How to find the bar which is the highest high green bar within 5 bars, excluding the current bar? - charts

I would like to find the green bar which is the highest high bar of last 5 bars, and not the current bar (the current bar may be the highest green one, so I need to exclude it)
I tried this but it seems not correct
find = high == highest(high, 5) and close > open and bar_index > 0 and bar_index < 6
numb = barssince(find)
high_of_that_bar = high[numb]
low_of_that_bar = low[numb])
Thank you for helping me

This should do what you want.
indicator("My script")
i_bars =, "Bars back")
var float green_hi = 0
var float green_lo = 0
var label lbl =, na, "")
if barstate.islast
green_hi := 0
for i = 1 to i_bars
if close[i] > open[i] and high[i] > green_hi
green_hi := high[i]
green_lo := low[i]
label.set_xy(lbl, bar_index+1, high)
label.set_text(lbl, str.format("green within last {2} bars\nhigh = {0}\nlow = {1}", green_hi, green_lo, i_bars))
This shows the fractional bar-index for intraday timeframes
indicator("My script")
i_bars =, "Bars back")
var float green_hi = 0
var float green_lo = 0
var label lbl =, na, "")
var int mybarindex = na
var int mybar = na
var int myi = na
if barstate.islast
green_hi := 0
for i = 1 to i_bars
if close[i] > open[i] and high[i] > green_hi
green_hi := high[i]
green_lo := low[i]
mybarindex := bar_index
mybar := bar_index - i
myi := i
label.set_xy(lbl, bar_index+1, high)
label.set_text(lbl, str.format("green within last {2} bars\nhigh = {0,number,#.#######}\nlow = {1,number,#.#######}\nmybar = {3}\nmybarindex = {4}\nmyi = {5}", green_hi, green_lo, i_bars, mybar, mybarindex, myi))
I got a second opinion, and it seems bar_index is not fractional after all.
str.format() just separates thousands with commas.
This makes it clear:
indicator("My script")
i_bars =, "Bars back")
var float green_hi = 0
var float green_lo = 0
var label lbl =, na, "")
var int mybarindex = na
var int mybar = na
var int myi = na
if barstate.islast
green_hi := 0
for i = 1 to i_bars
if close[i] > open[i] and high[i] > green_hi
green_hi := high[i]
green_lo := low[i]
mybarindex := bar_index
mybar := bar_index - i
myi := i
label.set_xy(lbl, bar_index+1, high)
label.set_text(lbl, str.format("green within last {2} bars\nhigh = {0,number,#.#######}\nlow = {1,number,#.#######}\nmybar = {3}\nmybarindex = {4}\nmyi = {5}", green_hi, green_lo, i_bars, mybar, mybarindex, myi))
if barstate.islastconfirmedhistory - 10, high, str.format("{0}", bar_index + 0.1))


Pine script issues on checking alert conditions when breaching a Fibonacchi line

I am trying to set an alert when two conditions are met. For the UP case, I want to check first for the price to break above a certain level (UPLabel is true), then I want to set off the alarm when the price is breaching the Fib line (BreachUpFiboAlert is true). Somehow, the code is not working properly after I tried to check the conditions. I am quite new to the Pine Script so, any pointers will be greatly appreciated.
