Display static, selectable text in GTK app - gtk

I am trying to build a small GTK 4 app where the user inputs some data, the program does some computations, and it outputs results in a tabular format.
Currently, I have implemented this using a GtkGrid with Label objects showing the results. This works, but a major downside is that the text is not selectable by the user.
Is there a standard Gtk interface for outputting static, selectable text or tables? For example, in the Firefox (whose Linux version is based on GTK) settings page, you can use the cursor to select all the explanatory text.
Searching for "text" in the GTK documentation brings me to the Text Widget Overview page, which is all about multiline text editing. But I don't want my output to be editable—I just want the user to be able to highlight the text and paste it somewhere else if they want.

GtkLabel has a "selectable" property which does just that. It's also mentioned in a separate section of the GtkLabel docs


What's the easiest way to escape HTML rich text syntax in Unity?

Unity texts have that feature where certain HTML-style tags can be used to format text, like <b></b> for bold and <color=#ff0000></color> for colored text. Sometimes I see some Unity games display user-provided text (like a nickname or a chat message) and they are not escaped, which means the formatting tags get applied if the user types in those tags. Asking for those devs (I don't dev myself), what's the best/easiest way to escape those tags? Are there built-in functions for that, or should they write/import a new function?
Edit: Yes I did look up "C# HTML escaping" and found a function that escapes < into <, but Unity doesn't render < as < and I got <color=#ff0000> nonsense in the Unity scene. Yes I do realize there is a tick box that disables rich text but there is also a use case where, for example, you actually want to use user-provided text within a rich text context.
Both Text and TMP_Text (TextMeshPro and TextMeshProUGui) have according field Rich Text in the Inspector or via code it is Text.supportRichtText and TMP_Text.richText. By default they come enabled.
Yes I do realize there is a tick box that disables rich text but there is also a use case where, for example, you actually want to use user-provided text within a rich text context.
So quite simple
Enable this option in use cases where you want to allow that rich text tags change the format
Disable this option if you do not want it.
As said you can even switch this on runtime via code when needed.
If you want to further prevent your users from being able to putting certain symbols into input fields at all use the according input type and input validation settings (see e.g. InputField)

Creating a Rich Text Editor in Flutter

I am planning to create a rich text editor in Flutter for a personal application. I know there are already some options like zefyr. However, it is still in dev preview and I want to build something a bit different.
The features of the text editor will be that users can add images, bolden text, add lists, italicize text, etc. Just basic text editor things.
Where I am having issues is in the text input side of things. The flutter default text input only allows one style of text per text field. So that would pose a great challenge when it comes to inline styling. Also, a text field cannot have an image inside it, so that is another problem.
If anyone has any ideas on how to go about this, it will be great for a start.
So, I am really asking for the approach to create the editor because it is not as simple as creating one in html

How to replicate tumblr tags in flutter

I am trying to replicate the mobile tag-adding mechanism that tumblr has. I have included a picture of the screen I am talking about below.
I want to replicate the following features:
Chips are inline with text field. Text field resizes dynamically to either take the remainder of the line, or take up the next line if the content is too long
Text is turned into a chip when a comma is added (e.g. If I am typing "dog", and then I type "dog,", A "dog" chip will be created
Long chips cut off content with ellipses
Chips can be deleted with backspace
There is no text field underline decoration
Chips fill up row then wrap to next row (and entire container scrolls if there are too many rows to display simultaneously)
There are some libraries that already exist to allow a text input field with chips, but they have a lot of other features that I'm not interested in right now like the recommendation system etc, and generally just don't look the way I want with regards to multiple lines and text wrapping etc. If anyone knows how to replicate the example below, I would really appreciate it!

MS Word: change existing captions name

this is my first post, so I would like to say hello :)
I have a very large document, it consists of ~150 captions.
I would like to change name of the captions, for example from 'Picture' to 'Pic.'
Is there any simple method to do it? I can't imagine changing all of the existing captions and cross-references manualy.
Best regards,
Here is the way:
Select the caption with a number that has the label that you want to change.
For example, if you have "Picture 1", select the entire caption including label, sequence number, and the caption text.
On the References tab, in the Captions group, click Insert Caption.
In the Label dropdown, select the label that you want or click New Label and add a new one.
Solution found on Word Tips:
"If you want to change some of the text in the captions, you need to modify the fields used to create the captions. (Automatic captions are implemented through the use of fields in the document.) You can change the text in the fields by first displaying the field codes in your document (press Shift+F9). You should be able to see what the field codes look like for your captions; examine one to see how it is constructed, looking specifically for the text you want to change.
Next press Ctrl+H to display the Replace tab of the Find and Replace dialog box. Use the controls in the dialog box to specify the caption text you want to change (from within the field you examined) and what you want the text to be. You can then use the controls to step through all the occurrences of the text and change it, as desired.
There are other things you can change in the fields using this same technique. For instance, you may want to change the numbering of your captions from Arabic to Roman. If you examine the field code used for a caption, it may appear similar to this:
{Seq Figure *\ arabic}
You can easily use the Find and Replace method to change the word "arabic" to "roman." When you are done making the changes, press Alt+F9 to change the field codes back to their results.
If your caption changing needs are a bit more complex (perhaps, for example, you want to change the caption to appear above a figure instead of below it, or vice-versa), then the best bet is to change the settings for automatic captions and then delete all the existing captions. You can then use cut and paste (cut the figure and paste it back in the same position) to force Word to automatically add the caption with the new settings."
you can edit individual captions by using Outline view.
(Update) To clarify: to edit an existing table (or I assume figure) individual caption, open your word doc in Outline View and select the caption you'd like to change.
If you want to batch edit you may be able to use find/replace in Outline view to batch find/replace all.
(Caveat: I was not able to easily edit a table caption while in Print View, so tested Outline View and it worked.)
Using the Find and Replace function changes both the cross references in the main text and in the captions.

Custom Drop Down Menu in a Custom Word Content Control

I'm able to create a DropDown ContentControl in word such that a user can select an item from the drop down and that item becomes the text displayed in the ContentControl. However I've noticed that when you create a citation that drop down list contains command items that can launch dialogs. Is there any way to replicate this behaviour but with custom content controls that launch custom dialogs.
Apparently this is impossible as mentioned in the link below because:
This isn't a "standard" content control. This is something Word puts around a Citation field (and around Date fields and some other kinds). But the functionality is Word-internal and proprietary. It's not something that's exposed in the API. IOW, you can't do that, I'm afraid...