modal_progress_hud_nsn is not compiling my code Flutter - flutter

I have upgraded Flutter from 2.10 to 3.0.5.
I am using plugin modal_progress_hud_nsn with latest version 0.2.1 in my flutter desktop application code. But when I run my application it is not compiling my code and giving the follow error
Anyone help me with this issue.


The plugin admob_flutter uses a deprecated version of the Android embedding

when i put admob_flutter: ^2.0.0-nullsafety.1 in pubspec, and type on cmd flutter pub get this error occurs!
The plugin admob_flutter uses a deprecated version of the Android embedding.
To avoid unexpected runtime failures, or future build failures, try to see if this plugin supports the Android V2 embedding. Otherwise, consider removing it since a future release of
Flutter will remove these deprecated APIs.
It's for latest flutter updates. so you can't do anything. Please use other package or wait till fix the problem by package developer because this error is produced after flutter version 2.5.
I have downgraded my flutter version by command flutter downgrade and it shows an option of a downgraded flutter version and it resolves my error.
Downgrading flutter worked for me.

Error while running app in debug mode and while building release apk in flutter

My flutter sdk version is 2.2.1 and dart sdk version is 2.13 . Flutter doctor shows everything is fine. Problem occurred while building release apk for the first time. After that running in debug mode shows error also! here is the pic
please change your java SDK 7 to Java 8 to support lambda expressions.

shared preference macos lib missing from Dart

I have this error with my Flutter app that caused by Dart SDK
I use Flutter 1.22.6 with Dart SDK 2.10.5 (stable) & intellij 2020.3 ...
when click on fix only remove shows, after remove the error goes, but then the error starts popup I'm doing Android app so it's not affecting , but later for the iOS version I guess it will affect .
any idea how to solve ?
It looks like a cache problem.
Try to run the following commands:
flutter pub cache repair
flutter packages get

Flutter code not compiling after upgrade to version 1.27.0-8.0.pre

I'm trying to run my desktop flutter application. Since i've upgraded my flutter version to dev channel (flutter version 1.27.0-8.0.pre), code is not compiling after that. It shows following error on code compilation.
Please help me out. Thanks

Failed to apply plugin in android studio

I am working on an app its work good. after i apply external plugin that return error Failed to apply plugin .
my build tool version 2.2.3
and compile version 24
Unfortunately, the suggestion of G.K. did not work!
Please run the following command in your terminal:
.gradlew clean --refresh-dependencies
This will grap the newest version of the Calldorado plugin that is causing this error. The newest version has a fix in it.