Application control plane and data plane in kubernetes - kubernetes

I am new to Kubernetes. I am planning to build/deploy an application to EKS. This will likely be deployed on azure and gcp as well.
I want to separate data plane and control plane in my application deployed in EKS.
Is there anyway EKS/kubernetes allows to accomplish this?
Or should we go for two EKS with one for data plane and another for control plane?
Here is the problem(copied from the answer below)
I have an application, built using the microservice architecture
(meaning you will have it split into components that will communicate
with eachother).
I want to deploy this application on a public cloud (EKS, GCP, AWS).
I want a separation of the APPLICATION control plane (decision making
components like authentication APIs, internal service routing) from
the APPLICATION data plane (the serving of your application data to
the clients through the egress).

My Understanding
What I understand from your description is:
You have an application, built using the microservice architecture (meaning you will have it split into components that will communicate with eachother).
You want to deploy this application on a public cloud (EKS, GCP, AWS).
You want a separation of the APPLICATION control plane (decision making components like authentication APIs, internal service routing) from the APPLICATION data plane (the serving of your application data to the clients through the egress).
If those 3 points above are true, then the answer is yes, every cloud platform has these capabilities. You will need to architect your application in a manner that your control microservices are isolated from your data microservices. There are many ways in which you can do it (most/all of them are available in all public clouds).
Some Design Ideas
Here is a conceptual description:
By using authentication and authorization mechanisms to ensure authorized communication between control and data plane applications. Think kubernetes ServiceAccounts.
By using network policies to restrict unauthorized traffic flow between microservices. You will require a networking overlay that supports these. Think calico CNI.
By using separate namespaces for your application services as necessary for better isolation.
At one level below, in your cloud, you can limit the traffic using security groups. Or even gateways.
You can use different instance types that match your various workload types, this will not only ensure optimal performance but also separation of failure domains. For example, if a dedicated database instance crashed, the event streaming service will still be running.
Some Notes
Also understand that in a public cloud solution (even EKS) a cluster->cluster traffic is more expensive for you than the traffic inside a single cluster. This will be a very important cost factor and you should consider using a single cluster for your application. (k8s clusters can typically scale to 1000s of nodes).
I hope this somewhat answers your question. There are a lot of decisions you need to make but in short, yes, it is possible to do this separation, and your entire application will have to be designed in this way.

I great open-source observability control plane for you apps is Odigos. The installation is super easy and within a few minutes you can get traces, metrics and logs. You get auto-instrumentation for all languages (including GO) as well as a manager of your opentelemetry collectors.
Check it out:


Kubernetes Cluster Federation retired?

I have come across a need that I need to serve application users based on their geo-location.
One possibility, I could think of it to have application installed on multiple k8s clusters hosted in different region and then load-balance the traffic based on geo-location of the users.
While exploring this idea, I came across several articles on "Kubernetes Cluster Federation" (e.g. But seems like this functionality has been retired as mentioned in
Does someone know:
If there is any alternative for "Kubernetes Cluster Federation"?
Is there any other solution/s to address the need of serving users based on their geo-location?
If we leave the application part, is there any way to store the data in same geo-location?
Thanks! is a successor to the "Kubernetes Cluster Federation", though I am not sure what is its current state. If you want to deploy a global loadbalancer, I suggest to have a look into .
...k8s clusters hosted in different region and then load-balance the traffic based on geo-location of the users
If you determine the user location simply by the network location, you can use DNS geolocation routing capability such as Route 53 to reach nearest services. In this context k8s federation is not required.
If we leave the application part, is there any way to store the data in same geo-location?
Apart from global scale database solution such as Aurora, Spanner, your application can point to a centralize database that resides in one of the region; if the increase latency is acceptable.

Does sidecar topology has to be one to one?

