X-Frame-Options to SameOrigin Angular Application - tableau-api

Trying to load Tableau Report/Dashboard on the Angular app using the IFrames.
As per the documentation setting the JS path as https://<>/javascripts/api/tableau-2.min.js
then using the tableau Viz object tried to load the report. However it is giving the error
"Refused to display <https://server.tableau.com> in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'sameorigin'
How to set the Iframe to avoid this error in Angular 11 application.


Facebook not showing iframe in custom tab

We are using a Custom Tab on our Facebook Page and it is built in an iframe on our own website.
All of a sudden we are getting this error and the iframe is blocked:
Refused to frame 'https://www.mywebsite.com/' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "default-src 'self' facebook.com *.facebook.com fbcdn.net *.fbcdn.net fbsbx.com *.fbsbx.com cdninstagram.com *.cdninstagram.com data: blob: *.whatsapp.com whatsapp.com *.whatsapp.net whatsapp.net". Note that 'frame-src' was not explicitly set, so 'default-src' is used as a fallback.
We haven't changed anything so would guess it is a change that Facebook have made.
I have tried adding <meta> tags to the header, but am still getting the error message and the iframe is not loading in the custom tab on the Facebook Page.
Any ideas on how to resolve this?
Update : Looks like this might be a current bug with Facebook : https://developers.facebook.com/support/bugs/386260146322594/?join_id=f28b0ca1724537c
Update : This bug is now here https://developers.facebook.com/support/bugs/268717971719721/?join_id=ff134a3080fdec

How to define a custom "This browser is not supported" page in Sails.JS

When I try to use a Sails.js site in production mode with a Safari 5.1, I'm getting a "This browser is not supported" page with a big Sails.JS logo. What's the proper way to customize this page ? . Also, how can I check what rules are applied to allow or block old browsers from using the site?
The website works as expected with modern browsers ( it even works in IE 11 ).
I found it.
It's defined in the layout of the site that was generated from the template file caviar-layout.js . The layout is in /views/layouts
The Layout File includes the image, rules to block browsers and the custom message.

Ionic load URL within application NOT IN APP BROWSER

I am trying to load HTTPS url in ionic app.
I had tried to use iFrame but it shows error
Refused to display in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'SAMEORIGIN'
Used IN app Browser but its useless it shows extra UI that i dont want to.
Do you have any other idea to load HTTPS in ionic app.

Refused to display in a frame becasue it sets X-frame-options to DENY?

I am using Single sing on in my project using Microsoft login now I am trying to use yammer embed on this site but it is giving the following error.
Refused to display https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/authorize? client_id=xxxx&login_hint=&nonce=xxxx&nux=1&prompt=none&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fpersona.yammer.com%2F office_sessions%3Fon_error%3Dhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.yammer.com%2Fplatform_embed%2Foffice_login_error&response_mode=query&response_type=id_token&scope=open_id&site_id=xxxx&state=xxxx in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'DENY'
can anybody help me with this.
This is an intentional behaviour - normally Identity Providers will refuse to display login page within an iframe due to security reasons. You should use either pop-up or in-place redirect.

IOS 5 - webview not displaying html rendered from reportviewer contro(.NET)

I am requesting aspx page which is using reportviewer controlĀ  and returning html.
Problem faced:
IOS 5 : It fails to render this html on first attempt. But when you close the app and log in again, Report is getting rendered properly after a long time.
IOS-4 : It works fine there, that is, html is getting rendered properly in first attempt on webview.
1)On browsers firebug, I saw that aspx url itself making multiple internal requests, that is, 1 main aspx is calling internally urls such as
b)about blank
2)When I compare IOS-4 and IOS-5 request logs, I saw there is requests mismatch. In IOS-4, there were 6 requests in total where as in IOS-5 there were 5 requests. In some of the request,webview didfinishload delgate not getting fired.
3)I tried with google.com, its getting rendered properly on both IOS.
4)I pasted the url on safari browser of iphone,the report is getting displayed properly.
I am using this:
[wvDisplayHTMLURL loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:strURLHTML]]];
where strURLHTML contains aspx url and wvDisplayHTMLURL is webview.
Is the problem is from iphone side or server side(Ajax/Javascript)?
Any one has solution for this? Where am i wrong?
Apple seems to have made some changes in the WebView control for iOS 5.
I think your best option would be to identify and solve this issue from server side.