How can I use an Alias as function parameter, In PowerShell? - powershell

I have an Alias named "github", for example.
Set-Alias -Name github -Value "C:\UserName\Folder\github"
Also I have a function named "goto", for example:
Function goto ( [string] alias ) { Set-Location -Path $alias }
How can I use this function on my terminal passing as parameter an alias.
> goto github
Output: `cannnot find "CurrentLocation\github" folder, cause the function not resolve the alias as parameter

An Alias, in simple terms, is just an association to a cmdlet, function, script file, or executable program. When we Set-Alias, what's happening is that a new AliasInfo instance is added to the Alias: PSDrive - See about Alias Provider for details.
So, to recap, when we do:
Set-Alias -Name github -Value "C:\UserName\Folder\github"
What's actually happening is that the the alias with name github is being associated with the function with name C:\UserName\Folder\github, a fun but useless demonstration:
PS /> Get-Alias github
CommandType Name Version Source
----------- ---- ------- ------
Alias github -> C:\UserName\Folder\github
PS /> ${function:C:\UserName\Folder\github} = { 'hello' }
PS /> C:\UserName\Folder\github
PS /> github
In my opinion, an easy workaround for what you're looking for would be to have one function (github) that outputs a string containing the path you want to access and a second function (goto) that receives the pipeline input, for this we use a non-advanced function that leverages the automatic variable $input:
function goto { Set-Location -Path $input }
function github { 'path\to\something' }
github | goto
Set-Alias would also be a valid use case for Set-Location since this cmdlet already accepts values from pipeline:
Set-Alias -Name goto -Value Set-Location
function github { 'path\to\something' }
github | goto
Alternatively, JPBlanc suggested, in a now deleted answer:
function goto ([string] $alias) { Set-Location -Path $alias }
function githubpath { "C:\UserName\Folder\github" }
Which would also work for a positional argument but mandates the use of the grouping operator (..):
goto (github)
Why ?
Without the grouping operator, the function goto would see github as an argument and NOT as a separated function which we want to invoke.
The operator forces the github function to be invoked first or, in other words, to take precedence and to produce it's output before the invocation of the goto function.


How to get the file directory for a custom cmdlet

The way our business is set up, our custom cmdlets are spread out across the network in several different larger files. We refer to these files in the usual "Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1"
Is there something I can run within Powershell to find where a cmdlet is running from instead of manually going through all the files referenced in "Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1" to find it?
E.g. if I have written a cmdlet called Get-UserExpiry and it is saved in C:\User\Name\Documents\CustomCmds.ps1, and I include that file path in Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1, is there a command I can use to find that file path if all I know is the cmdlet name?
Get-Command is what you need. That being said, depending on the command you are testing and the type of the command (external application, function, cmdlet, profile function), the command path won't always be assigned to the same property / subproperty.
Here's a way to get the path no matter where it is disclosed.
Function definition
Here we check the possible locations of the path based on the Get-Command result, filter out everything that is $null or empty and pick the first result we get.
Function Get-CommandLocation($Command) {
$definition = (Get-Command -Name $Command)
) | Where-Object { $_ } | Select-Object -First 1
Get-CommandLocation Get-Item # Native cmdlet
# Value obtained from (Get-Command -Name 'Get-Item').Module.Path
# Return C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Microsoft.PowerShell.Management.psd1
Get-CommandLocation Edit-Profile # Custom profile function (Test with a function in your profile (if any))
# Value obtained from(Get-Command -Name 'Edit-Profile').ScriptBlock.File
# Return C:\Users\SagePourpre\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Microsoft.VSCode_profile.ps1
Get-CommandLocation New-ExternalHelp # PlatyPS module downloaded from the gallery
# Value obtained from (Get-Command New-ExternalHelp).Module.Path
# Return C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\platyPS\0.14.2\platyPS.psm1
Get-CommandLocation -command cmd # External Program
# Value located in (Get-Command -Name 'cmd').Source
# Return C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe

How to create an alias with fixed/static parameters in Powershell [duplicate]

