Orange invalid flags for attribute k - orange

I am trying to import my tab delimited data set in Orange Canvas via File widget. For some reason, I keep getting this error invalid flags for attribute k. I could not find anything related on web or Orange documentation. Can someone help?


check the value of a model input QGIS

I am making a graphical modeler in QGIS and I want to know if the value of an input can be checked.
This is to see if the user has filled in that value or left it empty. I have put the entry that is not mandatory.
Can this be checked and if it is null do one thing and if it is not null do something else?
enter image description here
Currently, if the user does not enter a variable in that field (although it is not required), it gives the following error: "Could not load source layer for INPUT: not found".
I have tried the "Conditional branch" tool, but I don't get out of here.
enter image description here

Creating a Fake/Manual Table of Contents in Latex/Overleaf

I am creating a thesis paper with a class file created by my institution, however, the code for the class file is outdated and doesn't fit the exact requirements necessary for the format submission.
The font is size 12 and the margin specifications are as follows (These values give us 1.6in on the left margin,and 1.1in on the other margins, as well as placing the page numbers):
% set paragraph indentation to 2em
\parindent 2em
% Lengths used by capheadings where we expand the header and shrink
% the text body to allow the heading on each page within original margins.
The automatic table of contents is missing a few attributes and I am unable to edit the class file to fix it/ add in chapters and such manually.
My current automatic table of contents looks like this (but it is missing a few things that I need to add manually):
Does anyone know how to either manually code this in another latex file so I can change my table of contents? It needs to match this format.
Thank you in advance! If there is any information that you might need from the class file, please let me know and I can try to find it.

Echarts Warnings: Expected color but found ‘undefined’

I use Echarts and found that it generates massive amounts of the following warnings in firefox
Expected color but found ‘undefined’.........from DOM
Expected color but found ‘null’...................from DOM
It does this when I move my mouse over the bar graphs that I use. Especially when I have tooltip:{}
enabled and defined. The same messages are also generated in the example page of Echarts.
Should I be concerned about these warnings and can I do something about it.
Thanks Oscar Goos

Phone Number Masking in Zk

I need to add masking for telephone number.Is there any attribute for asking in textbox like primefaces
or we have to add jquery for it.
Below is my code:
<textbox value="#bind(vm.phoneNo)" width="180px" constraint="no empty"/>
Below Image showing error message stick to Textbox (Tele)
Below Image showing error message not stick to Textbox(Tele).This is main issue
Here is a zk demo, shows you how to use jq.
But zk got different types of input elements as well that you may like to use,
cos they got constraint attribute where you can define reg ex.
See textbox for example.
If you use MVVM you could use the #validator too. Here is a demo of it.

change the background color of zend form elements if invalid

Hi I am using Zend Framework and would like to have my form show which elements are invalid by changing their background color to red. To do this I need to set the class/id of the invalid <input class='error'> in my form and write a css to change the color. I am just having trouble getting a list of all the invalid elements.
The only way I can think of doing this is after the for is found to be invalid if (!$form->isValid($posts)){} is to use getMessages() to get the names of all the invalid elements and then set all elements $element->setAttrib('class', 'error'). I was hoping to be able to call something built in to the form, similar to getElements() but couldnt find a getInvalidElements() or something similar. I also imagine it would be possible to write a decorator to the whole form to achieve the same thing but I dont know where to start.
Any recommendations on how i should proceed? Thanks.
Extend Zend_Form and add a css class error to all invalid fields, write styles for the .error class.
This blog post gives you an idea of how it could be done.