Is it possible to add custom fields to Paypal checkout - paypal

I have implemented simple Add to Basket buttons to my client's website using 'legacy' Paypal forms and using the Paypal checkout process. My client now wants to add a tickbox and text-box as part of the checkout (ie. fields that are not associated with specific product items) so my question is, can such fields be added? If not, what is the simplest way of implementing this?
Thanks in advance


How to remove “paypal/express/review” step

Can you please provide solution or any module to remove extra layer of review with paypal express checkout method
we are using Magento Version.
I don't know the best way to accomplish this with Magento in particular, but it is an open source cart so you could conceivably implement the necessary modifications:
Append "&useraction=commit" when redirecting the customer to PayPal. This will change the button verbiage on from "Continue" to "Pay Now". It is a cosmetic-only change, it will not make any functional changes.
The corresponding functional change is to have your server immediately execute the API call DoExpressCheckoutPayment when the customer returns, skipping the review step and directly displaying the result.

Submitting form data to paypal

I need to submit the contents of my form from a form that computes the price of the order to the paypal checkout so that clients don't have to reenter product description and prices.
What options do I have?
If you want to stick to basic HTML forms you can use Payments Standard, specifically the cart upload method.
If you're comfortable with web service API's I'd recommend going with Express Checkout.
There are other options, but those are what I'd recommend starting with.

Add same custom input fields to all Paypal 'add to cart' buttons

I have a list of items on my site that can be purchased, each with a generic Paypal 'Add to cart' button. What I need to be able to do is to collect info from eight additional fields - I've done this in the past on a page with just a single 'buy it now' button via on0/os0, but I don't want the customer to have to enter this extra information on every item they add to cart as it will be the same for every item on the order. Ideally the eight fields I need would be put on the Payment Page, but from what I've read Paypal don't allow this.
What would be the neatest way of doing this? If there was only one form on the page I can see how I could easily do it, but as each 'add to cart' button is a separate form I'm a bit stuck.
Thanks in advance!
You can build your own cart functionality and then use cart upload to transmit the result to PayPal for checkout.
(Or better yet, if you can write API calls, use the Express Checkout API -- with SOLUTIONTYPE=Sole in the initial SetExpressCheckout call if PayPal is your only method of taking payments)
Basically, you have to build this sort of custom cart functionality yourself. PayPal will gladly process the payment with the information you then send, and that is all.

platform with multilple paypal vendors

I'm building an Elance style site for a client who wants paypal incorporated so job posters can pay the job winners.
Would each job winner need to go to Paypal, get the unique Paypal HTML which creates the "Pay with Paypal" button for them, and then input this on our platform? Or is there another way to do it?
There are a number of ways this could be done.
You could generate buttons for people using the Button Manager API.
You could also use Express Checkout along with the Permissions API so you can have a single checkout system that works with everybody involved.
You could use Adaptive Payments in a number of different ways depending on your needs.
Really going to need more details about what your overall goal is to provide a better recommendation, but yes, those would be better options than having job winners create their own buttons.

Custom banner image in Paypal express checkout

I need to implement Paypal express checkout and client needs the Paypal checkout to have their own theme (at least the header). Paypal facilitates that by providing an option to upload banner image and a logo. That works fine for me, but I have a different scenario here.
Paypal checkout has 3 (abstract) steps, first where Paypal asks for login, second where it asks you to review shipping address and final the payment confirmation page. I need Paypal checkout to have three different banner images for three different steps. The reason I want to do this is because I want to give a feel of navigation to the user, each banner image will have a tab selected for each step. It might sound confusing, look at the screenshot attached and you'll understand. Its a shot from a checkout on
Is this possible at all? If not, how have the guys at done this? Is there any other way to implement tab/navigation like the header in Paypal Checkout? Any suggestions?
Etsy uses a fixed header as well, specifically
However, the same header is used when you're returned to Etsy's website for order review and order completion.
To answer your question directly; in PayPal itself, you can't set up three different 'headers' for each step in the process.