apply map partitions on pyspark dataframe to run python logic - pyspark

I would like to apply spacy nlp on my pyspark dataframe. I am using map partitions concept on my pyspark dataframe to apply python logic that consists of spacy.
Spark version: 3.2.0
Below is the sample pyspark dataframe:
token id
0 [This, is, java, world] 0
1 [This, is, spark, world] 1
Below is the code where I am passing a data to the python function and returning a dictionary
def get_spacy_doc_parallel_map_func(partitionData):
import spacy
from tqdm import tqdm
import pandas as pd
from spacy.tokens import Doc
if not Doc.has_extension("text_id"):
Doc.set_extension("text_id", default=None)
columnNames = broadcasted_source_columns.value
partitionData = pd.DataFrame(partitionData, columns=columnNames)
This function creates a mapper of review id and review spacy.doc.Doc type
def get_spacy_doc_parallel(data):
text_tuples = []
dodo = data[['token','id']].drop_duplicates(['id'])
for _,i in dodo.iterrows():
doc_tuples = nlp.pipe(text_tuples, as_tuples=True,n_process=8,disable=['tagger','parser','ner'])
docsf = []
for doc, context in tqdm(doc_tuples,total=len(text_tuples)):
doc._.text_id = context["text_id"]
for doc in docsf:
vv[doc._.text_id] = doc
return vv
id_spacy_doc_mapper = get_spacy_doc_parallel(partitionData)
partitionData['spacy_doc'] = id_spacy_doc_mapper
partitionData_dict = partitionData.to_dict("index")
result = []
for key in partitionData_dict:
return iter(result)
resultDF_tokens = data.rdd.mapPartitions(get_spacy_doc_parallel_map_func)
df = spark.createDataFrame(resultDF_tokens)
The issue I am getting here is that the length of dictionary values does not match with length of the dataframe. Below is the error
ValueError: Length of values (954) does not match length of index (1438)
{0: This is java word, 1: This is spark world }
The above dictionary is assigned as a column to the python dataframe after applying spacy (partitionData['spacy_doc'] = id_spacy_doc_mapper)

I don't have enough experience with spacy to figure out what the intent is here and I'm very confused by the input and output because the input looks tokenized, but I'll take a stab at it and list my assumptions and the problems I ran into.
First off, I think Fugue can make this type of transformation significantly easier. It will use the underlying Spark UDF, pandas_udf, mapPartition, or mapInPandas depending what parameters you supply. The point is that Fugue will handle that boilerplate. For you, it seems you have Pandas DataFrame in (that part is clear), but the output is less clear. I think you are passing some iterable of list to make Spark happy, but I think Pandas DataFrame output might be simpler. I'm guessing here.
So first we set some stuff up. This is all native Python. The tokens_from_list portion was removed from the original because it seems like the latest versions deprecated it. Shouldn't matter for the example.
import pandas as pd
from typing import List, Any, Iterable, Dict
import spacy
from spacy.tokens import Doc
if not Doc.has_extension("text_id"):
Doc.set_extension("text_id", default=None)
data = pd.DataFrame({"token": ["This is java world", "This is spark world"],
"id": [0, 1]})
and then you define your logic for one partition. I am assuming Pandas DataFrame in and Pandas DataFrame out, but Fugue can actually support many other types such as Pandas DataFrame in and Iterable[List] out. The important thing is just you annotate your logic so Fugue knows how to handle it. Note this code is still native Python. I edited the logic a bit to just get it to work. Again, I am pretty sure I butchered the logic somewhere, but the example can still work. I really couldn't find a way for the original to work (because I don't know spacy enough)
def get_spacy_doc(data: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
text_tuples = []
dodo = data[['token','id']].drop_duplicates(['id'])
for _,i in dodo.iterrows():
doc_tuples = nlp.pipe(text_tuples, as_tuples=True,n_process=1,disable=['tagger','parser','ner'])
docsf = []
for doc, context in doc_tuples:
doc._.text_id = context["text_id"]
for doc in docsf:
vv[doc._.text_id] = doc
id_spacy_doc_mapper = vv.copy()
data['space_doc'] = id_spacy_doc_mapper
return data
Now to bring this to Spark, all you have to do with Fugue is:
from fugue import transform
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()
sdf = spark.createDataFrame(data)
sdf = transform(sdf, get_spacy_doc, schema="*, space_doc:int", engine=spark)
and the Fugue transform will handle it. This is to run on Spark, but you can also run on Pandas if you don't supply an engine like this:
df = transform(data, get_spacy_doc, schema="*, space_doc:int")
This allows you to test the logic clearly without relying on Spark. It will then work when you bring it to Spark. Schema is a requirement because it is a requirement for Spark.
On partitioning
The Fugue transform can take partitioning strategy. For example:
transform(df, func, schema="*", partition={"by":"col1"}, engine=spark)
but for this case, I don't think you partition on anything so you can just use the default partitions, which is what will happen.
On parallelization
You have this code like:
nlp.pipe(text_tuples, as_tuples=True,n_process=8,disable=['tagger','parser','ner'])
This is two-stage parallelism. The first stage is Spark mapping over partitions, and the second stage is this pipe operation (I assume). Two stage parallelism is an anti-pattern in distributed computing because the first stage will already occupy all the available resources on the cluster. The parallelism should be done on the partition level. If you do something like this, it's very common to run into resource deadlocks when the 2nd stage tries to occupy resources also. I would recommend setting the n_process=1.
On tqdm
I may be wrong on this one but I don't think tqdm plays well with Spark because I don't think you can get a real time progress bar for work that happens on worker machines. It can only work on the driver machine. The workers don't send logs to the driver for the functions it runs.
If the example is clearer, I can certainly help you port this logic to Spark. Feel free to reach out. I hope at least some bit of this was useful.