if barstate.isconfirmed and nySession == false and nyaSession == false and nyeSession == false
HHcheck = high[LastBar-1]
LLcheck = low[LastBar-1]
HHidrcheck = close[LastBar-1]
LLidrcheck = open[LastBar-1]
HfiboVal = HHidrcheck
LfiboVal = LLidrcheck
if useDRforFibo
HfiboVal := HHcheck
LfiboVal := LLcheck
if close[LastBar-1] > open[LastBar-1]
HHidrcheck := close[LastBar-1]
LLidrcheck := open[LastBar-1]
HHidrcheck := open[LastBar-1]
LLidrcheck := close[LastBar-1]
for i = 0 to FirstBar-LastBar
if high[LastBar+i] > HHcheck
HHcheck := high[LastBar+i]
if low[LastBar+i] < LLcheck
LLcheck := low[LastBar+i]
if close[LastBar+i] > open[LastBar+i] and close[LastBar+i] > HHidrcheck
HHidrcheck := close[LastBar+i]
if close[LastBar+i] < open[LastBar+i] and open[LastBar+i] > HHidrcheck
HHidrcheck := open[LastBar+i]
if close[LastBar+i] > open[LastBar+i] and open[LastBar+i] < LLidrcheck
LLidrcheck := open[LastBar+i]
if close[LastBar+i] < open[LastBar+i] and close[LastBar+i] < LLidrcheck
LLidrcheck := close[LastBar+i]
if UseWick
if high > (HHcheck + ((HHcheck/100)*BreachThreshold)) and high[1] <= HHcheck
if not UPLabel and not DOWNLabel
UPLabel := true
BreachesUP := BreachesUP+1
if low < (LLcheck - ((LLcheck/100)*BreachThreshold)) and low[1] >= LLcheck
if not UPLabel and not DOWNLabel
DOWNLabel := true
BreachesDown := BreachesDown+1
if close > (HHcheck + ((HHcheck/100)*BreachThreshold)) and close[1] <= HHcheck
if not UPLabel and not DOWNLabel
UPLabel := true
BreachesUP := BreachesUP+1
if close < (LLcheck - ((LLcheck/100)*BreachThreshold)) and close[1] >= LLcheck
if not UPLabel and not DOWNLabel
DOWNLabel := true
BreachesDown := BreachesDown+1
for i = 0 to LastBar
if UseWick
if high[i] > (HHcheck + ((HHcheck/100)*BreachThreshold)) and high[i+1] <= HHcheck
BreachesUP := BreachesUP+1
if low[i] < (LLcheck - ((LLcheck/100)*BreachThreshold)) and low[i+1] >= LLcheck
BreachesDown := BreachesDown+1
// add check if the wick is breaching the fiboAlertLevels
if high[i] > LfiboVal + ((HfiboVal-LfiboVal)*fiboDownAlertLevel) and high[i+1] <= LfiboVal + ((HfiboVal-LfiboVal)*fiboDownAlertLevel)
BreachesDownFiboAlert := BreachesDownFiboAlert+1
BreachDownFiboAlert := true
if low[i] < LfiboVal + ((HfiboVal-LfiboVal)*fiboUpAlertLevel) and low[i+1] >= LfiboVal + ((HfiboVal-LfiboVal)*fiboUpAlertLevel)
BreachesUpFiboAlert := BreachesUpFiboAlert+1
BreachUpFiboAlert := true
if close[i] > (HHcheck + ((HHcheck/100)*BreachThreshold)) and close[i+1] <= HHcheck
BreachesUP := BreachesUP+1
if close[i] < (LLcheck - ((LLcheck/100)*BreachThreshold)) and close[i+1] >= LLcheck
BreachesDown := BreachesDown+1
// add check if the price close is breaching the fiboAlertLevels
if DOWNLabel
if close[i] > LfiboVal + ((HfiboVal-LfiboVal)*fiboDownAlertLevel) and close[i+1] <= LfiboVal + ((HfiboVal-LfiboVal)*fiboDownAlertLevel)
BreachesDownFiboAlert := BreachesDownFiboAlert+1
BreachDownFiboAlert := true
if UPLabel
if close[i] < LfiboVal + ((HfiboVal-LfiboVal)*fiboUpAlertLevel) and close[i+1] >= LfiboVal + ((HfiboVal-LfiboVal)*fiboUpAlertLevel)
BreachesUpFiboAlert := BreachesUpFiboAlert+1
BreachUpFiboAlert := true
I attached a screenshot describing what I want to do. I also tried to plotshape per the code below on the graph to visualise it. Unfortunately, the plot showed that the condition, BreachUp&Down, check doesn't work.
plotshape(BreachUpFiboAlert, title="Breach Fib Up Alert", text="", style=shape.triangleup, location=location.belowbar, color=color.rgb(8, 73, 253), textcolor=color.white) plotshape(BreachDownFiboAlert, title="Breach Fib Down Alert", text="", style=shape.triangledown, location=location.abovebar, color=color.rgb(255, 1, 213), textcolor=color.white)
I'm suspecting that the for loop causing me this problem but I am not quite sure how to fix this. Note that you can look at the entire code here.

Error in output either line or envelope shows up

I have used 2 code on Tradingview by LUXALGO
Nadaraya-Watson Estimator
Nadaraya-Watson Envelope
When the code is converted to ver 5.0 and compiled together, no compilation error is shown but the output only reflects either the Estimator Line or Estimator Envelope. Need both outputs together.
To replicate the problem, first select either the Estimator Checkbox or Envelope Checkbox, when both the Estimator and Envelope checkboxes are selected, we get only the envelope and the Estimator line disappears. Need help in resolving this issue.
