No known RoleID Vault Agent - kubernetes

I'm using vault approle auth method to fetch secrets from vault. Below is my vault agent configmap.
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: my-configmap
config-init.hcl: |
"auto_auth" = {
"method" = {
"config" = {
"role" = "test"
"role_id_file_path" = "roleid"
"secret_id_file_path" = "secretid"
"remove_secret_id_file_after_reading" = false
"type" = "approle"
"sink" = {
"config" = {
"path" = "/home/vault/.token"
"type" = "file"
"wrap_ttl" = "30m"
"vault" = {
"address" = ""
"exit_after_auth" = true
"pid_file" = "/home/vault/.pid"
Then I'm referencing the above configmap in the deployment file.
annotations: 'true' 'my-configmap'
But I get below error
vault-agent-init 2022-07-20T10:43:13.306Z [ERROR] auth.handler: error getting path or data from method: error="no known role ID" backoff=4m51.03s

Create a secret file in Kubernetes by using the RoleID and SecretID and pass the below annotation "secret-file"


ERROR controller.provisioning Could not schedule pod, incompatible with provisioner "default", incompatible requirements, key

I read through the karpenter document at I followed instructions step by step. I got errors at the end.
kubectl logs -f -n karpenter -l -c controller
DEBUG controller.provisioning Relaxing soft constraints for pod since it previously failed to schedule, removing: spec.topologySpreadConstraints = {"maxSkew":1,"topologyKey":"","whenUnsatisfiable":"ScheduleAnyway","labelSelector":{"matchLabels":{"":"karpenter","":"karpenter"}}} {"commit": "b157d45", "pod": "karpenter/karpenter-5755bb5b54-rh65t"}
ERROR controller.provisioning Could not schedule pod, incompatible with provisioner "default", incompatible requirements, key, DoesNotExist not in In [default] {"commit": "b157d45", "pod": "karpenter/karpenter-5755bb5b54-rh65t"}
Below is the source code:
terraform {
required_version = "~> 1.0"
required_providers {
aws = {
source = "hashicorp/aws"
version = "~> 4.0"
helm = {
source = "hashicorp/helm"
version = "~> 2.5"
kubectl = {
source = "gavinbunney/kubectl"
version = "~> 1.14"
provider "aws" {
region = "us-east-1"
locals {
cluster_name = "karpenter-demo"
# Used to determine correct partition (i.e. - `aws`, `aws-gov`, `aws-cn`, etc.)
partition = data.aws_partition.current.partition
data "aws_partition" "current" {}
module "vpc" {
source = "terraform-aws-modules/vpc/aws"
version = "3.14.4"
name = local.cluster_name
cidr = ""
azs = ["us-east-1a", "us-east-1b", "us-east-1c"]
private_subnets = ["", "", ""]
public_subnets = ["", "", ""]
enable_nat_gateway = true
single_nat_gateway = true
one_nat_gateway_per_az = false
public_subnet_tags = {
"${local.cluster_name}" = "shared"
"" = 1
private_subnet_tags = {
"${local.cluster_name}" = "shared"
"" = 1
module "eks" {
source = "terraform-aws-modules/eks/aws"
version = "18.29.0"
cluster_name = local.cluster_name
cluster_version = "1.22"
vpc_id = module.vpc.vpc_id
subnet_ids = module.vpc.private_subnets
# Required for Karpenter role below
enable_irsa = true
node_security_group_additional_rules = {
ingress_nodes_karpenter_port = {
description = "Cluster API to Node group for Karpenter webhook"
protocol = "tcp"
from_port = 8443
to_port = 8443
type = "ingress"
source_cluster_security_group = true
node_security_group_tags = {
# NOTE - if creating multiple security groups with this module, only tag the
# security group that Karpenter should utilize with the following tag
# (i.e. - at most, only one security group should have this tag in your account)
"${local.cluster_name}" = local.cluster_name
# Only need one node to get Karpenter up and running.
# This ensures core services such as VPC CNI, CoreDNS, etc. are up and running
# so that Karpenter can be deployed and start managing compute capacity as required
eks_managed_node_groups = {
initial = {
instance_types = ["m5.large"]
# Not required nor used - avoid tagging two security groups with same tag as well
create_security_group = false
min_size = 1
max_size = 1
desired_size = 1
iam_role_additional_policies = [
"arn:${local.partition}:iam::aws:policy/AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore", # Required by Karpenter
"arn:${local.partition}:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryReadOnly", #for access to ECR images
tags = {
# This will tag the launch template created for use by Karpenter
"${local.cluster_name}" = local.cluster_name
