In vim plugin CoC, how to change coc-clangd source priority? - autocomplete

How to change coc-clangd source priority?
I use vim conqueror of completion with language server client coc-clangd as autocompletion source and I would like to lower its priority from 99 to 70. I cannot find how to do in the doc.
I tried the following without success :CocConfig and then:
"suggest.languageSourcePriority": 70,
"coc.source.clangd.priority": 70,
"clangd.priority": 70,
To check the current priority I do :CocList, sources, TAB, refresh and it always show:
* clangd [LS] .<>:"/* 99


Change configuration options for specific files only

I'm working on a small part of a huge project. I need to change some Doxygen configuration options only for specific files. For example, there is such configuration option DOT_GRAPH_MAX_NODES and its default value is 50. I need to increase its value to 100 but only for some source files (for all other source files it should be 50). What is the the best way to achieve it?
I'm a newbie in Doxygen and I tried to #include my configuration file on a top of .cpp or try to set a new value to an option there as well but it did not help (but did not cause any warnings or errors):
/// #include MyDoxyfile
// or
I appreciate any help.
In doxygen the DOT_GRAPH_MAX_NODES is a global setting and cannot be altered. This contrary to some graphs that can be shown / hidden:
• if CALL_GRAPH is set to YES, a graphical call graph is drawn for
each function showing the functions that the function directly or
indirectly calls (see also section \callgraph and section
• if CALLER_GRAPH is set to YES, a graphical caller
graph is drawn for each function showing the functions that the
function is directly or indirectly called by (see also section
\callergraph and section \hidecallergraph).
and in the upcoming 1.8.15 version a similar mechanism is implemented for
REFERENCED_BY_RELATION, commands: showrefby and hiderefby
REFERENCES_RELATION, commands: showrefs and hiderefs

VS Code ruby-rubocode increase Metrics/MethodLength check

Rubocode (in VS Code's ruby-rubocode extension) insists that no method should be longer than 10 lines:
Metrics/MethodLength: Method has too many lines. [11/10] (convention:Metrics/MethodLength)
I think that this is a bit severe, and would like to change it to 20.
Is it possible to edit this value via VS Code's settings.json?
B) Is it also possible to increase the Metrics/LineLength from 80 to 120?
Metrics/LineLength: Line is too long. [108/80] (convention:Metrics/LineLength)
You can edit rubocop config/default.yml to do what you are looking for.
Look at the Metrics section and change Metrics/LineLength and Metrics/MethodLength values.
If you want to change these settings for your current project only then create .rubocop.yml file in the required project directory:
Max: 120
Max: 20

Eclipse - increase size of 'Export destination' dropdown history

I'm currently running Luna but have also come across this frustration wth older versions, e.g. Kepler, Juno etc.
When doing an export of a runnable JAR, the second dropdown box (Export destination) in the 'Runnable JAR File Export' wizard seems only to cache a limited history of previously chosen destinations -- five or six.
I am regularly doing maintenance work on 8 or 9 different projects and, as I export one project (lets call it 'H'), the export destination for another project (lets call it 'G') is pruned from the dropdown. When I later come back to work on 'G' and export it, I have to re-enter the destination all over again (yes, I know, aww diddums !).
It would just be nice to set a slightly higher limit (say a dozen) on the size of the dropdown history.
Can this be done by altering the Eclipse config ? Or can I get round it another way ?
Thanks for any replies
The maximum size of this list is fixed at 5 in the code (constant COMBO_HISTORY_LENGTH in org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.WizardDataTransferPage which is the base class for the org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.jarpackagerfat.FatJarPackageWizardPage which provides the Runnable Jar export wizard page).

Pydev Nodebox: "AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'WIDTH'"

I am trying to create a graph of the connections between the users in my database using nodebox(ubuntu 12.04, python 2.7, django 1.3), but when I enter the following instructions, I get the error message underneath it:
g.draw(weighted=False, directed=False, highlight=[], traffic=None)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/IPython/core/", line 2721, in run_code
exec code_obj in self.user_global_ns, self.user_ns
File "<ipython-input-1-0a219395b690>", line 1, in <module>
g.draw(weighted=False, directed=False, highlight=[], traffic=None)
File "/home/raymond/Documents/exchange/cet/cet/graph/", line 453, in draw
File "/path/to/myproject//graph/", line 416, in update
self.x = _ctx.WIDTH - max.x*self.d - min_.x*self.d
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'WIDTH'
How can I get nodebox to draw my graph? should I add a try/catch or if statement to graph/ in order to prevent object of type none from being written to? I know displaying more code would help solve the problem faster; I am running into formatting problem, but I will add code to the question as soon as I can.
Nodebox has a graph web page which is concise, informative and seemed what I need. As the file to download is on the same page it seemed ideal, BUT it fails to mention it is Nodebox 1 which is for Mac ...only!
Then a further rummage finds NodeBox OpenGL which has a new methodology and is cross platform, BUT it only lists compatibility with python 2.5-2.6 (so with 2.7 should be worth a try?) BUT installing the graphics util Pyglet failed the first time more investigation required.
Sadly Nodebox 3 seems all different and haven't yet seen a comparable graph command
Looking back on the outcome
After achieving an install, I prototyped network viewer with a mouse selectable attribute viewer, low frame rate and a constant data set. A flavour of the interactiveness is demonstrated in this site
(try a click and drag on the central word)
But problems I needed to solve were how to
show a live data set consistently ie dealing with orphans,
transitions as branches you may be viewing may disappear from the
partitioning the viewing of large amounts of data ie view 2 to 20 nodes from several hundred items
displaying data without overlapping/obscuring or going off the display area
displaying differences when not on the current level
In my case a periodically updated, structured html table with colours and zoom levels was the best solution

Versioning in Configuration Management

If there are 55 versions of a file in any configuration management system and then a developer checked out the 50th version...edit it and then check in again...what will be the new version of the file ?
Will it be 56th ?
or a new version would be 51th...and existing versions will be incremented by one.
Surely not the 51th, changes are incremental in time, not in content.
To have a clear history of the changes, there will be be a 56th version for reverting changes that occured between the 51 and 55, in order to make it clear that he's going back. Then anothor version, the 57th for the changes he actually makes.
Should be version 56, and file merge would happen when checking in the file if there is any conflick between v55 and the new version.
Another good way to manage the versions is to branch out the historic version (v50). After you modify the files (like adding features, fixing bugs, etc.), you can merge it back to the original.