How do I access a DSE cluster from an app running in a Kubernetes cluster? - kubernetes

I have a provided Cassandra Database installation on a server.
On the other hand my customer has a Kubernetes Cluster with a deployed application that needs to connect to the database and we expirience the following error when the container tries to start up.
WARN [] (vert.x-eventloop-thread-1) [s0] Error connecting to Node(endPoint=cassandra:9042, hostId=null, hashCode=379c44fa), trying next node (UnknownHostException: cassandra: Temporary failure in name resolution)
An suggestions what I am missing or what I need to do in my cluster?

Do you have DNS setup where the Cassandra service is available to the k8s cluster through a DNS name cassandra? Since this is an outside component, k8s relies on your external DNS resolution to discover this service.
Notice it is attempting to connect to a URL cassandra:9042. This means k8s should be able to resolve the hostname cassandra somehow, internally or externally.
If not, you have to determine your service URL, like <some-IP>:<some-Port>/some_endpoint and provide this to your k8s application, which will connect with it directly.

The issue is that you haven't configured the correct contact points in your application. In the error you posted, your application is connecting to an unknown host cassandra:
... Error connecting to Node(endPoint=cassandra:9042, ...
but your app doesn't know how to resolve the hostname cassandra leading to:
UnknownHostException: cassandra: Temporary failure in name resolution
We recommend that you specify at least two IP addresses of nodes in the "local DC" as contact points. For example if you're using the Java driver to connect to your Cassandra cluster, configure the contact points with:
datastax-java-driver {
basic {
contact-points = [ "node_IP1:9042", "node_IP2:9042" ]
Since your application is running in Kubernetes, you'll need to make sure that it has network connectivity to your Cassandra cluster. Cheers!


Cross cluster communication in GKE Multi-cluster Service

I’m using GKE multi-cluster service and have configured two clusters.
On one cluster I have an endpoint I want to consume and it's hard-coded on address:
Does anyone know how I can reach this from the other cluster?
I have exported the service, which is then automatically imported into the other cluster. Previously, I have been able to connect to the other cluster using SERVICE_EXPORT_NAME.NAMESPACE.svc.clusterset.local, but then I had to change the endpoint address manually to this exact address. In my new case, the endpoint address is not configurable.

How does Cassandra driver update contactPoints if all pods are restarted in Kubernetes without restarting the client application?

We have created a statefulset & headless service. There are 2 ways by which we can define peer ips in application:
Use 'cassandra-headless-service-name' in contactPoints
Fetch the peers ip from headless-service & externalize the peers ip and read these ips when initializing the connection.
SO far so good.
Above will work if one/some pods are restarted, not all. In this case, driver will updated the new ips automatically.
But, how this will work in case of complete outage ? If all pods are down & when they come back, if all pods ip are changed (IP can change in Kubernetes), how do application will connect to Cassandra?
In a complete outage, you're right, the application will not have any valid endpoints for the cluster. Those will need to be refreshed (and the app restarted) before the app will connect to Cassandra.
We actually wrote a RESTful API that we can use query current, valid endpoints by cluster. That way, the app teams can find the current IPs for their cluster at any time. I recommend doing something similar.

