I´m using the Morris JS library to create an automated line chart.
The idea is as follows: a user selects a product from a dropdown and indicates the number of times he uses that product per day.
The result is reflected in the graph as follows: line 1 increases according to "a fixed price (fp) * number of times the product is consumed (nt) + total price of the product (tp)", while line 2 it is constant in all its values (repeats always the same regardless of user selection).
The increase in the values of line 1 will always be the "increase" variable added to the previous value obtained in n4. Also, when the value on line 1 exceeds the value on line 2, I want the chart to not generate any more data points.
A function with the If...else statement should give me the solution, but I don't know how to integrate it with Morris. Can you guide me to its correct operation? Javascript is not a language that I have mastered and I am experiencing problems in its development.
Any contribution or suggestion will be welcome. Thank you very much for your help.
<div class="col1">
<select class="product" name="product" onchange="if(document.images) document.images['new'].src='img/'+this.options[this.selectedIndex].id+'.png';">
<option value="">Selection product</option>
<option value="100 $" id="1">Product1</option>
<option value="200 $" id="2">Product2</option>
<option value="300 $" id="3">Product3</option>
<option value="400 $" id="4">Product4</option>
<option value="500 $" id="5">Product5</option>
<div class="result"></div>
<form name="use">
<td align=right>Number of times</td><td align=left><input type="text" name="use" id="iduse" maxlength="4"></td>
<img src="" name="new" alt="">
<div class="column2">
<div id="myfirstchart" style="height: 300px;"></div>
<script src="code.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
var n1= document.getElementById("iduse").value;
var n2=0.02*30;
var n3=n1*n2;
var n4=n3+result;
var increase=n4+x;
new Morris.Line({
element: 'myfirstchart',
data: [
{ period: '2022-07', line1: n4, line2: 12 },
{ period: '2022-08', line1: ?, line2: 24 },
{ period: '2022-09', line1:?, line2: 36 },
{ period: '2022-10', line1: ?, line2: 48 },
{ period: '2022-11', line1: ?, line2: 60 },
{ period: '2022-12', line1: ?, line2: 72 },
{ period: '2023-01', line1: ?, line2: 84 },
{ period: '2023-02', line1:?, line2: 96 },
{ period: '2023-03', line1: ?, line2: 108 },
{ period: '2023-04', line1: ?, line2: 120 },
{ period: '2023-05', line1: ?, line2: 132 },
{ period: '2023-06', line1: ?, line2: 144 },
{ period: '2023-07', line1: ?, line2: 156 }
xkey: 'period',
// A list of names of data record attributes that contain y-values.
ykeys: ['line1', 'line2'],
// Labels for the ykeys -- will be displayed when you hover over the
// chart.
labels: ['Value1', 'Value2'],
postUnits:[" $"],
const selectElement = document.querySelector('.product');
selectElement.addEventListener('change', (event) => {
const result = document.querySelector('.result');
result.textContent = `Price ${event.target.value}`;
I would like to plot some d3js chars in vuejs after performing an API call to get some data. To do so, I created a form whose input is used to collect the data from the API. Once I submit the form, I call my d3js function to plot the charts based on the retrieved data. I want the plotting functions to be called only when the data is not empty. To do so, I used the conditional rendering v-if based on the length of the data. So far so good. My problem is that once the plots are rendered if I type anything in the form, a new plot will be created as if every time the if statement is evaluated again and again, I don't know if it is related to lifecycle or not, but how can avoid this behavior?
