Updating the tables for the reports in MicroStrategy - microstrategy

I have a MicroStrategy project where the reports in that project were earlier using Teradata connections and sql. But now the requirement is to point all these reports in the project to a snowflake database instance.
The new snowflake database instance is already created. I wanted to know the ways to do this.
I will update the default database instance to the new snowflake connection in the 'Project Configuration'.
Update the Database instance in the 'Warehouse Catalog'.
Refresh the warehouse catalog.
With these steps will all the reports in the project get updated with the new database in the SQL with the table name being the same between Teradata and Snowflake?
Or is there any other step that I am missing?

Let me try to answer it...
Create a connection/ DSN to New Database
Use MicroStrategy Configuration Wizard to create new Metadata, History List, Statistical repository list (1st option in the wizard).
Create a New Project source using the above DSN
Duplicate your project into this Project source.
Source: https://community.microstrategy.com/s/article/KB44209-How-to-migrate-projects-from-one-database-to-another-in?language=en_US


How to share a postgreSQL database?

I'm currently working on a project with some colleagues and a colleague of mine linked a database created in her postgreSQL server to our visual studio project, but we don't know how she can share the database with the rest of us, or how can we modify the database without having it.
We're using postgreSQL 14.
One option is to create your database in a cloud provider such as AWS.
You can take a look at: https://aws.amazon.com/rds/postgresql/
This way all of you will be able to access the database.

How to use a PostgreSQL DB as XMLA datasource?

PostgreSQL database with normal and reporting data
Downloaded the Mondrian zip from here
I have a client pivot grid component (DevExtreme Web)
As i understand it so far, i have to use a OLAP-server that functions as connector between MDX querys and a SQL database to provide XMLA as datasource. Therefor i want to use the Mondrian OLAP-server.
Now i need to start the Mondrian OLAP-server, connect it to the PostgreSQL database and provide a OLAP-schema.
How to start the Mondrian OLAP-server?
How to connect it to a PostgreSQL database?
How to provide a schema to the mondrian server?
And finaly, how to connect to the mondrian server?
I can't find any step by step guide or any usefull documentation of mondrian. It's all a big cloud to me.
The Problem
After many, many hours i found this thread: Github - Mondrian issue 202
The Mondrian developer, in this thread, clearly state that nearly the whole documentation is outdated and doesn't have much todo with the actual Mondrian 4 OLAP server.
They say that Mondrian 4 is no longer shiped with a deployable WAR file and the schema has big changes.
Start Mondrian OLAP Server
To get Mondrian running i downloaded this maven project that starts a mondrian server: mondrian-xmla-spike
I got everything running with the discribed derby Foodmart database.
You can either import the project as maven project in an IDE of your choice (what i did) or run mvn via. console.
Use Mondrian as XMLA provider
In the maven project you have to check all files (not many) for hardcoded paths and change them to your environment.
If you have done this, and startet the project as application, the Mondrian Server should be accessible via. a jetty server on the address http://localhost:8888/xmla
You can connect any component that can use a XMLA datasource and does support Mondrian OLAP server! The last part is very important. Mondrian doesn't comply with the MDX standard completely. Bad decision on the side of Penthao! Most OLAP-components or BI-tools only support MS SQL Server as XMLA datasource.
Connect Mondrian to PostgreSQL DB
To connect the existing maven project to a PostgreSQL DB i had to do some steps:
Update the Mondrian Version in the pom (xmla-spike.xml) file to a 4.x Version (i used You can choose one from here: Penthao Mondrian Versions
Download the correct JDBC driver (for me it was JDBC42): PostgreSQL JDBC Driver and add the JDBC driver (.jar) to your project libraries
Or add the correct JDBC driver (i used 9.4.1209) from here: PostgreSQL JDBC Driver JDBC 4.1 to your maven pom (xmla-spike.xml).
Change the <DataSourceInfo> in the datasource.xml to:
DB url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/default?user=postgre
=> jdbc:postgresql://host:port/database
Create the Schema.xml file and write a simple schema as descriped here: How to Design a Mondrian 4 Schema
You can look at the Foodmart example Schema with metamodel 4 here: Foodmart.xml metamodelVersion="4.0"
The <Catalog name="*"> must mach the schema name of the Schema.xml
This does work for me. I hope i can help someone else with this. If i forgot some steps, pls comment and i will add the missing steps.