Connect to On Premises Service Fabric Cluster

I've followed the steps from Microsoft to create a Multi-Node On-Premises Service Fabric cluster. I've deployed a stateless app to the cluster and it seems to be working fine. When I have been connecting to the cluster I have used the IP Address of one of the nodes. Doing that, I can connect via Powershell using Connect-ServiceFabricCluster nodename:19000 and I can connect to the Service Fabric Explorer website (http://nodename:19080/explorer/index.html).
The examples online suggest that if I hosted in Azure I can connect to and it resolves, however I can't work out what the equivalent is on my local. I tried connecting to my sample cluster: Connect-ServiceFabricCluster sampleCluster.domain.local:19000 but that returns:
WARNING: Failed to contact Naming Service. Attempting to contact Failover Manager Service...
WARNING: Failed to contact Failover Manager Service, Attempting to contact FMM...
WARNING: No such host is known
Connect-ServiceFabricCluster : No cluster endpoint is reachable, please check if there is connectivity/firewall/DNS issue.
Am I missing something in my setup? Should there be a central DNS entry somewhere that allows me to connect to the cluster? Or am I trying to do something that isn't supported On-Premises?
Yup, you're missing a load balancer.
This is the best resource I could find to help, I'll paste relevant contents in the event of it becoming unavailable.
Reverse Proxy — When you provision a Service Fabric cluster, you have an option of installing Reverse Proxy on each of the nodes on the cluster. It performs the service resolution on the client’s behalf and forwards the request to the correct node which contains the application. In majority of the cases, services running on the Service Fabric run only on the subset of the nodes. Since the load balancer will not know which nodes contain the requested service, the client libraries will have to wrap the requests in a retry-loop to resolve service endpoints. Using Reverse Proxy will address the issue since it runs on each node and will know exactly on what nodes is the service running on. Clients outside the cluster can reach the services running inside the cluster via Reverse Proxy without any additional configuration.
Source: Azure Service Fabric is amazing
I have an Azure Service Fabric resource running, but the same rules apply. As the article states, you'll need a reverse proxy/load balancer to resolve not only what nodes are running the API, but also to balance the load between the nodes running that API. So, health probes are necessary too so that the load balancer knows which nodes are viable options for sending traffic to.
As an example, Azure creates 2 rules off the bat:
1. LBHttpRule on TCP/19080 with a TCP probe on port 19080 every 5 seconds with a 2 count error threshold.
2. LBRule on TCP/19000 with a TCP probe on port 19000 every 5 seconds with a 2 count error threshold.
What you need to add to make this forward-facing is a rule where you forward port 80 to your service http port. Then the health probe can be an http probe that hits a path to test a 200 return.
Once you get into the cluster, you can resolve the services normally and SF will take care of availability.
In Azure-land, this is abstracted again to using something like API Management to further reverse proxy it to SSL. What a mess but it works.
Once your load balancer is set up, you'll have a single IP to hit for management, publishing, and regular traffic.

Connect to external database cluster from kubernetes

Is there option to connect to external database cluster from POD? I need to connect to elastic search, zookeeeper, Kafka and couchbase, each of them has its own cluster. Per my understanding the documentation, I can define multi external IPs, but I cannot find how will k8s behave if one of them is down. I am working with pure k8s 1.6 now, and we will migrate to 1.7 soon. Information about OpenShift 3.7 will be also welcome because I cannot find anything specific in its documentation.
The k8s doc on your link has more info on exposing services running on k8s but not externally
You generally want to expose your service using a DNS entry and manage the HA for that service separately.
For example you can a single DNS entry and then assign IP addresses to that entry:
kafka1 ip
kafka2 ip
kafka3 ip
You can see that approach on the Openshift docs in the USING AN EXTERNAL DOMAIN NAME section. Yes, its not clear from the docs whether k8s/openshift does a round robin on the multiple IPs for an external service and if automatically fails over.
Hope it helps.

How do I configure mongodb replicaset using elastic IP's in EC2?

tldr: What will I need to do in order to use an elastic IP in my MongoDB replicaset configuration?
We have a three-node MongoDB replicaset running on EC2. One of the instances in the set was retired by AWS yesterday, and so we were forced to stop and restart the EC2 instance.
Unfortunately, when we first configured the replicaset, we were fairly new to AWS and not aware that the public DNS address of the instances was subject to change. We used the public DNS of each instance in the replicaset configuration, and in all of the application connection strings in our code. After reading up on the subject yesterday, I tried to get the node back online by assigning an elastic IP to the instance and changing the replicaset configuration to use that IP. After some pain, I was able to get the other two nodes back up and running with that configuration, but the instance with the elastic IP refused to re-join the replicaset, and the error in mongod.log says:
[rsStart] replSet info self not present in the repl set configuration
After yet more reading, I found that I should not have used the actual elastic IP in the config, but rather the public DNS name of the elastic IP. My question is, before I take everything offline again to try this change, what exactly will I need to do in order to use the elastic IP in the replicaset configuration? I found some information on this 10Gen page: that made me think I might need to mess with the hostname of the instance and/or the hosts file, but I haven't been able to find anybody describing my exact scenario.
Any thoughts?
It turned out to be a pretty simple fix; once I changed the replicaset configuration to use the public DNS of the elastic IP, the mongo node came back online. I didn't have to touch the hostname or the hosts file.
You should never use an Elastic IP for internal traffic like replication. You will be charged $0.01/GB for this traffic, whereas using the internal IP would be free.
If you're using something like replica sets, you really should be running in a VPC. Unlike normal EC2 instances, instances in an VPC keep the same private IP addresses and Elastic IP addresses even when stopped.