<meta charset="utf-8">
<h4>Associate Information</h4>
<form #submit.prevent="onSubmit">
<input placeholder="Associate Id" v-model="associateId" /> <br />
<input placeholder="Starting date" v-model="initialDate" /> <br />
<input placeholder="Ending date" v-model="finalDate" /> <br />
<button v-on:click="getAssociatesbyIdAndDates()">submit</button>
<div class="chart" v-if="dailyData.length">
{{ DailyBillabilityLinePlot() }}
{{ WeeklyMonthlyQuarterlyBarPlot(weeklyData) }}
<div class="linePlot"></div>
<div class="barPlot" v-if="weeklyData.length">
<button v-on:click="WeeklyMonthlyQuarterlyBarPlot(weeklyData)">Weekly</button>
<button v-on:click="WeeklyMonthlyQuarterlyBarPlot(monthlyData)">Monthly</button>
<svg id="chart" viewBox="0 0 960 300"></svg>
import * as d3 from 'd3'
export default {
name: 'Timecard',
props: {
msg: String
data() {
return {
apiUrl: "",
myNumber: 0,
environment: "",
initialDate: "",
finalDate: "",
associateId: "",
dailyData: [],
methods: {
// plot a d3 bar plot
DailyBillabilityLinePlot() { // plot another d3 line plot}
getAssociatesbyIdAndDates() {
// Connect to the backend and get the list of associates
// http://localhost:8080/timecards/period/test/274/2020-04-14/2020-04-22
console.log("Fetching the data for an associates from the backend based on initial date and final date...");
this.axios.get(this.apiUrl + "test/period/test/" + this.associateId + "/" + this.initialDate + "/" + this.finalDate)
.then(response => {
this.dailyData = response.data;
.catch(error => {
this.axios.get(this.apiUrl + "test/weekly/" + this.associateId + "/" + this.initialDate + "/" + this.finalDate)
.then(response => {
this.weeklyData = response.data;
.catch(error => {
this.axios.get(this.apiUrl + "test/monthly/" + this.associateId + "/" + this.initialDate + "/" + this.finalDate)
.then(response => {
this.monthlyData = response.data;
.catch(error => {
onSubmit() {
let consultantApi = {
name: this.name,
initialDate: this.initialDate,
finalDate: this.finalDate,
this.$emit('consultantApi-submitted', consultantApi)
this.name = ''
this.initialDate = ''
this.finalDate = ''
mounted: function() {
this.apiUrl = process.env.VUE_APP_BACKEND_API;
this.environment = process.env.NODE_ENV;
Initial Form
D3 plots after submitting the completed form
Creation of new d3 plots whenever I press any key in the form
Yes, this is because updating any model will re-render the entire component.
To get around it, I find the simplest way is to put the chart into another component so that the re-render is then guarded.
var app = Vue.createApp({
data() {
return {
abc: 'ABC',
list: [1, 2, 3]
app.component("my-chart", {
template: `<div >{{Math.random()}}</div>`
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue#3.0.6/dist/vue.global.prod.js"></script>
<div id="app">
<input v-model="abc" />
<div v-if="list.length">
I think your bug is in the parent component. I would try to check how often does it emmit the consultantApi. It seems like your form keeps submitting on input change event and not on form submit.
Adding to a FormArray via input field
To add values, via a form input, to an existing array I can use (click)="addAddress()" in the html where addAddress is defined in the component.ts to update values in an array in the form AppComponent:
ngOnInit() {
this.myForm = this._fb.group({
name: ['', [Validators.required, Validators.minLength(5)]],
addresses: this._fb.array([
initAddress() {
return this._fb.group({
street: ['', Validators.required],
postcode: ['']
addAddress() {
const control = <FormArray>this.myForm.controls['addresses'];
And back in the html ngFor is used to add a set of input fields each time the 'add' button is clicked":
<div formArrayName="addresses">
<div *ngFor="let address of myForm.controls.addresses.controls; let i=index" >
<span>Address {{i + 1}}</span>
<div [formGroupName]="i">
<input type="text" formControlName="street">
<input type="text" formControlName="postcode">
Like the full working example here: https://embed.plnkr.co/sUjE1ULYhfDHLNBw2sRv/1
Adding to form FormGroup via input field
I would like to understand how to add a completely new FormGroup via form input.
So taking the case of the example above...
Rather than adding to an array of addresses:
"name": "",
"addresses": [
"street": "Baker Street",
"postcode": "w2"
"street": "Bond Street",
"postcode": "w1"
Each time an address is added a new FormGroup is created where the user adds the FormGroupName for each via form input. For example:
"street":"Baker Street",
"street":"Bond Street",
Using the addControl method this can be achieved like so:
app.component.html excerpt:
<div class="margin-20">
<a (click)="addGroup(newName.value)" style="cursor: default">Add Group +</a>
app.component.ts excerpt:
ngOnInit() {
this.myForm = this._fb.group({
addGroup(newName:string) {
let data = this._fb.group({
foo: ['what a load of foo'],
bar: ['see you at the bar']
this.myForm.addControl(newName, data);
Working example in this plunk:
For an example where a corresponding input field is published for each formControl that is added in the new named group I created this plunk
I am new to JQgrid and we are using Perl Catalyst to build the application.
