Does HighCharts provide support for Flutter? - flutter

Hi, I am looking for a Chart library which I can use for all three
platforms, i.e Android Native, Ios Native and Flutter hybrid development. I want to know if
Highcharts is providing it.

There are some community wrappers for it (i.e. check this thread:, but officially Flutter is not supported yet. This may change in the future.
You can vote for this feature here:


Is it possible to use Flutter components in another web application?

I was wondering if it's possible to run Flutter application components (such as building a specific screen) with other web apps. And if there is a good resource to learn how to do this.
We have a GWT web-app that we have been considering upgrading some components to Flutter, but I have not seen much information online on how to implement this.
I can't see documentation of this process online though. I have seen that you can insert Flutter into existing Android/IOS apps but I don't know how compatible this is with GWT.

Integrate getstream activity feed in flutter

So I am trying to integrate activity feed feature from get stream into flutter. But I am not able to get the docs for that. My question is, is it possible to integrate feed feature to flutter app ?
There are various tutorials for integrating chat feature but not the feed feature. Please help.
Note: I am not an experienced flutter developer...
Unfortunately, no Flutter SDK or customized docs for Flutter at the moment but we're considering to allocate some resources for it in Q3 this year.
I highly suggest you to use Flutter platform channels. I had to do that for a project I am working on currently. If you have any questions feel free to ask :)
There is a dedicated Dart package to interact with the API:
And a core package that simplifies the low-level client by managing state and providing builders:

Is there any library for sinhalese language in flutter localization?

I’m developing a mobile application using flutter to be used in my country. i have to use Sinhalese language(SriLankan) font in the mobile UIs. I have searched in the Flutter Community and i was unable to find a proper solution.I want to know whether there is a flutter_localization library that can be used in my application?
I suggest that you use this Medium post as a guide. Although it implements Arabic and English as demonstration it will be beneficial to you since one of them is left-to-right and the other is right-to-left.
Yes you can use this article to integrate localisation in app.
Article it's really quick to integrate in app.
However if your language isn't supported by flutter_localizations library even though you can provide support using above class as mentioned on article.
here is snap
You have to implement localization in App. I found a simple example for the same here.

Does Flutter Support iOS Features?

I am starting to work on one big project which includes Sirikit, Game Center, Fingerprint, health kit and home kit etc.
So my doubt is can I implement those features & other features which are provided by ios using the flutter..?
Flutter can't generate bitcode. So, it can't integrate features like Siri, interactive notifications, watchOS, tvOS, Today and other modern extensions.
It compiles like it was before 2015. Before iOS extensions. With same limitations.
Yes and no - you could definitely use some and probably all of those, but you'll have to write Platform Channels. I use fingerprint for example in my app.
There may exist plugins for some of the functionality - see the flutter packages page.

Use flutter to create a platform neutral SDK

Flutter makes it pretty simple to use platform features/native SDKs within a flutter application. However, does anyone know if the opposite is possible?
What I'd love to do is create an SDK in dart/flutter that can be used by mobile developers on their preferred platform.