Pick rate calculation - average

I am trying to create an excel sheet that calculates average cases per hour based off of start time, end time, and total case count of the order. Ex. Employee A takes a 200 cs order at 0700 and completes by 0745. Employee B takes a 350 case order at 0715 and completes at 0920. Is it possible to create a spreadsheet with formulas that will calculate after entering the required data?
Looking for the pick rates per order, then would like to average on an 8 hour day per each employee.


Tableau Weighted Average of Last Value in Date Group over Running Sum Across Extra Level of Detail not in Report

I am an absolute Tableau beginner, so forgive my lack of proper terminology.
To give some context to the problem, think of the dataset as the balances and current interest rates of two different loans for which we are trying to calculate a weighted average cost of funds at any point in time, while retaining the ability to filter on Program (specific loan).
I have a single dataset that looks like:
The Balance field is used as a running sum, i.e. to get the actual balance as of 4/30/2022, you would sum the column across all Date values on or before 4/30/2022.
The Rate field is the opposite: it represents the discrete interest rate as of the Date. Thus, it cannot be summed.
Each data point is specific to a specific loan, or Program.
So to get the interest rate of Program A as of 4/30/2022, you would simply grab the Rate value of the row where Date = 4/30/2022 and Program = A, or 5.30%. Sums are fine here, since the value of Rate is never repeated for a single Program and Date combo, but we cannot use a running sum.
On the other hand, to get the balance of Program A as of 4/30/2022, you would need to add (running sum) the Balance values for all rows where Date <= 4/30/2022 and Program = A, or 10,000 + -2500 + -2500 + -2500 = 2500.
Problem / Need
I need a report (or whatever it's called in Tableau) with the following:
Date as a column
Measures as rows
This report would NOT include Program as a row or column, but would include it as a filter.
In this report, I need a Weighted Average Cost of Funds measure.
This is effectively the weighted average Rate over/weighted by the running sum of Balance across Programs included in the filter, of course for any given Date in the columns.
In other words, by Date, latest Ratefor eachProgramtimes thePrograms running sum of Balance, divided by running sum of all Balancesfor allProgram`s included in filter.
Here's an example in Excel:
Here's an example if we were to exclude Program A:
And here's an example if we were to exclude Program B:
Finally, here's the formulas underneath everything in the Excel example:

Why are my values multiplying when I apply Month/Year to my values?

When I apply Month/Year to Cases or Deaths from my data, the values explode. For Cases it goes from approximately 48 million to over 1 billion, and for Deaths it goes from about 700 thousand to over 22 million. However, when I try the same thing with Initial Claims or the Stringency Index, my values remain correct. I'm trying to find the month over month percentage change by the way. And I'm using the Date column. I only select 2020 and 2021 in the filter for Year.
What I'm asking about is Sheet 21.
Link to workbook: https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/nilajah.rivers/viz/CoronaVirusProject_16323687296770/Sheet21
Your problem is that the data points are daily cumulative deaths. If you change the date aggregation to anything other than days, Tableau will default to summing the numbers for all the days in the month. This will give the wrong result, obviously.
If you want to show the correct total deaths or cases regardless of the time aggregation (months, days, weeks etc.) then you could use the New Case or New Death numbers plus a running sum table calculation. This will always give the correct total for the time period.
Table calculations will also allow automatic calculation of the period to period % change from the same data fields.
This is a common problem when working with datasets that offer pre-calculated aggregations. Tableau doesn't need that as it can dynamically calculate the aggregation of a field over any given time period but it is easy to forget which field has pre-aggregated data and which has raw data. Pre-aggregated fields assume a particular time period and can't be used for different time periods without disentangling that assumption (which is unnecessary if you also have the raw data (in this case daily new deaths/cases).

