Show turtles components of community clusters - netlogo

I have the following code to detect and color communities:
to community-detection
nw:set-context turtles links
color-clusters nw:louvain-communities
to color-clusters [ clusters ]
; reset all colors
ask turtles [ set color gray - 3 ]
ask links [ set color gray - 3 ]
let n length clusters
let colors ifelse-value (n <= 12)
[ n-of n remove gray remove white base-colors ] ;; choose base colors other than white and gray
[ n-values n [ approximate-hsb (random 255) (255) (100 + random 100) ] ] ; too many colors - pick random ones
; loop through the clusters and colors zipped together
(foreach clusters colors [ [cluster cluster-color] ->
ask cluster [ ; for each node in the cluster
; give the node the color of its cluster
set color cluster-color
; colorize the links from the node to other nodes in the same cluster
; link color is slightly darker...
ask my-links [ set color cluster-color - 1 ]
I want to mouse-click in a specific cluster and show the number of each one of turtles, if possible, floating to not overlap the numbers. I created a button with the following code:
to identify-turtles
nw:set-context turtles links
if mouse-down? and member? nw:louvain-communities ([who] of turtles) [
ask turtles [ set label who ]
But nothing happens. Any suggestions on how to improve the code ?
It is also possible I can put the turtles numbers in a monitor, whatever is more doable.
Or even an observer command to get turtles of a specific cluster.

The problem with your code is that you only check whether or not the mouse is down, but you don't check where the mouse is actually pointed. To do that, you use mouse-xcor and mouse-ycor. I wrote this quick sample code for you where i check in descending order:
If the mouse is down
If there is a turtle close to the mouse
Which turtles is closest to the mouse
From there on, you can start giving commands to show labels and hide labels of themselves or all turtles in the network.
to setup
crt 5 [setxy random-xcor random-ycor]
to go ;Set as a forever button
if mouse-down? [inspect-turtle]
to inspect-turtle
ifelse any? turtles with [distancexy mouse-xcor mouse-ycor < 1] [
ask min-one-of turtles [distancexy mouse-xcor mouse-ycor] [
set label who
ask other turtles [set label ""]
] [
ask turtles [set label ""]


How can I establish a decreasing relationship between variables?

