How to export all deleted data from tally using XML - tally

I want to export all deleted masters and vouchers from tally using XML. I got deleted data when download directly from tally. Structure of deleted data portion looks like

To get all vouchers use below XML
<!-- * Supports only xml format -->
<SVViewName>Accounting Voucher View</SVViewName>
<SVTODATE TYPE="Date">31-Mar-2022</SVTODATE>
<SYSTEM TYPE="Formulae" NAME="DeleteFilter">$ISDELETED = Yes</SYSTEM>
Use want to get deletes Masters then replace the type with mastertype
Ex: if you want deleted Ledgers then <TYPE>Ledgers</TYPE>
This is what used in TDL


Extra namespace in xsl output eclipse

Since our company is moving from AX to SAP I'm also making a 'shift' from visual studio to eclipse. I'd thought it would be nice to start with a small xslt project but when trying my existing (made in VS) xsl I noticed some differences.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:msxsl="">
<xsl:output method="xml" indent="yes" />
<xsl:strip-space elements="*" />
<xsl:template match="#*|node()">
<xsl:apply-templates select="#*|node()" />
<xsl:template match="msxsl:SalesType">
<xsl:when test="(../msxsl:SalesType) = 'ReturnItem'">
<xsl:element name="MessageType" namespace="">384</xsl:element>
<xsl:element name="MessageType" namespace="">380</xsl:element>
Generates an output xml with msxsl prefix xmlns:msxsl="">380:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SalesInvoice xmlns="">
<CustInvoiceJour class="entity">
Whereas visual studio xsl leaves out the xmlns:msxsl specification (which is correct):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Envelope xmlns="">
<SalesInvoice xmlns="">
<CustInvoiceJour class="entity">
Since it’s already in the namespace
I don’t want this addition here. Is there anything I can do to change this in eclipse?
Kind regards,
No, Visual Studio is NOT correct to omit this namespace. If you don't want it included you should explicitly omit it using xsl:exclude-result-prefixes="msxsl".

What's wrong with my trace compass analysis?

I've generated an event stream with an lttng-ust, using the header file, contatining the following event declaration:
int, value_arg
ctf_integer( int, value, value_arg )
After successfully opening it in a TraceCompass, I've tried to write an analysis with an XYChart, showing this value stream as a simple plot. My XML file contains the following:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- The state provider assigns states from events -->
<stateProvider id="org.eclipse.linuxtools.ust.random_chart" version="1">
<traceType id="org.eclipse.linuxtools.lttng2.ust.tracetype" />
<label value="Value chart analysis" />
<!-- Event handlers -->
<eventHandler eventName="random_chart:point">
<stateAttribute type="constant" value="Dummy" />
<stateAttribute type="constant" value="Value" />
<stateValue type="eventField" value="value" />
<!-- This is the definition of the XY chart view -->
<xyView id="my.test.xy.chart.view">
<analysis id="org.eclipse.linuxtools.ust.random_chart" />
<entry path="Dummy/Value">
<display type="constant" value="Value" />
<name type="self" />
I can't see what's wrong with it (even after reading all the related xml-schema files in a git-repository).
I can import this successfully, but after clicking on an 'XML XY Chart View' I see an empty plot and a single (last in the event stream) value under the 'type filter text'.
AFAIK the 'State System Explorer' shows me correct 'Value at timestamp' corresponding to the 'Full attribute path' equal to 'Dummy/Value'. Probably I miss something.
EDIT1: I've tried to fix, but still have no luck:
<entry path="Dummy"> <display type="constant" value="Value" /> <name type="self" /> </entry>
EDIT2: Same problem with:
<entry path="Dummy/Value">
<display type="self" />
<name type="self" />
You have 2 possibilities to fix the problem, given that you have only one attribute with data:
1- Change the <entry path="Dummy/Value"> to <entry path="Dummy"> and keep the rest
2- Keep your entry and change the display element to <display type="self" />
A display of type constant means it tries to read an attribute of that name under the main path, so here, it was trying to read "Dummy/Value/Value", which doesn't exist
EDIT: Here's a working example of the view part for your analysis:
<xyView id="my.test.xy.chart.view">
<analysis id="org.eclipse.linuxtools.ust.random_chart" />
<label value="Random view" />
<entry path="Dummy">
<display type="constant" value="Value" />
<name type="self" />

