Looking for c++ equivalent for _wfindfirst for char16_t - unicode

I have filenames using char16_t characters:
char16_t Text[2560] = u"ThisIsTheFileName.txt";
char16_t const* Filename = Text;
How can I check if the file exists already? I know that I can do so for wchar_t using _wfindfirst(). But I need char16_t here.
Is there an equivalent function to _wfindfirst() for char16_t?
Background for this is that I need to work with Unicode characters and want my code working on Linux (32-bit) as well as on other platforms (16-bit).

findfirst() is the counterpart to _wfindfirst().
However, both findfirst() and _wfindfirst() are specific to Windows. findfirst() accepts ANSI (outdated legacy stuff). _wfindfirst() accepts UTF-16 in the form of wchar_t (which is not exactly the same thing as char16_t).
ANSI and UTF-16 are generally not used on Linux. findfirst()/_wfindfirst() are not included in the gcc compiler.
Linux uses UTF-8 for its Unicode format. You can use access() to check for file permission, or use opendir()/readdir()/closedir() as the equivalent to findfirst().
If you have a UTF-16 filename from Windows, you can convert the name to UTF-8, and use the UTF-8 name in Linux. See How to convert UTF-8 std::string to UTF-16 std::wstring?
Consider using std::filesystem in C++17 or higher.
Note that a Windows or Linux executable is 32-bit or 64-bit, that doesn't have anything to do with the character set. Some very old systems are 16-bit, you probably don't come across them.


What determines how strings are encoded in memory?

Say we have a file that is Latin-1 encoded and that we use a text editor to read in that file into memory. My questions are then:
How will those character strings be represented in memory? Latin-1, UTF-8, UTF-16 or something else?
What determines how those strings are represented in memory? Is it the application, the programming language the application was written in, the OS or the hardware?
As a follow-up question:
How do applications then save files to encoding schemes that use different character sets? F.e. converting UTF-8 to UTF-16 seems fairly intuitive to me as I assume you just decode to the Unicode codepoint, then encode to the target encoding. But what about going from UTF-8 to Shift-JIS which has a different character set?
Operating system
1993: Windows adopted Unicode 1.0 with NT 3.1 - back then Unicode was what is nowadays known as UCS-2. That Windows version also introduced NTFS (New Technology File System), which also stores every filename in UCS-2 like manner (16 bit codepoints).
2000: With NT 5.0 (aka Windows 2000) there was a shift/improvement from UCS-2 to UTF-16 - both OS and encoding became available in this year.
Since then nothing has changed. Internally, Windows uses 16 bit codepoints for almost 30 years already, and thanks to UTF-16 also newest codepoints such as Emojis are supported. Its API works the same way, with compatibility functions for byte-wise encodings merely being stubs that convert the input to UTF-16. See also
What unicode encoding (UTF-8, UTF-16, other) does Windows use for its Unicode data types?
"Windows uses UTF-16 as its internal encoding", what exactly does this mean?
Why does Windows use UTF-16LE?
Is it safe to assume all Windows platforms will be in UCS-2 LE
Unix: most distributions use UTF-8 by default, because it's most backward compatible while being future proof enough.
Programming language
Depends on their age or on their compiler: while languages themselves are not necessarily bound to an OS the compiler which produces the binaries might treat things differently as per OS.
Pascal: based in 1970 the String was just an array of bytes, not even necessarily meaning text. And for text ASCII or one of the other single-byte encodings could easily be dealt with.
Delphi: adopted as per Windows WideString, dealing with 16 bit per character, to perfectly make use of the WinAPI and its Unicode support. Later additions also emerged the UTF8String, which works with bytes again, but not necessarily only one byte per character. But also creations such as UCS4String are available since 2009, eating 4 bytes per character.
Free Pascal: stays with the old String but always defaults to UTF-8 encoding. While this always needs conversion when using the WinAPI it is also more platform independent. Several other String (compatibilty) types also exist, each with different memory usage.
ECMAScript (JavaScript): as per standard an engine should use UTF-16 for texts. See also JavaScript strings - UTF-16 vs UCS-2?
Java: engines must support a minimum of encodings, including UTF-16, thus internal String handling/memory usage may differ. See also What is the Java's internal represention for String? Modified UTF-8? UTF-16?
Depends on the platform/OS. While the in-memory consumption of text is strongly influenced by the programming language compiler and the data types used there, using libraries (which could have been produced by entirely other compilers and programming languages) can mix this.
Strictly speaking the binary file format also has its strict encodings: on Windows the PE (used in EXE, DLL, etc.) has resource Strings in 16 bit characters again. So while f.e. the Free Pascal Compiler can (as per language) make heavy use of UTF-8 it will still build an EXE file with UTF-16 metadata in it.
Programs that deal with text (such as editors) will most likely hold any encoding "as is" in memory for the sake of performance, surely with compromises such as temporarily duplicating parts into Strings of 32 bit per character, just to quickly search through it, let alone supporting Unicode normalization.
The most common approach is to use a common denominator:
Either every input is decoded into 32 bit characters which are then encoded into the target. Costs the most memory, but makes it easy to deal with.
In the WinAPI you either convert to UTF-16 via MultiByteToWideChar(), or from UTF-16 via WideCharToMultiByte(). To go from UTF-8 to Shift-JIS you'd make a sidestep from UTF-8 to UTF-16, then from UTF-16 to Shift-JIS. Support for all the encodings shift as per version and localized installation, there's not really a guarantee for all of them.
External libraries specialized on encodings alone can do this, like iconv - these support many encodings unbound to the OS support.