connect Jasperreports community edition to another database server

Version - 6.0.1 (jasperreports-server-cp-6.0.1)
Is it possible to connect jasperreports community edition installed on a ubuntu server to another postgreSQL database server?. I have followed this
When I try to create a data source (JDBC) , its showing nothing like in thedocument. It simply returns the blue menu (Library, view, manage)
Any help would be appreciated.
Assuming you want to report on a different database you have to create a new datasource. Select view->repository, right-click in the tree somewhere and create a new datasource. You have to have the correct driver available but it will already have the driver for postgres. Put in the connection details and save the data source.
When you upload a report to the server, you'll have to then associate the report with the datasource (edit the report properties). This is all covered in the documents you get with the install e.g. JasperReports-Server-User-Guide, JasperReports-Server-Admin-Guide

Synchronizing EF Code First to SQL Azure

I am trying to find the best way to synchronize/migrate EF Code First databases from localhost to SQL Azure without using EFCF Migrations. I know that I could use this approach, but I want to look at different, less automagic options.
The following process, or variations of such, is the one I'd like to follow:
Develop locally, letting EFCF build the databse on localhost
Synchronize the local database with the stage database on SQL Azure using some tool
Run tests in the staging environment
Synchronze/migrate the database (local or stage) to the production database on SQL Azure
Using MySQL, this is a breeze. The MySQL Workbench can synchronize a schema model to the database in question, plain and simple. In this case, I don't have a schema model per se, but the database on localhost generated by EFCF could be concidered the schema.
Which tools are available to perform this task? Is it possible to do this using SSMS?
Update: How I did it:
After the tip from Craig to use a Visual Studio 2012 Database Project, I did the following:
Created an empty VS 2012 database project and set its target platform to SQL Azure
Did a new schema compare, source database = local db and target = database project
Updated the target. This brought the database project up to speed
Did a new compare, source= database project and target = SQL Azure stage db
Updated the target. This brought the SQL Azure stage db up to speed
This was exactly what I was looking for
The Visual Studio 2012 database project can do it, I do it all the time.
It's not free, but Red-Gate's SQL Compare would handle the schema replication

How can i change datasource of a rpt report in Cystal Reports Server

I have 3 different machines with Crystal Reports Server XI R2 installed. They are at different subnets pointing to different oracle databases with same schema definition but different names (dev, test, production).
I got a rpt file created on the development environment, pointing to the "dev" schema.
All went fine. The report executed successfully.
When i got the same rpt and published it in the test server, i could not change the datasource location. It appears that the rpt file keep fixed the datasource that was used in its creation.
Anyone knows how can i change the datasource of a rpt file, making it independent of database location and independent of the database used by the designer?
I assume from the question that the different Oracle databases have different database names, but the same schema name - something like OperationalDB on dev, test and live? (It's more complicated if they have different schema names.)
If so, then it depends on what sort of Driver you're using.
If using an ODBC driver, then simply set up different ODBC sources (pointing to the appropriate database) with the same data source name on each of the Crystal machines.
If using a native Oracle driver, then I suggest editing the TNSNAMES.ORA file on each of the machines so that they each have the same TNS name pointing to the appropriate database.
If using a native Oracle driver and you are unable to edit the TNSNAMES.ORA file (for example, if it is a shared network file instead of being located on each of the Crystal machines), then you will need to change the datasource location in the Report Designer (or via the API, if accessing Crystal through one) each time you transfer a report from one machine to another.