I need to have a drop down for the Operating system field
Please find the code for JQgrid
<title>Server Details </title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="[% c.uri_for('/static/css/cupertino/jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.css') %]" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="[% c.uri_for('/static/plugins/jqGrid/css/ui.jqgrid.css') %]" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="[% c.uri_for('/static/plugins/jqGrid/css/print-container.css') %]" />
<script src="[% c.uri_for('/static/plugins/jqGrid/js/i18n/grid.locale-en.js')%]" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="[% c.uri_for('/static/plugins/jqGrid/js/jquery.printElement.js')%]" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="[% c.uri_for('/static/plugins/jqGrid/js/printing.js')%]" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="[% c.uri_for('/static/plugins/jqGrid/js/export_to_excel.js')%]" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="[% c.uri_for('/static/plugins/jqGrid/js/jquery.jqGrid.src.js') %]" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
url:"[% c.uri_for("server_details_json") %]",
colNames:['Server Id' , 'Host Name', 'IP Address','Operating System','Operating System Version', 'Network Domain','Business Unit'],
{name:'server_id', index:'server_id', align:'centre',editable:false},
{name:'server_name', index:'server_name', align:'left',editable:true},
{name:'ip_address', index:'ip_address', align:'left',editable:true},
{name:'operating_system', index:'operating_system', align:'left',editable:true, edittype: 'select',
searchoptions: {value:getOptionsList(),
{name:'operating_system_version', index:'operating_system_version', align:'left',editable:true},
{name:'domain', index:'domain', align:'left',editable:true},
{name:'business_unit', index:'business_unit', align:'left',editable:true},
loadComplete: function() {
editurl:"[% c.uri_for("postrow") %]",
caption:'Server List '
$("#list").jqGrid('navGrid', '#pager',{
search: true,
refresh: true,
{height:250,width:500,reloadAfterSubmit:true}, // edit options
{height:480,reloadAfterSubmit:false}, // add options
{reloadAfterSubmit:false}, // del options
{} // search options
// setup grid print capability. Add print button to navigation bar and bind to click.
setPrintGrid('list','pager','Server Details');
setExcelGrid('list','pager','/tams/Server_Details_CSV','Server Details1');
function getOptionsList(){
type: "POST",
url:"[% c.uri_for("OS_json") %]",
dataType: 'json',
success: function(data){
failure :function(xhr,status,msg) {
alert("Unexpected error occured. !!!"+msg);
return options;
<table id="list"><tr><td/></tr></table>
<div id="pager"></div>
The Json Data is like this
Can some one help me Thanks in advance for your precious time
First of all you defined searchoptions.value for operating_system column which will be used during searching and not during editing. Moreover the property will work in Searching dialog only if you would add additional property stype: "select". So you should add editoptions: {value: getOptionsList() } to have <select> during editing.
The format of value for editoptions.value and searchoptions.value can be either the string like
or an object like
{"86": "Windows", "87": "AIX"}
and not [{"value":"Windows","id":"86"},{"value":"AIX","id":"87"}] which you currently use.
You should change the code of getOptionsList to construct the corresponding results. By the way I prefer to use String form instead of Object form because it allows to specify the exact order of <option> elements in the <select>. The order of options in case of usage object form can be different in different web browsers.
I would recommend you to change your code so that you don't use synchronous Ajax request. Instead of that you can use editoptions {dataUrl: "[% c.uri_for("OS_json") %]", buildSelect: function (data) {...}}. You should additionally define ajaxSelectOptions: {dataType: "json"}. The callback function buildSelect get the server response (data) and it should return the HTML fragment of <select> with all <option> elements. You can find some examples here, here and here.
UPDATED: The code of buildSelect can be something like
buildSelect: function (data) {
var html = "<select>", length = data.length, i, item;
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
item = data[i];
html += '<option value=' + item.id + '>' + item.value + '</option>';
return html + "/<select>";
if you want that results of editing of the select will be sent as select id (like 86 for "Windows") to the server (see the demo). If you want that server get the name (like "Windows") then you need fill value of <option> elements using value property and ignore the id value:
buildSelect: function (data) {
var html = "<select>", length = data.length, i, item;
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
item = data[i];
html += '<option value=' + item.value + '>' + item.value + '</option>';
return html + "/<select>";
see the demo. You can use Fiddler, Developer Tools of IE or other free tools to trace the exact HTTP traffic during editing.
