I'm currently working on my first ever flutter project.
I tried to install flutter session package but it shows me this error
These are the packages I currently have
I want to build a package for Flutter and Dart, but I don't have any previous experience with package development. I am not sure how to create the package. Should I use
flutter create --template=package
dart create -t package
I want support for both Flutter and Dart.
I looked at the Flutter documentation on creating packages, but I couldn't understand if it would create a package with Flutter only support, or both Flutter and Dart support.
First, use the following command to check if your package meets all the requirements to publish the package.
dart pub publish --dry-run
Once you are sure that your package is ready to deploy on pub dev run this command:
dart pub publish
I want to install a simple audio recorder which will record a user’s voice. I know I can find plugins on PubDev, however I have difficulty in integrating them into my Flutter project. I have installed ‘audio_recorder 1.0.2. in a new dart file as part of ‘lib’. I don’t know how to integrate this file into the flutter project. I have tried to a button in another dart file which when pressed would take the user to that file, without succes. ‘This class is not a widget’ is the message I get. The ‘GitHub’ version has the errors ‘undefined class’, ‘LocalFileSystem isn’t defined for the type ‘AudioRecorder’. The example version (why this difference?) has quite a few errors after installation. Dependencies and imports are ok. When I install audio_recorder 1.0.2 inside the project via ‘Dart packages’ I get a lot of errors. I have successfully installed an audio recorder in another android app. I would like some help in how to integrate plugins in a flutter project.
The plugins have instructions on how to install it. Got to your pubspec.yaml-file and put it under dependencies.
Make sure that you add your dependency to pubspec.yaml like this:
audio_recorder: ^1.0.2
After that make sure to type "flutter pub get" in console.
Go on a specified file in which you want to use Your dependency and import it like this:
import 'package:audio_recorder/audio_recorder.dart';
i have ran flutter pub get multiple times but I'm still not able to download the carousel_slider package
So far I've tried:
Running flutter clean
Running flutter packages get
Running flutter packages get
Restarting my computer
Updated flutter
Tried opening it in VSCode instead
Added another package (but that did install, I could see it in the Dart Packages)
I see that is working well, but you can try deleting the pubspect.lock
In the terminal write this commands:
flutter clean
flutter packages get
I am trying to install provider(flutter package) but getting an error message when trying to run $ pub get :
enter image description here
Provider Package installation error:
update your flutter sdk which is greater then 1.15.17, your current version of flutter SDK. then try to install the flutter package again..
The latest Stable release of flutter is v1.17.1 . So just update your flutter and then add the your desired flutter package..
you need to update your flutter sdk with the command 'flutter upgrade', and only then try to install the provider package again.
try to always keep updated
I just added the the fvm package to switch the flutter channel from stable to master without downloading sdk components every time when switching flutter channels.
I have followed the step written in readme.md for switching the channel.
I have set the following path in my environment variables.
Now, i have opened my first project in which i want to use "flutter SDK's master channel". But, whenever i try to use the command "fvm use master". It's not working.
It is giving me an error like,
'fvm' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
So, can anyone suggest a solution?
try :
pub global run fvm:main
pub global run fvm:main use VERSION
Hi adding in your path:
More info:
In my case fvm commands did not work on Windows even tho I checked everything. It gave missing fvm.exe file and other errors. If you also stuck there you can use this way. Only way I managed to get it work is to use longer commands like these:
flutter pub global run fvm:main list
Seems like all fvm commands:
config Set configuration for FVM
flutter Proxies Flutter Commands
install Installs Flutter SDK Version
list Lists installed Flutter SDK Version
releases Lists Flutter SDK releases.
remove Removes Flutter SDK Version
use Which Flutter SDK Version you would like to use
version Prints the currently-installed version of FVM
Works like this, you just need to add the fvm command to the ending of this - flutter pub global run fvm:main. So add any of them like this form:
flutter pub global run fvm:main releases
flutter pub global run fvm:main install 2.2.0
flutter pub global run fvm:main use 2.2.0
are you add "C:\flutter\bin\cache\dart-sdk\bin" to path?
if you in windows you should run your text editor as administrator as following
In my case Error Message was
Usage Error: Flutter version null is not installed
To fix this:
I have activated FVM by pub global activate fvm;
Printed installed fvm list by fvm list, it should give result as the image below:
Selected which Flutter SDK version to use by running fvm use 1.22.0 (in my case 1.22.0, it may differ according to your desired version) command, It will download SDK if it is not installed yet;
Now you can check is flutter running in your project by running flutter;
Also, you can check if the Flutter SDK version set by calling again fvm list.
The tick means, that version is running in your project.