(Tcl) what character encoding set should I use?

So I'm trying to open and parse some old Visual Studio compilation log files with Tcl; my only problem is the files are in a strange encoding. Upon examining them with Notepad++ it seems they are in the 'UCS-2 Little Endian' encoding. Two questions:
Is there any command in Tcl that allows me to look at the character encoding of a file? I know there is encoding system which tells me the system encoding.
Using encoding names Tcl tells me the available encoding names are the following list:
cp860 cp861 cp862 cp863 tis-620 cp864 cp865 cp866 gb12345 gb2312-raw cp949 cp950 cp869 dingbats ksc5601 macCentEuro cp874 macUkraine jis0201 gb2312 euc-cn euc-jp macThai iso8859-10 jis0208 iso2022-jp macIceland iso2022 iso8859-13 jis0212 iso8859-14 iso8859-15 cp737 iso8859-16 big5 euc-kr macRomania macTurkish gb1988 iso2022-kr macGreek ascii cp437 macRoman iso8859-1 iso8859-2 iso8859-3 macCroatian koi8-r iso8859-4 ebcdic iso8859-5 cp1250 macCyrillic iso8859-6 cp1251 macDingbats koi8-u iso8859-7 cp1252 iso8859-8 cp1253 iso8859-9 cp1254 cp1255 cp850 cp1256 cp932 identity cp1257 cp852 macJapan cp1258 shiftjis utf-8 cp855 cp936 symbol cp775 unicode cp857
Given this, what would be the appropriate name to use in the fconfigure -encoding command to read these UCS-2 Little Endianencoded files and convert them to UTF-8 for use? If I understand the fconfigure command correctly, I need to specify the encoding type of the source file rather than what I want it to be; I just don't know which of the options in the above list corresponds to UCS-2 Little Endian. After reading a little bit, I see that UCS-2 is a predecessor of the UTF-16 character encoding, but that option isn't here either.
I'm afraid, currently there's no way to do it just by using fconfigure -encoding ?something?: the unicode encoding has rather moot meaning, and there's a feature request to create explicit support for UTF-16 variants.
What you could do about it?
Since unicode in Tcl running on Windows should mean UTF-16 with native endianness1 (little-endian on Wintel), if your solution is supposed to be a quick and dirty one, just try using -encoding unicode and see if that helps.
If you're targeting at some more bullet-proof or future-proof of cross-platform solution, I'd switch the channel to binary more, read the contents in chunks of two bytes at a time, and then use
binary scan $twoBytes s n
to scan the sequence of two bytes in $twoBytes as an 16-bit integer into a variable named "n", followed by something like
set c [format %c $n]
to produce a unicode character out of the number in $n, and assign it to a variable.
This way supposedly requires a bit more trickery to get correctly:
You might check the very first character obtained from the stream to see if it's a byte-order-mark, and drop it if it is.
If you need to process the stream in a line-wise manner, you'd have to implement a little state machine that would handle the CR+LF sequences correctly.
When doing your read $channelId 2, to get the next character, you should check that it returned not just 0 or 2, but also 1 — in case the file happens to be corrupted, — and handle this.
The UCS-2 encoding differs from UTF-16 in that the latter might contain the so-called surrogate pairs, and hence it is not a fixed-length encoding. Hence handling an UTF-16 stream properly implies also detecting those surrogate pairs. On the other hand, I hardly beleive a compilation log produced by MSVS might contain them, so I'd just assume it's encoded in UCS-2LE.
1 The true story is that the only thing Tcl guarantees about textual strings it handles (that is, those obtained by maniputating text, not via binary format or encoding convertto or reading a stream in binary mode) is that they're Unicode (or, rather, the "BMP" part of it).
But technically, the interpreter might switch the internal representation of any string between the UTF-8 encoding it uses by default and some fixed-length encoding which is what is referred to by that name "unicode". The "problem" is that no part of Tcl documentation specifies that internal fixed-length encoding because you're required to explicitly convert any text you output or read to/from some specific encoding — either via configuring the stream or using encoding convertfrom and encoding convertto or using binary format and binary scan, and the interpreter will do the right thing no matter which precise encoding it's currently using for your source string value — it's all transparent. Moreover, the next release of the "standard" Tcl interpreter might decide to drop this internal feature completely, or, say, use 32-bit or 64-bit integers for that internal fixed-length encoding. Whatever "non-standard" interpreters do (like Jacl etc) are also up to them. In other words, this feature is internal and is not a part of the documented contract about the interpreter's behaviour. And by the way, the "standard" encoding for Tcl strings (UTF-8) is not specified as such either — it's just an implementation detail.
In Tcl v8.6.8 I could solve the same issue with fconfigure channelId -encoding unicode.