The code is as below:
I have updated the variables inorder to not mix up while merging 2 scripts
// This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
// © LuxAlgo
indicator('Nadaraya-Watson Estimator & Envelope [LuxAlgo]', overlay=true,max_bars_back=1000,max_lines_count=500,max_labels_count=500)
grp_1 = "Estimator Settings"
show_est = input.bool(true, "Show Estimator", group = grp_1)
h_est = input(8.,'Bandwidth', group = grp_1)
src_est = input(close,'Source', group = grp_1)
disclaimer = input(false, 'Hide Disclaimer', group = grp_1)
n_est = bar_index
var ln_est = array.new_line(0)
if barstate.isfirst
for i = 0 to 499
float y2_est = na
float y1_est = na
float y1_d_est = na
line l_est = na
label lb_est = na
if barstate.islast and show_est
for i_est = 0 to math.min(499,n_est-1)
sum_est = 0.
sumw_est = 0.
for j_est = 0 to math.min(499,n_est-1)
w_est = math.exp(-(math.pow(i_est-j_est,2)/(h_est*h_est*2)))
sum_est += src_est[j_est]*w_est
sumw_est += w_est
y2_est := sum_est/sumw_est
d_est = y2_est - y1_est
l_est := array.get(ln_est,i_est)
line.set_color(l_est,y2_est > y1_est ? #ff1100 : #39ff14)
if d_est > 0 and y1_d_est < 0,src_est[i_est],'▲',color=#00000000,style=label.style_label_up,textcolor=#39ff14,textalign=text.align_center)
if d_est < 0 and y1_d_est > 0,src_est[i_est],'▼',color=#00000000,style=label.style_label_down,textcolor=#ff1100,textalign=text.align_center)
y1_est := y2_est
y1_d_est := d_est
var tb_est =, 1, 1
, bgcolor = color.silver)
if barstate.isfirst and not disclaimer
table.cell(tb_est, 0, 0, 'Nadaraya-Watson Estimator [LUX] Repaints'
, text_size = size.small
, text_color = #cc2f3c)
// // This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
// // © LuxAlgo
// //#version=5
// indicator("Nadaraya-Watson Envelope [LuxAlgo]",overlay=true,max_bars_back=1000,max_lines_count=500,max_labels_count=500)
grp_2 = "Envelope Settings"
show_env = input.bool(false, "Show Envelope")
length_env = input.float(500,'Window Size',maxval=500,minval=0, group = grp_2)
h_env = input.float(8.,'Bandwidth', group = grp_2)
mult_env = input.float(3., group = grp_2)
src_env = input.source(close,'Source', group = grp_2)
up_col_env = input.color(#39ff14,'Colors',inline='col', group = grp_2)
dn_col_env = input.color(#ff1100,'',inline='col', group = grp_2)
// disclaimer = input(false, 'Hide Disclaimer')
n_env = bar_index
var k_env = 2
var upper_env = array.new_line(0)
var lower_env = array.new_line(0)
if barstate.isfirst and show_env
for i = 0 to length_env/k_env-1
line up_env = na
line dn_env = na
cross_up_env = 0.
cross_dn_env = 0.
if barstate.islast and show_env
y_env = array.new_float(0)
sum_e_env = 0.
for i = 0 to length_env-1
sum_env = 0.
sumw_env = 0.
for j = 0 to length_env-1
w_env = math.exp(-(math.pow(i-j,2)/(h_env*h_env*2)))
sum_env += src_env[j]*w_env
sumw_env += w_env
y2_env = sum_env/sumw_env
sum_e_env += math.abs(src_env[i] - y2_env)
mae_env = sum_e_env/length_env*mult_env
for i = 1 to length_env-1
y2_env = array.get(y_env,i)
y1_env = array.get(y_env,i-1)
up_env := array.get(upper_env,i/k_env)
dn_env := array.get(lower_env,i/k_env)
lset(up_env,n_env-i+1,y1_env + mae_env,n_env-i,y2_env + mae_env,up_col_env)
lset(dn_env,n_env-i+1,y1_env - mae_env,n_env-i,y2_env - mae_env,dn_col_env)
if src_env[i] > y1_env + mae_env and src_env[i+1] < y1_env + mae_env,src_env[i],'▼',color=#00000000,style=label.style_label_down,textcolor=dn_col_env,textalign=text.align_center)
if src_env[i] < y1_env - mae_env and src_env[i+1] > y1_env - mae_env,src_env[i],'▲',color=#00000000,style=label.style_label_up,textcolor=up_col_env,textalign=text.align_center)
cross_up_env := array.get(y_env,0) + mae_env
cross_dn_env := array.get(y_env,0) - mae_env
// //----
// var tb =, 1, 1
// , bgcolor = #35202b)
// if barstate.isfirst and not disclaimer
// table.cell(tb, 0, 0, 'Nadaraya-Watson Envelope [LUX] Repaints'
// , text_size = size.small
// , text_color = #cc2f3c)

Setting A Multiple Ticker Alert On Barstate.islast in Pine Script

Good Day! I am trying to emulate a script I created that provides alerts on multiple tickers for the various conditions I have set up. This works as it should and have been happy with it. Although it is not pretty, it is the first section of code posted below. The end of the code is where I input the action_alerts for the multiple tickers.