#The EKS module creates an IAM role for the EKS managed node group nodes. We’ll use that for Karpenter.
#We need to create an instance profile we can reference.
#Karpenter can use this instance profile to launch new EC2 instances and those instances will be able to connect to your cluster.
resource "aws_iam_instance_profile" "karpenter" {
name = "KarpenterNodeInstanceProfile-${local.cluster_name}"
role = module.eks.eks_managed_node_groups["initial"].iam_role_name
#Create the KarpenterController IAM Role
#Karpenter requires permissions like launching instances, which means it needs an IAM role that grants it access. The config
#below will create an AWS IAM Role, attach a policy, and authorize the Service Account to assume the role using IRSA. We will
#create the ServiceAccount and connect it to this role during the Helm chart install.
module "karpenter_irsa" {
source = "terraform-aws-modules/iam/aws//modules/iam-role-for-service-accounts-eks"
version = "5.3.3"
role_name = "karpenter-controller-${local.cluster_name}"
attach_karpenter_controller_policy = true
karpenter_tag_key = "${local.cluster_name}"
karpenter_controller_cluster_id = module.eks.cluster_id
karpenter_controller_node_iam_role_arns = [
oidc_providers = {
ex = {
provider_arn = module.eks.oidc_provider_arn
namespace_service_accounts = ["karpenter:karpenter"]
#Install Karpenter Helm Chart
#Use helm to deploy Karpenter to the cluster. We are going to use the helm_release Terraform resource to do the deploy and pass in the
#cluster details and IAM role Karpenter needs to assume.
provider "helm" {
kubernetes {
host = module.eks.cluster_endpoint
cluster_ca_certificate = base64decode(module.eks.cluster_certificate_authority_data)
exec {
api_version = ""
command = "aws"
args = ["eks", "get-token", "--cluster-name", local.cluster_name]
resource "helm_release" "karpenter" {
namespace = "karpenter"
create_namespace = true
name = "karpenter"
repository = ""
chart = "karpenter"
version = "v0.16.1"
set {
name = "serviceAccount.annotations.eks\\.amazonaws\\.com/role-arn"
value = module.karpenter_irsa.iam_role_arn
set {
name = "clusterName"
value = module.eks.cluster_id
set {
name = "clusterEndpoint"
value = module.eks.cluster_endpoint
set {
name = "aws.defaultInstanceProfile"
value =
#Create a default provisioner using the command below. This provisioner configures instances to connect to your cluster’s endpoint and
#discovers resources like subnets and security groups using the cluster’s name.
#This provisioner will create capacity as long as the sum of all created capacity is less than the specified limit.
provider "kubectl" {
apply_retry_count = 5
host = module.eks.cluster_endpoint
cluster_ca_certificate = base64decode(module.eks.cluster_certificate_authority_data)
load_config_file = false
exec {
api_version = ""
command = "aws"
args = ["eks", "get-token", "--cluster-name", module.eks.cluster_id]
resource "kubectl_manifest" "karpenter_provisioner" {
yaml_body = <<-YAML
kind: Provisioner
name: default
- key:
operator: In
values: ["spot"]
cpu: 1000
Name: "*private*"
securityGroupSelector:${module.eks.cluster_id}: ${module.eks.cluster_id}
tags:${module.eks.cluster_id}: ${module.eks.cluster_id}
ttlSecondsAfterEmpty: 30
depends_on = [
cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: inflate
replicas: 0
app: inflate
app: inflate
terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 0
- name: inflate
cpu: 1
kubectl scale deployment inflate --replicas 5
kubectl logs -f -n karpenter -l -c controller
DEBUG controller.provisioning Relaxing soft constraints for pod since it previously failed to schedule, removing: spec.topologySpreadConstraints = {"maxSkew":1,"topologyKey":"","whenUnsatisfiable":"ScheduleAnyway","labelSelector":{"matchLabels":{"":"karpenter","":"karpenter"}}} {"commit": "b157d45", "pod": "karpenter/karpenter-5755bb5b54-rh65t"}
ERROR controller.provisioning Could not schedule pod, incompatible with provisioner "default", incompatible requirements, key, DoesNotExist not in In [default] {"commit": "b157d45", "pod": "karpenter/karpenter-5755bb5b54-rh65t"}
I belive this is due to the pod topology defined in the Karpenter deployment here:
, you can read further on what pod topologySpreadConstraints does here:
If you increase the desired_size to 2 which matches the default deployment replicas above, that should resove the error.

