How do you filter a date table based on two separate date filters in PowerBI? - date

I have 3 tables StartDateSelect EndDateSelect and Date.
Date is what is driving my other table in the report.
Note Date3 is formatted as 123ABC to show "Latest" for the latest date after refresh else show Date. This is to make sure that for each scheduled refresh, I will always have the filters show as the latest date so the user doesn't have to switch it each day.
In my dashboard, I have two filters for date selection (start and End). I have selected the dates I want as shown:
I want the Dates table to be filtered for values BETWEEN the selected Start Date and Selected End Date (which in most cases will be stuck on "Latest")
I've played with filters on visuals and index columns with no luck, and I can't seem to get this to work. Or if there's another way to do this. The Between filter won't work with a word called "Latest" in it as it's ABC123 format by default.

Create a measure as follows.
Measure =
VAR cursor = MAX('Date'[Dates])
VAR startDate = MAX(StartDatesSelect[Dates])
VAR endDate = MAX(EndDateSelect[Dates])
RETURN IF(cursor IN DATESBETWEEN('Date'[Dates], startDate, endDate),1,0)
Set a filter on your visual as follows:
That's it.


Max Date in Qlikview Expression

I have a Qlikview where I have data loaded for various dates. The pivot table in the qlikview shows the change in values from previous day. so for every selected day, I need the previous date to pick values from.
So I have
Dates 31/08/2021, 28/07/2021, 27/07/2021, 25/07/2021
Based on the date selected, i want the previous date. how do i do it in the qlikview expression.
Assuming your field is named DateField you could try this:
=Max({1<DateField = {"<$(=Min(DateField))"}>} DateField)
"<$(=Min(DateField))" will search for all dates less than the [minimum] date selected. The Max expression will then return the greatest date of this set.

DAX and FORMAT function

i have a field for date with date, month and year.In my visualization, I need date to be displayed in (MON-Year) format.
I switched to data view, created calculated column with
Mon-Year = FORMAT('table'[Date],"YYYY-MM")
Now it's getting displayed as (YEAR and Month number) but I want to change it as month name.
After changes in data view, when I close apply, the column is present but there is no data type visible.
Should I create different calculated fields for year and month separately and then concatenate it?
any help would be appreciated.
If you want month first, then maybe you should specify it that way.
Mon-Year = FORMAT('table'[Date],"MMM-YYYY")
This may be useful for you:

Quicksight datepicker for month only

I'm searching for a way to have month selection and that will serve as startdate and enddate for the date filtering.
I'm building a monthly report on quicksight, I try to use the last 31 days but that give information of multiple months
I already create date picker for those parameters but didn't find any way to limit the value to be the complete month only.
Example : if select the 12 september I desire to get the September values only (from the 1er to the 31th)
Any advice is welcome
Thanks for your help
First, add a new date filter (if you want, e.g., today to be the default you'll need to add a dynamic default against a data set that returns today)
Add a new control (I found naming this to be difficult, perhaps you're better at picking names than I am)
Add a new calculated field that returns 1 if the truncDate of your date field and the truncDate of your parameter are equal, otherwise return 0
truncDate("MM", {date}) = truncDate("MM", ${InMonth}),
Finally, add a filter that checks where your calculated field is 1 and apply it to all visuals

Date filter for not showing the recent date data in Tableau

I am building a dashboard for retention. The data that I am getting for the most recent day seems to have huge spikes because the denominator is not having entire data for the day.
So, I just want to show the data till previous day and it should be automated likewise.
Please let me know if anyone had dealt with the same problem.
The best way to do this is through creating a calculated field:
Create a field called Recent Date as follows:
DATETRUNC('day',[Date]) = {FIXED : MAX(DATETRUNC('day',[Date]))}
What this does is creates a Boolean field where the most recent date will be flagged as TRUE and all others as FALSE.
Drag this field into the filters pane and select FALSE. This will remove the most recent dates data.
Create a calculated field to return a boolean value if the data is from today's date. Then filter on False.
DATETRUNC('day', [Your Date Field]) = DATETRUNC('day', TODAY())

How to find records by month Datamapper

In my project I need to have ability ti add reports.
Adding a report user can choose date for placing his report. (not created_at)
I save this data in "Date":DataTime - format column(2012-03-24T00:00:00+00:00)
User selects date from datepicker and than i parse it with DateTime.parse(2012-03-24) and than save to DB.
Than user via datepicker selects a month.
How can I correctly perform a query to find all records for perticular month?
Is there any method to find by month?
No. You should calculate margin dates and use :date => range (it will create sql BETWEEN query). For example:
month = params[:month].to_i
date_a =, month, 1
date_b = (date_a >> 1) + 1 # will add a month and a day
Page.all :updated_at => date_a..date_b