Trademark superscript in NSI

I want to add a Trade Mark superscript in the NSI script.
I tried using unicode character for trademark - U+2122 , but it doesn't display the trade mark character correctly when the installer exe is run?
I have following questions:
How do I add the trademark symbol in the NSI
I am using NSI compiler version 2.46 . Do I need to upgrade?
How to create (enable) unicode support in a NSI file?
Source files in NSIS 2 are just a bunch of bytes and these bytes are stored directly in the .exe. At run-time Windows will (on NT based systems) convert these bytes to Unicode strings by using the current codepage/system locale (Language for non-unicode programs). This means that you have to use the correct codepage/encoding in your text editor. If your installer supports multiple languages you need to use LangString and basically edit those strings with the correct encoding set in your editor. Using a .nsh for each language might help.
NSIS 3 uses Unicode internally in the compiler and if you are creating a Unicode installer (Unicode True) then you can use any Unicode code point. You can save the .nsi as UTF-8 or UTF-16 (with BOM) or you can use the ${U+hexnumber} syntax:
Unicode True
MessageBox mb_ok "Hello World${U+2122}"
NSIS 3 can also generate Ansi installers and it knows about the ${U+hexnumber} syntax but it cannot guarantee that the codepoint will display correctly on the end-users system, it is still limited to simple bytes and will convert from Unicode to Ansi using the current codepage from the system you are compiling on.
You can try to use the character 0x99, the Windows 1252 equivalent of U+2122.
With a western configured windows, you can enter it directly via the keyboard with Alt0153 (keep the Alt key pressed while entering the digits on the numeric keypad, and it is Alt and not Alt Gr).

What encoding Win32 API functions expect?

For example, MessageBox function has LPCTSTR typed argument for text and caption, which is a pointer to char or pointer to wchar when _UNICODE or _MBCS are defined, respectively.
How does the MessageBox function interpret those stings? As which encoding?
Only explanation I managed to find is this:
But it doesn't say anything about encoding? Just that in case of _MBCS one character takes up one wchar (which is 16-bit on Windows) and that in case of _UNICODE one or two char's (8-bit).
So are those some Microsoft's versions of UTF-8 and UTF-16 that ignore anything that has to be encoded in 3 or four bytes in case of UTF-8 and anything that has to be encoded in 4 bytes in case of UTF-16? And is there a way to show anything outside of basic multilingual plane of Unicode with MessageBox?
There are normally two different implementations of each function:
MessageBoxA, which accepts ANSI strings
MessageBoxW, which accepts Unicode strings
Here, 'ANSI' means the multi-byte code page currently assigned to the process. This varies according to the user's preferences and locale setting, although Win32 API functions such as WideCharToMultiByte can be counted on to do the right conversion, and the GetACP function will tell you the code page in use. MSDN explains the ANSI code page and how it interacts with Unicode.
'Unicode' generally means UCS-2; that is, support for characters above 0xFFFF isn't consistent. I haven't tried this, but UI functions such as MessageBox in recent versions (> Windows 2000) should support characters outside the BMP.
The ...A functions are obsolete and only wrap the ...W functions. The former were required for compatibility with Windows 9x, but since that is not used any more, you should avoid them at any costs and use the ...W functions exclusively. They require UTF-16 strings, the only native Windows encoding. All modern Windows versions should support non-BMP characters quite well (if there is a font that has these characters, of course).

