How to have an AnchorBar with icons and subsections? - sapui5

I need to make a design exactly like this one but with a slight difference.
The difference is adding icons in the Anchor Bar tabs not just the text.
I've tried the customAnchorBarButton aggregation but I also want to have sub-sections...
And I think it doesn't work anymore...
Thank you :)


Tips of making a list in email

I am designing an email template. I have a running list of brand names hyperlinked to their websites. I would like it to be displayed inline for full-width, and stacked for narrow screens. I had separators in the past like a bullet or a vertical rule such as this: "|". But in mobile it's awkward considering only one name appears per line.
The next thing I tried was to enclose each list item in a border, but Outlook10/13 aren't handling the padding and margin as you know. I want a simple solution that I can show to novices when they populate the template. Any ideas? I'm adding screenshots of what I tried with the borders. But any other idea is welcome.
Full Width:
I have tried a lot of ways myself and one thing i found out was having logos in place of links often work better. I know images have to be downloaded but once they are downloaded it looks good. If you do go with images, you can style the alt tags to look like above when its not loaded.

Swift UITextView size from NavBar to ToolBar?

So I'm working on an app but I'm pretty new to Xcode and swift itself, so thats what i have right now [textview color is just to show you its size]
But this is what I want:
i thought using top and bottom layout guides would help, but I'm totally lost. If anyone could help that'd be amazing! :)
I'm sorry, but i am new to this :/
One simple way to do this is to drag the text view between nav bar and tool bar, and then pin its top and bottom edges to nearest neighbors (in this case, nav bar and tool bar), like this:
NOTE: make sure its edges are in between bars, not overlapping them. Also uncheck the Constrain to margins -box.
I got it to look like this very quickly:
There are many other ways to do this, and this is just one of them. Search for storyboards tutorials and you'll find many good tutorials how to use Interface Builder. :)

How do I create an App-like header with html/css?

I'm building an app with Phonegap/Cordova and Web standards, such as HTML and CSS. However, somewhere on the part of creating this, my skills aren't sufficient.
Ok, let's get this straight: I'm trying to create a navigation bar at the top of the screen. Very basic, even without buttons, just plain text with links.
Check-out this screenshot. As you might see or not.. The middle one isn't exactly placed in the middle. I've tried with div styles, span classes and tables seem the best option.. Yet still insufficient.
What's the best option to create such header?
p.s. No, of course there won't be a border in the table :D - Just for viewing. ^^
I did an example of something like this for a talk... here's a basic version with just a header and some scrollable content:
Hope it helps.

progress bar positioning

#haehn Hi Haehn
I'm using GWT with XTK. And I have been successful in using "min-height:100%" trick in the to get XTK going in the GWT app. Now everything is working, except the fact that the progress bar is positioned right below the black area.
In one of the posts you mentioned something about using position:relative to make it appear in the center of the black area. But that trick didnt help me in my case. Actually, I'm not quite sure if I followed your explanation properly in that post. A quick glance through the XTK code base didn't light any blubs either.
A little help here?
There is a new way to define CSS for the progress bar: overload the CSS class xtk-progress-bar. Any style gets automatically applied to the progress bar.
this is a tough one - you have to play with the css style. if you figure out the problem, please let us know!

Iphone UITabBarItems titles overlap

in my app i use a navigation controller and a tabBar for my views. The problem is that the titles that i have for the views are a little too long to fit.. they appear like in the photo below.
alt text
could someone give any suggestions for resolving this problem? i tried subclassing UITabBarItem but i can't add a label as a subview, i can't change the font or size.. it looks ok when i have only 4 buttons but that is not ok because i need that more button. cutting down the names is not an option either, i don't think apple would like that.
thank you in advance.
As far as I can tell, there is no way to do what you want to do easily.
You could build some of the name string into your icon image. This will of course force you to internationalize your icon images, and you will also end up with the blue coloring in some of your text.
You could have no titles at all, and overlay your font-scaled title by drawing on the containing view. Note that when there is no title in the tab bar item, the following page will also have no title in the title bar.
Better by far, if you can do it, is to shorten the names. I know this is tough in German, but surely there must be alternatives.
I hope that Apple improves this in 4.0, but as those fonts are already fairly small, I sort of doubt it.