How can I make my Socket server to work on WAN? - sockets

I am creating a multiplayer game using Unity Game Engine. I created my server using Socket in C#.
My server works fine on the LAN, however it doesn't work on the WAN. I learned that I need to configure port forwarding in order to make it work on the WAN. I am using a Tp-Link router, and I found a great video that helped me to setup port forwarding:
Things I adjusted on my own:
In the video, the person used HTTP, but I chose DNS for my Socket server. I don't really know what I should choose here.
On the client side, I changed the server IP from the IP reported by ipconfig to my router's static IP, and the server port to the port I chose while setting up port forwarding.
On the server side, I put the IP reported by ipconfig as the server IP. This is the same IP I chose as my DHCP OPTION.
I am using the UDP protocol for my game, and as I said it is working fine in my LAN network.
My problem is, even after all this, my game is not working on the WAN. I also made sure that my WAN client has his Windows Defender firewall turned off. It didn't work.


How to set up a client/server connection using port forwarding

I created a multi-threaded client/server application that can send messages to each other at real time. Everything works perfectly, but I want to be able to send messages over the Internet. From what I understand, I need to do port forwarding to be able to make my server reachable for the clients. I then set up my port forwarding options by providing a port (9991) and then my Macbook Air's IP Address (
I then tried to connect to my server using my public server IP (let's say and it didn't work. I then tried to see if the port forwarding worked by using this website: and I realized that the connection was closed. I also tried the command nc -vz 9991 while running my application and the connection is refused.
I'm using a JavaFX application, and for my server side I use a ServerSocket with port 9991. For the client side, I use a Socket and set the IP Address to my public router IP Address, and I tried to connect with another PC using mobile data to use a different network.
My firewall settings are turn off, so I really don't know what is blocking my application to connect to that port. Could it be my ISP is blocking connections? I just don't understand why my ports are blocked even with no firewalls enabled.

How to setup CentOS port forwarding on a VPS?

I bought a VPS for my game since I was developing and hosting it on my own network. I would simple do port forwarding between my router and my machine, making the config on the router's page. Now, I don't know how to do the same thing on the VPS (SSH). I read something about iptables but Idk if it is what I'm searching for. I just want to open an UDP port. There was Apache running fine and I stopped it. What commands should I use?
I was able to fix this problem. I just shouldn't do any port forwarding, and bind the socket on the public address.

socket communication to private network without port forwarding

I have an android client which has to communicate through socket to a c# based pc server. The question is, if the pc server is behind a router which somwhow does not seem to support port forwarding through upnp, or even through configuration, it simply cant get connection.
These routers are some kind of free wifi zones prepared for free by some kind of companies, so I can't have any access to it's configs. The upnp or configuring my router both works fine, but I dont really know what to do about these routers.
It's common for a home router to only allow established connections by default. Even with a VPN tunnel or CHAP Callback, you would still need configuration on both ends imho.

Simple TCP communication with a computer behind a router

I'm writing a C# remote control for my media player. It runs on my Android phone.
I have a client app listening for TCP connections on my computer which, one a connection has been established, processes commands (Volume up, volume down, ...). I've tested that part using telnet on my computer, and it works great.
Things are trickier when it comes to connecting from my phone, since it's not on the same network (I don't have Wi-Fi, only wired connections), so I'm not sure how to proceed. Basically I want to connect to a computer that's behind a router.
Should I rather host the TCP server on my phone, and have the PC connect to it? Take IRC as an example: although I'm behind a router, I can connect to servers outside, without port forwarding.
Or if hosting the server on my computer is fine, how do I connect to it?
I don't understand everything to this yet, so feel free to correct me if I got something wrong.
It would be more logical to keep the PC hosting the server, and configure your router to forward connections to your PC. You have two options:
Establish a DMZ: all incoming connections on the router will be forwarded to one PC only. This is easiest when you only have 1 PC on the network that needs to accept connections.
Configure port forwarding: you can instruct the router to forward connections incoming on port X to the IP Y on port Z. This way, multiple PC's can listing for connections (using different ports on the router). It is also a bit more secure.
How to set these up depends on your router, but most routers just accept connections on their port 80 and offer an easy web-interface. If you give your router brand, we can link you to the manual.
Things are trickier when it comes to connecting from my phone, since
it's not on the same network (I don't have Wi-Fi, only wired
connections), so I'm not sure how to proceed. Basically I want to
connect to a computer that's behind a router.
What you want to achieve is possible, but you need to learn about NAT traversal and hole punching.
Most often, devices behind a NAT/Router have a private IP address only valid on the LAN. Remote devices can't guess it. This private address is translated into a public IP address by the NAT when the device wants to communicate with the WAN.
The easy solution is you can give a public IP address to the device behind the NAT. In this case, remote devices on the WAN will easily be able to reach it, because its address is public.

connecting to a private ip

I want to connect to a system which is behind a router. I know the public address of the router as well as the private ip (fixed always) of the system. How do i establish socket connection with the private ip?
This is why some people say that they are behind a "firewall", when they are behind a router. The Evil Viruses Of The Internet are not able to exploit any software on a computer behind a router (provided that the router admin didn't configure it in the funny way, for example by enabling DMZ).
You still have some options:
Talk to the router admin and make him forward a port for You
Take the router out and put Your "target" computer where Your router was, or enable DMZ (this only makes sense if there was only one computer behind the router). Warrning: install a firewall on the target computer first!
Turn the socket 180 degrees. Make the computer behind a router establish the connection to the server that has a public IP address
Use something like UPnP, if Your router supports it
Get a dedicated IP address for Your computer and configure router to switch all traffic to this IP address to Your computer (this is similar to DMZ, but would work if You have more than one computer behind the router). Warrning: install a firewall on the target computer first!
Use NAT traversal. There is a very good article on the subject here. Simplified version is that client establishes connection to some remote server. The server can see the opened port number on the client's router and this port is assigned to the client's machine, so it (or some another computer sharing this information) may establish connection to that port and reach the client's application. Warrning: this doesn't work with all routers. Some routers just won't let this happen.
The simplest thing is probably to forward the port from the system you want to connect to through the router.
This is more a question of configuration of the router as opposed to your actual program. If the router isn't configured to forward traffic to the private system, there's no way to force it to connect you - rather, the private system would have to open the connection on its own.
Strictly speaking, the answer to your question is "you can't". You can however enable DNAT (Destination Network Address Translation) on your router. You connect to a certain port on the router, and it forwards the connection to the internal ip. The internal ip (and port) are configured in the router settings and are not known by the connecting client.