Get this error during update ember 3.28 and How can solve it? - ember-cli

WARNING: [DEPRECATION] [DEPRECATION] Usage of the Ember Global is deprecated. You should import the Ember module or the specific API instead.
See for details.
Usages of the Ember Global may be caused by an outdated ember-cli-babel dependency. The following steps may help:
If using yarn, run npx yarn-deduplicate --packages ember-cli-babel followed by yarn install.
If using npm, run npm dedupe.
Upgrade the following addons to the latest version:
In order to avoid repeatedly showing the same deprecation messages, no further deprecation messages will be shown for usages of the Ember Global until ember-cli-babel is upgraded to v7.26.6 or above.
To see all instances of this deprecation message, set the EMBER_GLOBAL_DEPRECATIONS environment variable to "all", e.g. EMBER_GLOBAL_DEPRECATIONS=all ember test.
Prior to v7.26.6, ember-cli-babel sometimes transpiled imports into the equivalent Ember Global API, potentially triggering this deprecation message indirectly, even when you did not observe these deprecated usages in your code.
The following outdated versions are found in your project:
ember-cli-babel#6.18.0, currently used by:
Depends on ember-cli-babel#^6.16.0
Added by ember-cli-addon-docs#0.7.0 > ember-data#3.18.0 > #ember-data/record-data#3.18.0
Added by ember-cli-addon-docs#0.7.0 > ember-data#3.18.0
ember-angle-bracket-invocation-polyfill#2.0.2 (Dormant)
Depends on ember-cli-babel#^6.17.0
Added by ember-cli-addon-docs#0.7.0
ember-assign-polyfill#2.6.0 (Dormant)
Depends on ember-cli-babel#^6.16.0
Added by ember-cli-addon-docs#0.7.0
Added by ember-cli-addon-docs#0.7.0 > ember-svg-jar#2.2.3
Added by ember-qunit#4.6.0 > #ember/test-helpers#1.7.1
ember-auto-import#1.5.3 (Dormant)
Depends on ember-cli-babel#^6.6.0
Added by #zoho/ember-product-tour#1.0.1
Added by ember-cli-addon-docs#0.7.0
ember-cli-deploy-zf-build#1.12.2 (Dormant)
Depends on ember-cli-babel#^6.6.0
ember-cli-test-loader#2.2.0 (Dormant)
Depends on ember-cli-babel#^6.8.1
Added by ember-qunit#4.6.0
Depends on ember-cli-babel#^6.12.0
Added by ember-cli-addon-docs#0.7.0
Depends on ember-cli-babel#^6.8.2
Added by ember-cli-addon-docs#0.7.0
Depends on ember-cli-babel#^6.3.0
Added by ember-cli-addon-docs#0.7.0
Depends on ember-cli-babel#^6.8.2
Added by ember-cli-addon-docs#0.7.0
Depends on ember-cli-babel#^6.8.2
Added by ember-cli-addon-docs#0.7.0 > ember-modal-dialog#3.0.0-beta.4
Depends on ember-cli-babel#^6.6.0
Added by ember-cli-addon-docs#0.7.0 > ember-data#3.18.0
Depends on ember-cli-babel#^6.6.0
Added by ember-cli-addon-docs#0.7.0
ember-maybe-import-regenerator#0.1.6 (Dormant)
Depends on ember-cli-babel#^6.0.0-beta.4
Added by ember-cli-addon-docs#0.7.0 > ember-concurrency#1.1.7
ember-named-arguments-polyfill#1.0.0 (Dormant)
Depends on ember-cli-babel#^6.6.0
Added by ember-cli-addon-docs#0.7.0
ember-router-service-polyfill#1.0.3 (Dormant)
Depends on ember-cli-babel#^6.8.2
Added by ember-cli-addon-docs#0.7.0 > ember-href-to#1.15.1
Depends on ember-cli-babel#^6.6.0
Added by ember-cli-addon-docs#0.7.0
Depends on ember-cli-babel#^6.6.0
Added by ember-cli-addon-docs#0.7.0
Depends on ember-cli-babel#^6.10.0
Added by ember-cli-addon-docs#0.7.0 > ember-modal-dialog#3.0.0-beta.4
ember-cli-babel#7.19.0, currently used by:
#ember-data/adapter#3.18.0 (Compatible)
Depends on ember-cli-babel#^7.18.0
Added by ember-cli-addon-docs#0.7.0 > ember-data#3.18.0
#ember-data/canary-features#3.18.0 (Compatible)
Depends on ember-cli-babel#^7.18.0
Added by ember-cli-addon-docs#0.7.0 > ember-data#3.18.0 > #ember-data/model#3.18.0
Added by ember-cli-addon-docs#0.7.0 > ember-data#3.18.0 > #ember-data/private-build-infra#3.18.0
Added by ember-cli-addon-docs#0.7.0 > ember-data#3.18.0 > #ember-data/record-data#3.18.0