The new code I am trying to create deals with a label that shows if the relative strength reach a new high over a 28 day span. I am looking to create an alert of that new high on the same tickers as the first code to tell me once that new high is reached. That is the second code below. I also added a picture showing that is a tiny green circle every time the new high is reached.
Any help with this will be greatly appreciated!
First Code (working)
indicator('Daily Screener #1', overlay=true)
//Backtest start date with inputs
startDate ='Start Date', defval=1, minval=1, maxval=31)
startMonth ='Start Month', defval=5, minval=1, maxval=12)
startYear ='Start Year', defval=2021, minval=2000, maxval=2100)
//See if the bar's time happened on/after start date
afterStartDate = time >= timestamp(syminfo.timezone, startYear, startMonth, startDate, 0, 0)
ts_bars =, minval=1, title='Tenkan-Sen Bars')
ks_bars =, minval=1, title='Kijun-Sen Bars')
ssb_bars =, minval=1, title='Senkou-Span B Bars')
sma_bars =, minval=1, title='SMA Bars')
sec_sma_bars =, minval=1, title='Second SMA Bars')
cs_offset =, minval=1, title='Chikou-Span Offset')
ss_offset =, minval=1, title='Senkou-Span Offset')
long_entry = input(true, title='Long Entry')
short_entry = input(true, title='Short Entry')
wait_for_cloud = input(true, title='Wait for Cloud Confirmation')
avgvalue = input(defval=20, title='Avg Vol Period')
avgvolfac = input(defval=2, title='Rvol Factor')
maxvol = input(defval=5, title='Max Vol')
minvol = input(defval=10000, title='Required Min Vol')
color bo = color.white
color suy =
avgvola = ta.sma(volume, avgvalue)
volcheck = volume > avgvola * avgvolfac and volume > minvol and volume > volume[1] * .75
maxvolcheck = volume > avgvola * maxvol and volume > minvol and volume > volume[1] * .75
// RSI Inputs
use_rsi_tp = input(false, title='Use RSI for Take Profit')
use_rsi_entry = input(false, title='Use RSI for Entry')
seq_rsi = input(defval=1, title='Alert TP after X Sequential bars past RSI')
rsi_period = input(defval=7, title='RSI Period')
overbought_rsi = input(defval=80, title='RSI Overbought Level')
oversold_rsi = input(defval=20, title='RSI Oversold Level')
middle(len) =>
ta.sma(close, len)
//Stoch RSI Inputs
smoothK =, 'K', minval=1)
smoothD =, 'D', minval=1)
lengthRSI =, 'RSI Length', minval=1)
lengthStoch =, 'Stochastic Length', minval=1)
src = input(close, title='RSI Source')
//Stoch RSI Components
rsi1 = ta.rsi(src, lengthRSI)
k = ta.sma(ta.stoch(rsi1, rsi1, rsi1, lengthStoch), smoothK)
d = ta.sma(k, smoothD)
//MACD Inputs
fast_length = input(title='Fast Length', defval=12)
slow_length = input(title='Slow Length', defval=26)
src2 = input(title='Source', defval=close)
signal_length ='Signal Smoothing', minval=1, maxval=50, defval=9)
sma_source = input(title='Simple MA (Oscillator)', defval=false)
sma_signal = input(title='Simple MA (Signal Line)', defval=false)
//MACD Components
fast_ma = sma_source ? ta.sma(src2, fast_length) : ta.ema(src2, fast_length)
slow_ma = sma_source ? ta.sma(src2, slow_length) : ta.ema(src2, slow_length)
macd = fast_ma - slow_ma
signal = sma_signal ? ta.sma(macd, signal_length) : ta.ema(macd, signal_length)
hist = macd - signal
// Ichimoku Components
tenkan = middle(ts_bars)
kijun = middle(ks_bars)
mid_sma = middle(sma_bars)
sec_sma = middle(sec_sma_bars)
senkouA = math.avg(tenkan, kijun)
senkouB = middle(ssb_bars)
// Plot Ichimoku Kinko Hyo
plot(tenkan,, 0), title='Tenkan-Sen')
plot(kijun,, 0), title='Kijun-Sen')
plot(mid_sma,, 0), title='50 SMA')
plot(sec_sma,, 0), title='5 SMA')
plot(close, offset=-cs_offset + 1,, 0), title='Chikou-Span')
sa = plot(senkouA, offset=ss_offset - 1,, 0), title='Senkou-Span A')
sb = plot(senkouB, offset=ss_offset - 1,, 0), title='Senkou-Span B')