I'm trying to set up a Windows PowerShell alias to run MinGW's g++ executable with certain parameters. However, these parameters need to come after the file name and other arguments. I don't want to go through the hassle of trying to set up a function and all of that. Is there a way to simply say something like:
alias mybuild="g++ {args} -lib1 -lib2 ..."
or something along those lines? I am not all that familiar with PowerShell, and I'm having a difficult time finding a solution. Anyone?
You want to use a function, not an alias, as Roman mentioned. Something like this:
function mybuild { g++ $args -lib1 -lib2 ... }
To try this out, here's a simple example:
PS> function docmd { cmd /c $args there }
PS> docmd echo hello
hello there
You might also want to put this in your profile in order to have it available whenever you run PowerShell. The name of your profile file is contained in $profile.
There is not such a way built-in. IMHO, a wrapper function is the best way to go so far. But I know that some workarounds were invented, for example:
To build an function, store it as an alias, and persist the whole thing in your profile for later, use:
echo "function G$g { COMMANDS }; New-Alias -Force ALIAS G$g">>$profile
where you have replaced ALIAS with the alias you want and COMMANDS with the command or string of commands to execute.
Of course, instead of doing that you can (and should!) make an alias for the above by:
echo 'function myAlias {
$alias = $args[0]; $commands = $args[1]
echo "function G$g { $commands }; New-Alias -Force $alias G$g">>$profile
}; New-Alias alias myAlias'>>$profile
Just in case your brain got turned inside out from all the recursion (aliasing of aliases, etc.), after pasting the second code block to your PowerShell (and restarting PowerShell), a simple example of using it is:
alias myEcho 'echo $args[0]'
or without args:
alias myLs 'ls D:\MyFolder'
Iff you don't have a profile yet
The above method will fail if you don't have a profile yet!
In that case, use New-Item -type file -path $profile -force from this answer.
This is a sample function that will do different things based on how it was called:
Function Do-Something {
[string] $option1,
[string] $option2,
[int] $option3)
#$MyInvocation|select *|FL
If ($MyInvocation.InvocationName -eq 'DOIT'){write-host "You told me to do i did!" -ForegroundColor Yellow}
Else {Write-Host "you were boring and said do something..." -ForegroundColor Green}
Creating a 'filter' is also an option, a lighter alternative to functions. It processes each element in the pipeline, assigning it the $_ automatic variable. So, for instance:
filter test { Write-Warning "$args $_" }
'foo','bar' | test 'This is'
WARNING: This is foo
WARNING: This is bar

Creating powershell modules from multiple files, referencing with module

I creating a PowerShell script module using separate source files. What is the canonical way to reference source functions internal to the module from other internal source files?
For example if my module is created from PS source code in files "foo" and "bar"; and a function in "foo" needs to call a function in "bar", what is the best way to do that?
It doesn't seem like dot-sourcing would be a good idea. Nor does making the component files ("foo" and "bar") psm1 files. Is this the idea behind the "ScriptsToProcess" field in the psd1 file?
Am I thinking about this wrong (non-"PowerShelly")? Should I just dump everything into a single psm1?
I've personally followed the practice laid out by RamblingCookieMonster in his blog here:
Which is to organise your functions in to separate .ps1 files under sub-folders \Public and \Private. Public contains the functions the user should be able to call directly, Private is for the functions that are only used internally by your module.
Then in the .psm1 file you load the functions via a loop and dot sourcing as follows:
#Get public and private function definition files.
$Public = #( Get-ChildItem -Path $PSScriptRoot\Public\*.ps1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue )
$Private = #( Get-ChildItem -Path $PSScriptRoot\Private\*.ps1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue )
#Dot source the files
Foreach($import in #($Public + $Private))
. $import.fullname
Write-Error -Message "Failed to import function $($import.fullname): $_"
# Here I might...
# Read in or create an initial config file and variable
# Export Public functions ($Public.BaseName) for WIP modules
# Set variables visible to the module and its functions only
Export-ModuleMember -Function $Public.Basename
Source of this example:
You should then also explicitly list your Public function names in your .psd1 module manifest file under the FunctionsToExport setting. Doing this allows these functions to be discoverable and the module to be auto-loaded when they are used.
Since I recently had to do this myself, I am sharing my solution. I have recently started grouping functions in psm1 files. These can be compiled into a single module with a single manifest.
This allows me to have groups of functions that can be packaged with multiple modules.
Function Write-Bar {
return "Bar"
Function Write-Baz {
return "Baz"
Function Write-Foo {
return "Foo"
Function Write-FooBar {
$foo = Write-Foo
$bar = Write-Bar
return ("{0}{1}" -f $foo, $bar)
Function Write-FooBarBaz {
$foobar = Write-FooBar
$baz = Write-Baz
return ("{0}{1}" -f $foobar, $baz)
Which are combined into a single module like this:
(formatted for readability)
-Path .\Write-FooBarBazCombos
-NestedModules #('.\FooFunctions\Write-FooFunctions.psm1', '.\BarFunctions\Write-BarFunctions.psm1')
-Guid (New-Guid)
-ModuleVersion ''
-Description 'demonstrate multiple psm1 files as 1 powershell module with 1 powershell module manifest'
-PowerShellVersion $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.ToString()
-FunctionsToExport #('Write-Foo', 'Write-Bar','Write-FooBar', 'Write-FooBarBaz')
PowerShell output:
PS C:\LWC\scripting-misc\module-manifest-multiple-files-example> New-ModuleManifest -Path .\Write-FooBarBazCombos.psd1
-NestedModules #('.\Write-FooFunctions.psm1', '.\Write-BarFunctions.psm1') -Guid (New-Guid) -ModuleVersion '' -D
escription 'demonstrate multiple psm1 files as 1 powershell module with 1 powershell module manifest' -PowerShellVersio
n $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.ToString() -FunctionsToExport #('Write-Foo', 'Write-Bar','Write-FooBar', 'Write-FooBarBaz')
PS C:\LWC\scripting-misc\module-manifest-multiple-files-example> Import-Module .\Write-FooBarBazCombos.psd1
PS C:\LWC\scripting-misc\module-manifest-multiple-files-example> Get-Command -Module Write-FooBarBazCombos
CommandType Name Version Source
----------- ---- ------- ------
Function Write-Bar Write-FooBarBazCombos
Function Write-Foo Write-FooBarBazCombos
Function Write-FooBar Write-FooBarBazCombos
Function Write-FooBarBaz Write-FooBarBazCombos
note that Write-Baz is not exposed in the imported module as it is excluded from the FunctionsToExport parameter so Write-FooBarBaz will error (intentional to show behavior).
PS C:\LWC\scripting-misc\module-manifest-multiple-files-example> Write-FooBar
What you're left with in the directory:
PS C:\LWC\scripting-misc\module-manifest-multiple-files-example> Get-ChildItem | Select-Object Name
Addendum - I expanded on this answer in another question - here:
I similarly assumed that dot sourcing wasn't the best choice here, but I'm not so sure anymore. I've used the NestedModules approach as well, but have run up against a specific problem. I've asked the question here:
PowerShell module, call function in NestedModule from another NestedModule
In summary I find that the PrimaryModule can call any function in any NestedModule. But one NestedModule is not able to call a function in another NestedModule.
Splitting your code out into many logical files is Developer 101 basics. So I'm really surprised there isn't a standard way of handling this.
Any help here much appreciated. Please read the linked question, it gives plenty of detail. Is the consensus that dot sourcing has to be used? Because I'm finding the module manifest way of splitting out the code very limiting.

