will a workflow be executed by multiple workflow workers at the same time? - cadence-workflow

Under normal circumstances, will a workflow be executed by multiple workflow workers at the same time? Because multiple workflow workers can polldecision tasks to execute, if not, how does he do it?

No it will not.
There is only one pending workflow decision task at a time. When a workflow worker is working on a decision task, Cadence will not schedule another one until the current one completed, failed or timeout.
However, timeout is enforced by server, technically when a decision task timeout the worker is still working on it. But the results will not be accepted afterwards.

It depends on many factors. A workflow can be executed by a single worker if it is short. But it will be executed by many workers if it takes long enough to be pushed out of the worker cache or a worker fails/restarts.
But the same workflow is executed exactly once in all these situations.


Detecting outstanding celery tasks

This is purely for a non-eager pytest mode of operation. I want to know when celery has "caught" up with all the outstanding work. Is there any way to find that information? My testing config has a celery_session_app and a single celery_session_worker in it's own thread.
Check the number of entries in the Rabbit queue. This has problems because of pre-fetch. I can set prefetch to 1 and maybe solve it that way but I worry about race conditions. (I'm testing chords and some celery tasks queue other celery tasks)
Add a task to the "end" of the list and then .wait() on it to finish. This has problems for tasks that queue other tasks because the queue is being extended in the other thread so I can be at the end of the list when queued, but that quickly moves forward as tasks are queued behind it. I can work around this using .apply_async(countdown=3) but this is pretty much the definition of a race condition and I might need countdown=4 or I might need nothing and that is some number of seconds wasted on a test regardless.
Use signals (somehow). But what I really need is a worker_is_bored which does not exist and suffers from the same kind of race conditions mentioned above. Tasks queueing tasks could make it flash "bored" and right back to "busy".
time.sleep(N) but what should N be. (i'm running pytest -n 10 so how busy the machine is during tests, is non-trivial). And this wastes time like countdown= above.

Whether the workflow worker in uber-cadence has control of the number of coroutines?

If the workflow executes for a long time (for example, the workflow executes sleep), will a large number of coroutines be generated?
Cadence or Temporal workflow only needs a worker to generate the next steps to execute. When it is blocked waiting for an external event like a timer it doesn't consume any worker resources. So a single worker can process a practically unlimited number of workflows given that it can keep up with their execution rate.
As an optimization workflows are cached on a worker. But any of them can be kicked out of cache at any time without affecting their correctness.

What exactly is a Cadence decision task?

