How to set write queue max size of messageProducer in Vertx 4.x - vert.x

We want to update the Vertx from 3.x to 4.x, but we find the MessageProducer does not extend WriteStream. We want to set write queue max size of messageProducer and use the writeQueueFull() function in order to monitor our queue size, just like Vertx 3.x provided.
Question is : Does Vertx 4.x provides some methods to limit messageProducer and monitor it? THX.


Runtime consume record from the offset in kafka spring boot

I want to read the record from the Kafka runtime passing parameter(offset).
I am using a #KafkaListener but in that, I am unable to set the offset runtime of the user request. And if no offset is passed it will consume the latest records. Any help is appreciated.
The latest 2.8 release has a new feature where you can use the KafkaTemplate to receive a specific record at a specific offset.
If you want to receive all records from that offset, use the seek mechanisms provided by the container.

Kafka producer timeout issues

I am looking for some clarification regarding properties which we can be used to avoid producer timeout due to either more time taken since batch creation with blocked batch or timeout with metadata read. I am confused if I should increase or And if we also need to set buffer.memory with these timeouts to avoid blockage with memory issue??
I am using spring kafka template send method to produce message with defined producer properties bean. and Spring Kafka Producer Synchronous Event Publishing with KafkaTemplate

I'm a bit confused about the relationship between for Kafka Producers and synchronous publishing of events using Spring-Kafka and was hoping someone might be able to clear up the relationship between the two.
I'm looking to set up synchronous event publishing with Spring Kafka using Spring Kafka's KafkaTemplate. The Spring Kafka documentation provides an example using ListenableFuture's get(SOME_TIME, TimeUnit) to enable synchronous publishing of events (duplicated below for reference).
public void sendToKafka(final MyOutputData data) {
final ProducerRecord<String, String> record = createRecord(data);
try {
template.send(record).get(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
catch (ExecutionException e) {
handleFailure(data, record, e.getCause());
catch (TimeoutException | InterruptedException e) {
handleFailure(data, record, e);
I was looking at Kafka's Producer Configuration Documentation and saw that Kafka had a configuration for, which was responsible for the below setting in Kafka.
The maximum number of unacknowledged requests the client will send on a single connection before blocking. Note that if this setting is set to be greater than 1 and there are failed sends, there is a risk of message re-ordering due to retries (i.e., if retries are enabled).
What value does give set to a value of 1 give when event publishing is handled asynchronously? Does setting to a value of 1 force synchronous publishing of events for a Kafka Producer? If I want to set up synchronous publishing of events for a Kafka Producer and take the approach recommended by Spring-Kafka, should I be concerned about or is it safe to ignore this?
I don't believe they are related at all. The send is still asynchronous; setting it to one means the second will block until the first completes.
future1 = template.send(...);
future2 = template.send(...); // this will block
future1.get(); // and this will return almost immediately
You still need to get the result of the future, to test success/failure.

Kafka Proper Way to Poll No Records

for keeping my consumer alive (very long variable length processing) I'm implementing a empty poll() call in a background thread that will keep the broker from rebalancing if I spend too much time between polls(). I have set my poll-interval to be very long, but I don't want to just keep increasing it forever for longer and longer processing.
What's the proper way to poll for no records? Currently I'm calling poll(), then re-seeking back to the earliest offsets for each partition returned in the poll call() so they can be read properly by the main thread once it's done processing the previous messages.
ConsumerRecords<String, String> msgs = kafkaConsumer.poll(timeout);
Map<Integer, Long> partitionToOffsets = getEarliestPartitionOffsets(msgs); // helper method
The proper way to handle long processing time (and avoiding consumer rebalance) is to use KafkaConsumer.pause() / KafkaConsumer.resume() methods. You can read more about it here:
KafkaConsumer JavaDoc
Apache Kafka JIRA

Kafka Producer - By default supports Multithreading?

I am newbie to kafka. I have created sample kafka sync producer and consumergroup programs using kafka_2.9.2-
So My question is, do I need to add multithreading code to producer (like consumergroup class has) to support huge number of requests? I read producer send method is thread safe.
So kafka producer will take care of multithreading concepts internally or developer has to code explicitly?
Any help would be highly appreciated.
There are two types of producers available with Kafka. (1) SyncProducer (2) AsyncProducer. If you set the producer.type configuration as async it will uses the AsyncProducers. By default it uses the Synchronous producer class.
Once running in async mode it creates a separate AsyncProducer instance per broker.And each of these AsyncProducer instances maintains its own internal background thread for sending the messages. These are called ProducerSendThread.
So there is one thread running per broker and your parallelism is based on the number of brokers available in the cluster. So adding new brokers in the cluster should provide you the flexibilities to increase the level of parallelism while producing data using Kafka.But remember adding a new broker to your cluster should be considered taking other paramaters also into consideration.