Animation event not detecting object - unity3d

I having a little trouble with getting an animation event, to detect my LevelChanger gameObject, as an object. Once I do this, I can select the LoadScene() Function within my LevelChangerScript to load the next scene. However its not possible at the moment as the event wont let my drag and drop the gameObject, into it.
enter image description here

Maybe there is a bit of a misunderstanding how animation events work. You have to attach any script to the animator and that script has then to implement a function which you will specify in the 'Function' field in the event. This function should then be called automatically by the animator when playing the animation. The object is just an optional parameter like 'Float' or 'String'.
This might be a good source to read.


Why does this cast always fail? UE4

I have an ai spawner BP and inside I want to call an event by timer to increase the characters walk speed after 10s, however the cast always fails. I have tried casting to the enemy and also tried to make an enemy ref object variable but still no luck. Any idea why I cant get it?
GetPlayerCharacter returns the current "Player Character" Object; this is the object the player's PlayerController is controlling, not an spawned AI Zombie.
The cast fails because the object going in is not of the type you are trying to cast it to.
Casting doesn't "Get" you an object that you cast to. It can refine the code context for an item that is of that type already.
If you want to get a reference to the zombie to change its walk speed, you need to hold onto a reference of it after spawning to run it into this code.

Instantiating object with physics on Canvas

I've been trying to instantiate simple object on my canvas that would show added score value with some small visual and then fall down with gravity for a while before disappearing.
I Cant in any way make it visible as UI element.
It is spawning at ridicolous position where canvas objects are physically. and even if i instantiate it as a child of my Ui element it has RectTransform but is not visible by camera as Ui element.
in my script "scoreValue" is ui element under which i'd want it to be instantiated,scoreVisualisationSpawnPoint is normal object with trasnform position i used earlier.
How to instantiate object on canvas at certain position in canvas for it to be visible?
Here is my not-working code:
public void CreateAddScoreVisualisation(int addedScore)
GameObject effect;
effect = Instantiate(addScoreVisialisation, scoreVisualisationSpawnPoint, scoreValue.transform.rotation,scoreValue.transform);
effect.GetComponent<RectTransform>().position = scoreValue.rectTransform.position;
effect.GetComponent<ScoreVisualisation>().scoreText.text = addedScore.ToString();
That can be tricky at times, but are you sure this is the right approach at all?
I'd suggest have your object permanently there so you can set it up as you wish with the inspector and then in the start function, call gameObject.SetActive(false) to disable it.
Then instead of instantiating, activate it.
This will also be more performant by the way because small, inactive objects don't cost much but instantiating and destroying is relatively expensive.

Why does parenting an object in the hierarchy produce different results then parenting via script?

Parenting GIF (for visual)
When parenting an object using the hierarchy you click and drag that object and place it into another game object.
When parenting an object using a script, it looks something like this
myObject.transform.SetParent(parentObject, false);
Now, if you watch the GIF you will see that the two different methods of parenting produce different results for the child objects transform values. The resulting position and scale are different for the child object depending on which approach to object parenting is used.
How do you get the same results produced when parenting in the hierarchy via click and drag, when parenting by script?
EDIT: Forgot to add that when watching the gif, you can see the click and drag parenting first and watch the transform values change. I then control Z to undo the change, click into the scene view, and execute a button press that sets the parent of the 'blue' game object to 'myObject'. Note, you will see the transform values don't change when parenting is done via the latter method.
If we check Unity's API documentation for the SetParent() method we can better understand how this method works. In my case I was using the method that used two parameters:
The parent Transform to use
When false the object keeps its local orientation rather than its global
For my question, there are two simple solutions:
Set the worldPositionStays parameter to true so that the parent-relative position, scale and rotation are modified such that the child object keeps the same world space position, rotation and scale as before, or
Use the SetParent() method with only the parent parameter, effectively yields the exact same result as setting worldPositionStays to true.

GameObject isn't in the hieararchy, but its script's Update is called?

Now I am facing a ghost object.
There was a script attached to an object which I deleted. But for some reason, the script's update function is always being called.
I added this line to the Update: Debug.Log(name), and its name is Flamestrike, but when I search it in the hierarchy, there are no results.
And if I set its position to 0,1,0 (so it should be visible), it is not visible in the game either.
So please help me because it drives me crazy :(
if(transform.parent == null) {
I also tried this, and it prints Canvas, so it sets its parent to Canvas, but I can't see any Flamestrike objects under Canvas.
When Instantiating a prefab GameObject, for some reason it was being created with Hidden Flags. In order to solve this, we added the code: this.gameObject.hideFlag = HideFlags.None; which allowed the object to show up in the hiearchy finally.
The only other source I could find on this was this answer, which had basically no explanation as to why it occured. (quoted below)
Found the issue, not sure why but: These two ways are working (prefab
is a GameObject defined elsewhere).
Player1 = Instantiate(prefab) as GameObject;
Instantiate(prefab) as GameObject;
For some reason the prototype:
Instantiate(prefabName, position, rotation);
Was not working.
(Sorry if this is not the correct way to write this, but the comments are too short, and can't be formatted)
This not fully true, I think.
This hidden gameObject wasn't created via script. I dragged the prefab to the scene, then somehow I didn't delete the prefab fully. (or didn't even delete, just made it hidden)
It disappeared in the hieararchy, but it wasn't deleted fully.
After we made the object visible via script, now it is visible.
(but only in play mode, so I can't delete it, because it is not visible in scene view)
And it got some interesting components/attributes.
The original story:
FlameStrike - a Container for scaling purposes (empty gameObject)
-FlameStrike - a gameobject with animation, FlameStrike.cs script etc.
--Particle System - a part. system with this exact name.
But after we found the remaining hidden object it was like this:
So I don't understand what I did. It deleted some parts of the prefab, but also mixed some parts,
(like adding the Particle System object's Particle System component to this FlameStrike object)
then made it hidden. Is there a hotkey for this? :D Because it is not script related issue, I did this in the editor.

Creating pointer Attributes in cocos2d iPhone

I am working on a game. There are balls that fall from the top of the screen, and the player has to catch them, as the are caught they stack ontop of one another. I have a method that creates each new ball and adds it to an Array that i use to move the sprites. Problem is that the after they collide I need them to stop moving, since the array is called on to move them they all move. And if i try to make them stop they all stop. So I was hoping to create a pointer attribute if ther is such a think, for example "sprite.position" I need a new attribute that i can check like a boolean. I was hoping to create a attribute like sprite.hasCollided and if it returns YES then the ball should no longer move. Is this possible or is there a better way to do it?
I would suggest you create a ball object. And add the boolean as as part of the object.
CCNodes (and, by inheritence, CCSprites) have a userData property, which is a void*. You can use this to relate a custom object to a cocos2d object. Keep in mind if you use the userData option, you will, in most cases, need to allocate any memory when you create/assign the sprite, and release it when you are done.
int* myInt = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int));
*myInt = 0;
sprite.userData = myInt;
//some time later, when you are done with the sprite
As an improvement on the userData property, you can do what xuanweng suggests and create a ball object containing various game-related properties for the balls, and assign an instance of this to each of your ball CCSprites using the method above.