Generate a 2 random color on the same text - flutter

I'm new in a flutter. I can't figure out how to generate the 2 random colours on the same Text(). Can anyone help me out? Really appreciate.

String data = "+RM67.80";
var value = data.substring(0,1); // it will get the first character
After that you can check the condition if value == "+" apply green color otherwise apply red.


How can i convert hex color code to color name or rgb value?

The thing is i have an hex color code which is pass to another screen and when i go to another screen i wanna convert that hex color code to color name or to rgb value is that possible? need some help here.
This is my hex color code value type #ff373334
the package color_models will help you convert a Hex color to CMYK, HSI, HSL, HSP, HSB, LAB, Oklab, RGB, and XYZ.
It's straightforward to use, and if you need a custom implementation, you can check the repository of the package to see how each model work to convert your Hex color to RGB.
Its simple
new Color(0xFF373334)
should work
You can use it like this.
hexStringToColor(String hexColor) {
hexColor = hexColor.toUpperCase().replaceAll("#", "");
if (hexColor.length == 6) {
hexColor = "FF" + hexColor;
return Color(int.parse(hexColor, radix: 16));
Now you can call this function anywhere like this.
Color color = hexStringToColor(hexString);

SSRS: Custom colors for the Category axis of a stacked bar chart

I have a stacked bar chart that only ever has 5 categories(but the value of the categories change from year to year, it is a sliding 5 year window).
I have successful customised the bars to the colors I want.
But now I wish to make the label of each Category the same color as the customised bar color.
Is there a way to do this?
You can use custom code for this.
In Report Properties | Code, you can paste in the following code:
Private colourPalette As String() = {"#418CF0", "#FCB441", "#DF3A02", "#056492", "#BFBFBF", "#1A3B69", "#FFE382", "#129CDD", "#CA6B4B", "#005CDB", "#F3D288", "#506381", "#F1B9A8", "#E0830A", "#7893BE"}
Private count As Integer = 0
Private mapping As New System.Collections.Hashtable()
Public Function GetColour(ByVal groupingValue As String) As String
If mapping.ContainsKey(groupingValue) Then
Return mapping(groupingValue)
End If
Dim c As String = colourPalette(count Mod colourPalette.Length)
count = count + 1
mapping.Add(groupingValue, c)
Return c
End Function
This will give you the option of the pastel colour palette. If you want other colours, simply replace the hex colour codes with values of your choice.
To use this, simply use the following expression:
Use this on your series and your label fill expressions. This will ensure that the same colour appears for both. If you have multiple graphs with the same values in, this will also ensure that the same data series across multiple graphs always have the same colour.

JavaFX - Label text color on negative text value

I would like to change text color of my Label in case its text value is a negative number (or starts with a '-'). Is there a proper binding to make it works?
No, you need to create it yourself, e.g.
Label label = ...
IntegerExpression value = ...
If you've don't have a expression that allows you to create a condition in this way you could of course also create a binding that depends on the Label's text property:
Label label = ...
label.textFillProperty().bind(Bindings.createObjectBinding(() -> label.getText().startsWith("-")
? Color.RED
: Color.BLACK,

Unity is returning material color slightly wrong

I have this mini task in my game where you need to click trophies to change color of the wood on them. I have two arrays of colors, one is an array containing all possible colors and the other one contains four colors (the answer) as follows:
I've double checked that the colors are equal between the two arrays. For example the purple in Colors-array has exactly the same r, g, b & a values as the purple in the Right Order-array.
To check whether the trophies has correct color I just loop through them and grab their material color. Then I check that color against the Right Order-array but it's not quite working. For example when my first trophy is purple it should be correct, but it's not because for some reason Unity is returning slightly different material color than excepted:
Hope somebody knows why this is happening.
When you say, they are exactly same color, I assume you are referring rgb values from Color Inspector, which are not precise values.
Now I dont know what could be causing in different values of colors but
You can write an extension method to compare the values after rounding them to closest integer.
public static class Extensions
public static bool CompareRGB(this Color thisColor, Color otherColor)
Mathf.RoundToInt(thisColor.r * 255) == Mathf.RoundToInt(otherColor.r * 255) &&
Mathf.RoundToInt(thisColor.b * 255) == Mathf.RoundToInt(otherColor.b * 255) &&
Mathf.RoundToInt(thisColor.g * 255) == Mathf.RoundToInt(otherColor.g * 255);
Color red = Color.Red;
red.CompareRGB(Color.Red); // true;
red.CompareRGB(Color.Green); // false;
Hope this helps.
I would use a palette. This is simply an array of all the possible colors you use (sounds like you have this). Record, for each "trophy", the INDEX into this array, at the same time you assign the color to the renderer. Also, record the index for each "button", at the same time you assign the color to the renderer.
Then you can simply compare the palette index values (simple integers) to see if the color matches.

If using Xcode to make an iOS calculator, how would I add a decimal button?

How to add a decimal button so I don't have to do whole numbers? If i wanted any decimal number like 1.2 or 100.4 or 3.0 or anything like that, how would I add it to the calculator I'm making?
You're not giving me much information in your question. How do the other buttons work?
If I was making a calculator I would have a label at the top showing the current reading. On press of a number button I would update the label with the number at the end.
For a decimal button you just add a . to the end of the label. You might want to have a global variable BOOL hasDecimalPlace and set it to true so you know if there is already a decimal place. Just remember to set it to false again when you clear the view or do a calculation or similar.
- (IBAction)Decimal:(id)sender{
NSString *currentText = Text.text;
if ([currentText rangeOfString:#"." options:NSBackwardsSearch].length == 0) {
Text.text = [Text.text stringByAppendingString:#"."];