Vault Helm chart run with terraform does not create an ingress on kubernetes

I'm trying to install Vault on a Kubernetes Cluster by running the Vault Helm chart out of Terraform. For some reason the ingress doesn't get created.
When I forward the pods port the ui comes up fine, so I assume everything is working, but the ingress not being available is tripping me up.
Edit: There are no errors while running terraform apply.
If there is another point where I should look, please tell me.
This is my helm_release resource:
name = "vault"
repository = ""
chart = "vault"
namespace = "vault"
create_namespace = true
set {
name = "ui.enabled"
value = "true"
#Set ingress up to use cert-manager provided secret
set {
name = "ingress.enabled"
value = "true"
set {
name = "ingress.annotations.cert-manager\\.io/cluster-issuer"
value = "letsencrypt-cluster-prod"
set {
name = "ingress.annotations.kubernetes\\.io/ingress\\.class"
value = "nginx"
set {
name = "ingress.tls[0].hosts[0]"
value = var.vault_hostname
set {
name = "ingress.hosts[0].host"
value = var.vault_hostname
set {
name = "ingress.hosts[0].paths[0]"
value = "/"
I'm relatively new to all of these techs, having worked with puppet before, so if someone could point me in the right direction, I'd be much obliged.
I achieved enabling ingress with a local variable, here is the working example
locals {
values = {
server= {
ingress = {
enabled = var.server_enabled
labels = {
traffic = "external"
ingressClassName = "nginx"
annotations = {
"" = "true"
"" = "true"
hosts = [{
host =
paths = ["/"]
tls = [
secretName = vault-tls-secret
hosts = [""]
resource "helm_release" "vault" {
name = "vault"
namespace = "vault"
repository = ""
chart = "vault"
version = "0.19.0"
create_namespace = true
# other value to set
#set {
# name = "server.ha.enabled"
#value = "true"
values = [

How to inject mapRoles into an EKS aws-auth ConfigMap via Terraform?

I want to automate inserting the ARNs of specific roles into an EKS aws-auth ConfigMap, right after deploying the cluster. However, it seems that Terraform is recommending using kubectl instead.
I have tried the following method but I'm getting an error that the data block is not expecting here.
data "aws_eks_cluster_auth" "cluster_auth" {
name = "my_cluster"
provider "kubernetes" {
host = aws_eks_cluster.my_cluster.endpoint
cluster_ca_certificate = base64decode(
token = data.aws_eks_cluster_auth.cluster_auth.token
resource "kubernetes_config_map" "aws_auth_configmap" {
metadata {
name = "aws-auth"
namespace = "kube-system"
data {
mapRoles = <<YAML
- rolearn: arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/MyRole
username: system:node:{{EC2PrivateDNSName}}
- system:bootstrappers
- system:nodes
- rolearn: arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/MyRole
username: kubectl
- system:masters
you can give the aidanmelen/eks-auth/aws a try ;)
module "eks" {
source = "terraform-aws-modules/eks/aws"
# insert the 15 required variables here
module "eks_auth" {
source = "aidanmelen/eks-auth/aws"
eks = module.eks
map_roles = [
rolearn = "arn:aws:iam::66666666666:role/role1"
username = "role1"
groups = ["system:masters"]
map_users = [
userarn = "arn:aws:iam::66666666666:user/user1"
username = "user1"
groups = ["system:masters"]
userarn = "arn:aws:iam::66666666666:user/user2"
username = "user2"
groups = ["system:masters"]
map_accounts = [

