Pop UP too small in Paypal CheckOut - paypal

I installed a Paypal CheckOut button on a purchase page. Everything works, but the pop up window that is displayed by the bank for the customer to enter his 3D secure code received by SMS, this window is too small in height, so the customer does not see or hardly see the area where to enter the coded. Is there a way to enlarge this window? Thanks


PayPal smart buttons, how to always open the credit card in a new tab?

I use PayPal smart buttons for integrating payments into a website, following this live demo
I have two problems with the "Debit or Credit Card" button:
It is not always working, when I click on it, the fields are expanding and shown on the same page (my server) and after entering all the info and click "Pay Now" I get message saying "Something went wrong, we will take you back to checkout so you can try again" when I click on "Try again" button a new tab opens for processing the credit card payment on PayPal server (now it will work).
this happens ~50% of the time.
It is related to the first one, the first view (when fields expanding on my site page) it lacks the address fields however they are shown after clicking "Try again" and go to the PayPal tab.
So my question is, can I unify the way that the credit card payment view is shown? Is there a parameter that I can pass while rendering the buttons that makes it always open in a new tab?
The message "Something went wrong, we will take you back to checkout so you can try again" will happen when there is a decline. As you are apparently testing payments yourself, you can expect many such intentional declines by PayPal. They aren't considered a technical or integration problem, but the system behaving as designed.
There is no way to make the black Debit or Credit Card button open a new window. You can disable it if you don't want it, but you can't make it behave differently.
When there is an error or decline using that Debit or Credit Card path, and you click "Try again", it is the same as using the top PayPal button. That is the fallback path.

paypal smart payment button display issue

I have created PayPal Smart Payment Buttons in my application. By default it is showing two buttons first button for PayPal login window, and second button for Debit or Credit Card window.
On clicking the second button the first button is not displaying. I can see the both buttons in chrome developer console. margin-top:59px property is added by the script.
Here you can try PayPal's interactive code demo.
How do I get rid of it? Is there a setting somewhere to show both when button click?
Why do you want to get rid of it? The second button is for entering a debit or credit cads and paying as a guest. Typically this is a much-desired feature, not something people want to get rid of.
When clicked, the top button is being moved out of the way to make good use of screen real estate, since the debit or credit card button does not open a window. It expands the iframe inside the container (which is actually rather amazing to those of us who've been in the payment industry for a long time.)
If you truly want to get rid of card processing, you can. The Smart Payment Buttons documentation has options for disabling funding sources. Basically add &disable-funding=card after your ClientID when invoking the SDK js:
<script src="https://www.paypal.com/sdk/js?client-id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID&disable-funding=card"></script>

save button in my merchant's PayPal account

I have created my own Buy Now button where the amount is entered in a text box on my web page by users. My Paypal id hard written in this form. Is it possible to save this button in my own Merchant account?
Use the Standard Integration Wizard to create your button. Step 3, I think it is, in the process asks if you want to manage inventory for the button. If you click into the details for that one you'll see it has a check box for "Save to my PayPal account" which should be checked by default.
When you create a button with this option it gets saved in your button manager and can be adjusted in the future if you want.
If you're familiar with web service API's you can also use the Button Manager API to generate buttons that are saved in your account. If you're working with PHP my class library for PayPal will make that very simple for you.

Inconsistent checkout screens for Paypal express checkout

We're developing an application that uses Paypal Express Checkout, and we're finding that we get two different landing pages. We're actually finding a problem that seems superficially similar to Can you force PayPal Payments Standard API to show credit card fields first?, but with a few differences:
Everything is fine with the sandbox, and we get exactly the appearance (credit card first) we want.
On the live site, about 50% of the time we get exactly the appearance (credit card first) we want.
Sometimes, we get a more "mobile-like" landing page, with the credit card stuff totally hidden in a "Check out as a guest" button, as shown.
This feels like a failing A/B test to me. We're sending exactly the variables in the question linked above, and as I said, all works fine with the older landing pages. I know there are also cookie issues, but in this case, we're seeing it even when Paypal is not able to identify an account and when cookies are cleared.
Does anybody know if there is anything we can do to work around this?
I can add code if needed, but the problem appears to be more data than logic.
I had the same question after I started to see users coming in from the 'new style' page.
I found the answer here:
Paypal express "order summary" page
I added the "force_sa=true" parameter to my Paypal URL:
The new page is definitely weighted to appear more often on mobile devices. Without the parameter I get the new style page on a iPad after about 5 refreshes, with the parameter I can refresh as much as I like and never see the new page.
Obviously, PayPal will roll out the new page to everyone in the end, but this technique allows us a stop gap while we get ready for it ;-)
The screen pictured is PayPal's new checkout. It is only partially deployed at this point, you can think of it as A/B testing.
Regarding whether the customer sees "credit cards first", this mostly depends on whether they have a PayPal email stored in their browser cookie. If they do, the top "Log in to PayPal" section will be expanded, the email filled out, and they just need to type in their password and do about 3 clicks to complete the checkout..
If they do not have a PayPal email stored in their cookies, the bottom Create an Account or Pay as Guest section will be expanded. (If you want guest checkout, pass SOLUTIONTYPE=Sole in your initial SetExpressCheckout request).
The customer can always switch between the two expanded sections, it's just a "smart default" of sorts.
Try doing all your "credit cards first" testing in an incognito / private browsing window.

Paypal Digital Express Goods Checkout Pop-up Windows

I am having a problem with the Paypal digital goods express checkout code. The PayPal script calls for pop-up windows to be opened for a user to enter their information. Sometimes for a simple login, other times for creating a new account.
The pop-up window is supposed to re-direct the user once the data has been entered. However, all it does is hang-up and freeze, or re-directs to a PayPal window and freezes.
I have disabled many of the pop-ups and everything works great, I can get the data into my DB and I can re-direct to pages on my site.
But, there are areas where the PayPal windows pop-up and I can't find where to disable the pop-up windows and force the code into a browser window.
Any help is suggested. Been at this for over a week with PayPal and can't seem to find the answer.