How do I save my dashboard on tableau public? - tableau-api

I have tableau public on which I have created visualization. Now I want to save my work but everytime I try to save it on tableau public it gives me an error.

You need to create an account in
make sure you're signed in Tableau public


Is there a tableau REST API can get me a list of filters on a given dashboard?

I’m trying to find a way to get the filter’s names from dashboard. Is this possible?
Thanks in advance
By using tableau extension or tableau api will be able to get filter names and values from tableau dashboard
Refer this:

To refresh the link published through Tableau public as data get updated in SQL server

I have made Tableau dashboard in Tableau Desktop & published it in Tableau public. Extract is used to data refresh, but when I refresh the data, the graph in the tableau Desktop get updated, but the published link does not.
I am having only Tableau Desktop & Tableau public (does not have Tableau online, Tableau server).
Tableau Public doesn't connect to your SQL Server. The only way to update Tableau Public dashboards is to republish the entire workbook to Tableau Public after refreshing in Tableau Desktop.

Shopify import csv products

I would like to know if there is a default feature for importing products export files in json/xml/csv format and if this can be called daily with a cron or something automatically.
You are free to create a private App that has scope permissions to write_products, write_inventory and read_locations. With that, you can establish a script that can parse your json/xml/csv and update inventory. That script can be scheduled to run as often as you need. Shopify is an ideal platform for the use of scripting to accomplish many manual tasks.
I agree with David. You need to create a custom App in your store and submit your data to a script(you can use PHP) triggered by CRON hosted on a server which will create a record using Product API.
Step 1: Go to Apps tab in admin section of your store. Scroll down and click on Manage private apps, create an App here to generate API keys and password.
Step 2: Create and host(on a secured server) a script that will use API keys generated in previous step to create new product record using
Step 3: Fetch your data in any format and send this data in JSON format to your Shopify store using API. A new product record will be created in your store.
Note: You can test this API by using credential created in Step 1 on Postmen tool you can refer You will have to hit Example URL generated in Private app from Step 1.

OpenStack Swift Object Storage File Access?

I'm setting up OpenStack Swift object storage via IBM Bluemix for a few needs in our application. First of all I need a place to securly upload customer files via our API, which this is a perfect solution for.
The portion I'm struggling with is the public piece. Our SAAS product has certian images that are uploaded during account provisioning. These files need to be public accessable via a URL.
I'm able to get the swift SDK to retrieve files with both a token and username/password methods. However I'm not able to find a way to generate a public URL, or to set public access on objects or containers. The documentation seems to be lacking on this too.
Is this possible even? Should I be using a different method for storing public assets?
It is. You can either create temporary URLs for the resources you want to access, or change the settings for your Object Store container to allow read access.
To modify the container ACL, follow Public URLs For Objects In Bluemix Object Storage Service
Hints for creating URLs just for some files are at How to create temporary URL for Swift object storage using REST API?

Tableau Public Integration

We are using Tableau Public server in order to host a few public reports which will be embedded into our secure website.
When users access my website and the Tableau reports, will the client browser interact with Tableau Public server directly or will it interact via the web server to the Tableau Public server?
If it interacts via Tableau Public server, would there be a unnecessary performance delay?
When you embed a view into your web page, the Tableau Public server(s) are rendering it. So the user is "connecting" to Tableau Public directly.
You would have to measure performance yourself, but I would assume that Tableau's servers are faster than yours. If that is true, you should not see any performance impact - especially since there is no authentication done with Tableau Public.