Creation of resource cert-manager/letsencrypt failed because the Kubernetes API server reported that the apiVersion for this resource does not exist

I am having issues installing the cert-manager Helm chart and setting up a LetsEncrypt cluster issuer using Pulumi in our Azure Kubernetes cluster. We are using Kubernetes version 1.21.2 and cert-manager. 1.5.3.
When running pulumi up before any of the resources exist I get the following error: (cert-manager-letsencrypt):
error: creation of resource cert-manager/letsencrypt failed because the Kubernetes API server reported that the apiVersion for this resource does not exist. Verify that any required CRDs have been created: no matches for kind "ClusterIssuer" in version ""
error: update failedaToolsCertManager cert-manager
I can confirm that the cluster issuer hasn't been created by running kubectl get clusterissuer.
When running pulumi up again it succeeds and the letsencrypt ClusterIssuer is correctly created.
I don't want to have to run pulumi up consecutive times to reach a successful deployment. Can anyone see what the issue is here?
C# stack definition:
// Create new namespace
var certManagerNamespace = new Namespace("cert-manager",
new NamespaceArgs()
Metadata = new ObjectMetaArgs
Name = "cert-manager"
// Install cert-manager using Helm
var certManagerChart = new Chart("cert-manager",
new ChartArgs
Chart = "cert-manager",
Version = "1.5.3",
Namespace = certManagerNamespace.Metadata.Apply(m => m.Name),
Values =
["installCRDs"] = "true"
FetchOptions = new ChartFetchArgs
Repo = ""
// Create ClusterIssuer using LetsEncrypt
var clusterIssuer = new ClusterIssuer($"{name}-letsencrypt",
new ClusterIssuerArgs()
ApiVersion = "",
Kind = "ClusterIssuer",
Metadata = new ObjectMetaArgs()
Name = "letsencrypt",
Namespace = "cert-manager",
Spec = new ClusterIssuerSpecArgs()
Acme = new ClusterIssuerSpecAcmeArgs()
Email = "",
Server = "",
PrivateKeySecretRef = new ClusterIssuerSpecAcmePrivateKeySecretRefArgs()
Name = "letsencrypt"
Solvers =
new ClusterIssuerSpecAcmeSolversArgs()
Http01 = new ClusterIssuerSpecAcmeSolversHttp01Args()
Ingress = new ClusterIssuerSpecAcmeSolversHttp01IngressArgs()
Class = "nginx"
new CustomResourceOptions()
DependsOn = certManagerChart,
Provider = options.Provider
The cluster issuer definition from Pulumi:
+ (create)
apiVersion: ""
kind : "ClusterIssuer"
metadata : {
labels : { "pulumi"
name : "letsencrypt"
namespace: "cert-manager"
spec : {
acme: {
email : ""
privateKeySecretRef: {
name: "letsencrypt"
server : ""
solvers : [
[0]: {
http01: {
ingress: {
class: "nginx"

