How to view HTML from getELementsByClassName in Testing Library - react-testing-library

I am using the getElementsByClassName on the container object using React Testing Library
let e = container.getElementsByClassName("my-Table-row");
How do I view the HTML in "e" ? All I have is something that looks like :
Proxy {Symbol(impl): HTMLCollectionImpl}
....which doesnt help much. also does not give back anything satisfactory.

As getElementsByClassName returns an HTMLCollection, you need to iterate over that, then get the HTML for each HTMLElement using innerHTML.
const { container, debug } = render(
<div class="my-Table-row"><div>Table row</div></div>
<div class="my-Table-row"><div>Table row</div></div>
const itemsAsHtmlStrings = Array
.map(item => item.innerHTML);'\n'));


render() - function is not updating the DOM - lit-html

I have question regarding the lit-html render function.
Currently I have the problem that sometimes the render function does not update the DOM.
My render function looks like this:
public renderLootbag = (_characterItems: Object): void => {
//some other code
const lootbagInventoryTemplate: TemplateResult[] = [];
for (let i: number = 0; i < numberOfInventorySpaces; i++) {
<section class="lootbag__inventoryItem">
//some other code
const lootbagTemplate: TemplateResult = html`
//some other code
<section class="lootbag__inventory">${lootbagInventoryTemplate}
render(lootbagTemplate, getLootbagContainer);
This function gets triggerd everytime I click on a button called "open Lootbag"
Now the problem is: if the value of the parameter in the renderLootbag() function changes, the DOM doesn´t get updated, eventhough the console.log(lootbagInventoryTemplate) shows me the new values ... :/.
img of the console.log
img of the dom
Note: in this case the Element with the class "lootbag__itemData" shouldn´t be filled with content.
Is there a way to completly force a new render?, I have already tried to empty my container with innerHTML and then call the render function but that didn´t work.
Thanks in advance
I had a similar problem with an Input that didnt update all the time.
The undelying problem was that i converted all inputs from the user to number and if the user typed some letters it would fall back to zero.
Since the values didn't change always (zero changed to zero), lit html wouldn't rerender.
The Solution was using a directive.
import { html, render, directive } from "lit-html";
const value = store.savedValueFromInput;
const forceWrite = directive((someValue) => (part) => {
<input type="number" #change="${setValueFromInput}" .value="${forceWrite(value)}" />
That should force a re-render.
Best regards,

dynamically create bound datas with polymer

I would like to create a dynamic form using polymer, meaning that everytime the user press "add" button,it will add a new field in the form. Or, more specifically, it will add a paper-dropdown-menu, where all of the options come from a dom-repeat fed by an ajax call.
this is what i've done so far:
<div id="filterContainer">
<div class="flex rulesForm" id="filter1">
<paper-dropdown-menu name="rule1A" no-label-float>
<paper-listbox attr-for-selected="value" selected="{{filter1A}}" class="dropdown-content" id="thirdPartyFilter1A">
<template is="dom-repeat" items="{{rule1A}}">
<paper-item value="[[item]]">[[item]]</paper-item>
<paper-button raised on-tap="addFilterField">Add</paper-button>
and in the JS:
addFilterField: function () {
let dropdown = document.createElement('paper-dropdown-menu'); = "";
dropdown.noLabelFloat = true;
let listbox = document.createElement('paper-listbox');
listbox.class = "dropdown-content";
listbox.attrForSelected = "value";
listbox.selected = "{{filter1A}}";
let paperItem = document.createElement('paper-item');
paperItem.value = "[[item]]";
var itemNode = document.createTextNode('[[item]]');
my problem is about the data-binding... If I use createTextNode with [[item]], it will simply write it as a string in the document. Is there a way to fix this? (or a way easier solution to add field in a form?)
first of all you cannot use binding notation in javascript. it is markup
2nd, polymer doesn't yet support creating data bindings dynamically. however I'm sure you can accomplish what you are trying to do.
you have to use the Polymer Dom API.
instead of paperItem.appendChild(itemNode)
you would use