fill(sa, sb, color=senkouA > senkouB ? :, title='Cloud color', transp=90)
ss_high = math.max(senkouA[ss_offset - 1], senkouB[ss_offset - 1])
ss_low = math.min(senkouA[ss_offset - 1], senkouB[ss_offset - 1])
// Entry/Exit Signals
tk_cross_bull = tenkan > kijun
tk_cross_bear = tenkan < kijun
cs_cross_bull =, cs_offset - 1) > 0
cs_cross_bear =, cs_offset - 1) < 0
price_above_kumo = close > ss_high
price_below_kumo = close < ss_low
price_between_kumo = close < ss_high and close > ss_low
senkou_green = senkouA > senkouB ? true : false
rsi_value = ta.rsi(close, rsi_period)
trend_midentry_T = close < tenkan or open < tenkan
trend_midentry_K = close > kijun or open > kijun
pp_t = close > tenkan or open > tenkan
pp_k = close < kijun or open < kijun
open_trend_reentry_T = open < tenkan
open_trend_reentry_K = open > kijun
close_trend_reentry_T = close < tenkan
close_trend_reentry_K = close > kijun
kumo_open_trend_reentry_T = open > tenkan
kumo_open_trend_reentry_K = open < kijun
kumo_close_trend_reentry_T = close > tenkan
kumo_close_trend_reentry_K = close < kijun
rsi_positive = k > d
rsi_negative = d > k
rsi_cross = ta.crossover(k, d)
macd_positive = macd > signal and macd > 0
macd_exit = ta.crossover(signal, macd)
macd_entry = ta.crossover(macd, signal)
hist_positive = hist >= 0
higherOrSameClose = close >= close[1]
two_day_higherOrSameClose = close >= close[1] and close[1] >= close[2]
five_day_lowerOrSameClose = close < close[7]
macd_greater_zero = fast_ma > 0
first_exit = ta.crossover(tenkan, close)
avgVol = ta.ema(volume, 50)
support = ta.lowest(close, 25)
five_ten_cross = ta.crossunder(sec_sma, tenkan)
bullish = tk_cross_bull and cs_cross_bull and price_above_kumo
bearish = tk_cross_bear and cs_cross_bear and price_below_kumo
if wait_for_cloud
bullish := bullish and senkou_green
bearish := bearish and not senkou_green
if use_rsi_entry
bullish := bullish and rsi_value < overbought_rsi
bearish := bearish and rsi_value > oversold_rsi
in_long = false
in_long := in_long[1]
open_long = bullish and long_entry and not in_long
open_short = bearish and short_entry and in_long
ish_long_entry = tk_cross_bull and cs_cross_bull and price_below_kumo
ish_2nd_long_entry = price_above_kumo and trend_midentry_T and trend_midentry_K
ish_sell_in_trend = price_above_kumo and ta.crossunder(tenkan, kijun)
ish_buy_in_trend = price_above_kumo and ta.crossover(tenkan, kijun) and higherOrSameClose
early_exit_bear = price_below_kumo and ta.crossunder(tenkan, kijun) or first_exit and price_below_kumo
best_entry = rsi_positive and macd_positive and ish_long_entry or ish_buy_in_trend and rsi_positive and macd_positive
best_exit = macd_exit and rsi_negative and ish_2nd_long_entry or first_exit and price_above_kumo
trend_reentry = price_above_kumo and (open_trend_reentry_T or close_trend_reentry_T) and (open_trend_reentry_K or close_trend_reentry_K) and rsi_positive and higherOrSameClose and macd_entry
in_kumo_trend_reentry = price_between_kumo and (kumo_open_trend_reentry_T or kumo_close_trend_reentry_T) and (kumo_open_trend_reentry_K or kumo_close_trend_reentry_K) and rsi_positive and higherOrSameClose and macd_entry
better_entry = price_above_kumo and rsi_cross and macd_greater_zero and higherOrSameClose
in_kumo_trend_reentry1 = price_between_kumo and kumo_open_trend_reentry_T and kumo_open_trend_reentry_K and rsi_positive and higherOrSameClose and macd_entry
in_kumo_trend_reentry2 = price_between_kumo and kumo_close_trend_reentry_T and kumo_close_trend_reentry_K and rsi_positive and higherOrSameClose and macd_entry
better_entry_pos = price_above_kumo and rsi_cross and macd_positive and higherOrSameClose
pre_party = price_below_kumo and (trend_midentry_T and trend_midentry_K or pp_t and pp_k) and two_day_higherOrSameClose and not five_day_lowerOrSameClose and cs_cross_bull
