dexter's Github
I am getting the following issues:
First time I tried the code, it was working but it was getting very strange results, always out of range and strange temperatures.
It calls the sensor every 18 second.
Now, when I plugged-in the sensor in de RPISER port (with the rpi on), the raspberry pi get frozen. If I tried to restart it, it is not restarting until the sensor is plugged out the rpi. I do not know what is going on, and how to solve this issue. Sometimes, the rpi does not get frozen but the mouse and the keyboard suddenly stop working. If I try to restart the rpi whith the sensor, the rpi is not restarting, it get stucks.
Can I use this sensor in another port?
Any help or any hint?
Oh yes update your firmware. I also took a long time..

Get the sensors connected to a Raspberry Pi

simple question: is there a way to know which sensors are connected to a Raspberry Pi? I.e., I'm in the Raspberry command line and want to know what's connected to it.