I am a teacher of Primary Education and Early Childhood Education and I am trying to generate a simulator through NetLogo on how fertilization and pesticides are decimating the butterfly population. However, despite having read the manual, I am not managing to program the code to make it work.
My problem is that although I set the turtles I can't establish the following relationship between the variables/buttons:
If butterflies randomly touch a plant (which is fertilized with pesticide) its pollinating capacity is reduced by a certain percentage (depends on the amount of pesticide)
My problem is that I can't get the pollination capacity of the butterfly to be set to 100% initially and that the greater the amount of pesticide, the lower its pollination capacity is when touching a flower. Currently, although the amount of pesticide is the highest, there are peaks where its pollination capacity increases instead of being reduced.
breed [butterflies butterfly]
breed [flowers flower]
butterfliesless-neighborhoods ;; how many patches have no butterflies in any neighboring patches?
pollinating-capacity ;; measures how well-bivouaced the butterflies are
butterflies-nearby ;; how many butterflies in neighboring patches?
carried-butterflies ;; the butterflies I'm carrying (or nobody if I'm not carrying in)
found-bivouac? ;; becomes true when I find a bivouac to drop it in
to setup
set-default-shape butterflies "butterflies"
set-default-shape flowers "flower"
ask patches
[ set pcolor green + (random-float 0.8) - 0.4] ;; varying the green just makes it look nicer
create-butterflies num-butterflies
[ set color white
set size 1.5 ;; easier to see
setxy random-xcor random-ycor ]
create-flowers num-flowers
[ set color brown
set size 1.5 ;; easier to see
set carried-butterflies nobody
set found-bivouac? false
setxy random-xcor random-ycor ]
to update-butterflies-counts
ask patches
[ set butterflies-nearby (sum [count butterflies-here] of neighbors) ]
set butterfliesless-neighborhoods (count patches with [butterflies-nearby = 0])
to calculate-pollinating-capacity
set pollinating-capacity (butterfliesless-neighborhoods / (count patches with [not any? butterflies-here])) * 100
to go
ask flowers
[ ifelse carried-butterflies = nobody
[ search-for-butterflies ] ;; find a butterflies and pick it up
[ ifelse found-bivouac?
[ find-empty-spot ] ;; find an empty spot to drop the butterflies
[ find-new-bivouac ] ] ;; find a bivouac to drop the butterflies in
fd 1
if carried-butterflies != nobody
;; bring my butterflies to where I just moved to
[ ask carried-butterflies [ move-to myself ] ] ]
ask butterflies with [not hidden?]
[ wiggle
fd pesticide-amount ]
to wiggle ;; turtle procedure
rt random 50 - random 50
to search-for-butterflies ;; flowers procedure
set carried-butterflies one-of butterflies-here with [not hidden?]
if (carried-butterflies != nobody)
[ ask carried-butterflies
[ hide-turtle ] ;; make the butterflies invisible to other flowers
set color blue ;; turn flower blue while carrying butterflies
fd 1 ]
to find-new-bivouac ;; flowers procedure
if any? butterflies-here with [not hidden?]
[ set found-bivouac? true ]
to find-empty-spot ;; flowers procedure
if all? butterflies-here [hidden?]
[ ask carried-butterflies
[ show-turtle ] ;; make the butterflies visible again
set color brown ;; set my own color back to brown
set carried-butterflies nobody
set found-bivouac? false
rt random 360
fd 20 ]
Defined Buttons
Your screenshot is a nice start with sliders, buttons and plots. In the code tab consider making two breeds of turtles: butterflies and plants.
breed [butterflies butterfly]
butterflies-own [pollinatingCapacity]
breed [plants plant]
plants-own [pesticideAmount]
And then think about how you might decrease pollinatingCapacity of a butterfly when it is on the same patch as a plant. A butterfly can see if any plants are on the same patch using plants-here

Netlogo Dijkstra algorithm

to-report find-path [ init final ]
ask init [set dist_d 0]
let current init
let p_dij []
set p_dij insert-item 0 p_dij current
show "dij"
while [not (current = final)]
ask [neighbors with [pcolor = yellow and not (dist_d = -1)]] of current [set dist_d min (list dist_d (1 + [dist_d] of current))]
ask current [set dist_d -1]
let min_d min [dist_d] of neighbors
set current one-of neighbors with [dist_d = min_d and pcolor = yellow]
set p_dij insert-item (length p_dij - 1) p_dij current
ask patches with [pcolor = yellow] [set plabel dist_d set plabel-color red]
report p_dij
I'm trying to find the shortest path using Dijkstra's algorithm. There is a problem with the neighbors, every time the program tries to find the next current node, it comes back to init.
This is not a direct answer to your question, and won't help you if you're trying to figure out how to code Dijkstra's algorithm as an exercise for yourself, but if you're just looking for a shortest path, you can always use the nw:path-to from the network extension.
That primitive is actually using Dijkstra's algorithm under the hood.
In order to use it, however, you need an actual network, so you would have to use turtles instead of patches. That's easy to do, however. Supposing you have a turtle breed called nodes, you can put a node on each patch by saying:
ask patches [
sprout-nodes 1 [
set color pcolor ; give the node the same color as the patch
set hidden? true ; hide the node if you prefer not seeing it
Then you can create links between, say, yellow nodes:
ask nodes with [ color = yellow ] [
create-links-with (nodes-on neighbors) with [ color = yellow ]
The path from one yellow node another is then just:
let yellow-nodes nodes with [ color = yellow ]
show [ nw:path-to one-of other yellow-nodes ] of one-of yellow-nodes
If all you want is the distance, you can use nw-distance-to instead.

