VSC: Refactor in user source folders only - visual-studio-code

In Visual Studio Code 1.68.1. under Ubuntu 22.04, whenever I try to refactor (rename, F2) a variable, it searches through all the files under the project tree. Then it suggests in the preview the ones that are actually involved. It's correct, but exploring all the files may take a lot of time.
Is there a way to tell VSC to look at the user source files only? I mean the ones under include and src? Or, even better, select (or exclude) directories for refactoring?
I read this question, but it's related to a search rather than a refactoring.


Is it possible to rank search results lower based on the file path in VS Code?

There are certain files that I'd like to always appear below other files in the search results. E.g. generated files and tests. I don't want to exclude them from the search results. Usually, I'd be searching for files that aren't generated or tests. There's a setting called "Search: Sort Order", but none of them work because the files I want to de-rank are interspersed with other files.
Is there a setting or extension that could work?
I'm not sure this is possible with the current LTS version of Visual Studio Code.
However, if you want the feature to be available, and many people also want it, you can make a new GitHub Issue with the tag feature-request. Microsoft might review it (if there are many people who want it too), and add the feature.
Edit: This link at Visual Studio Code might help. Click here for the documentation.

Is there a way to collapse only files in VS Code’s explorer?

I work on a large project where large portions of the files are not in “leaf nodes”. There are many directories with subdirectories and a large number of files as well. This poor organization has made navigating the file tree an onerous exercise to say the least.
I’m wondering whether there is a convenient solution, native or in an extension, that allows the VS Code explorer sidebar to by default not show all the files in a directory that either has subdirectories in it or has them open. Instead it could have an item called Files which could be separately expanded/collapsed as if it were a subdirectory.
The program WinDirStat uses this approach by default, here is an image for reference. Notice how there is a section labeled “Files” to reduce clutter.
If this doesn’t exist as a setting or an extension, I suppose that’s not a bad idea for a project.

How to use vs code to manage scattered files?

Most of my projects have files scattered in different directories. I am just checking out vs code and am wondering if there are sufficient project management features to suit this need.
Ideally, it would have a way to place files from different locations into a named 'group'. The group could be opened and closed (I mean brought in to view, or loaded into vs code) easily via a pick list. A file could be moved from group A to group B; the file location on disk would remain the same, just it's membership in a group would change. I would want the relationsip between the groups and the related files to be savable so that the same groups and associated files would be accessible after vs code as been closed and the opened again.
vs code looks very capable, but I've only gone over a few tutorials and haven't use it for anything real yet. It does say it's file and folder centric, and OS level folders are not how these files are organized. Maybe there is a feature I've not seen yet or a plugin.
I too was looking for something similar, but unable to find a solution. I did find a work-around though. There is an extension called File Group that allows creating a group of file with full path to locations of each file. New to vsCode myself, it took me a while to figure it out, but worth the effort. Hint, once installed, go to settings, Extensions, File Group and Edit in settings.json to add your file list.

How can I search for a file in just one specific folder in VSCode when using a workspace with multiple folders?

I'm using the workspace feature of VSCode, with two projects, but it's annoying to search for a file in the front-end project and need to pass by back-end files to find the one I want.
I'm using ctrl + p to search for files.
How can I search for a file in just one folder with multiple projects opened in the workspace?
Yes thats possible: use a relative path: ./mySearchedProjectName in "files to include"-input
from HERE!
UPDATED answer to UPDATED question
The fuzzy file finder (CTRL+P or ⌘+P) somehow supports prefixing the filename with a folder, such as folder/filename to locate a file from a specific folder:
But, in my experience, the search is a bit lacking. For example, I find it usually can only find files this way if that file has been recently opened in your workspace. It also does not support regex.
The best thing that can be done is to enable including recently opened files by adding this to the workspace settings:
"settings": {
"search.quickOpen.includeHistory": true,
AFAIK, there is no other built-in way to filter the results. There are (still) open feature requests for this, like this Allow quick open to filter on folder names by typing folder name after the file. You can thumbs-up them to hopefully get them noticed.
ORIGINAL answer to ORIGINAL question
I don't know what you mean by "projects" since VS Code only has "workspaces" and "folders", such that you add folders to a workspace. I think you're already doing this, where each folder contains a separate set of codes.
With that said, the Search/Find panel has an area to specify files to include, where you can limit your search to a specific folder. For example:
Here I have 3 folders (proj 1-3) added to a workspace. I have 3 sample files with the same text.
When searching, you can set files to include to a specific folder (./proj2), so that the search results will be limited to that folder.
I've found the best solution to this for me (though it's still a sub-optimal one) is simply to run multiple VS Code instances, one for each folder.
It's a pain to start up, but once you get things going (and hopefully you're not restarting often on your dev machine, so this is less of an issue) it works perfectly: you can search for files with only the relevant ones showing up.
Also, if you want to reduce the start-up pain you can make a shortcut/alias/etc. in your operating system that starts both at once.

NetBeans: should nbactions.xml, nb-configuration.xml and catalog.xml go into source control?

This thread is very useful for finding out which files in Netbeans should go into source countrol, but it doesn't cover all files.
In particular I'm wondering whether the following files should go into source control. Here are my assumptions/guesses:
nb-configuration.xml - easiest - the file itself in the comment says it should go into source control.
nbactions.xml - from what I see this file stores information typical to running the application. I.e. JVM arguments etc. So I suppose it is a question of taste - if you want other developers to have a "suggested" Run configuration - include it. Otherwise - don't. Correct?
catalog.xml - not sure what this does (I GUESS it's used by the editor to find out xml schemas and such to enable syntax coloring, but it's just a guess). Anyway - I see that this file has system-specific information (path) - so it shouldn't go into source control.
Can anyone confirm the above?
I never put my IDE configuration files in the repository, for several reasons:
other colleagues may want to use theirs;
other colleagues may want to use other IDEs (such as Eclipse) and seeing those files (or even have to exclude them from the checkout) could be annoying for them;
some of these files are generally not related to a single project, others automatically generated, so no need to store them in the source code of every project.
In order to exclude them, our first solution was the .svnignore, but it was still logically wrong to modify some shared content for the specific needs of a single user, so we decided to be more strict:
in my ~/.subversion/config I have:
global-ignores = nbactions.xml nbproject
Hope this helps,
In my Maven based projects I put nbactions.xml into source control. Just make sure to change absolute paths to relative ones.
I put nbactions.xml into source control BUT there is a caveat: it's internal format can change so if your developers, for any reason, use different versions of NetBeans you could have to remove it because sharing it becomes nasty.
Recently I upgraded from NetBeans 7.3.1 to 7.4 and the "Run" action was giving a strange error message. I solved the problem by deleting and regenerating nbactions.xml: the old one had a custom Maven goal for the "Run" and "Debug" actions; it was org.codehaus.mevenide:netbeans-deploy-plugin:1.2.4:deploy it was not visible in the IDE v7.3.1 (perhaps it has been generated by an even older version for internal usage) and was generating a class not found for org.openide.util.Lookup in v7.4. I'm documenting the problem here because I found the solution by myself after an unsuccessful search on the Net. I hope this can help someone else.