Assign Gitlab Runner daemon's pod and the jobs's pods to two separate node groups in Kubernetes when using Kubernetes executor - kubernetes

We're using Gitlab Runner with Kubernetes executor and we were thinking about what I think is currently not possible. We want to assign the Gitlab Runner daemon's pod to a specific node group's worker with instance type X and the jobs' pods to a different node group Y worker nodes as these usually require more computation resources than the Gitlab Runner's pod.
This comes in order to save costs, as the node where the Gitlab runner main daemon will always be running, then we want it to be running on a cheap instance, and later the jobs which need more computation capacity then they can run on different instances with different type and which will be started by the Cluster Autoscaler and later destroyed when no jobs are present.
I made an investigation about this feature, and the available way to assign the pods to specific nodes is to use the node selector or node affinity, but the rules included in these two configuration sections are applied to all the pods of the Gitlab Runner, the main pod and the jobs pods. The proposal is to make it possible to apply two separate configurations, one for the Gitlab Runner's pod and one for the jobs' pods.
The current existing config consists of the node selector and nodes/pods affinity, but as I mentioned these apply globally to all the pods and not to specified ones as we want in our case.
Gitlab Runner Kubernetes Executor Config:

This problem is solved! After a further investigation I found that Gitlab Runner's Helm chart provide 2 nodeSelector features, to exactly do what I was looking for, 1 for the main pod which represents the Gitlab Runner pod and the other one for the Gitlab Runner's jobs pods. Below I show a sample of the Helm chart in which I set beside each nodeSelector its domain and the pod that it affects.
Note that the first level nodeSelector is the one that affects the main Gitlab Runner pod, and the runners.kubernetes.node_selector is the one that affects the Gitlab Runner's jobs pods.
gitlab-runner-label-example: label-values-example-0
runnerRegistrationToken: ****
name = "gitlabRunnerExample"
executor = "kubernetes"
"gitlab-runner-label-example" = "label-values-example-1"

using the helm chart, there is an additional configuration part where you can specify, well, additional configuration
one of the them is especially the node selector for jobs pods and another one for toleration.
The combination of that and some namespace level config should allow you to run the 2 kinds of pod on different node types


terraform: how to upgrade Azure AKS default nodepool VM size without replacement of the cluster

I'm trying to upgrade the VM size of my AKS cluster using this approach with Terraform. Basically I create a new nodepool with the required amount of nodes, then I cordon the old node to disallow scheduling of new pods. Next, I drain the old node to reschedule all the pods in the newly created node. Then, I proceed to upgrade the VM size.
The problem I am facing is that azurerm_kubernetes_cluster resource allow for the creation of the default_node_pool and another resource, azurerm_kuberentes_cluster_node_pool allows me to create new nodepools with extra nodes.
Everything works until I create the new nodepool, cordon and drain the old one. However when I change the default_nod_pool.vm_size and run terraform apply, it tells me that the whole resource has to be recreated, including the new nodepool I just created, because it's linked to the cluster id, which will be replaced.
How should I manage this upgrade from the documentation with Terraform if upgrading the default node pool always forces replacement even if a new nodepool is in place?
terraform version
terraform v1.1.7
on linux_amd64
+ provider v2.82.0
+ provider v2.2.2

Facing "The Pod "web-nginx" is invalid: spec.initContainers: Forbidden: pod updates may not add or remove containers" applying pod with initcontainers

I was trying to make file before application gets up in kubernetes cluster with initcontainers,
But when i am setting up the pod.yaml and trying to apply it with "kubectl apply -f pod.yaml" it throws below error
Like the error says, you cannot update a Pod adding or removing containers. To quote the documentation ( )
Kubernetes doesn't prevent you from managing Pods directly. It is
possible to update some fields of a running Pod, in place. However,
Pod update operations like patch, and replace have some limitations
This is because usually, you don't create Pods directly, instead you use Deployments, Jobs, StatefulSets (and more) which are high-level resources that defines Pods templates. When you modify the template, Kubernetes simply delete the old Pod and then schedule the new version.
In your case:
you could delete the pod first, then create it again with the new specs you defined. But take into consideration that the Pod may be scheduled on a different node of the cluster (if you have more than one) and that may have a different IP Address as Pods are disposable entities.
Change your definition with a slightly more complex one, a Deployment ( ) which can be changed as desired and, each time you'll make a change to its definition, the old Pod will be removed and a new one will be scheduled.
From the spec of your Pod, I see that you are using a volume to share data between the init container and the main container. This is the optimal way but you don't necessarily need to use a hostPath. If the only needs for the volume is to share data between init container and other containers, you can simply use emptyDir type, which acts as a temporary volume that can be shared between containers and that will be cleaned up when the Pod is removed from the cluster for any reason.
You can check the documentation here:

Designing K8 pod and proceses for initialization

I have a problem statement where in there is a Kubernetes cluster and I have some pods running on it.
Now, I want some functions/processes to run once per deployment, independent of number of replicas.
These processes use the same image like the image in deployment yaml.
I cannot use initcontainers and sidecars, because they will run along with main container on pod for each replica.
I tried to create a new image and then a pod out of it. But this pod keeps on running, which is not good for cluster resource, as it should be destroyed after it has done its job. Also, the main container depends on the completion on this process, in order to run the "command" part of K8 spec.
Looking for suggestions on how to tackle this?
Theoretically, You could write an admission controller webhook for intercepting create/update deployments and triggering your functions as you want. If your functions need to be checked, use ValidatingWebhookConfiguration for validating the process and then deny or accept commands.

Specifying exact number of pods per node then performing image version upgrade

I have 3 nodes in a k8s cluster and I need exactly 2 pods to be scheduled in each node, so I would end up having 3 nodes with 2 pods each (6 replicas).
I found that k8s have Pod Affinity/Anti-Affinity feature and that seems to be the correct way of doing.
My problem is: I want to run 2 pods per node but I often use kubectl apply to upgrade my docker image version, and in this case k8s should've be able to schedule 2 new images in each node before terminating the old ones - will the newer images be scheduled if I use Pod Affinity/Anti-Affinity to allow only 2 pods per node?
How can I do this in my deployment configuration? I cannot get it to work.
I believe it is part of kubelet's setting, so you would have to look into kubelet's --max-pods flag, depending on what your cluster configuration is.
The following links could be useful:

How to reduce nodes(vm) running in a Kubernetes cluster of GKE gracefully?

I'm wondering the graceful way to reduce nodes in a Kubernetes cluster on GKE.
I have some nodes each of which has some pods watching a shared job queue and executing a job. I also have the script which monitors the length of the job queue and increase the number of instances when the length exceeds a threshold by executing gcloud compute instance-groups managed resize command and it works ok.
But I don't know the graceful way to reduce the number of instances when the length falls below the threshold.
Is there any good way to stop the pods working on the terminating instance before the instance gets terminated? or any other good practice?
Each job can take around between 30m and 1h
It is acceptable if a job gets executed more than once (in the worst case...)
I think the best approach is instead of using a pod to run your tasks, use the kubernetes job object. That way when the task is completed the job terminates the container. You would only need a small pod that could initiate kubernetes jobs based on the queue.
The more kube jobs that get created, the more resources will be consumed and the cluster auto-scaler will see that it needs to add more nodes. A kube job will need to complete even if it gets terminated, it will get re-scheduled to complete.
There is no direct information in the GKE docs about whether a downsize will happen if a Job is running on the node, but the stipulation seems to be if a pod can be easily moved to another node and the resources are under-utilized it will drain the node.
Before resizing the cluster, let's set the project context in the cloud shell by running the below commands:
gcloud config set project [PROJECT_ID]
gcloud config set compute/zone [COMPUTE_ZONE]
gcloud config set compute/region [COMPUTE_REGION]
gcloud components update
Note: You can also set project, compute zone & region as flags in the below command using --project, --zone, and --region operational flags
gcloud container clusters resize [CLUSTER_NAME] --node-pool [POOL_NAME] --num-nodes [NUM_NODES]
Run the above command for each node pool. You can omit the --node-pool flag if you have only one node pool.