test = cs_cross_bull and price_below_kumo and two_day_higherOrSameClose
trend_breakout_close = not price_below_kumo and ta.crossover(close, tenkan) and rsi_positive and close > open[3]
quick_test = not price_above_kumo and close > tenkan and rsi_positive and higherOrSameClose and close[1] > close[2] and close > close[1] * 1.05
//reversal = price_below_kumo and close > close[1] and close[1] > close[2] and close > support and macd_entry
sell_off = open_short or ish_sell_in_trend
buy_up = open_long or (trend_breakout_close and ish_buy_in_trend) or (better_entry_pos and trend_breakout_close) or (trend_reentry and trend_breakout_close) or (trend_reentry and better_entry_pos) or (in_kumo_trend_reentry and trend_breakout_close) or (pre_party and test) or (quick_test and test)
sell_all = sell_off and volcheck
buy_all = buy_up and volcheck
voliskey = higherOrSameClose and maxvolcheck
all_volcheck = higherOrSameClose and volcheck and open>mid_sma
fifty_bo = trend_breakout_close and volcheck and ta.crossover(close,mid_sma)
show_me = ((ta.crossover(close,tenkan) and ta.crossover(close,kijun)) or (ta.crossover(close,sec_sma) and ta.crossover(close,tenkan))) and close<mid_sma and sec_sma>=tenkan*.99 and (volume > avgvola*.5)
bull_trend = price_above_kumo and close > sec_sma and tenkan>sec_sma and sec_sma>kijun and close>close[1] and close[1] >close[2]
chikcross = ta.crossover(close,mid_sma[20]) and open>mid_sma
ten_chikcross = ta.crossover(close,tenkan[20]) and volume > (avgvola * .75)
upside = low<low[1] and close>close[1] and ((close-low)/(high-low))>.55 and volume>avgvola*1.33 and sec_sma>tenkan
grab_it = voliskey
dump_it = sell_all
ybbo = (trend_breakout_close and better_entry_pos)
olretrace = (open_long and ish_buy_in_trend)
hvretrace = (volcheck and ish_buy_in_trend)
earbuy = quick_test
below_earbuy = (quick_test and test)
sbreak= fifty_bo
ebreak = (trend_breakout_close and quick_test)
olyb = better_entry_pos
if open_long
in_long := true
if open_short
in_long := false
rsi_count = 0
arm_tp = false
if use_rsi_tp
rsi_count := rsi_count[1]
if in_long and rsi_value > overbought_rsi or not in_long and rsi_value < oversold_rsi
rsi_count += 1
rsi_count := 0
if rsi_count >= seq_rsi
arm_tp := true
//Function Definition
action_alert(_ticker) =>
agrab_it = voliskey
adump_it = sell_all
aybbo = better_entry_pos
aearbuy = quick_test
asbreak= fifty_bo
awatch = show_me
[_grab_it, _ybbo, _earbuy, _sbreak, good_vol, _watch, _bull_trend,_ten_chikcross, _upside] =, timeframe.period, [ agrab_it, aybbo, aearbuy, asbreak, all_volcheck, awatch, bull_trend,ten_chikcross, upside])
_msg = _ticker + ',' + timeframe.period + ': '
if _grab_it
_msg += 'Big Volume Buy'
alert(_msg, alert.freq_once_per_bar)
if _ybbo
_msg += 'Yellow Buy'
alert(_msg, alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
if _earbuy
_msg += 'Early Buy'
alert(_msg, alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
if _sbreak
_msg += 'Super Breakout'
alert(_msg, alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
if _bull_trend
_msg += 'Trend'
alert(_msg, alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
if good_vol
_msg += 'Good Vol'
alert(_msg, alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
if chikcross
_msg += 'Chikou Cross'
alert(_msg, alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
if _ten_chikcross
_msg += '10 Chikou Cross'
alert(_msg, alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
if _upside
_msg += 'Upside Reversal'
alert(_msg, alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
barcolor(sell_all ? bo : na, editable=false)
barcolor(buy_all ? suy : na, editable=false)
barcolor(voliskey ? color.yellow : na, editable=false)
barcolor(all_volcheck ? suy : na, editable=false)
//Alert Plots