I am trying to learn sidecar pattern in the single-node patterns (which is used for implementing proxies, resource logging, etc.) for distributed systems.
I was just wondering if it has anything to do with the cardinality ratios in classes. Does the sidecar to application container have to be one-to-one always?
[ Reference and the images from Designing Distributed by Systems Brendan Burns ]
In general, for enhancing the functionality of the main container, the sidecar container is added. They are light weight supporting processes or services that are usually deployed with the main application.
A sidecar is used mainly for performing peripheral operations mostly without the knowledge of application container. It shall be mostly sharing the same volume, namespace etc as that of main container. It shall be a container that runs on the same pod as the application container.
Based on requirement, it shall help in taking care of peripheral functionalities like performing updates, platform abstraction, interservice communications, monitoring or security‑related handlers on behalf of main container.
Sidecar shall be wherever the main application is present and it's lifecycle is tightly coupled to the main application container. Just as how each motorcycle can have its own sidecar to meet its additional requirement, for each instance of the application, an instance of the sidecar is deployed alongside it for additional peripheral requirements. In general, the sidecar container shall be designed to be small, pluggable and less complex. Hence, it is predominately one to one with main application.
In case if the sidecar service involves more ipc with main application,
it is preferred for having the logic to be part of main application which in turn is based on your requirement. Also, if the sidecar gets bloated or increasingly complex and if it has to scale independently from the main application, then it shall be made an independent service rather than sidecar.

Is redirection a valid strategy for an API Gateway?

I read this article about the API Gateway pattern. I realize that API Gateways typically serve as reverse proxies, but this forces a bottleneck situation. If all requests to an application's public services go through a single gateway, or even a single load balancer across multiple replicas of a gateway (perhaps a hardware load balancer which can handle large amounts of bandwidth more easily than an API gateway), then that single access point is the bottleneck.
I also understand that it is a wide bottleneck, as it simply has to deliver messages in proxy, as the gateways and load balancers themselves are not responsible for any processing or querying. However, imagining a very large application with many users, one would require extremely powerful hardware to not notice the massive bandwidth traveling over the gateway or load balancer, given that every request to every microservice exposed by the gateway travels through that single access point.
If the API gateway instead simply redirected the client to publicly exposed microservices (sort of like a custom DNS lookup), the hardware requirements would be much lower. This is because the messages traveling to and from the API Gateway would be very small, the requests consisting only of a microservice name, and the responses consisting only of the associated public IP address.
I recognize that this pattern would involve greater latency due to increased external requests. It would also be more difficult to secure, as every microservice is publicly exposed, rather than providing authentication at a single entrypoint. However, it would allow for bandwidth to be distributed much more evenly, and provide a much wider bottleneck, thus making the application much more scalable. Is this a valid strategy?
A DNS/Public IP based approach not good from a lot of perspectives:
Higher attack surface area as you have too many exposed points and each need to be protected
No. of public IPs needed is higher
You may need more DNS settings with subdomains or domains to be there for these APIs
A lot of times your APIs will run on a root path but you may want to expose them on a folder path, which requires
you to use some gateway for the same
Handling SSL certificates for these public exposures
Security on a focussed set of nodes vs securing every publically exposed service becomes a very difficult task
While theoretically it is possible to redirect clients directly to the nodes, there are a few pitfalls.
Security, Certificate and DNS management has been covered by #Tarun
Issues with High Availability
DNS's cache the domains vs IP's they serve fairly aggressively because these seldom change. If we use DNS to expose multiple instances of services publicly, and one of the servers goes down, or if we're doing a deployment, DNS's will continue routing the requests to the nodes which are down for a fair amount of time. We have no control over external DNS's and their policies.
Using reverse proxies, we avoid hitting those nodes based on health checks.

Multi region high availability on GKE - what to do with the PostgreSQL database?