Network modelling using Netlogo

I am new in using NetLogo, so I hope you can help me with this code.
I would like to build a network with two subnetwork, A and B, where A has N nodes and B beta*N nodes, where beta=0.5. Each network should be initialised with five fully connected nodes. I need to add a new node at a time, assuming that each has fixed out-degree k. Once a new node i comes into the network, it links to a randomly selected target node j. The other remaining k-1 nodes should be selected as following: with probability p, i should be linked to a random node of j's; with probability 1-p, i should be connected to another randomly selected node in A.
On the other hand, the nodes in B should be linked (directed link) to each node in A with probability P. P can vary from 0 to 1.
What I already tried is built the two networks with N and alpha*N nodes respectively. But, as I said, I am new in using NetLogo and I am finding many difficulties to build this network that should be really easy in a different programming language, I would be more familiar with.
; Global variables
breed [agents agent]
breed [bagents bagent]
to setup
; Defining agents
to setup-agent
set-default-shape turtles "person" ; agent shape
create-agents n-of-agents ; # of agents
[set size 2 ; agent size
set color white
setxy (random-xcor) (random-ycor)
; Random Network
ask agents [create-link-with one-of other agents with [not link-neighbor? myself]
ask links [set color white]
; Defining bagents
to setup-bagent
set-default-shape turtles "circle" ; bagents shape
set beta=0.5
let n-of-bagents beta*n-of-agents
create-bagents beta*n-of-agents ; # of bagents
[set size 2 ; bagent size
set color red
setxy (random-xcor) (random-ycor)
; Network
ask bagents [create-link-with one-of other bagents with [not link-neighbor? myself]
ask links [set color yellow]
to go
I hope you can help me to understand how to build such a network in NetLogo.
Many thanks
This does what you said. I don't think it's actually what you want as your algorithm is much better but still somewhat confused. But hopefully this gets you on the correct path.
UPDATED to make one node add each tick
[ beta
breed [A-agents A-agent]
breed [B-agents B-agent]
to setup
set beta 0.5
set prob 0.2
set k 3
to go
if random-float 1 < beta [add-B-node]
; Defining A seed network
to setup-A-seed
create-A-agents 5
[ set shape "person"
set size 2
set color white
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
ask A-agents
[ create-links-to other A-agents
[ set color white ]
; Defining B seed network
to setup-B-seed
create-B-agents 5
[ set shape "circle"
set size 2
set color red
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
ask B-agents
[ create-links-to other B-agents
[ set color yellow ]
to add-A-node
create-A-agents 1
[ set shape "person"
set size 2
set color white
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
let target one-of other A-agents ; target is j in description
create-link-to target
repeat k - 1
[ let candidates (other [link-neighbors] of target) with [not link-neighbor? myself]
ifelse random-float 1 < prob or not any? candidates
[ create-link-to one-of other A-agents with [not link-neighbor? myself]
[ set color white ]
[ create-link-to one-of candidates
[ set color white ]
to add-B-node
create-B-agents 1
[ set shape "circle"
set size 2
set color red
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
let thisB self
ask A-agents
[ if random-float 1 < prob
[ create-link-from thisB
[ set color yellow
Some of the NetLogo issues I noticed in your code:
NetLogo does not use = for set
you must have space around mathematical operators (or NetLogo will think it's part of the name)
Some of the things you need to think about in your algorithm:
why do you have an initial B network if all Bs connect to each A with fixed probability?
what do you do if the selected A doesn't have any edges to follow?
As general advice, don't try writing something this complicated in one piece. Create your seed networks with 5 fully connected nodes. Make that work. Then do network A and make that work. Then bring in B. This iterative building is important for all programming languages. It is particularly important when using a new language so that you only have to debug one or two errors at a time and you know where the bugs are.