Howto identify UTF-8 encoded strings

What's the best way to identify if a string (is or) might be UTF-8 encoded? The Win32 API IsTextUnicode isn't of much help here. Also, the string will not have an UTF-8 BOM, so that cannot be checked for. And, yes, I know that only characters above the ASCII range are encoded with more than 1 byte.
chardet character set detection developed by Mozilla used in FireFox. Source code
jchardet is a java port of the source from mozilla's automatic charset detection algorithm.
NCharDet is a .Net (C#) port of a Java port of the C++ used in the Mozilla and FireFox browsers.
Code project C# sample that uses Microsoft's MLang for character encoding detection.
UTRAC is a command line tool and library written in c++ to detect string encoding
cpdetector is a java project used for encoding detection
chsdet is a delphi project, and is a stand alone executable module for automatic charset / encoding detection of a given text or file.
Another useful post that points to a lot of libraries to help you determine character encoding http://fredeaker.blogspot.com/2007/01/character-encoding-detection.html
You could also take a look at the related question How Can I Best Guess the Encoding when the BOM (Byte Order Mark) is Missing?, it has some useful content.
There is no really reliable way, but basically, as a random sequence of bytes (e.g. a string in an standard 8 bit encoding) is very unlikely to be a valid UTF-8 string (if the most significant bit of a byte is set, there are very specific rules as to what kind of bytes can follow it in UTF-8), you can try decoding the string as UTF-8 and consider that it is UTF-8 if there are no decoding errors.
Determining if there were decoding errors is another problem altogether, many Unicode libraries simply replace invalid characters with a question mark without indicating whether or not an error occurred. So you need an explicit way of determining if an error occurred while decoding or not.
This W3C page has a perl regular expression for validating UTF-8
You didn't specify a language, but in PHP you can use mb_check_encoding
if(mb_check_encoding($yourDtring, 'UTF-8'))
//the string is UTF-8
//string is not UTF-8
For Win32, you can use the mlang API, this is part of Windows and supported from Windows XP, cool thing about it is that it gives you statistics of how likely the input is to be in a particular encoding:
CComPtr<IMultiLanguage2> lang;
HRESULT hr = lang.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_CMultiLanguage, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER);
char* str = "abc"; // EF BB BF 61 62 63
int size = 6;
DetectEncodingInfo encodings[100];
int encodingsCount = 100;
hr = lang->DetectInputCodepage(MLDETECTCP_NONE, 0, str, &size, &encodings, &encodingsCount);
To do character detection in ruby install the 'chardet' gem
sudo gem install chardet
Here's a little ruby script to run chardet over the standard input stream.
require "rubygems"
require 'UniversalDetector' #chardet gem
infile = $stdin.read()
p UniversalDetector::chardet(infile)
Chardet outputs a guess at the character set encoding and also a confidence level (0-1) from its statistical analysis
see also this snippet
C/C++ standalone library based on Mozilla's character set detector
Universal Character Set Detector (UCSD)
A library exposing a C interface and dependency-free interface to the Mozilla C++ UCSD library. This library provides a highly accurate set of heuristics that attempt to determine the character set used to encode some input text. This is extremely useful when your program has to handle an input file which is supplied without any encoding metadata.
On Windows, you can use MultiByteToWideChar() with the CP_UTF8 codepage and the MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS flag. If the function fails, the string is not valid UTF-8.
As an add-on to the previous answer about the Win32 mlang DetectInputCodepage() API, here's how to call it in C:
#include <Mlang.h>
#include <objbase.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "ole32.lib")
IMultiLanguage2 *pML;
char *pszBuffer;
int iSize;
DetectEncodingInfo lpInfo[10];
int iCount = sizeof(lpInfo) / sizeof(DetectEncodingInfo);
hr = CoInitialize(NULL);
hr = CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_CMultiLanguage, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, &IID_IMultiLanguage2, (LPVOID *)&pML);
hr = pML->lpVtbl->DetectInputCodepage(pML, 0, 0, pszBuffer, &iSize, lpInfo, &iCount);
But the test results are very disappointing:
It can't distinguish between French texts in CP 437 and CP 1252, even though the text is completely unreadable if opened in the wrong code page.
It can detect text encoded in CP 65001 (UTF-8), but not text in UTF-16, which is wrongly reported as CP 1252 with good confidence!