Images in Strapi media library not showing - content-management-system

I just deployed my strapi cms to heroku, and the problem is when I add assets into media library, the images will not showing after few minutes, it looks like this
The URL of the images exists on the API, but when I check it manually, it shown 'not found' message. Any solution of this case?

This Issue may be solved. According to the #strapi/provider-upload-cloudinary documentation
According to that, we need to add the below code to ./config/middlewares.js file.
module.exports = [
// ...
name: 'strapi::security',
config: {
contentSecurityPolicy: {
useDefaults: true,
directives: {
'connect-src': ["'self'", 'https:'],
'img-src': ["'self'", 'data:', 'blob:', '', ''],
'media-src': ["'self'", 'data:', 'blob:', '', ''],
upgradeInsecureRequests: null,
// ...
This should resolve the issue and we should be able to see the image thumbnails in the Strapi media library.


How to deploy an generate a static site on Nuxt 3

Hello I'm creating website on Nuxt and i have created a new app on Nuxt 3. But I have an probleme for the deployement, there is no 'normal' build for 'normal server' as Nuxt 2.x.
I'm using 'Lamdba' preset.
// nuxt.config.ts
import { defineNuxtConfig } from 'nuxt3'
export default defineNuxtConfig({
// Global page headers:
nitro: {
preset: 'lambda'
head: {
title: 'Title',
meta: [
{ charset: 'utf-8' },
{ name: 'viewport', content: 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1' }
link: [
{ rel: 'icon', type: 'image/png', href: '/favicon.png' }
script: [
type: 'text/javascript',
src: '/mana.js',
And on Nuxt 2.x I used this :
// nuxt.config.js
export default {
// Disable server-side rendering:
ssr: false,
// Target:
target: 'static'
What configuration i should to use on Nuxt 3 to have 'normal' export with an index.html file at the root for all server ?
Please use generate script like yarn generate this will create the .output/public and output will depend on ssr: boolean property in nuxt.config.ts.
if ssr is true which is by default, then there will be individual html for each dynamic route and that means dynamic routes are rendered at build time and whenever there is change in data or number of dynamic routes then you will need to run this command again.
if ssr is false then rendering will be done at client side, like SPA app and dynamic routes will have only one file that will do client side rendering and data will be fetched at client side that way site will show latest data.
Check static-hosting
Static deployment is not currently available for Nuxt 3
Besides adding target: 'static' in your nuxt.config.ts
export default defineNuxtConfig({
target: 'static' // default is 'server'
You also need to update your build script to be nuxi generate in your package.json (which was nuxi build originally)
"scripts": {
"build": "nuxi generate"
I managed to deploy my nuxt3 project static to gh-pages. I had to overcome two obstacles.
yarn generate did not generate static routes until I explicitly forced it by setting
generate: {routes: ['/','all','my','other','routes']} ....
in nuxt.config.js as target:"static" did not work for me.
gh-pages need an empty .nojekyll file which seems currently not being generated by nuxt generate nor gh-pages. I entered the following into my package.json:
"deploy": "touch .output/.nojekyll && gh-pages --dotfiles -d .output"
This seems ugly but works for me.

Why is my Workbox GenerateSW showing my offline page while connected?

I'm trying to setup my offline page using Workbox GenerateSW() and running into an issue where on the first load after I clear site data and hard refresh displays my homepage, but on subsequent loads I am getting the offline page I set up even though I'm online. I have a multi page PHP app that has the assets served up by a CDN. I run the GenerateSW() task in a JS file called by an npm node script.
Here is my GenerateSW() code...
// Pull in .env file values...
const dotEnv = require('dotenv').config({ path: '/var/www/my-project/sites/www/.env' });
if (dotEnv.error) {
throw dotEnv.error
const {generateSW} = require('workbox-build');
// Used to break cache on generate of new SW where file is composed of multiple pieces that can't be watched.
const genRanHex = (size = 24) => [...Array(size)].map(() => Math.floor(Math.random() * 16).toString(16)).join('');
const mode = 'development';
swDest: './sites/www/public/service-worker.js',
skipWaiting: true,
clientsClaim: true,
cleanupOutdatedCaches: true,
cacheId: genRanHex(),
mode: mode,
navigateFallback: '/offline',
offlineGoogleAnalytics: mode === 'production',
globDirectory: './sites/assets/public',
globPatterns: [
modifyURLPrefix: {
'dist/': `${dotEnv.parsed.APPLICATION_ASSETS_CDN}/dist/`,
'img/shell/': `${dotEnv.parsed.APPLICATION_ASSETS_CDN}/img/shell/`,
ignoreURLParametersMatching: [/v/],
additionalManifestEntries: [
"url": "/offline",
"revision": genRanHex()
runtimeCaching: []
}).then(({count, size}) => {
console.log(`Generated service worker, which will precache ${count} files, totaling ${size} bytes.`);
navigateFallback is not actually offline page. From workbox docs:
If specified, all navigation requests for URLs that aren't precached will be fulfilled with the HTML at the URL provided. You must pass in the URL of an HTML document that is listed in your precache manifest. This is meant to be used in a Single Page App scenario, in which you want all navigations to use common App Shell HTML.
For offline page, this question might help.
So the accepted answer was correct in my misuse of navigateFallback which I was trying to use as an offline fallback for non cached routes. After some digging and tinkering, I found the correct way to go about it. The important part that I missed or was not documented well enough on Workbox is that the offline fallback happens at the runtimeCache level...
// Pull in .env file values...
const dotEnv = require('dotenv').config({ path: '/var/www/my-project/sites/www/.env' });
if (dotEnv.error) {
throw dotEnv.error
const {generateSW} = require('workbox-build');
// Used to break cache on generate of new SW where file is composed of multiple pieces that can't be watched.
const genRanHex = (size = 24) => [...Array(size)].map(() => Math.floor(Math.random() * 16).toString(16)).join('');
const mode = 'development';
swDest: './sites/www/public/service-worker.js',
skipWaiting: true,
clientsClaim: true,
cleanupOutdatedCaches: true,
cacheId: genRanHex(),
mode: mode,
offlineGoogleAnalytics: mode === 'production',
globDirectory: './sites/assets/public',
globPatterns: [
modifyURLPrefix: {
'dist/': `${dotEnv.parsed.APPLICATION_ASSETS_CDN}/dist/`,
'img/shell/': `${dotEnv.parsed.APPLICATION_ASSETS_CDN}/img/shell/`,
ignoreURLParametersMatching: [/v/],
additionalManifestEntries: [
"url": "/offline",
"revision": genRanHex()
runtimeCaching: [
urlPattern: /^https:\/\/([\w+\.\-]+www\.mysite\.tv)(|\/.*)$/,
handler: 'StaleWhileRevalidate',
options: {
cacheName: 'core',
precacheFallback: {
fallbackURL: '/offline' // THIS IS THE KEY
}).then(({count, size}) => {
console.log(`Generated service worker, which will precache ${count} files, totaling ${size} bytes.`);