create turtles and move to a position in a radius of another breed agent

I would like to create some turtles in a radius of another breed agent.
I have this example code:
breed [ readers reader ]
undirected-link-breed [ rris rri ]
breed [ tags tag ]
to setup
set xy-file "locations.txt"
to setup-readers
create-readers num-readers [
set shape "circle"
set color white ; means idle state 'red' is active
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
to setup-tags
create-tags tag-population [
setxy random-xcor random-ycor in-radius 6 of one-of readers
The line setxy... to place the tags in a circle of distance 6 from one of the readers it does not work, but I do not know how to fix it. I have also tested move-to primitive without good result.
What I would like is to have a population of tags in a radius of each reader and if possible select the number of tags for each reader to be different.
The sprout primitive might get you what you need- instead of creating your tags and then moving them, just have the appropriate patches spawn them directly. For example, with this setup:
breed [ readers reader ]
breed [ tags tag ]
to setup
to setup-readers
create-readers 5 [
set shape "circle"
set color white
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
You can make a population of patches that are within the radius of readers and have however many you like sprout a tag:
to setup-tags
let radii-patches patch-set []
ask readers [
set radii-patches ( patch-set radii-patches patches in-radius 6 )
; Code above defines the patch-set of patches within 6 of readers
; Then, just ask 10 of those radii patches to sprout a tag
ask n-of 10 radii-patches [
sprout-tags 1
If you are doing this on a per-reader basis and you want each to have a different number of tags, you could try something like:
to setup-tags-reader
let n-tag random 5
ask readers [
ask n-of n-tag patches in-radius 6 [
sprout-tags 1
but then set the n-tag value some other way (for example, from another .csv file as you seem to be setting reader location).
Side note- when you post on here try to strip out any code than cannot be directly copied and pasted into Netlogo by other users (eg the 'xy-file' line, the tag-population and num-readers variables)- it just makes things super simple!
As per your comment- try this option (using the same setup as above)
to setup-tags
create-tags 10 [
move-to one-of readers
rt random-float 360
fd random-float 6
This just creates tags, moves them to a reader, has them randomly select a direction, then has them step forward a random amount from 0 to 6.
As to how to assign patches to each reader- just make a readers-own variable then have them assign patches to that variable in their setup (eg, set my-patches patches in-radius 6). You could do a similar thing with tags to define a reader-specific set of tags (eg `set my-tags tags in-radius 6). Note that in both cases you can get overlap where two readers share patches/tags- you will have to account for that.

Netlogo Sprouting turtles spaced at less than one patch

I want to place turtles on each of the black patches(below Figure) such that there is no gap between turtles at all:
Code I use right now:
ask patches with [pcolor = black][sprout-dead-turtles wall-agents [set color red]]
This gives the following result:
But I want to place turtles in between each of the two patches as well. So that I can cover the showing black part.
Note: Changing the shape of turtles is no use to my purpose though it would cover the black area. My aim to create a replusion force field from these agents and gaps in between are loop holes from where agents may escape.[Somewhat similar to agents bouncing back on a wall].
Here is a fun solution:
breed [ dead-turtles dead-turtle ]
to setup
; draw the background:
ask patches with [ abs pxcor != max-pxcor and abs pycor != max-pycor ] [ set pcolor grey ]
ask patches with [ pycor = max-pycor and abs pxcor <= 1 ] [ set pcolor white ]
set-default-shape dead-turtles "circle"
; sprout a first set of turtles:
ask patches with [ pcolor = black ] [
sprout-dead-turtles 1 [ set color red ]
; create temporary links between these, and use the
; links to place a new set of turtles in between:
ask dead-turtles [
create-links-with turtles-on neighbors4
ask links [
let target end2
ask end1 [
hatch 1 [
face target
fd distance target / 2
die ; remove the link
I'm not saying that it is the only possible solution, but it's simple enough, and it works. (World wrapping has to be turned off, though, which I assume is the case.)