Create kubernetes secret for docker registry - Terraform

Using kubectl we can create docker registry authentication secret as follows
kubectl create secret docker-registry regsecret \ \
--docker-username=kube \
--docker-password=PW_STRING \ \
How do i create this secret using terraform, i saw this link, it has data, in the flow of terraform the kubernetes instance is being created in azure and i get the data required from there and i created something like below
resource "kubernetes_secret" "docker-registry" {
metadata {
name = "registry-credentials"
data = {
docker-server = data.azurerm_container_registry.docker_registry_data.login_server
docker-username = data.azurerm_container_registry.docker_registry_data.admin_username
docker-password = data.azurerm_container_registry.docker_registry_data.admin_password
It seems that it is wrong as the images are not being pulled. What am i missing here.
If you run following command
kubectl create secret docker-registry regsecret \ \
--docker-username=kube \
--docker-password=PW_STRING \
It will create a secret like following
$ kubectl get secrets regsecret -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
.dockerconfigjson: eyJhdXRocyI6eyJkb2NrZXIuZXhhbXBsZS5jb20iOnsidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJrdWJlIiwicGFzc3dvcmQiOiJQV19TVFJJTkciLCJlbWFpbCI6Im15QGVtYWlsLmNvbSIsImF1dGgiOiJhM1ZpWlRwUVYxOVRWRkpKVGtjPSJ9fX0=
kind: Secret
creationTimestamp: "2020-06-01T18:31:07Z"
name: regsecret
namespace: default
resourceVersion: "42304"
selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/default/secrets/regsecret
uid: 59054483-2789-4dd2-9321-74d911eef610
If we decode .dockerconfigjson we will get
So, how can we do that using terraform?
I created a file config.json with following data
Then in file
resource "kubernetes_secret" "docker-registry" {
metadata {
name = "regsecret"
data = {
".dockerconfigjson" = "${data.template_file.docker_config_script.rendered}"
type = ""
data "template_file" "docker_config_script" {
template = "${file("${path.module}/config.json")}"
vars = {
docker-username = "${var.docker-username}"
docker-password = "${var.docker-password}"
docker-server = "${var.docker-server}"
docker-email = "${var.docker-email}"
auth = base64encode("${var.docker-username}:${var.docker-password}")
then run
$ terraform apply
This will generate same secrets. Hope it will helps
I would suggest creating a azurerm_role_assignement to give aks access to the acr:
resource "azurerm_role_assignment" "aks_sp_acr" {
scope =
role_definition_name = "AcrPull"
principal_id = var.service_principal_obj_id
depends_on = [
You can create the service principal in the azure portal or with az cli and use client_id, client_secret and object-id in terraform.
Get Client_id and Object_id by running az ad sp list --filter "displayName eq '<name>'". The secret has to be created in the Certificates & secrets tab of the service principal. See this guide:
Just set all three as variable, eg for obj_id:
variable "service_principal_obj_id" {
default = "<object-id>"
Now use the credentials with aks:
resource "azurerm_kubernetes_cluster" "aks" {
service_principal {
client_id = var.service_principal_app_id
client_secret = var.service_principal_password
And set the object id in the acr as described above.
You can create the service principal with terraform (only works if you have the necessary permissions). combined with a random_password resource:
resource "azuread_application" "aks_sp" {
name = "somename"
available_to_other_tenants = false
oauth2_allow_implicit_flow = false
resource "azuread_service_principal" "aks_sp" {
application_id = azuread_application.aks_sp.application_id
depends_on = [
resource "azuread_service_principal_password" "aks_sp_pwd" {
service_principal_id =
value = random_password.aks_sp_pwd.result
end_date = "2099-01-01T01:02:03Z"
depends_on = [
You need to assign the role "Conributer" to the sp and can use it directly in aks / acr.
resource "azurerm_role_assignment" "aks_sp_role_assignment" {
scope = var.subscription_id
role_definition_name = "Contributor"
principal_id =
depends_on = [
Use them with aks:
resource "azurerm_kubernetes_cluster" "aks" {
service_principal {
client_id = azuread_service_principal.aks_sp.app_id
client_secret = azuread_service_principal_password.aks_sp_pwd.value
and the role assignment:
resource "azurerm_role_assignment" "aks_sp_acr" {
scope =
role_definition_name = "AcrPull"
principal_id = azuread_service_principal.aks_sp.object_id
depends_on = [
Update secret example
resource "random_password" "aks_sp_pwd" {
length = 32
special = true