How to convert html to pdf in API - itext

I want to generate pdf from API Side. I already created html files. Can someone explain me how to convert html to pdf?


Extract data from html content in swift

After successfully load data, one webKit, need to extract token from it.
Which is embeded in HTML.
Is it an javascript injection -> for evaluate value from HTML?

Why is the raw url of pdf file in github can't be open with browser directly instead of download

I tried pdf, txt and png file url, only pdf url can't be open with browser if click the url, but trigger download.
I google this but only got how to fix, like instead with google doc or use pdf.js, or other html code.
What is the reason? the website ? Forgive me that i have no idea of website architecture.
When you get a file from a website, it has a content type sent along with it. Depending on the content type, the browser may choose to display it. For example, content type "application/pdf" might be shown in a browser, but "application/octet-stream" will be downloaded.
The raw URL on GitHub has content type "application/octet-stream" (a binary file) so that it will be downloaded.
The only way around this, since you can't change GitHub's code that sets the content type, is to get the data from JavaScript and parse it there -- by using pdf.js or something similar.

Web Api capture request data from Adobe Acrobat form submit

I have a PDF which has a submit button which will submit the PDF fields as an html form to my web API. The submit part works, however it is sending the request payload in a format I have never seen before
Also the request doesn't show the content-type being sent. I supposed it was being sent as application/octet-stream so I added this custom MediaTypeFormatter I found and it still didn't work.
I am filling the PDF fields using iTextSharp and the sending it to the client. The client creates a BLOB URL to display it in an iframe. I noticed that the problem is due to this, because when opening the PDF by itself and filling the data manually and then submitting it works fine, so the problem has to be either when I fill the form fields or when I create the BLOB URL in the client.
That's an Adobe format called FDF (Forms Data Format) but that's just one option for the submit format. You can also submit the data as the equivalent of an HTML GET using the settings shown in the images below.
If your API can accept data from HTML forms, it should work from Acrobat as well.

How to add a submit button that does an HTTP Post

How do I code the "CreateSubmitForm" command so that it generates a button that will submit an edited PDF back as HTTP POST?
First things first: submitting an edited PDF is only possible if the end user has Adobe Acrobat or if the PDF is Reader-enabled. In all other cases, you can only post the data (as a query string, as an FDF file, or as an XFDF file), you can not post the complete PDF from Adobe Reader.
By default, the submit button will be sent to the server as a HTTP POST. If you want HTTP GET, you need to set a flag. In other words: just create the button and you'll have an HTTP POST.
Important: the POST is performed from the PDF viewer, so it is very important to understand that you can not put any HTML in your Response. The PDF viewer will show an exception if you do. The PDF viewer expects either nothing (status code 204: No Content) or a stream of PDF (or correctly formatted FDF). All other content types will be rejected.
Note: although the question is tagged as an iTextSharp question, this answer is not limited to iTextSharp. It's just the way things are with PDF and Adobe Reader.

Joomla Form Creation & PDF Conversion

I want to convert my client registration form online.I want to have
PHP Form with validation
Form data should be inserted in database
After form submission,end user should be able to download form as pdf.
I am having pdf file format ready with me,form data should be added at specific position in pdf
Backoffice should be able to view all forms filled & able to create csv file for same.
Can i achieve my requirement using Joomla?
I am new to joomla.
Please see this link:
RSForm Pro has the feature to download the form submission in PDF form. You will have to specify the layout of the PDF in the extension itself.