How to develop and test python transforms code locally?

What is the recommended way to develop and test python transforms code locally, given that the input datasets fit into memory of the local machine?
The simplest way that doesn't require you to mock the transforms package, would be to just extract your logic into a pure python with pyspark function that receives dataframes as input and returns the dataframe.
from my_business_logic import magic_super_complex_computation
def my_transform(input1, input2):
return magic_super_complex_computation(input1, input2)
You can now import in your test the magic_super_complex_computation and test it just with pyspark.
from my_business_logic import magic_super_complex_computation
def test_magic_super_complex_computation(spark_context):
df1 = load_my_data_as_df(spark_context, "input1")
df2 = load_my_data_as_df(spark_context, "input2")
result = magic_super_complex_computation(input1, input2).collect()
assert len(result) == 123
Do note that this requires you to provide a valid spark context as a fixture in your pytest (or whatever testing framework you are using)

javanullpointerexception after"Missing") in scala?

I've been trying to learn/use Scala for machine learning and to do that I need to convert string variables to an index of dummies.
The way I've done it is with the StringIndexer in Scala. Before running I've used"missing") to replace missing values. Even after I run that I still get a NullPointerException.
Is there something else I should be doing or something else I should be checking? I used printSchema to filter only on the string columns to get the list of columns I needed to run StringIndexer on.
val newDf1 ="Missing")
val cat_cols = Array("highest_tier_nm", "day_of_week", "month",
"provided", "docsis", "dwelling_type_grp", "dwelling_type_cd", "market"
val transformers: Array[] = cat_cols
.map(cname => new StringIndexer()
val stages: Array[] = transformers
val categorical = new Pipeline().setStages(stages)
val cat_reweight =
Normally when using machine learning you would train the model with one part of the data and then test it with another part. Hence, there are two different methods to use to reflect this. You have only used fit() which is equivalent to training a model (or a pipeline).
This mean that your cat_reweight is not a dataframe, it is a PipelineModel. A PipelineModel have a function transform() that takes data with the same format as the one used for training and gives a dataframe as output. In other words, you should add .transform(newDf1) after fit(newDf1).
Another possible issue is that in your code you have used fit(newDf) instead of fit(newDf1). Make sure the correct dataframe is used for both the fit() and transform() methods, otherwise you will get a NullPointerException.
It works for me when running locally, however, if you still get an error you could try to cache() after replacing the nulls and then performing an action to make sure all transformations are done.
Hope it helps!