Added by ember-cli-addon-docs#0.7.0 > ember-data#3.18.0 > #ember-data/store#3.18.0
#ember-data/debug#3.18.0 (Compatible)
Depends on ember-cli-babel#^7.18.0
Added by ember-cli-addon-docs#0.7.0 > ember-data#3.18.0
#ember-data/model#3.18.0 (Compatible)
Depends on ember-cli-babel#^7.18.0
Added by ember-cli-addon-docs#0.7.0 > ember-data#3.18.0
#ember-data/private-build-infra#3.18.0 (Compatible)
Depends on ember-cli-babel#^7.18.0
Added by ember-cli-addon-docs#0.7.0 > ember-data#3.18.0
#ember-data/record-data#3.18.0 (Compatible)
Depends on ember-cli-babel#^7.18.0
Added by ember-cli-addon-docs#0.7.0 > ember-data#3.18.0
#ember-data/serializer#3.18.0 (Compatible)
Depends on ember-cli-babel#^7.18.0
Added by ember-cli-addon-docs#0.7.0 > ember-data#3.18.0
#ember-data/store#3.18.0 (Compatible)
Depends on ember-cli-babel#^7.18.0
Added by ember-cli-addon-docs#0.7.0 > ember-data#3.18.0
#ember/test-helpers#1.7.1 (Dormant)
Depends on ember-cli-babel#^7.7.3
Added by ember-qunit#4.6.0
#glimmer/component#1.1.2 (Compatible)
Depends on ember-cli-babel#^7.7.3
ember-app-scheduler#1.0.8 (Compatible)
Depends on ember-cli-babel#^7.1.3
Added by ember-cli-addon-docs#0.7.0 > ember-router-scroll#1.3.3
ember-cli-addon-docs-yuidoc#0.2.4 (Dormant)
Depends on ember-cli-babel#^7.7.3
ember-cli-addon-docs#0.7.0 (Compatible)
Depends on ember-cli-babel#^7.18.0
ember-cli-clipboard#0.13.0 (Compatible)
Depends on ember-cli-babel#^7.7.3
Added by ember-cli-addon-docs#0.7.0
ember-cli-postcss#5.0.0 (Dormant)
Depends on ember-cli-babel#^7.1.0
Added by ember-cli-addon-docs#0.7.0
ember-cli-string-helpers#4.0.6 (Compatible)
Depends on ember-cli-babel#^7.7.3
Added by ember-cli-addon-docs#0.7.0
ember-code-snippet#3.0.0 (Compatible)
Depends on ember-cli-babel#^7.7.3
Added by ember-cli-addon-docs#0.7.0
ember-component-css#0.7.4 (Compatible)
Depends on ember-cli-babel#^7.1.4
Added by ember-cli-addon-docs#0.7.0
ember-composable-helpers#2.4.0 (Compatible)
Depends on ember-cli-babel#^7.1.0
Added by ember-cli-addon-docs#0.7.0
ember-concurrency#1.1.7 (Compatible)
Depends on ember-cli-babel#^7.7.3
Added by ember-cli-addon-docs#0.7.0
ember-data#3.18.0 (Compatible)
Depends on ember-cli-babel#^7.18.0
Added by ember-cli-addon-docs#0.7.0
ember-load-initializers#2.1.1 (Compatible)
Depends on ember-cli-babel#^7.11.0
ember-modal-dialog#3.0.0-beta.4 (Compatible)
Depends on ember-cli-babel#^7.1.3
Added by ember-cli-addon-docs#0.7.0
ember-modifier-manager-polyfill#1.2.0 (Dormant)
Depends on ember-cli-babel#^7.10.0
Added by ember-cli-addon-docs#0.7.0 > ember-on-modifier#1.0.1
ember-on-modifier#1.0.1 (Dormant)
Depends on ember-cli-babel#^7.19.0
Added by ember-cli-addon-docs#0.7.0
ember-qunit#4.6.0 (Dormant)
Depends on ember-cli-babel#^7.12.0
ember-resolver#7.0.0 (Compatible)
Depends on ember-cli-babel#^7.13.2
ember-responsive#3.0.6 (Compatible)
Depends on ember-cli-babel#^7.19.0
Added by ember-cli-addon-docs#0.7.0
ember-router-scroll#1.3.3 (Compatible)
Depends on ember-cli-babel#^7.1.2
Added by ember-cli-addon-docs#0.7.0
ember-svg-jar#2.2.3 (Compatible)
Depends on ember-cli-babel#^7.7.3
Added by ember-cli-addon-docs#0.7.0
ember-test-waiters#1.2.0 (Compatible)
Depends on ember-cli-babel#^7.11.0
Added by ember-qunit#4.6.0 > #ember/test-helpers#1.7.1
liquid-fire#0.31.0 (Compatible)
Depends on ember-cli-babel#^7.7.3
Added by ember-cli-addon-docs#0.7.0
Note: Addons marked as "Dormant" does not appear to have any JavaScript files. Therefore, even if they are using an old version ember-cli-babel, they are unlikely to be the culprit of this deprecation and can likely be ignored.
Note: Addons marked as "Compatible" are already compatible with ember-cli-babel#7.26.6. If using yarn, try running npx yarn-deduplicate --packages ember-cli-babel followed by yarn install.If using npm, try running npm dedupe.
during update ember 3.28 how can solve it?


