How to undo all changes when using evil-visual-block in Emacs in Evil mode? - emacs

I am using (evil-visual-block) and after the block selection pressing capital letter I and then typing what I want and pressing Esc when I am OK.
Now, I see there is a mistake. How to quickly undo everything? Because now when I press the key u for undo it removes only one letter. And when I changed 20 rows it will take forever to change it all.
Now I have to do again a block selection and delete it if I want to go back.
But it would be so much better to be able to undo the whole operation with one undo.
Any idea how to do that?
I am using Spacemacs, so if there is something there like that already it would be even better.

In Evil, the u key is used to undo the last change. To undo multiple changes, you can use the C-u prefix before the u key. For example, pressing C-u u will undo the last four changes. You can use a larger prefix value to undo more changes at once.
Alternatively, you can use the evil-undo command, which is bound to the U key in Evil, to undo all changes on a single line. This command will undo all changes on the current line, but it will not undo changes on other lines.
If you want to undo all changes in a block of text, you can use the evil-undo-all command, which is bound to the C-u U key combination in Evil. This command will undo all changes in the current block of text, so you can use it to quickly undo all changes in a block that you have selected with evil-visual-block.


Does `evil-mode` have vim like `changes` function?

As per vim wiki:
Vim remembers the locations where changes occurred. Each position
(column number, line number) is recorded in a change list, and each
buffer has a separate change list that records the last 100 positions
where an undo-able change occurred.
One can then use g; to move to the last change in the change list. This list survives through different sessions. This means, that even if one did not make any change to the file after opening it in a new session, g; will move the cursor/point to the line where the latest change occurred in previous session.
From what I can tell, evil-mode does not have the change list per buffer which survives session. Or does it?
You probably want to have a look at Undo Tree, which is used by evil-mode if undo-tree is installed. I do not think that it has the g; functionality that you describe though. It can, however, maintain undo history between sessions.
Take a look at goto-last-change on melpa. Evil has default integration through g;.

Emacs - How to enter recursive edit mode when searching (C-r) instead of query-replace (M-%)?

I know how to enter recursive edit mode when query-replace (M-%), but sometimes I really don't want to modify the code instead I'm just in searching. Such as when I was reading code, and from one point I saw a function call, then I want to jump to the declaration of the fucntion (C-r Enter PageList::Init), when I have read the declaration I want to jump back to the calling of the function.
How to enter recursive edit mode when searching (not only when query-replace)?
You can open a recursive edit while you are searching, if you use Isearch+. Then, C-x o is bound during Isearch to command isearchp-open-recursive-edit:
Invoke the editor command loop recursively, during Isearch.
Use C-M-c to end the recursive edit and resume searching from there.
Or use abort-recursive-edit to exit the recursive edit and cancel the previous search.
If you do not want to use Isearch+ then this is all you need:
(defun isearchp-open-recursive-edit ()
"Invoke the editor command loop recursively, during Isearch.
Use `\\[exit-recursive-edit]' to end the recursive edit and resume searching from there.
Or use `abort-recursive-edit' to exit the recursive edit and cancel the previous search."
(with-isearch-suspended (recursive-edit))))
(define-key isearch-mode-map "\C-xo" 'isearchp-open-recursive-edit)
If you are asking about recursive editing generally, and not just during search, then the answer is command recursive-edit. Just use M-x recursive-edit to open a recursive edit. You can also bind this command to a key, of course.
(If the minibuffer is active, then you normally cannot use M-x recursive-edit. In that case, bind a key in the minibuffer keymaps to recursive-edit. Or you can set option enable-recursive-minibuffers to non-nil, to be able to invoke M-x recursive-edit from a minibuffer.)
You enter a recursive edit by calling recursive-edit, but there is no default binding which invokes this anywhere (and doing so arbitrarily might be hazardous).
In the case of query-replace there is some special-case handling which goes on when you type C-r which saves the current match data/point/mark/buffer/window configuration before entering the recursive edit, to ensure that it can restore things when you exit from it.
This need to wrap some situation-specific custom handling around calls to recursive-edit is very common to the existing use-cases, so there might not be a safe way to invoke it generally.
My guess is that custom handling would certainly also be needed to support it during an isearch, and I see no such facility.
Do note that Emacs pushes point to the mark ring when you begin an isearch; so for your specific use-case you would simply jump to & pop the mark with C-uC-SPC
From your workflow description, I'm not sure you really need recursive edit mode.
When you do a search in emacs, the current point is saved. On my system C-r is reverse isearch. When I hit it, I'm prompted for the search string and hit enter. This takes me to the first 'hit'. Hitting C-r againi takes me the next hit etc. Once you find the text you want, provided you don't hit enter, you can read the code and then hit C-g to cancel the search. This will jump your cursor back to the point where you started the search. This is fine provided you can see all the code you want to read on screen.
When you can't read all the code on screen and you need to move around in the buffer, you have to hit enter. Once you do this, you have lost the saved point and I suspect this is where you thought of using a recursive edit mode so that you can jump back once you finish. However, this won't work quite as you want because as soon as you hit enter to select the searched for string, you will come out of recursive mode and lose the saved point.
There are a couple of ways to fix this workflow to achieve what you want. In fact, your workflow is quite a common requirement. Because of this, many programming modes already have this functionality built in. Therefore, the first thing to do would be to ensure your mode doesn't already have this - it is probably called something like jump to definition or similar.
If your mode doesn't have this support, then you can get what you want by saving the point and then jumping back to it later. This is a really handy technique. All you need to do is C-SPACE twice. Then later, after moving the point to a new locaiton, you can just do a C-u C-SPACE to jump back to that point. From the emacs manual
Instead of setting the mark in order to operate on a region, you
can also use it to “remember” a position in the buffer (by typing
‘C-SPC C-SPC’), and later jump back there (by typing ‘C-u
C-SPC’). *Note Mark Ring::, for details.

