Roblox leaderstats not saving - roblox

Ive been trying to make a game and somewhat successfully coded most of the game beside the dataStore saving. i'm unsure why it wont save as i've re-coded it many times and still isnt working
local clickDataStore = dataStoreService:GetDataStore("clickDataStore")
local leaderstats ="Folder", plr)
leaderstats.Name = "leaderstats"
local clicks ="IntValue", leaderstats)
clicks.Name = "Clicks"
local clickData
local success, errormessage = pcall(function()
clickData = clickDataStore:GetAsync(plr.UserId.."-clicks")
if success then
clicks.Value = clickData
print("Data Successfully Loaded")
print("There was an error.")
local success, errormessage = pcall(function()
clickDataStore:SetAsync(plr.UserId.."-clicks", plr.leaderstats.Clicks.Value)
if success then
print("Data Successfully Saved")
print("There was an error.")


stopContinuousRecognition() blocks the app for 5-7 seconds

I am trying to implement speech recognition using the Azure Speech SDK in iOS project using Swift and I ran into the problem that the speech recognition completion function (stopContinuousRecognition()) blocks the app UI for a few seconds, but there is no memory or processor load or leak. I tried to move this function to DispatchQueue.main.async {}, but it gave no results. Maybe someone faced such a problem? Is it necessary to put this in a separate thread and why does the function take so long to finish?
It is very hard to provide working example, but basically I am calling this function on button press:
private func startListenAzureRecognition(lang:String) {
let audioFormat = SPXAudioStreamFormat.init(usingPCMWithSampleRate: 8000, bitsPerSample: 16, channels: 1)
azurePushAudioStream = SPXPushAudioInputStream(audioFormat: audioFormat!)
let audioConfig = SPXAudioConfiguration(streamInput: azurePushAudioStream!)!
var speechConfig: SPXSpeechConfiguration?
do {
let sub = "enter your code here"
let region = "enter you region here"
try speechConfig = SPXSpeechConfiguration(subscription: sub, region: region)
speechConfig?.speechRecognitionLanguage = lang
} catch {
print("error \(error) happened")
speechConfig = nil
self.azureRecognition = try! SPXSpeechRecognizer(speechConfiguration: speechConfig!, audioConfiguration: audioConfig)
self.azureRecognition!.addRecognizingEventHandler() {reco, evt in
if (evt.result.text != nil && evt.result.text != "") {
print(evt.result.text ?? "no result")
self.azureRecognition!.addRecognizedEventHandler() {reco, evt in
if (evt.result.text != nil && evt.result.text != "") {
print(evt.result.text ?? "no result")
do {
try! self.azureRecognition?.startContinuousRecognition()
} catch {
print("error \(error) happened")
And when I press the button again to stop recognition, I am calling this function:
private func stopListenAzureRecognition(){
DispatchQueue.main.async {
// app blocks here
try! self.azureRecognition?.stopContinuousRecognition()
self.azureRecognition = nil
self.azurePushAudioStream = nil
Also I am using raw audio data from mic (recognizeOnce works perfectly for first phrase, so everything is fine with audio data)
Try closing the stream first and then stopping the continuous recognition:
try! azureRecognition?.stopContinuousRecognition()
azureRecognition = nil
azurePushAudioStream = nil
You don't even need to do it asynchronously.
At least this worked for me.

CloudKit was Working but Getting a Permission Error All of a Sudden

I had CloudKit working for the last couple weeks and this morning when I was trying to save a record, something I had done a number of times before, I started getting a Permission Error
Error saving to CloudKit: <CKError 0x600001f48ed0: "Permission Failure"
(10/2007); server message = "Operation not permitted"; uuid = 78FA3DD1-
EA44-4701-9A7E-8291F076DD8F; container ID = "[CloudKit Container Name]"> - Error fetching auth tokens from server:
Operation not permitted'
So I have triple checked that it's requesting to the right container, which it is (I only have two containers setup on my CloudKit so it's an easy check.
I have turned off and turned CloudKit on again in XCode as an attempt to force reset it (not sure if that did anything helpful but figured I would give it a shot)
In case this is needed, this is how I am saving to CloudKit (had no problem with this bit of code in the past.
func createRecord(title: String, type: String, comment: String) {
let audioRecord = CKRecord(recordType: "Audio")
audioRecord["title"] = title as CKRecordValue
audioRecord["type"] = type as CKRecordValue
audioRecord["comment"] = comment as CKRecordValue
let audioURL = audioRecorder.getAudioURL()
let audioAsset = CKAsset(fileURL: audioURL)
audioRecord["audio"] = audioAsset
DispatchQueue.main.async {
CKContainer.default() { [self] record, error in
if let error = error {
print("Error saving to CloudKit: \(error.self) - \(error.localizedDescription)")
} else {
print("Record has been successfully saved to CloudKit")