Joomla 3 cannot disable custom plugin

I just installed a custom plugin in Joomla 3 and now I cannot disable it.
When I click disable (or edit) I receive "Internal Server Error".
xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<extension version="3.0" type="plugin" group="content">
<name>Content - Availability Calendar</name>
<author>Joomla! Project</author>
<copyright>Copyright (C) 2005 - 2010 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved.</copyright>
<license> GNU/GPL</license>
<filename plugin="calendar">calendar.php</filename>
<param name="unit_id" type="text" size="5" default="50" label="Villa ID" description="Villa ID"/>
You're XML code is old and is based on the code used for Joomla 1.5. You need to replace the following:
<param name="unit_id" type="text" size="5" default="50" label="Villa ID" description="Villa ID"/>
with this:
<fields name="params">
<fieldset name="basic">
<field name="unit_id" type="text" size="5" default="50" label="Villa ID" description="Villa ID"/>
Then for each new parameter you want to add, simply add a new <field>

a slippery JSF syntax error

If I try to display a JSF 2 page on Tomcat 7.0.34 with:
jsf-api/impl 2.1.7
el-api 2.5
jstl 1.2
like this one:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<title>Prova errore di sintassi</title>
<ui:include src="/WEB-INF/include/menubar.xhtml" />
<p:ajaxStatus style="width: 32px;height: 32px;" />
<p:growl />
<p:panel id="pannello">
<p:focus />
globalOnly="true" />
<h:panelGrid columns="3">
title="tit x pens2"
style="padding-right: 3px; display: inline-block; min-width: 60px;" />
title="tit x pens2"
valueChangeListener="#{miocomp.pensCambiato}" />
<h:outputLabel value="pippo" />
<p:message for="ckpensionat2" />
update="pannello" />
Nothing is showing!
please pay attention to the error of double closing tag
<h:outputLabel value="pippo" />
My questions are:
why </h:outputLabel> is evincted like a syntax error on Eclipse while </p:selectBooleanCheckbox> not
when I try to show this page I get a blank page. If I remove the error all goes fine.
no errors at all appears on my log view neither on tomcat 7 log dir
thanks in advance for any suggestions
It is a syntax error (invalid XML) since in <h:outputLabel value="pippo" />
</h:outputLabel> you close the tag twice; once with the /> end tag and secondly with the </h:outputLabel> element. Also, p:selectBooleanCheckbox doesn't have title attribute. I'm pretty sure IDE can't validate the rest of the document because of these errors, so it only complains about the first.
That's normal...
I believe you should increase the log level or change the javax.faces.PROJECT_STAGE parameter to Development in your app's web.xml

zend navigation single level menu using xml file

With zend framework how do i create a single level menu?
I followed a tutorial and the person created a two level dropdown menu. I want to just remove home. I've modified the navigation.xml file a couple times and it caused a fatal error.
What xml markup do i need to promote the children of home as the parent level menus? As in i don't need a home button at all.
Desired outcome:
Current outcome:
• who
• what
• when
• why
Current navigation.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<label>sign in</label>
<?php function _initViewHelpers() {
// ... Skipping to relevant part
$navContainerConfig = new Zend_Config_Xml(APPLICATION_PATH . '/configs/navigation.xml', 'nav');
$navContainer = new Zend_Navigation($navContainerConfig);
} ?>
<div class="navigation"><?php print $this->navigation(); ?></div>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<label>sign in</label>
What about setMaxDepth() and setMinDepth()? You can set how deep you want your menu to be rendered:
<?= $this->navigation()->menu()
->render() . PHP_EOL; ?>
Also, you can find more information about the navigation view helper in the official manual. These information are often more relevant than the ones you can find in tutorials.
you should be able to just adjust your container to display only the links you want displayed. In this case you would just remove the Home elements from your xml file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<label>sign in</label>
When you remove the Home menu from the XML file , you get an exception
Zend_Navigation_Exception: Invalid argument: Unable to determine class to instantiate in C:\www\project\library\Zend\Navigation\Page.php on line 235