Emacs multiple-cursor - Cut and yank in multiple lines

Using the 'multiple-cursor' emacs package,
when I mark a word and cut ('C-w') in different multiple cursors, the only word in the 'active' cursor I control is cut.
I want to select different words in multiple positions and yank it to other relative position.
When I first tried this I remember some yes or no option at the screen bottom, but I couldn't really notice this at first and some keystroke made it to "no". I guess this might have been an option for multiple-cut. But I don't know how to revert this choice.
How do you do multiple cut and yank in emacs?
This works by default, so at some point you have indeed asked the library not do do this.
These settings are stored (by default) in ~/.emacs.d/.mc-lists.el
Just edit that file appropriately, and then M-x eval-buffer RET to make those same changes in the running instance.

How can I select or highlight a block in Emacs?

I want to select or highlight a block in Emacs without using the mouse, but doing it from the keyboard like Vim's visual mode. What is the easiest way to do this from a keyboard?
If I understand the question correctly, it is not about rectangular regions originally.
C-Spc puts a mark at the current position.
Wherever your cursor is afterwards, the text between the last mark and the current position is "selected" (you can highlight this by activating transient-mark-mode, but this will also mean that marks have to be deleted when you don't want highlight).
You can operate on that region with commands like:
C-w . . Kill region. This deletes and puts the region into the kill ring.
C-y . . Yank. This inserts the last snippet from the kill ring.
M-y . . Cycle kill ring. Immediately after C-y, this replaces the yanked part by the other snippets in the kill ring.
M-w . . Save region into kill ring. Like C-w, but doesn't delete.
This is just the basic usage. Marks have other uses, too. I recommend the tutorial (C-h t).
Take a look at region-rectangle in Emacs.
In short, you start selection like usual with Control-Space, then kill region with Control-x r k and paste (or yank) killed block with Control-x r y.
Emacs 24.4 now has rectangle-mark-mode. Use Ctrl + X, Space to invoke it.
Although C-SPC is a common way to start marking something from
wherever your point is, there are often quicker/easier ways that don't
involve explicitly moving to start/end points...
Built-in selection shortcuts
M-h — an important means to mark a paragraph. A "paragraph"
often means a block of code.
C-M-h and C-M-# — for marking sexps and defuns,
respectively. This works for several languages, not just lisps.
hold down shift — another slick way to highlight during
movement. E.g., M-S-f selects forward a whole word. This is
and it is enabled by default in Emacs 24+. On some (non-chiclet)
keyboards, you should be able to hold down C-S- with a single
You can press any of these repeatedly to grow the selection.
There are also a few special ways to mark things:
C-x h — mark the whole buffer
C-x SPC — enter rectangle mark mode
(NOTE: use C-g often to cancel marking while
There are a few add-on packages that improve selecting regions and
things. These are all play nicely together and fit different use
cases. Use them all!
Expand region increases the selected region by semantic units. Just
keep pressing the key until it selects what you want. C-= is a
recommended binding for it. Hit it a few times to get what you
easy-kill: Use M-w and
a mnemonic to select different types of things, like words, sexps,
lists, etc.
Like zap-to-char, but provides nice selection and other
menu-driven actions.
diff-hl: Highlight uncommitted changed regions. Use diff-hl-mark-hunk to select/mark a hunk.