Scala & Spark: Only one CPU utilized

I identified a snippet of code, that extremely harms the parallelization of the following program (ML pipeline). It's purpose was to "digitalize" a column, e.g. transforming a column "int" with values Array(0,1,2,0,3) into Array(0,1,1,0,1).
The (terrible) code causing the issue was
dfBin = df
.filter(df("int") > 0)
.union(df.filter(df("int") === 0))
Clearly a better code to achieve this is
dfBin = df.withColumn("bin",when(df("int") === 0,0).otherwise(1))
The question: Why does the first snippet stop Spark to parallelize and how do I identify such harmfull pieces of code faster in the future?

Run a read-only test in Spark

I want to compare the read performance of different storage systems using Spark ,e.g. HDFS/S3N. I have written a small Scala program for this:
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
object SimpleApp {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("WordCount")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val file = sc.textFile("s3n://test/wordtest")
val splits = => word)
My question is, is it possible to run a read-only test with Spark? For the program above, isn't saveAsTextFile() causing some write as well?
I am not sure if that is possible at all. In order to run a transformation, a posterior action is necessary.
From the official Spark documentation:
All transformations in Spark are lazy, in that they do not compute their results right away. Instead, they just remember the transformations applied to some base dataset (e.g. a file). The transformations are only computed when an action requires a result to be returned to the driver program.
Taking this into account, saveAsTextFile might not be considered the lightest from the wide range of actions available. Several lightweight alternatives exists, actions like count or first, for example. These would leverage almost the totality of the work to the transformations phase, making you able to measure the performance of your solution.
You might want to check the available actions and choose the one that best fits your requirements.
Yes."saveAsTextFile" writes the RDD data to text file using given path.

how to make saveAsTextFile NOT split output into multiple file?