how to sync data from ydn-db web app to backend server?

With ydn-dn, i want to automatically synchronise data from my web app with my REST back end.
I read the documentation and searched in examples but i cannot make it work.
I tried to define a schema with sync configuration like that :
var schema = {
stores: [ {
name: 'contact',
keyPath: 'id',
Sync: {
format: 'rest',
transport: service,
Options: {
baseUri: '/'
and created a function for transport :
var service = function(args) {
console.log("contact synch");
but my service function is never called.
I certainly misunderstood how YDN-db work, but i didn't found any example.
To complete, here is a jsfiddle :
Please see the example
Older example from

Meteor User Accounts - Facebook login not showing but Google is

I am trying to integrate the Meteor UserAccounts Bootstrap package following this guide.
I have set the ServiceConfiguration properly for both the services but only Google shows up. I also tried adding Twitter but even that does not work. Does anyone have any idea what I'm missing?
Packages -
Accounts configuration on the server -
// /server/lib/config/accoutns.js
Meteor.startup(function() {
// Add Facebook configuration entry
{ service: "facebook" },
{ $set: {
appId: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
secret: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
{ upsert: true }
// Add Google configuration entry
{ service: "google" },
{ $set: {
{ upsert: true }
{ service: "twitter" },
{ $set: {
consumerKey: "XXXXXXXXXXXX",
secret: "XXXXXXXX"
{ upsert: true }
But this is all that comes up -
EDIT1: I just noticed something very interesting. I cloned this exact project on my friend's macbook and everything is coming up perfectly as expected. (I was using a Linux mint 17 earlier). I think this is some kind of a bug but not sure what is culprit here.
You may be using ublock or adblock on your browser. Simply disable it and it'll work.
Its a bit weird but it looks like while Meteor is unminified it blocks anything with facebook or twitter in its url such as the facebook/twitter packages' js code.

How to Upload Image to AWS server from rails Controller

Please Help for Upload image on AWS server in Controller.
I want following things to do.
1. Submit form data with image.
2. Get the image in controller and upload to AWS server.
3. No model coding for upload image to AWS.
Instead of write code in model as below
has_mongoid_attached_file :avatar, {
path: ':class/:id/:style/:basename.:extension',
storage: :s3,
bucket: bucket_name,
s3_credentials: {
access_key_id: 'access_key_id',
secret_access_key: 'secret_access_key'
styles: {
thumb: ['90x90^', :jpg],
feature: ['220x142^', :jpg],
show_page: ['720x420^', :jpg],
preview: ['145x90^', :jpg]
I want to upload image directly from controller.
and only save the URL of uploaded image in database instead of below.
"attachment_file_name": "imagename.png",
"attachment_content_type": "image/png",
"attachment_file_size": 1235,
"attachment_updated_at": TimeStamp,
i want to store only URL like this
avatar =
NOTE: My project in Rails 3.1.12 , Ruby 1.9.3p484 using mongoid
You need to pass url option in model , like this
has_mongoid_attached_file :avatar, {
:url => ':s3_alias_url',
Hi friend your store S3 credential model this is wrong thing, you need to store s3 credential in separate yml file.
In Your config/production.rb
# config/environments/production.rb
config.paperclip_defaults = {
:storage => :s3,
:s3_credentials => {
:bucket => ENV['S3_BUCKET_NAME'],
:access_key_id => ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'],
:secret_access_key => ENV['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY']
Writer your paperclip.rb
Paperclip::Attachment.default_options[:url] = ':s3_domain_url'
Paperclip::Attachment.default_options[:path]= '/:class/:attachment/:id_partition/:style/:filename'
In your model need to validate image type
has_attached_file :avatar, styles: {
thumb: '100x100>',
square: '200x200#',
medium: '300x300>'
# Validate the attached image is image/jpg, image/png, etc
validates_attachment_content_type :avatar, :content_type => /\Aimage\/.*\Z/