symbol-overlay: Select symbol at point with a keystroke (M-i). Then you can do other things with it, like copy, search, jump, replace, etc.
Use Control-Space to set a mark and move your cursor.
The transient-mark-mode will highlight selections for you. M-x transient-mark-mode.
You can setup Emacs to enable this mode by default using a customization. M-x customize-option RET transient-mark-mode.
... and in case you are using Ubuntu and Ctrl + space is not working for you: you need to clear the Intelligent Input Bus (IBus) "next input method" key binding, as in
run ibus-setup and change the key binding for
"next input method" to something else (or delete it entirely by
clicking the "..." button and then the "Delete" button).
The quote is taken from an answer to a Stack Overflow question.
To expand answer of Edin Salkovic, if you use CUA mode, you can use Ctrl + Enter to begin a visual block selection. There are plenty of shortcuts to control block selection described in the documentation of CUA.
With Emacs 25, simply press Ctrl + Space and then move your cursor wherever you want to highlight/select the region of text which interests you. After that, you may need these commands:
Ctrl + W for cutting.
Alt + W for copying.
Ctrl + Y for pasting.

Highlight buffer modifications

It often occurs that a file buffer is modified (duh!). Before exiting, emacs asks whether to save the changes. Now it would be interesting to know what actually changed. Is there a way to find out?
As of Emacs 22.1 (at least), 'save-buffers-kill-emacs (the default binding for C-x C-c) prompts you for each unsaved buffer that has a file. Type a d when prompted to save and see the diff.
From the help documentation:
Save some modified file-visiting buffers. Asks user about each one.
You can answer `y' to save, `n' not to save, `C-r' to look at the
buffer in question with `view-buffer' before deciding or `d' to
view the differences using `diff-buffer-with-file'.
If you look at the prompt, it should say something like:
Save file /path/to/file.txt? (y, n, !, ., q, C-r, d, or C-h)
Typing C-h gives you a little more verbose description (but d is what you are asking for):
Type SPC or `y' to save the current buffer;
DEL or `n' to skip the current buffer;
RET or `q' to give up on the save (skip all remaining buffers);
C-g to quit (cancel the whole command);
! to save all remaining buffers;
C-r to view this buffer;
d to view changes in this buffer;
or . (period) to save the current buffer and exit.
I use diff-buffer-with-file, and select the file that the buffer came from (which is the default anyway for the command... just hit enter).
You can also use highlight-changes-mode, though this won't track changes until you turn it on, so not so useful if you want to see what changed when you're closing a file that has not been in this mode :-)
You can have highlight-changes-mode enabled. It will display all changes in red. However it won't show you whitespace changes and will mark removals only with an red _. See also
I found this post about tracking changes by djcb most helpful regarding tracking changes in Emacs. The trick is to add the following to your .emacs:
;; higlight changes in documents
(global-highlight-changes-mode t)
(setq highlight-changes-visibility-initial-state nil); initially hide
and then toggle highlight-changes-visible-mode when you want to see what has changed.
In this case I type undo to see the last change (usually some stray character which got typed in the wrong window, since I save early and often).
It would be nice if there were some other indication of the current changes, e.g. in the border like quick diff in Eclipse text editors.
I use goto-chg for things like that. It's not perfect, but it always is enough to jog my memory about what change I made and promptly forgot about.