Invalid Scopes in uber android sdk - uber-api

I'm trying to integerate uber in my app and now I'm getting INVALID_SCOPES even for non-previleged scopes, here's my code.
val config: SessionConfiguration = SessionConfiguration.Builder().setClientId("clientid")
.setRedirectUri("redirect uri")
.setClientSecret("client secret")
val accessTokenManager = AccessTokenManager(context)
loginManager = LoginManager(accessTokenManager, loginCallback, config, uberReqCode)


authlib.jose.errors.InvalidClaimError: invalid_claim: Invalid claim "iss"

I'm building an oauth2 client with Flask and Authlib. My code to register the oauth is:
google = oauth.register(
client_kwargs={'scope': 'openid email'},
And my /authorize endpoint looks like this:
def authorize():
google = oauth.create_client('google')
token = google.authorize_access_token()
resp = google.get('userinfo')
userinfo = resp.json()
return str(userinfo)
But I am getting the error
authlib.jose.errors.InvalidClaimError: invalid_claim: Invalid claim "iss"
I had this issue and removing the openid value from scope fixed it. I guess my google config didn't accomodate it,

How to convert this code to scala (using adal to generate Azure AD token)

I am currently working on a Scala code that can establish a connection to an SQL server database using AD token.
There are too little documentation on the subject online so I tries to work on it using python. Now it is working, I am looking to convert my code to Scala.
Here is the python script:
context = adal.AuthenticationContext(AUTHORITY_URL)
token = context.acquire_token_with_client_credentials("", CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET)
access_token = token["accessToken"]
df= \
.format("") \
.option("url", URL) \
.option("dbtable", "tab1") \
.option("accessToken", access_token) \
.option("hostNameInCertificate", "*") \
Here is the Java code that you can use as a base, using the acquireToken function:
String authority = "<org-uuid>;
ExecutorService service = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1);
AuthenticationContext context = new AuthenticationContext(authority, true, service);
ClientCredential credential = new ClientCredential("sp-client-id", "sp-client-secret");
AuthenticationResult result = context.acquireToken("resource_id", credential, null).get();
// get token
String token = result.getAccessToken()
P.S. But really, ADAL's usage isn't recommended anymore, it's better to use MSAL instead (here is the migration guide)

Gatling Error when running multiple users - 'httpRequest-2' failed to execute: No attribute named 'access_token' is defined

im new to Gatling and have been trying to setup a test where my users login, get an access token, then perform some simple get requests using that token. Having 1-2 users works fine, however once i start ramping up the users i start getting spammed with this error:
[ERROR] i.g.h.a.HttpRequestAction - 'httpRequest-2' failed to execute: No attribute named 'access_token' is defined
Im thinking it could have something to do with the way I am saving and using the access token ?
class GatlingTest extends Simulation {
val httpProtocol = http
.inferHtmlResources(BlackList(""".*\.js""", """.*\.css""", """.*\.gif""", """.*\.jpeg""", """.*\.jpg""", """.*\.ico""", """.*\.woff""", """.*\.woff2""", """.*\.(t|o)tf""", """.*\.png""", """.*detectportal\.firefox\.com.*"""), WhiteList())
object GetUserData {
val userData = exec(http("Get_User_Data")
.header("Authorization", "Bearer ${access_token}"))
object GetUserInfo {
val userInfo = exec(http("Get_User_Info")
.header("Authorization", "Bearer ${access_token}")
.header("Accept", "application/json"))
object Login {
val sentHeaders = Map("api_key" -> "nnxzv336wt2374h6zw5x24qd", "Content-Type" -> "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Accept" -> "application/json")
val login = exec(http("Login_User")
.basicAuth("username", "password")
val user = scenario("User").exec(Login.login).exec(GetUserData.userData, GetUserInfo.userInfo)
I have added Authorization Bearer to the get requests, like i mentioned it does work, but as soon as 3+ users are involved i get the error.
It means the login request failed and hence, the user wasn't able to capture the access_token there.

IllegalAccessError when using DynamoDBMapper to encrypt data in EMR

I followed this document: and setup encryption client and mapper to encrypt an items and batchsave into Table but it is not working and throwing errors as given below
stack Trace details:
ERROR Client: Application diagnostics message: User class threw exception: java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access class from class at at at at at at$.batchSaveInDDB(DDBOperations.scala:40)
Config details:
AWSJavaSDKExternalRelease = 1.11.x;
# Spark dependencies
Spark-core = 2.2.1;
Spark-sql = 2.2.1;
DaxJavaClient = 1.0;
ANTLR-Runtime = 3.5.x;
DynamoDbGrammar = 1.0;
Lombok = 1.16.x;
LombokUtils = 1.1;
Maven-com-amazonaws_aws-dynamodb-encryption-java = 1.x;
Mapper code:
def getDynamoDBMapper(region: String): DynamoDBMapper = {
val cmkArn = "*****************************"
val kms: AWSKMS = AWSKMSClientBuilder.standard().withRegion(region).build()
val cmp: DirectKmsMaterialProvider = new DirectKmsMaterialProvider(kms, cmkArn)
val encryptor: DynamoDBEncryptor = DynamoDBEncryptor.getInstance(cmp)
val mapperConfig: DynamoDBMapperConfig = DynamoDBMapperConfig.builder.withSaveBehavior(DynamoDBMapperConfig.SaveBehavior.CLOBBER).build
new DynamoDBMapper(ddclient, mapperConfig, new AttributeEncryptor(encryptor))
Resolved after adding spark property:
--conf spark.driver.userClassPathFirst=true

Unsupported authentication token, scheme='none' only allowed when auth is disabled: { scheme='none' } - Neo4j Authentication Error

I am trying to connect to Neo4j from Spark using neo4j-spark-connector. I am facing an authentication issue when I try to connect to the Neo4j org.neo4j.driver.v1.exceptions.AuthenticationException: Unsupported authentication token, scheme='none' only allowed when auth is disabled: { scheme='none' }
I have checked and the credentials I am passing are correct. Not sure why is it failing.
import org.neo4j.spark._
import org.apache.spark._
import org.graphframes._
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import org.neo4j.driver.v1.GraphDatabase
import org.neo4j.driver.v1.AuthTokens
val config = new SparkConf()
config.set(Neo4jConfig.prefix + "url", "bolt://localhost")
config.set(Neo4jConfig.prefix + "user", "neo4j")
config.set(Neo4jConfig.prefix + "password", "root")
val sparkSession :SparkSession = SparkSession.builder.config(config).getOrCreate()
val neo = Neo4j(sparkSession.sparkContext)
val graphFrame = neo.pattern(("Person","id"),("KNOWS","null"), ("Employee","id")).partitions(3).rows(1000).loadGraphFrame
println("**********Graphframe Vertices Count************")
println("**********Graphframe Edges Count************")
val pageRankFrame = graphFrame.pageRank.maxIter(5).run()
val ranked = pageRankFrame.vertices
val top3 = ranked.orderBy(ranked.col("pagerank").desc).take(3)
Can someone please have a look and let me know the reason for the same?
It might be a configuration issue with your neo4j.conf file. Is this line commented out:
I had a similar problem, creating the following spring beans fixed the issue.
public org.neo4j.ogm.config.Configuration getConfiguration() {
return new org.neo4j.ogm.config.Configuration.Builder()
.credentials("neo4j", "secret")
public SessionFactory sessionFactory(org.neo4j.ogm.config.Configuration configuration) {
return new SessionFactory(configuration,
"<your base package>");