PGAdmin create ERD from explicitly selected tables? - postgresql

I have the ability to generate an ERD from an entire DB. My DB is huge and I want to focus on a subset of table relationships. Is this supported in PGAdmin? Additionally, if it isn't is there a free/open-source tool that does support this?


Importing existing table data to a new table in different database (postgres)

i would like to import all data of a existing table of one database to a new table present inside different database in postgres, any suggestions will be helpful.
The easiest way would be to pg_dump the table and pg_restore in the target database.
In case it is not an option, you should definitely take a look a postgres_fdw (Foreign Data Wrapper), which allows you to access data from different databases - even from different machines. It is slightly more complex than the traditional export/import approach, but it creates a direct connection to the foreign table.
Take a look at this example.

Oracle Sql Developer DataModeler not showing ERD in relational model

I am using Oracle Sql Developer Datamodeler to view table relationships as an ERD.
I have selected tables from the schema that are related and have common keys. Still Oracle Sql Developer Datamodeler does not show how the tables are related. Why?
I am suspecting that there is no foreign key relation in your table design.
If you have your relationships correct and still not showing the relationships, please disconnect and connect back the db connections in SQL Developer. You will be able to see the relationships properly

Mysql Workbench Reverse Engineer function doesn't generate relationship "Lines" between tables

I just get a new project that need to work with a DB nobody knows about the structure about it. It is on the Mysql DB so I tried to use mySQL Workbench to export EER Diagram from this DB by using the Reverse Engineer function as many others recommended
I did get tables from the DB...but JUST tables!! no relationship that is the lines connect tables. Did I do something wrong or it is just because the ER Diagram from MySql Workbench is supposed to be like that?
Can anyone recommend tools that can export ER Diagram from existed DB? Include the relationship lines...
Relationships are only shown for foreign keys (how could MySQL Workbench otherwise know). If your tables have no foreign keys (e.g. because they are still using the MyIASM table engine instead of InnoDB) you won't get any relationships.

How to add new table to the database using sql workbench

I was creating MySQL database to add medicine.I created a table and I need to add one more tabe.After creating it I tried to query the database from the sql workbench.But it donot show the table but it is present in the EER Model.How can I solve this problem.
Modeling is just the task of abstractly designing your schema and its objects (e.g. tables, views etc.). It does not actually create these objects. For this you have to forward engineer your model to a server (see Database menu). Once done you can use the Synchronization feature to update either model or server (or both) with any changes made.
But keep in mind this is only for the objects, not for any data.

Is there a web-like DB tool for navigating relational databases?

Is there a tool that implements hyperlink-style navigation between tables via foreign keys? Web-based or native app.
For example, if I have table Users, with a column containing a foreign key reference to table Preferences, such a tool would implement simple 1-click access between the rows of the two tables, automatically creating links based on foreign keys.
I'm using MySQL, but I'm hoping for something that might work on multiple RDBMS systems.
I believe PhpMyAdmin will do this for you if properly configured.
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