CloudKit Error: Change Token Expired, Reset Needed

Swift 3.1, Xcode 8.3.3
I keep getting an error from CloudKit and I don't know what to do about it.
I'm tracking notifications from CloudKit like this:
let operation = CKFetchNotificationChangesOperation(previousServerChangeToken: previousChangeToken)
//Hold the notification IDs we processed so we can tell CloudKit to never send them to us again
var notificationIDs = [CKNotificationID]()
operation.notificationChangedBlock = { [weak self] notification in
guard let notification = notification as? CKQueryNotification else { return }
if let id = notification.notificationID {
operation.fetchNotificationChangesCompletionBlock = { [weak self] newToken, error in
if let error = error{
print(error) //<-- <!> This is the error <!>
self?.previousChangeToken = newToken
//All records are in, now save the data locally
let fetchOperation = CKFetchRecordsOperation(recordIDs: recordIDs)
fetchOperation.fetchRecordsCompletionBlock = { [weak self] records, error in
if let e = error {
print("fetchRecordsCompletionBlock Error fetching: \(e)")
//Save records to local persistence...
//Tell CloudKit we've read the notifications
let operationRead = CKMarkNotificationsReadOperation(notificationIDsToMarkRead: notificationIDs)
And the error says:
<CKError 0x174241e90: "Change Token Expired" (21/1016); server message
= "Error code: RESET_NEEDED"; uuid = ...; container ID = "...">
The CKServerChangeToken documentation don't mention anything about resetting the token, and the CloudKit dashboard doesn't offer any such option.
Any idea what I'm supposed to do?
This error code is CKErrorCodeChangeTokenExpired, and it's an indication that you need to re-sync your changes.
This error code gets returned when the change token is too old, or the container has been reset (resetting the container invalidates old change tokens).
The comments related to this error code include:
(Describing the code itself):
The previousServerChangeToken value is too old and the client must re-sync from scratch
(On various fetch operation completion/updated blocks):
If the server returns a CKErrorChangeTokenExpired error, the serverChangeToken used for this record zone when initting this operation was too old and the client should toss its local cache and re-fetch the changes in this record zone starting with a nil serverChangeToken.

How to create files with different names using the least amount of processing power in Swift?

I am writing a video app that records video only when triggered and at the end of all the recordings merges the recordings together into one at the end.
I was just wondering if there is process in swift to make sure the name of the next file of a recording is different than the previous one? I know ways of doing this that are fine, but I am a bit of a memory freak and was wondering if swift has a built in answer to this problem?
This works with the variable filenamechanger. I just was wondering if there is an even better way.
var filenamechanger = 0
if motiondetected == true {
let documentsDir = try FileManager.default.url(for:.documentDirectory, in:.userDomainMask, appropriateFor:nil, create:true)
filenamechanger += 1 //name changer
let fileURL = URL(string:"test\(filenamechanger).mp4", relativeTo:documentsDir)!
do {
try FileManager.default.removeItem(at:fileURL)
} catch {
self.movieOutput = try MovieOutput(URL:fileURL, size:Size(width:480, height:640), liveVideo:true) = self.movieOutput --> self.movieOutput!
sleep(3) = nil
self.movieOutput = nil
motiondetected = false
"recording didn't work"

AVMIDIPlayer DLSBankManager::AddBank: Bank load failed

When I use AVMIDIPlayer to play a MusicSequence with only one note message. Most of times it works fine but sometimes it has no sound and logged as below:
DLSBankManager::AddBank: Bank load failed
Error Code=-10871 "(null)"
It works well on iOS9, but when i test it on iOS10 it runs into this issue.
I'm sure that the sf2 sound bank file url is set properly.
I paste the code as below:
func playAVMIDIPlayerPreview(_ musicSequence:MusicSequence) {
guard let bankURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "FluidR3 GM2-2", withExtension: "sf2") else {
fatalError("soundbank file not found.")
var status = OSStatus(noErr)
var data:Unmanaged<CFData>?
status = MusicSequenceFileCreateData (musicSequence,
480, &data)
if status != OSStatus(noErr) {
print("bad status \(status)")
if let md = data {
let midiData = md.takeUnretainedValue() as Data
do {
try self.midiPlayerPreview = AVMIDIPlayer(data: midiData, soundBankURL: bankURL)
} catch let error as NSError {
print("Error \(error)")
self.midiPlayerPreview?.play({ () -> Void in
self.midiPlayerPreview = nil
self.musicSequencePreview = nil
The error is occur on this line:
try self.midiPlayerPreview = AVMIDIPlayer(data: midiData, soundBankURL: bankURL)
Try setting the global variable errno to 0 errno = 0 before loading the soundfont with
try self.midiPlayerPreview = AVMIDIPlayer(data: midiData, soundBankURL: bankURL)
We experienced the same issue and at the same time this one.
So we tried to apply the fix of the other issue to this one and it just worked.