plotshape(open_short, text='Open Short', style=shape.triangledown, location=location.abovebar,, 0),, 0))
plotshape(better_entry_pos, text='Buy', style=shape.arrowup, location=location.belowbar,, 0),, 0))
plotshape(bull_trend, text='Trend', style=shape.arrowup, location=location.belowbar,, 0),, 0))
plotshape(quick_test, text='Early Buy', style=shape.arrowup, location=location.belowbar,, 0),, 0))
plotshape(chikcross, text='Chikou Cross', style=shape.arrowup, location=location.belowbar,, 0),, 0))
plotshape(voliskey, text= "Big Vol", style=shape.arrowup, location=location.belowbar,, 0),, 0))
plotshape(fifty_bo, text= "Super Breakot", style=shape.arrowup, location=location.belowbar,, 0),, 0))
plotshape(ybbo, text='Good Buy Breakout', style=shape.arrowup, location=location.belowbar,, 0),, 0))
plotshape(all_volcheck, text='Good Volume', style=shape.arrowup, location=location.belowbar,, 0),, 0))
plotshape(hvretrace, text="Retrace", style=shape.arrowup, location=location.belowbar,, 0),, 0))
plotshape(ten_chikcross, text='10 Chikou Cross', style=shape.arrowup, location=location.belowbar,, 0),, 0))
plotshape(upside, text='Upside Reversal', style=shape.arrowup, location=location.belowbar,, 0),, 0))
//Position Alert
Second Code (not working)
indicator("Ish's Relative Strength")
length = 20
var prevRatio = 0.0
//Save each ratio so we can look for RS line new high
var array=array.new_float(0)
// RS - IBD
ThreeMonthRS = 0.4 * (close / close[13])
SixMonthRS = 0.2 * (close / (close[26] * 2))
NineMonthRS = 0.2 * (close / (close[39] * 3))
TwelveMonthRS = 0.2 * (close / (close[52] * 4))
RatingRS = (ThreeMonthRS + SixMonthRS + NineMonthRS + TwelveMonthRS) * 100
rsText = "RS Rating \n" + str.tostring(RatingRS, "0.00")
//Gather Compared Index/Stock
comparedSymbol = input.symbol(title="Benchmark RS Line", defval="QQQ", group="Relative Strength")
comparedClose =, timeframe.period, close)
cThreeMonthRS = 0.4 * (comparedClose / comparedClose[13])
cSixMonthRS = 0.2 * (comparedClose / (comparedClose[26] * 2))
cNineMonthRS = 0.2 * (comparedClose / (comparedClose[39] * 3))
cTwelveMonthRS = 0.2 * (comparedClose / (comparedClose[52] * 4))
cRatingRS = (cThreeMonthRS + cSixMonthRS + cNineMonthRS + cTwelveMonthRS) * 100
crsText = "Comp RS \n" + str.tostring(cRatingRS, "0.00")
compratio = "RS Ratio \n" + str.tostring(RatingRS/cRatingRS, "0.00")
compratioNUM = RatingRS/cRatingRS
posslope= (compratioNUM-compratioNUM[2])/2
getin=ta.crossover(compratioNUM,slope) and posslope>0 and posfive>0
//Color of line to show up or down
ColorUp =,0)
ColorDown =,0)
linecolor = (posslope>.02 and posfive>.02)? ColorUp: ColorDown
//plot(RatingRS,, 0), title='50 SMA')
//plot(cRatingRS,, 0), title='Test')
plot(compratioNUM, color=linecolor, linewidth=2, title="Got It")
//plot(slope,,0),title="Please Work")
//plotshape(getin, title="Get In", style=shape.arrowup, location=location.belowbar,,0),,0))
//Show high dot based on time
if (barstate.islast)
for i=0 to 27
if(array.get(array, i)>compratioNUM)
if (newHigh), compratioNUM,,40), style=label.style_circle, size=size.tiny)
if (barstate.islast)
for i=0 to 27
if(array.get(array, i)<compratioNUM)
if (newLow), compratioNUM,, 40), style=label.style_circle, size=size.tiny)
array.unshift(array, compratioNUM)
action_alert(_ticker) =>
test= newHigh
[_test] =, timeframe.period, [newHigh])
_msg = _ticker + ',' + timeframe.period + ': '
if _test
_msg += 'New High'
alert(_msg, alert.freq_once_per_bar)
//Position Alert
Green dot showing new high value of relative strength reached over the last 28 days

The Target specified in strategy.exit is not working in the below Pinescript code

The Targets specified in "strategy.exit" is not working in the below Pinescript code. Please pardon if too many errors- this is my 1st Pinescript code.Please help.
