I have downloaded and started the cloudera virtual machine with impala. At the time of executing the database creation statement, an error related to the catalog and state-store service appeared. Perform the service update from console, however when trying to create a database the following message appears
Could not connect to quickstart.cloudera:21050 (code THRIFTTRANSPORT): TTransportException('Could not connect to quickstart.cloudera:21050',)
I have restarted the following services, but the problem persists: impala-catalog impala-state-store impala-server
Any idea what the problem may be?
The problem was solved alone. Apparently the virtual machine takes longer than I expected to start all services. Once I let it start and wait for a reasonable time, it worked without problems.
I am using ORACLE database in a windows environment and running a JSP/servlet web application in tomcat. After I do some operations with the application it gives me the following error.
ORA-12518, TNS: listener could not hand off client connection
can any one help me to identify the reason for this problem and propose me a solution?
The solution to this question is to increase the number of processes :
1. Open command prompt
2. sqlplus / as sysdba; //login sysdba user
3. startup force;
4. show parameter processes; // This shows 150(some default) processes allocated, then increase the count to 800
5. alter system set processes=800 scope=spfile;
As Tried and tested.
In my case I found that it is because I haven't closed the database connections properly in my application. Too many connections are open and Oracle can not make more connections. This is a resource limitation. Later when I check with oracle forum I could see some reasons that have mentioned there about this problem. Some of them are.
In most cases this happens due to a network problem.
Your server is probably running out of memory and need to swap memory to disk.One cause can be an Oracle process consuming too much memory.
if it is the second one, please verify large_pool_size or check dispatcher were enough for all connection.
You can refer bellow link for further details.
I ran across the same problem, in my case it was a new install of the Oracle client on a new desktop that was giving the error, other clients were working so I knew it wouldn't be a fix to the database configuration. tnsping worked properly but sqlplus failed with the ora-12518 listener error.
I had the tnsnames.ora entry with a SID instead of a service_name, then once I fixed that, still the same error and found I had the wrong service_name as well. Once I fixed that, the error went away.
If from one day to another the issue shows for no apparent reasons, add these following lines at the bottom of the listner.ora file. If your oracle_home environment variable is set like this:
(ORACLE_HOME = C:\oracle11\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\server)
The lines to add are:
ADR_BASE_LISTENER = C:\oracle11\app\oracle\
I had the same problem when executing queries in my application. I'm using Oracle client with Ruby on Rails.
The problem started when I accidentally started several connections with the DB and didn't close them.
When I fixed this, everything started to work fine again.
Hope this helps another one with the same problem.
I experienced the same error after upgrading to Windows 10. I solved it by starting services for Oracle which are stopped.
Start all the services as shown in the following image:
I had the same issue. After restarting all Oracle services it worked again.
same problem encountered for me.
And from oracle server listener log, can see more information.
and I found that the SERVICE_NAME is not match the tnsnames.ora configured Service name. so I changed the application's data source configuration from SID value to Service_NAME value and it fixed.
23-MAY-2019 02:44:21 * (CONNECT_DATA=(CID=(PROGRAM=JDBC Thin Client)(HOST=__jdbc__)(USER=XXXXXX$))(SERVICE_NAME=orclaic)) * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=::1)(PORT=50818)) * establish * orclaic * 12518
TNS-12518: TNS:listener could not hand off client connection
TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
TNS-00530: Protocol adapter error
64-bit Windows Error: 203: Unknown error
I had the same issue in real time application and the issue gone by itself next day. upon checking, it was found that server ran out of memory due to additional processes running.
So in my case, the reason was server run out of memory
first of all
check the listener log
check the show parameter processes vs select count(*) from v$processes;
increase the process, it may require SGA increase
Last week my lab's power outage occurred and the web server went out.
And after then, my webpage doesn't work anymore. My webpage is using plone and zope.
So I first went to the directory /Plone/zinstance/bin
typed ./instance
then did zopectl start
then I typed ./plonectl start.
But the problem is the following : everytime I start zopectl and plonectl, the daemon process soon died.
The command line is like this.
I don't know what is the problem and what should I do. Anyone who knows well about plone and zopectl please help me.
Try ./instance fg. If you have an error it will be displayed in the console.
(fg - means running it in the foreground)
I downloaded the installer and run it, but I get a message telling me to check my internet connection. My connection works fine, but I suspect there might be a proxy problem. Does anybody know how to remedy this?
I had this issue, but today when I started the installer (the same installer I downloaded two days ago) and there was no error message. I think the problem was caused by the smarface.io server(s).
Thus, when you get this error message while installing smartface:
"Unable to connect to update server. Please check you internet connection and try again. #1"
Just wait for a day or two and start the installer again. The error message will disappear!
I have a code improvement suggestion for smartface.io:
I hope the error message never occurs in the future, but if it does you should correct the spelling: the word "you" in the error message is incorrect. It should be "your".
I have a RoR application running on two different server. They run the same version of the app and are similar in configuration. I have a Mongodb replica set running on both the server with a third server as an arbitrary server.
Everything runs fine. The data is syncing perfectly. But after 2 weeks of running, one of the server started giving ConnectionPool::PoolShuttingDownError. I checked the log and I can see the error was raised application controller. I didn't change any code on any of the server.
The server raising the error is fine till it gets 6-7 simultaneous request. Or when you refresh the page 6-7 times together. It gives this error once and then again you refresh the page and its back to normal. This is weird and I can't understand why one server has this problem while the other one don't and that too sometime.
I am using Mongoid with Moped, Rails 4.1.0 and Ruby 2.1.5. I also checked available connections using db.serverStatus().connections which is around 51158 and ulimit of max process is 257185.
I searched a lot but I am still unsure of the cause of this problem. It will be great if someone can put some light on this issue. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.