Google has ]this cool tool kubemci - Command line tool to configure L7 load balancers using multiple kubernetes clusters with which you can basically have a HA multi region Kubernetes setup. Which is kind of cool.
But let's say we have an basic architecture like this:
Front end is implemented as SPA and uses json API to talk to backend
Backend is a set of microservices which use PostgreSQL as a DB storage engine.
So I can create two Kubernetes Clusters on GKE, put both backend and frontend on them (e.g. let's say in London and Belgium) and all looks fine.
Until we think about the database. PostgreSQL is single master only, so it must be placed in one of the regions only. And If backend from London region starts to talk to PostgreSQL in Belgium region the performance will really be poor considering the 6ms+ latency between those regions.
So that whole HA setup kind of doesn't make any sense? Or am I missing something? One option to slightly mitigate the issue is would be have a readonly replica in the the "slave" region, and direct read-only queries there (is that even possible with PostgreSQL?)
This is a classic architecture scenario that has no easy solution. Making data available in multiple regions is a challenging problem that major companies spend a lot of time and money to solve.
PostgreSQL does not natively support multi-master writes. Your idea of a replica located in the other region with logic in your app to read and write to the correct database would work. This will give you fast local reads, but slower writes in one region. It's also more complicated code in you app and more work to handle failover of the master. Bandwidth and costs can also be problems with heavy updates.
Use 3rd-party solutions for multi-master Postgres (like Postgres-BDR by 2nd Quadrant) to offload the work to the database layer. This can get expensive and your application still has to manage data conflicts from two regions overwriting the same data at the same time.
Choose another database that supports multi-regional replication with multi-master writes. Cassandra (or ScyllaDB) is a good choice, or hosted options like Google Spanner, Azure CosmosDB, AWS DynamoDB Global Tables, and others. An interesting option is CockroachDB which supports the PostgreSQL protocol but is a scalable relational database and supports multiple regions.
If none of these options work, you'll have to create your own replication system. Some companies do this with a event-sourced / CQRS architecture where every write is a message sent to a central log, then applied in every location. This is a more work but provides the most flexibility. At this point you're also basically building your own database replication system.
If you have multi cluster ingress set up on two clusters in different regions, then the multi cluster ingress will only send traffic to the closest region to the user.
If the closest region is down, this is when traffic will be routed to the cluster in the other region.
So using the example you have provided, if there is traffic being sent to the backend and this user is closer to London, then traffic sent by this user will always be sent to London as long as the Region is up and running.
In regards dealing with latency, you will have to deal with the latency in this case as you cannot create a read replica within another region.
The benefit of this functionality (multi-cluster ingress) is that if one region goes down, then you have another region to route the traffic to.

How does it connect various microservices with Docker?

I have two microservices into Docker and I want to connect one with other, but I don´t know to do it. The two (and the future apps) are API Rest with Spring-boot, I am searching info, tutorials... but I don`t see nothing. My idea is have an main app that it is be able to connect with the other microservices that they are API Rest and afterwards this main app publish and all this I want to have it inside of the container (Docker).
Is it possible?
Anyone knows any tutorial that explain this?
Thanks so much!
What you are describing could be an API Gateway. Here is a great tutorial explaining this pattern.
Implement an API gateway that is the single entry point for all clients. The API gateway handles requests in one of two ways. Some requests are simply proxied/routed to the appropriate service. It handles other requests by fanning out to multiple services.
A variation of this pattern is the Backend for Front-End pattern. It defines a separate API gateway for each kind of client.
Using an API gateway has the following benefits:
Insulates the clients from how the application is partitioned into microservices
Insulates the clients from the problem of determining the locations of service instances
Provides the optimal API for each client
Reduces the number of requests/roundtrips. For example, the API gateway enables clients to retrieve data from multiple services with a single round-trip. Fewer requests also means less overhead and improves the user experience. An API gateway is essential for mobile applications.
Simplifies the client by moving logic for calling multiple services from the client to API gateway
Translates from a “standard” public web-friendly API protocol to whatever protocols are used internally
The API gateway pattern has some drawbacks:
Increased complexity - the API gateway is yet another moving part that must be developed, deployed and managed
Increased response time due to the additional network hop through the API gateway - however, for most applications the cost of an extra roundtrip is insignificant.
How implement the API gateway?
An event-driven/reactive approach is best if it must scale to scale to handle high loads. On the JVM, NIO-based libraries such as Netty, Spring Reactor, etc. make sense. NodeJS is another option.
Just give you the simplest answer:
In general containers can communicate among each others with any protocols (http,ftp,tcp,udp) not limit to only rest(http/s)
using the internal/ external IPs and ports
using the internal/ external names (dns):
in your Micro-service is in the same cluster on multi-host -> you should be able to write the program in your Springboot to call http://{{container service name}} , It's the built-in feature of containers
if you have more microservices in different cluster or hosts or the internet , you can use APIM (API management) or reverse-proxy(NGINX,HAProxy) to manages the service name eg. —> container1 or service1(cluster) —> container2 or service 2(cluster)—> container2 or service 2(cluster)—> container1 or service1(cluster)
PS . there are more sophisticated techniques out there but it fundamentally come down above approaches.