When using Scala in Spark, whenever I dump the results out using saveAsTextFile, it seems to split the output into multiple parts. I'm just passing a parameter(path) to it.
val year = sc.textFile("apat63_99.txt").map(_.split(",")(1)).flatMap(_.split(",")).map((_,1)).reduceByKey((_+_)).map(_.swap)
Does the number of outputs correspond to the number of reducers it uses?
Does this mean the output is compressed?
I know I can combine the output together using bash, but is there an option to store the output in a single text file, without splitting?? I looked at the API docs, but it doesn't say much about this.
The reason it saves it as multiple files is because the computation is distributed. If the output is small enough such that you think you can fit it on one machine, then you can end your program with
val arr = year.collect()
And then save the resulting array as a file, Another way would be to use a custom partitioner, partitionBy, and make it so everything goes to one partition though that isn't advisable because you won't get any parallelization.
If you require the file to be saved with saveAsTextFile you can use coalesce(1,true).saveAsTextFile(). This basically means do the computation then coalesce to 1 partition. You can also use repartition(1) which is just a wrapper for coalesce with the shuffle argument set to true. Looking through the source of RDD.scala is how I figured most of this stuff out, you should take a look.
For those working with a larger dataset:
rdd.collect() should not be used in this case as it will collect all data as an Array in the driver, which is the easiest way to get out of memory.
rdd.coalesce(1).saveAsTextFile() should also not be used as the parallelism of upstream stages will be lost to be performed on a single node, where data will be stored from.
rdd.coalesce(1, shuffle = true).saveAsTextFile() is the best simple option as it will keep the processing of upstream tasks parallel and then only perform the shuffle to one node (rdd.repartition(1).saveAsTextFile() is an exact synonym).
rdd.saveAsSingleTextFile() as provided bellow additionally allows one to store the rdd in a single file with a specific name while keeping the parallelism properties of rdd.coalesce(1, shuffle = true).saveAsTextFile().
Something that can be inconvenient with rdd.coalesce(1, shuffle = true).saveAsTextFile("path/to/file.txt") is that it actually produces a file whose path is path/to/file.txt/part-00000 and not path/to/file.txt.
The following solution rdd.saveAsSingleTextFile("path/to/file.txt") will actually produce a file whose path is path/to/file.txt:
package com.whatever.package
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FileSystem, FileUtil, Path}
object SparkHelper {
// This is an implicit class so that saveAsSingleTextFile can be attached to
// SparkContext and be called like this: sc.saveAsSingleTextFile
implicit class RDDExtensions(val rdd: RDD[String]) extends AnyVal {
def saveAsSingleTextFile(path: String): Unit =
saveAsSingleTextFileInternal(path, None)
def saveAsSingleTextFile(path: String, codec: Class[_ <: CompressionCodec]): Unit =
saveAsSingleTextFileInternal(path, Some(codec))
private def saveAsSingleTextFileInternal(
path: String, codec: Option[Class[_ <: CompressionCodec]]
): Unit = {
// The interface with hdfs:
val hdfs = FileSystem.get(rdd.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration)
// Classic saveAsTextFile in a temporary folder:
hdfs.delete(new Path(s"$path.tmp"), true) // to make sure it's not there already
codec match {
case Some(codec) => rdd.saveAsTextFile(s"$path.tmp", codec)
case None => rdd.saveAsTextFile(s"$path.tmp")
// Merge the folder of resulting part-xxxxx into one file:
hdfs.delete(new Path(path), true) // to make sure it's not there already
hdfs, new Path(s"$path.tmp"),
hdfs, new Path(path),
true, rdd.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration, null
// Working with Hadoop 3?:
hdfs.delete(new Path(s"$path.tmp"), true)
which can be used this way:
import com.whatever.package.SparkHelper.RDDExtensions
// Or if the produced file is to be compressed:
rdd.saveAsSingleTextFile("path/to/file.txt.gz", classOf[GzipCodec])
This snippet:
First stores the rdd with rdd.saveAsTextFile("path/to/file.txt") in a temporary folder path/to/file.txt.tmp as if we didn't want to store data in one file (which keeps the processing of upstream tasks parallel)
And then only, using the hadoop file system api, we proceed with the merge (FileUtil.copyMerge()) of the different output files to create our final output single file path/to/file.txt.
You could call coalesce(1) and then saveAsTextFile() - but it might be a bad idea if you have a lot of data. Separate files per split are generated just like in Hadoop in order to let separate mappers and reducers write to different files. Having a single output file is only a good idea if you have very little data, in which case you could do collect() as well, as #aaronman said.
As others have mentioned, you can collect or coalesce your data set to force Spark to produce a single file. But this also limits the number of Spark tasks that can work on your dataset in parallel. I prefer to let it create a hundred files in the output HDFS directory, then use hadoop fs -getmerge /hdfs/dir /local/file.txt to extract the results into a single file in the local filesystem. This makes the most sense when your output is a relatively small report, of course.
In Spark 1.6.1 the format is as shown below. It creates a single output file.It is best practice to use it if the output is small enough to handle.Basically what it does is that it returns a new RDD that is reduced into numPartitions partitions.If you're doing a drastic coalesce, e.g. to numPartitions = 1, this may result in your computation taking place on fewer nodes than you like (e.g. one node in the case of numPartitions = 1)
You can call repartition() and follow this way:
val year = sc.textFile("apat63_99.txt").map(_.split(",")(1)).flatMap(_.split(",")).map((_,1)).reduceByKey((_+_)).map(_.swap)
var repartitioned = year.repartition(1)
You will be able to do it in the next version of Spark, in the current version 1.0.0 it's not possible unless you do it manually somehow, for example, like you mentioned, with a bash script call.
I also want to mention that the documentation clearly states that users should be careful when calling coalesce with a real small number of partitions . this can cause upstream partitions to inherit this number of partitions.
I would not recommend using coalesce(1) unless really required.
Here's my answer to output a single file. I just added coalesce(1)
val year = sc.textFile("apat63_99.txt")