Dependency conflicts with Poetry

I get the following error when I attempt to install/add fxcmpy and make it work with Flask framework. Any suggestions are appreciated.
Using version ^1.2.10 for fxcmpy
Updating dependencies
Resolving dependencies...
Because no versions of fxcmpy match >1.2.10,<2.0.0
and fxcmpy (1.2.10) depends on python-socketio (4.4), fxcmpy (>=1.2.10,<2.0.0) requires python-socketio (4.4).
And because flask-socketio (5.1.1) depends on python-socketio (>=5.0.2)
and no versions of flask-socketio match >5.1.1,<6.0.0, fxcmpy (>=1.2.10,<2.0.0) is incompatible with Flask-SocketIO (>=5.1.1,<6.0.0).
So, because repl-python3-flask depends on both Flask-SocketIO (^5.1.1) and fxcmpy (^1.2.10), version solving failed.
at /opt/virtualenvs/python3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/poetry/puzzle/ in _solve
237│ packages = result.packages
238│ except OverrideNeeded as e:
239│ return self.solve_in_compatibility_mode(e.overrides, use_latest=use_latest)
240│ except SolveFailure as e:
→ 241│ raise SolverProblemError(e)
243│ results = dict(
244│ depth_first_search(
245│ PackageNode(self._package, packages), aggregate_package_nodes

Nuget warning 1601: all is good, but here is a warning anyways. How does it make sense?

I get this warning:
Common.fsproj: [NU1601] Dependency specified was AWSSDK.DynamoDBv2 (>= but ended up with AWSSDK.DynamoDBv2
so the dependency specified was >=
and it got version
since >=, why the warning? not to mention that "Dependency specified" doesn't say specified by what...

What is RPROVIDES for uhttpd in core-image-sato?

I am trying to include uhttpd package in poky, I included uhttpd package in poky. meta-openembedded/meta-webserver/recipes-httpd/uhttpd this is where I have added but I am facing the following error.Please help me to solve this issue.
ERROR: Nothing RPROVIDES 'uhttpd' (but /home/aa/poky/meta/recipes-sato/images/ RDEPENDS on or otherwise requires it)
NOTE: Runtime target 'uhttpd' is unbuildable, removing...
Missing or unbuildable dependency chain was: ['uhttpd']
ERROR: Required build target 'core-image-sato' has no buildable providers.
Missing or unbuildable dependency chain was: ['core-image-sato', 'uhttpd']
Yocto has layers which provide additional packages so its always good to search it on layerindex
Enter the regexp for recipe you are looking for 'uhttp'
This will show you which layer provides the recipe
then clone the layer containing the recipe
cd poky
git clone git://
cd poky/build
bitbake-layers add-layer ../meta-openwrt
then retry to build. Now its possible that you will run into further errors but this on should be taken care of.

Google service version conflict

When I use these two plugins in ionic 1
then this type of error occurs:
11 actionable tasks: 1 executed, 10 up-to-date
Error: /home/idiosys/ionic/seeCheckFolder/SeeCheck/platforms/android/gradlew: Command failed with exit code 1 Error output:
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':processDebugGoogleServices'.
Please fix the version conflict either by updating the version of the google-services plugin (information about the latest version is available at or updating the version of to 9.0.0.
What can be the reason for these errors?
remove fcm, google plus
then install firebase plugin (
then install google plus.
remove and re-add android platform. it is work with me (ionic2).
Note: firebase contains notification functions , also with badge number : )
1 - Remove the entry from build.gradle:
apply from: "cordova-plugin-fcm/poc-FCMPlugin.gradle"
2 - specify proper versions for all other dependencies in file like:
3 - And bottom of build.gradle file add this line:
apply plugin:
4 - Comment out all content of poc-fcmplugin.gradle file and instead of apply plugin: use:
apply plugin: ''
5 - Add classpath for google services in build.gradle classpath section like:
classpath ''
Please refer to below mentioned app and make sure android dependencies are correct .
implementation ""
implementation ""
implementation ""
implementation ""
implementation ""
implementation ""
implementation ""

Installing grub2 in yocto rootfs

I am working on yocto, I want to include grub2 exectables such as grub2-mkconfig in my filesystem.
I am able to install grub in yocto, by adding below line.
PREFERRED_VERSION_grub ?= "1.99"
when I change
I got below error
ERROR: Nothing RPROVIDES 'grub2' (but /home/poky/meta/recipes-core/packagegroups/ RDEPENDS on or otherwise requires it)
NOTE: Runtime target 'grub2' is unbuildable, removing...
Missing or unbuildable dependency chain was: ['grub2']
NOTE: Runtime target 'packagegroup-core-boot' is unbuildable, removing...
Missing or unbuildable dependency chain was: ['packagegroup-core-boot', 'grub2']
How can I include grub2 support?