Activity tasks are pretty easy to understand since it's executing an activity...but what is a decision task? Does the worker run through the workflow from beginning (using records of completed activities) until it hits the next "meaningful" thing it needs to do while making a "decision" on what needs to be done next?
My Opinions
Ideally users don't need to understand it!
However, decision/workflow Task a leaked technical details from Cadence/Temporal API.
Unfortunately, you won't be able to use Cadence/Temporal well if you don't fully understand it.
Fortunately, using iWF will keep you away from leakage. iWF provides a nice abstraction on top of Cadence/Temporal but keep the same power.
Decision is short for workflow decision.
A decision is a movement from one state to another in a workflow state machine. Essentially, your workflow code defines a state machine. This state machine must be a deterministic state machine for replay, so workflow code must be deterministic.
A decision task is a task for worker to execute workflow code to generate decision.
NOTE: in Temporal, decision is called "command", the workflow decision task is called "workflow task" which generates the "command"
Let say we have this workflow code:
public string sampleWorkflowMethod(...){
var result = activityStubs.activityA(...)
result = activityStubs.activityB(...)
return result
From Cadence/Temporal SDK's point of view, the code is a state machine.
Assuming we have an execution that the result of activityA is xyz, so that the execution will go to the sleep branch.
Then the workflow execution flow is like this graph.
Workflow code defines the state machine, and it's static.
Workflow execution will decide how to move from one state to another during the run time, based on the intput/result/and code logic
Decision is an abstraction in Cadence internal. During the workflow execution, when it change from one state to another, the decision is the result of that movement.
The abstraction is basically to define what needs to be done when execution moves from one state to another --- schedule activity, timer or childWF etc.
The decision needs to be deterministic --- with the same input/result, workflow code should make the same decision --- schedule activityA or B must be the same.
Timeline in the example
What happens during the above workflow execution:
Cadence service schedules the very first decision task, dispatched to a workflow worker
The worker execute the first decision task, and return the decision result of scheduling activityA to Cadence service. Then workflow stay there waiting.
As a result of scheduling activityA, an activity task is generated by Cadence service and the task is dispatched to an activity worker
The activity worker executes the activity and returns a result xyz to Cadence service.
As a result of receiving the activity result, Cadence service schedules the second decision task, and dispatch to a workflow worker.
The workflow worker execute the second decision task, and respond the decision result of scheduling a timer to Cadence service
On receiving the decision task respond, Cadence service schedules a timer
When the timer fires, Cadence service schedules the third decision task and dispatched to workflow worker again
The workflow worker execute the third decision task, and respond the result of completing the workflow execution successfully with result xyz.
Some more facts about decision
Workflow Decision is to orchestrate those other entities like activity/ChildWorkflow/Timer/etc.
Decision(workflow) task is to communicate with Cadence service, telling what is to do next. For example, start/cancel some activities, or complete/fail/continueAsNew a workflow.
There is always at most one outstanding(running/pending) decision task for each workflow execution. It's impossible to start one while another is started but not finished yet.
The nature of the decision task results in some non-determinism issue when writing Cadence workflow. For more details you can refer to the article.
On each decision task, Cadence Client SDK can start from very beginning to "replay" the code, for example, executing activityA. However, this replay mode won't generate the decision of scheduling activityA again. Because client knows that the activityA has been scheduled already.
However, a worker doesn't have to run the code from very beginning. Cadence SDK is smart enough to keep the states in memory, and wake up later to continue on previous states. This is called "Workflow Sticky Cache", because a workflow is sticky on a worker host for a period.
History events of the example:
1. WorkflowStarted
2. DecisionTaskScheduled
3. DecisionTaskStarted
4. DecisionTaskCompleted
5. ActivityTaskScheduled <this schedules activityA>
6. ActivityTaskStarted
7. ActivityTaskCompleted <this records the results of activityA>
8. DecisionTaskScheduled
9. DecisionTaskStarted
10. DecisionTaskCompleted
11. TimerStarted < this schedules the timer>
12. TimerFired
13. DecisionTaskScheduled
14. DecisionTaskStarted
15. DecisionTaskCompleted
16. WorkflowCompleted
TLDR; When a new external event is received a workflow task is responsible for determining which next commands to execute.
Temporal/Cadence workflows are executed by an external worker. So the only way to learn about which next steps a workflow has to take is to ask it every time new information is available. The only way to dispatch such a request to a worker is to put into a workflow task into a task queue. The workflow worker picks it up, gets workflow out of its cache, and applies new events to it. After the new events are applied the workflow executes producing a new set of commands. After the workflow code is blocked and cannot make any forward progress the workflow task is reported as completed back to the service. The list of commands to execute is included in the completion request.
Does the worker run through the workflow from beginning (using records of completed activities) until it hits the next "meaningful" thing it needs to do while making a "decision" on what needs to be done next?
This depends if a worker has the workflow object in its LRU cache. If workflow is in the cache, no recovery is needed and only new events are included in the workflow task. If object is not cached then the whole event history is shipped and the worker has to execute the workflow code from the beginning to get it to its current state. All commands produced while replaying past events are duplicates of previously produced commands and are ignored.
The above means that during a lifetime of a workflow multiple workflow tasks have to be executed. For example for a workflow that calls two activities in a sequence:
The tasks will be executed for every state transition:
-> workflow task at the beginning: command is ScheduleActivity "a"
-> workflow task when "a" completes: command is ScheduleActivity "b"
-> workflow task when "b" completes: command is CompleteWorkflowExecution
In the answer, I used terminology adopted by temporal.io fork of Cadence. Here is how the Cadence concepts map to the Temporal ones:
decision task -> workflow task
decision -> command, but it can also mean workflow task in some contexts
task list -> task queue

How can I create a Scheduled Task that will run every Second in MarkLogic?

MarkLogic Scheduled Tasks cannot be configured to run at an interval less than a minute.
Is there any way I can execute an XQuery module at an interval of 1 second?
Considering the situation where the Task Server is fully loaded and I need to make sure that the secondly scheduled task gets the Task Server thread whenever it needs.
Please let me know if there is anything in MarkLogic that can be used to achieve this.
Wanting rapid-fire scheduled tasks may be a hint that the design needs rethinking.
Even running a task once a minute can be risky, and needs careful thought to manage the possibilities of overlapping tasks and runaway tasks. If the application design calls for a scheduled task to run once a second, I would raise that as a potentially serious problem. Back up a few steps, and if necessary ask a new question about the higher-level problem that led to looking at scheduled tasks.
There was a sub-question about managing queue priority for tasks. Task priorities can handle some of that. There are two priorities: normal and higher. The Task Server empties the higher-priority queue first, then the normal queue. But each queue is still a simple queue, and there's no way to change priorities after a task has been spawned. So if you always queue tasks with priority=higher, then they'll all be in the higher priority queue and they'll all run in order. You can play some games with techniques like using server fields as signals to already-running tasks. But wanting to reorder tasks within a queue could be another hint that the design needs rethinking.
If, after careful thought about all the pitfalls and dangers, I decided I needed a rapid-fire task of some kind.... I would probably do it using external requests. Pick any scripting language and write a simple while loop with an HTTP request to the MarkLogic cluster. Even so, spend some time thinking about overlapping requests and locking. What happens if the request times out on the client side? Will it keep running on the server? Will that lead to overlapping requests and require deadlock resolution? Could it lead to runaway resource consumption?
Avoid any ideas that use xdmp:sleep. That will tie up a Task Server thread during the sleep period, and then you'll have two problems.

I want to have a queue that push task to worker (celeryd) depend on interval time setting

I 'm working of project that use celery, rabbitmq. I want to have right to control interval that queue push task to worker(celeryd).
It sounds like you're looking for this documentation on Periodic Tasks.
Essentially, you configure and run celerybeat, which fires off task executions at intervals.
Word of warning:
If it's undesirable to be running your task multiple times concurrently, I'd suggest you follow a task locking recipe. If your workers are busy or offline, you may end up with a backlog of periodic tasks.