Your colModel must be like,
{ name: 'Decision', width: 200, editable: true, formatter: 'select', edittype: 'select',
editoptions: {
value: {
'1': 'Option 1',
'2': 'Option 2',
'3': 'Option 3'
I guess, it must be editoptions instead of searchoptions.
Here is an example grid, thanks to Oleg
I'm looking to create a grouped column chart in Highcharts, except with multiple groups in a given day. The graph would look like this http://www.highcharts.com/demo/column-stacked-and-grouped (from this forum question http://highslide.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=19575), except with each stacked bar replaced with a grouped set of columns (non-stacked). We would therefore see multiple groups of columns per day, the idea being that each group corresponds to one user. Does anyone know how to do this?
edit: Here's a jsfiddle I've found http://jsfiddle.net/pMA2H/1/
<html xml:lang="en" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
<title>ElementStacks - jsFiddle demo</title>
<script type='text/javascript' src='http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.4.2.js'></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/normalize.css"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/result-light.css"/>
<script type='text/javascript' src="http://highcharts.com/js/testing.js"></script>
<style type='text/css'>
<script type='text/javascript'>//<![CDATA[
Data is:
Gross Amount Cost Amount
Services Australia 20 10
Germany 30 15
Manufacturing Australia 35 17
Germany 25 12
Would like to be able define my categories hierarchically - example:
xAxis: [{
categories: [{
name: 'Services'
children: ['Australia', 'Germany']
name: 'Manufacturing'
children: ['Australia', 'Germany']
and get a result similar to what is fudged up by using the renderer on the right.
var chart = new Highcharts.Chart({
chart: {
renderTo: 'container',
type: 'column'
xAxis: [{
categories: ['Australia', 'Germany', 'Australia', 'Germany'],
labels: {
y: 40
legend: {
margin: 40
series: [{
name: 'Gross',
data: [['Services', 20],['Services',30],['Manufacturing', 35],['Manufacturing', 25]]
name: 'Cost',
data: [['Services', 10],['Services',15],['Manufacturing', 17],['Manufacturing', 13]]
}, function(chart){
$('.highcharts-axis:first > text').each(function() {
this.setAttribute('y', parseInt(this.getAttribute('y')) - 20)
var text1 = chart.renderer.text("Services", 150, 340).add();
var text2 = chart.renderer.text("Manufacturing", 350, 340).add();
<div id="container" style="height: 400px; width: 500px"></div>
from the thread here http://highcharts.uservoice.com/forums/55896-general/suggestions/2230615-grouped-x-axis#comments. The code for the x-axis increments is a bit tedious though, because you have to manually add each increment and include its spacing to make sure your data points line up. I've done graphs previously where you can instead specify a pointStart and pointInterval for dates. If someone knows of a more elegant solution, that'd be great.
You can use plugin for grouped categories, here you can find it: https://github.com/blacklabel/grouped_categories
Unless there is something else you are not explaining, what you are asking for is the default behavior of a grouped column chart:
all that is required to achieve this is multiple data series and a type of 'column'
I had the same problem, and solved it usign plain HighCharts. It needs some magical datashuffling, but the result is fair.
See here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/31029535/461499
To solve this problem, u need to stack on a variable that can't stack. Like:
series :{
name: 'boys',
stack: 1,
data: [2, 6, 5,0]
name: 'girls',
stack: 2,
data: [0, 6, 1,3]
No stacking with 1,2,3,4 e.t.c
I have a couple of columns in jqGrid with edittype="select". How can I read the option value of the value currently selected in a particular row?
e.g.: When I provide the following option, how do I get "FE" for FedEx, etc.
editoption: { value: “FE:FedEx; IN:InTime; TN:TNT” }
getRowData() for the rowId/cellname returns only the text/displayed component of the select.
If I set a "change" data event on the column, the underlying fires change events only on mouse clicks, and not keyboard selects (there's numerous references to generic selects and mouse/keyboard issues).
Bottomline, when a new value is selected, I need to know the option value at the time of the change, and also prior to posting to the server.
You have to set the formatter of the column to 'select'
Example from the wiki:
colModel : [ {name:'myname',
edittype:'select', formatter:'select',
editoptions:{value:"1:One;2:Two"}} ...