Basically, the exit targets specified in the strategy.exit line are not computing.
var int numBars = 1
var bool isLong=false
var bool isShort=false
var int countTriggered = 0
t = time('D')
if t == t[1]
numBars := nz(numBars[1]) + 1
cond1= numBars>9
cond2= numBars<19
cond3= buyPoint>high[numBars-1]
cond4= sellPoint<low[numBars-1]
cond5= close>low[numBars-1]
cond6= close<high[numBars-1]
cond7= not isLong
cond8= not isShort
entryCond= cond1 and cond2 and cond3 and cond4 and cond5 and cond6 and cond7 and cond8
if entryCond
countTriggered := nz(countTriggered[1])+1
if countTriggered==1
strategy.entry("Long",strategy.long, stop=buyPoint+0.05, oca_name="x", oca_type=strategy.oca.cancel,when= countTriggered==1)
strategy.entry("Short",strategy.short, stop=sellPoint-0.05, oca_name="x", oca_type=strategy.oca.cancel,when= countTriggered==1)
strategy.exit("Long Exit",from_entry="Long", limit=tgtLong, stop=slLong,when= countTriggered==1)
strategy.exit("Short Exit",from_entry="Short", limit=tgtShort, stop=slShort,when= countTriggered==1)
isLong := (strategy.position_size > 0)
isShort := (strategy.position_size < 0)
strategy.cancel_all(numBars==72 and (isLong or isShort))
strategy.close("Long",numBars==72 and isLong)
strategy.close("Short",numBars==72 and isShort)
numBars := 1
isLong :=false
isShort :=false
countTriggered :=0

How to find the number of bars from the last Monday ? tradingview

Please tell me how to find the number of bars from a previous date.
i.e today is Friday 12-Mar-2021 and Im on the chart of 1 minute timeframe
How to know the number of bars from Monday 8-Mar-2021 00:00:00 ?
And from Monday 1-Mar-2021 00:00:00
Thank you
study("Number of bars from date", "Bars", true)
var int i_date_start = input(timestamp("2021-03-08"), "Start date", input.time)
var int bar_index_start = na
var int bar_count = na
if na(bar_index_start) and time >= i_date_start
bar_index_start := bar_index
if barstate.islast
bar_count := bar_index - bar_index_start, high, "Bar count = " + tostring(bar_count))
Edit 1, in response to this comment.
study("Number of bars from date", "Bars", true)
var int bar_index_start = na
var int bar_count = na
var bool start_found = false
if dayofweek == dayofweek.monday
if not start_found
bar_index_start := bar_index
start_found := true
start_found := false
if barstate.islast
bar_count := bar_index - bar_index_start, high, "Bar count = " + tostring(bar_count))
Edit 2, in response to this comment
study("Number of bars from date", "Bars", true)
int occurrence = input(2, "Number of mondays ago", minval=1)
var int bar_index_start = na
var int bar_count = na
var bool start_found = false
var int[] bar_indexes = array.new_int()
var label lbl =, na, "", style=label.style_label_left)
if dayofweek == dayofweek.monday
if not start_found
array.unshift(bar_indexes, bar_index)
start_found := true
start_found := false
if barstate.islast
if array.size(bar_indexes) >= occurrence
bar_count := bar_index - array.get(bar_indexes, occurrence-1)
bar_count := na
label.set_xy(lbl, bar_index, high)
label.set_text(lbl, "Bar count since\n" + tostring(occurrence) + " mondays ago:\n" + tostring(bar_count))