Get path to file that defines PowerShell function

I'm trying to figure out a way of getting the file path where a PowerShell function is defined (eg. Test1 or Test2), rather than the caller's path, which would be easily obtained via the $PSScriptRoot automatic variable.
Consider the following folder structure:
Set-Location $PSScriptRoot;
. .\Test1\Test1.ps1;
. .\Test2\Test2.ps1;
function Test1 {
param (
Write-Host -Object "Entering Test1";
Write-Host -Object "Exiting Test1";
function Test2 {
param (
Write-Host -Object "Test2";
Write-Host -Object "Exiting Test2";
I have tried using a variety of properties on the $PSCmdlet and $MyInvocation automatic variables, but cannot seem to find a way to obtain the path to the file where the function is defined, rather than where the caller is located.
Asked differently, how would I get the path C:\Scripts\Test1\Test1.ps1 from inside the Test1 function, when it's called from Test.ps1? The same goes for the Test2.ps1 script, and Test2 function. How would I get the path C:\Scripts\Test2\Test2.ps1 from inside the Test2 function?
Is this not possible because I'm using the . call operator, to import the functions into the current session?
Here's another way, get the file that contains the function using function's scriptblock File property:
I think $PSCommandPath has what you're looking for.

How can I write a PowerShell alias with arguments in the middle?

I'm trying to set up a Windows PowerShell alias to run MinGW's g++ executable with certain parameters. However, these parameters need to come after the file name and other arguments. I don't want to go through the hassle of trying to set up a function and all of that. Is there a way to simply say something like:
alias mybuild="g++ {args} -lib1 -lib2 ..."
or something along those lines? I am not all that familiar with PowerShell, and I'm having a difficult time finding a solution. Anyone?
You want to use a function, not an alias, as Roman mentioned. Something like this:
function mybuild { g++ $args -lib1 -lib2 ... }
To try this out, here's a simple example:
PS> function docmd { cmd /c $args there }
PS> docmd echo hello
hello there
You might also want to put this in your profile in order to have it available whenever you run PowerShell. The name of your profile file is contained in $profile.
There is not such a way built-in. IMHO, a wrapper function is the best way to go so far. But I know that some workarounds were invented, for example:
To build an function, store it as an alias, and persist the whole thing in your profile for later, use:
echo "function G$g { COMMANDS }; New-Alias -Force ALIAS G$g">>$profile
where you have replaced ALIAS with the alias you want and COMMANDS with the command or string of commands to execute.
Of course, instead of doing that you can (and should!) make an alias for the above by:
echo 'function myAlias {
$alias = $args[0]; $commands = $args[1]
echo "function G$g { $commands }; New-Alias -Force $alias G$g">>$profile
}; New-Alias alias myAlias'>>$profile
Just in case your brain got turned inside out from all the recursion (aliasing of aliases, etc.), after pasting the second code block to your PowerShell (and restarting PowerShell), a simple example of using it is:
alias myEcho 'echo $args[0]'
or without args:
alias myLs 'ls D:\MyFolder'
Iff you don't have a profile yet
The above method will fail if you don't have a profile yet!
In that case, use New-Item -type file -path $profile -force from this answer.
This is a sample function that will do different things based on how it was called:
Function Do-Something {
[string] $option1,
[string] $option2,
[int] $option3)
#$MyInvocation|select *|FL
If ($MyInvocation.InvocationName -eq 'DOIT'){write-host "You told me to do i did!" -ForegroundColor Yellow}
Else {Write-Host "you were boring and said do something..." -ForegroundColor Green}
Creating a 'filter' is also an option, a lighter alternative to functions. It processes each element in the pipeline, assigning it the $_ automatic variable. So, for instance:
filter test { Write-Warning "$args $_" }
'foo','bar' | test 'This is'
WARNING: This is foo
WARNING: This is bar