How to update records in a table to trim whitespaces in JSON datatype of Postgres for a specific field - postgresql

I have a requirement to update a table by TRIM whitespace for a specific column which is a JSON datatype.
In the screenshot is the data structure of the table and the column I have to update is SCOPE
Inside SCOPE I have to TRIM the field SITES and as example a screenshot of the testing table
In the above screenshots, I have to TRIM only sites using an update as I need to build a migration function which for every row will TRIM from SITES the white spaces.
I have no clue in JSONB type how to do it.
UPDATE screenshot of the leading whitespace in data

Use jsonb_array_elements_text on the sites, trim each value, then jsonb_aggregate them back to an array.
SET scope = jsonb_set(scope, '{sites}', (
SELECT jsonb_agg(trim(site))
FROM jsonb_array_elements_text(scope->'sites') AS s(site)
(online demo)
Since Postgres 14, you can also use more comfortable subscripting to update json values, instead of jsonb_set:
SET scope['sites'] = (
SELECT jsonb_agg(trim(site))
FROM jsonb_array_elements_text(scope['sites']) AS s(site)
(online demo)


What PostgreSQL type is good for stroring array of strings and offering fast lookup afterwards

I am using PostgreSQL 11.9
I have a table containing a jsonb column with arbitrary number of key-values. There is a requirement when we perform a search to include all values from this column as well. Searching in jsonb is quite slow so my plan is to create a trigger which will extract all the values from the jsonb column:
select t.* from app.t1, jsonb_each(column_jsonb) as t(k,v)
with something like this. And then insert the values in a newly created column in the same table so I can use this column for faster searches.
My question is what type would be most suitable for storing the keys and then searchin within them. Currently the search looks like this:
WHEN something IS NOT NULL
THEN EXISTS(SELECT value FROM jsonb_each(column_jsonb) WHERE value::text ILIKE search_term)
where the search_term is what the user entered from the front end.
This is not going to be pretty, and normalizing the data model would be better.
You can define a function
CREATE FUNCTION jsonb_values_to_string(
j jsonb,
separator text DEFAULT ','
AS 'SELECT string_agg(value->>0, $2) FROM jsonb_each($1)';
Then you can query like
WHERE jsonb_values_to_string(column_jsonb, '|') ILIKE 'search_term'
and you can define a trigram index on the left hand side expression to speed it up.
Make sure that you choose a separator that does not occur in the data or the pattern...

Trim/whitespace issue when load data from Db2 source to Postgresql DB using Talend Open source

We are seeing issue in table value which are populated from DB2 (source) to Postgres (Target).
I have including here all the job details for each component.
Based on the above approach and once the data has been populated, when we run the below query in the Postgres DB.
SELECT * FROM VMRCTTA1.VMRRCUST_SUMM where cust_gssn_cd='XY03666699' ;
SELECT * FROM VMRCTTA1.VMRRCUST_SUMM where cust_cntry_cd='847' ;
There will be no records were returned however, when we run the same query with Trim as below it works.
SELECT * FROM VMRCTTA1.VMRRCUST_SUMM where trim(cust_gssn_cd)='XY03666699' ;
SELECT * FROM VMRCTTA1.VMRRCUST_SUMM where trim(cust_cntry_cd)='847' ;
Below are the ways we have tried to overcome this but no luck.
Used tmap between source and target component.
Used trim in source component under Advanced setting.
Change the datatype in Postgres DB of cust_cntry_cd from char(5) to Character varying, this will allow value without any length restriction.
Please suggest what is missing as we have this issue in almost all the table where we have character/varchar columns.
We are using TOS.
The data type is probably character(5) in DB2.
That means that the trailing spaces are part of the column and will be migrated. You have to compare with
cust_cntry_cd = '847 '
or cast the right argument to character(5):
cust_cntry_cd = CAST ('847' AS character(5))
Maybe you could delete all spaces in the advanced settings of the tDB2Input component.
Like the screen :

Timescaledb - How to display chunks of a hypertable in a specific schema

I have a table named conditions on a schema named test. I created a hypertable and inserted hundreds of rows.
When I run select show_chunks(), it works and displays chunks but I cannot use the table name as parameter as suggested in the manual. This does not work:
SELECT show_chunks("test"."conditions");
How can I fix this?
Ps: I want to query the chunk itself by its name? How can I do this?
The show_chunks expects a regclass, which depending on your current search path means you need to schema qualify the table.
The following should work:
SELECT public.show_chunks('test.conditions');
The double quotes are only necessary if your table is a delimited identifier, for example if your tablename contains a space, you would need to add the double quotes for the identifier. You will still need to wrap it in single quotes though:
SELECT public.show_chunks('test."equipment conditions"');
SELECT public.show_chunks('"test schema"."equipment conditions"');
For more information about identifier quoting:
Edit: Addressing the PS:
I want to query the chunk itself by its name? How can I do this?
feike=# SELECT public.show_chunks('test.conditions');
SELECT * FROM _timescaledb_internal._hyper_28_1176_chunk;

Postgres: update value of TEXT column (CLOB)

I have a column of type TEXT which is supposed to represent a CLOB value and I'm trying to update its value like this:
UPDATE my_table SET my_column = TEXT 'Text value';
Normally this column is written and read by Hibernate and I noticed that values written with Hibernate are stored as integers (perhaps some internal Postgres reference to the CLOB data).
But when I try to update the column with the above SQL, the value is stored as a string and when Hibernate tries to read it, I get the following error: Bad value for type long : ["Text value"]
I tried all the options described in this answer but the result is always the same. How do I insert/update a TEXT column using SQL?
In order to update a cblob created by Hibernate you should use functions to handling large objects:
the documentation can be found in the following links:
To query:
select mytable.*, convert_from(loread(lo_open(mycblobfield::int, x'40000'::int), x'40000'::int), 'UTF8') from mytable where = 4;
x'40000' is corresponding to read mode (INV_WRITE)
To Update:
select lowrite(lo_open(16425, x'60000'::int), convert_to('this an updated text','UTF8'));
x'60000' = INV_WRITE + INV_READ is corresponding to read and write mode (INV_WRITE + IV_READ).
The number 16425 is an example loid (large object id) which already exists in a record in your table. It's that integer number you can see as value in the blob field created by Hinernate.
To Insert:
select lowrite(lo_open(lo_creat(-1), x'60000'::int), convert_to('this is a new text','UTF8'));
lo_creat(-1) generate a new large object a returns its loid

SQL Server 2000 query that omits commas in resulting rows?

Wondering if there is a way to query a SQL Server database and somehow format columns to omit commas in the data if there is any.
Reason for asking is I have 10000+ records and through out the data the varchar have data like 3,25% and other 1%.
I'd prefer not to alter the data in the original table thus asking if a select with other functions would do the trick.
I have thought about selecting all the data into a temp table and stripping the commas but that is a lot of work for every time I do the query.
Any info or if its is possible please reply.
Take a look at the REPLACE function:
SELECT REPLACE(YourColumn, ',', '')
FROM YourTable