See more here jqgridwiki
I was having the same problem and this worked like a charm
I just solved this question by using setting JqGrid unformat option and use the following function for unformatting cell value.
function Unformat_Select(cellvalue, options, cellobject)
var unformatValue = '';
$.each(options.colModel.editoptions.value, function (k, value)
if (cellvalue == value)
unformatValue = k;
return unformatValue;
The above method will be called everytime when grid need cell data like when you call "getRowData" method. However, my function only support key-paired value edit option. You need to change your data like the following pattern.
For more information about unformat option, you can see at the following link.
JqGrid Wiki - Custom Formatter
PS. It's possible to modify my function to support client-side dropdownlist value. But I think it's impossible to apply this function for server-side dropdownlist value.
In the latest jqGrid 3.8.1, I just found some bug when user cancel editing row(or programmatically call "restoreRow" method), jqGrid will create label by using key of data (instead of value of data). I create the following function to fix this issue. For use this, you must it as custom formatter function of this column. This function maps cell value to value of list by comparing key or value.
function JqGridInlineEditor_SelectFormatter(cellvalue, options, rowObject)
var temp = '';
$.each(options.colModel.editoptions.value, function (key, value)
if (cellvalue == key || cellvalue == value)
temp = value;
return false;
return temp;
So, you can send key or value as column data to be rendered by the above custom formatter.
If in case you have requirement where each row has dropdown and it has values like
Now instead of saving the data to backend on dropdown change event;you want to save data on "Save" button click at row level but want to save dropdwon selected value (TN) not display text(TNT). You can create another hidden field to set selected country code on inline editing of dropdown. Here when user exit after cell inline editing afterSaveCell method will be called and you can set it as mentioned in below code:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8.18/themes/redmond/jquery-ui.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://www.ok-soft-gmbh.com/jqGrid/jquery.jqGrid-4.3.1/css/ui.jqgrid.css" />
<style type="text/css">
html, body { font-size: 75%; }
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8.18/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.ok-soft-gmbh.com/jqGrid/jquery.jqGrid-4.3.1/js/i18n/grid.locale-en.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$.jgrid.no_legacy_api = true;
$.jgrid.useJSON = true;
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.ok-soft-gmbh.com/jqGrid/jquery.jqGrid-4.3.1/js/jquery.jqGrid.src.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
/*global $ */
/*jslint devel: true, browser: true, plusplus: true, nomen: true, unparam: true */
$(document).ready(function () {
'use strict';
var listOptions = "CN:Canada; US:United States; FR:France; IN:India";
var mydata = [{
name: "Toronto",
country: "CN",
continent: "North America",
countrycode: "CN"
}, {
name: "New York City",
country: "US",
continent: "North America",
countrycode: "US"
}, {
name: "Silicon Valley",
country: "US",
continent: "North America",
countrycode: "US"
}, {
name: "Paris",
country: "FR",
continent: "Europe",
countrycode: "FR"
}, {
name: "Pune",
country: "IN",
continent: "Asia",
countrycode: "IN"
data: mydata,
datatype: "local",
colNames: ["Name", "Country", "Continent", "countrycode"],
colModel: [{
name: 'name',
index: 'name',
editable: false,
name: 'country',
index: 'country',
editable: true, edittype: "select", formatter: 'select', editoptions: {
value: listOptions,
}, editrules: { required: true, integer: false }, formatter: "select"
name: 'continent',
index: 'continent',
editable: false,
name: 'countrycode',
index: 'countrycode',
editable: false
afterSaveCell: function (rowid, cellname, value) {
var selectedCountryCode, $this;
if (cellname === 'country') {
$this = $(this);
selectedCountryCode = $this.jqGrid("getCell", rowid, 'country');
$this.jqGrid("setCell", rowid, 'countrycode', selectedCountryCode);
pager: '#pager',
'cellEdit': true,
'cellsubmit': 'clientArray',
editurl: 'clientArray'
<table id="gvManageMapping"><tr><td /></tr></table>
<div id="pager"></div>
The documentation for getRowData states:
Do not use this method when you editing the row or cell. This will return the cell content and not the actuall value of the input element
Is the row still being edited when you call getRowData()?
Agreed, jqGrid does not handle <select> very well. In my application I actually was able to get around this by not specifying an edit option (meaning, key/value were both "FedEx"); the translation to ID is then done on the server. This is not the right way to code this, but it worked well enough for my needs at the time.