Matlab average number of customers during a single day

I'm having problems creating a graph of the average number of people inside a 24h shopping complex. I have two columns of data on a spreadsheet of the times a customer comes in (intime) and when he leaves (outtime). The data spans a couple of years and is in datetime format (dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm:ss).
I want to make a graph of the data with time of day as x-axis, and average number of people as y-axis. So the graph would display the average number of people inside during the day.
Problems arise because the place is open 24h and the timespan of data is years. Also customer intime & outtime might be on different days.
intime 2.1.2017 21:50
outtime 3.1.2017 8:31
Any idea how to display the data easily using Matlab?
Been on this for multiple hours without any progress...
Seems like you need to decide what defines a customer being in the shop during the day, is 1 min enough? is there a minimum time length under which you don't want to count it as a visit?
In the former case you shouldn't be concerned with the hours at all, and just count it as 1 entry if the entry and exit are in the same day or as 2 different entries if not.
It's been a couple of years since I coded actively in matlab and I don't have a handy IDE but if you add the code you got so far, I can fix it for you.
I think you need to start by just plotting the raw count of people in the complex at the given times. Once that is visualized it may help you determine how you want to define "average people per day" and how to go about calculating it. Does that mean average at a given time or total "ins" per day? Ex. 100 people enter the complex in a day ... but on average there are only 5 in the complex at a given time. Which stat is more important? Maybe you want both.
Here is an example of how to get the raw plot of # of people at any given time. I simulated your in & out time with random numbers.
inTime = cumsum(rand(100,1)); %They show up randomly
outTime = inTime + rand(100,1) + 0.25; % Stay for 0.25 to 1.25 hrs
inCount = ones(size(inTime)); %Add one for each entry
outCount = ones(size(outTime))*-1; %Subtract one for each exit.
allTime = [inTime; outTime]; %Stick them together.
allCount = [inCount; outCount];
[allTime, idx] = sort(allTime);%Sort the timestamps
allCount = allCount(idx); %Sort counts by the timestamps
allCount = cumsum(allCount); %total at any given time.
plot(allTime,allCount);%total at any given time.
Note that the x-values are not uniformly spaced.
IF you decide are more interested in total customers per day then you could just find the intTimes with in a given time range (each day) & probably just ignore the outTimes all together.

Aggregating data from the US stock market in Tableau, using different time frames

I am a very basic user of tableau and I have not found an answer to my question.
I have a txt file that has historical daily data for 98% of all the stocks in the US, with their daily capitalization. Each stocks has its TICKER, Daily Market Value for every trading day of the year, and its SECTOR.
I did a simple time series that display SUM([Mktval]) (sum of all individual market values) across all stocks, on a daily daily, and where I can see that the total value as of 2016 is about 24 Trillion USD, as in the image below.
When I change the view column from DAY to YEAR, I don't see the right values, but something a lot larger. So I realized that I need to do SUM([Mktval])/252 to get the right value for a year (there are 252 trading days in a year).
If I change the view to MONTH, as in the chart below, the numbers are again wrong because 252 is not the right value to use in the division.
Is there any way that Tableau can adjust the values automatically to reflect the AVG MktVal across different time intervals?
Replace SUM(Mktval) on the Rows shelf with the following calculated field
avg({ fixed day(Date1) : sum(Mktval) })
That solution is all in one step. It is perhaps a bit more clear to use 2 steps. First, create a calculated field called total_daily_market_value defined as
{ fixed day(Date1) : sum(Mktval) }
Then make sure that calculated field is a measure. It is an LOD calculation that you can think of as a separate table with one value for each day showing the total market value for that day.
Drag that measure to a shelf, and then change the aggregation function to AVG(), MEDIAN(), MIN(), MAX() or STDEV() as desired. Tableau will aggregate the total_daily_market_value using your chosen aggregation function for whatever values of Date1 are in your view.

OLAP Cube design issue for Telecommunication Data

Background: I’m doing analysis of call detail record (CDR) data in order to segmentify customer with respect to their call duration, time of call (holiday call or non holiday call, Business call or non Business call), age group of subscriber and gender. Data is from two table name cdr (include card_number, service_key, calling, called, start_time, clear_time, duration column) and subscriber_detail (include subscriber_name, subscriber_address, DOB, gender column)
I have design OLAP as given below.
Call_date includes Date of call with year, month, and day. Call_time is time of call happen in second.
Question:- if we take call_time in second then it has 86400 column for each day (may be curse of dimensionality) and so we think to reduce its dimensional by taking 30 second time pulse ( telecom charges money on the basic of the pulse and 30 is pulse duration for our context). First Question is :- Is it the best way to replace time by pulse duration? And second is :- if one subscriber do more than 2 call on range of pulse it may cause problem i.e. first call start at 21:01:00 and end at 21:01:05 and he start second call at 21:01:15 and end at 21:01:20. How to resolve these type of problem.
If I were you I would divide the time in 10 minute slot and use link list to store multiple duration time within given time slot so total dimension of time is 144 (Which restrict roll down upto 10 minutes only).
I would keep start_call_time, end_call_time and ellapsed_call_time in seconds.
Then having ellapsed_time does not mean the cube would have a dimension of 86400 members; you could setup a 'ranged/banded' dimension : i.e., a dimension that is built using intervals instead of instants. This is something possible for example with icCube (www).