ClipboardJS with React, using document.getElementById()

Originally, I had it working fine.
Then I did this and now I can't get it to work
import React from 'react';
export default (props) => {
<div id="clip" data-clipboard-text={props.code} onClick={props.onClick}>
<p> Copy to clipboard.</p>
class DashWizardTwoCore extends Component {
const btns = document.getElementById('clip');
const clipboard = new Clipboard(btns);
componentDidUpdate() {
clipboard.on('success', function(e) {
clipboard.on('error', function(e) {
const someCode = "const foo = 1"
return (
<ClipboardField code={this.someCode} /> }
If you take the code out of ClipboardField and into Field it works. It's mostly, how do I use document.getElementById() in my parent component to find something in my child?
Their examples:
Your code is fine you just have a few issues:
you are binding clipboard.on in componentDidUpdate which won't trigger here since you are not really changing anything (in the ClipboardField component) that triggers this event.
You are passing {this.someCode} in the code prop which would be undefined should just be {someCode}
So it's just a matter of moving your clipboard.on to the componentDidMount right after the new Clipboard and use code={someCode}
In React whenever you want to access the actual dom element of your component we use what react calls as refs, I would suggest you do this rather than using getElementById as this is the "best practice".
However stateless components (like your ClipboardField component above) can't have refs so you just need to change it to be a normal component.
Here's a fiddle with your code but using refs instead:
I tried including links to the react docs for stateless components and refs but apparently don't have enough "rep" to post more than 2 links, anyways quick google search should point you in the right direction.
I adjusted your code and created a simple integration of clipboard.js with React.
Here's the fiddle: . Check it out.

#each with call to helper ignores first entry in array

I'm trying to generate a menu with handlebars, based on this array (from coffeescript):
Template.moduleHeader.modules = -> [
{ "moduleName": "dashboard", "linkName": "Dashboard" }
{ "moduleName": "roomManager", "linkName": "Raumverwaltung" }
{ "moduleName": "userManager", "linkName": "Benutzerverwaltung" }
The iteration looks like this (from the html code):
{{#each modules}}
<li {{this.isActive this.moduleName}}>
<a class="{{this.moduleName}}" href="#">{{this.linkName}}</a>
{{this.isActive}} is defined like this (coffeescript code again):
Template.moduleHeader.isActive = (currentModuleName) ->
if currentModuleName is Session.get 'module'
Based on Session.get 'module' the appropriate menu item is highlighted with the css class active.
On reload, the Session-variable module contains 'dashboard', which is the first entry in that array, however, it does not get the active-class. If I add an empty object as the first item to the modules-array, the 'dashboard'-item is properly highlighted.
The strange thing is, that the first item (dashboard) is rendered fine, but it does not have the active-class, which raises the impression, that the function this.isActive is not called for the first item.
Am I doing it wrong?
Really going out on a whim here but my traditional approach would be below. I don't know whether it will work but it was too big for a comment, yet again it's not a guaranteed fix. Let me know how it goes:
Replace the HTML with
{{#each modules}}
<li {{isActive}}>
<a class="{{moduleName}}" href="#">{{linkName}}</a>
Replace the CS with
Template.moduleHeader.isActive = () ->
currentModule = this
currentModuleName = currentModule.moduleName
if currentModuleName is Session.get 'module'
If its rendering, the each block is working correctly. There must be an issue in the isActive helper. Most likely the if block isn't working as you think it should be. Put a console.log in there and see if it is entered, and put another inside the if (printf debugging). I find this is usually the easiest way to do quick debugging of handlebars helpers.
A useful helper in js for inspecting values inside of a context is as follows
Handlebars.registerHelper("debug", function(optionalValue) {
console.log("Current Context");
if (optionalValue) {
Then you can call this inside an each block and see all the values the current context/a specific value has.

jquery / ajax form not passing button data

I thought the HTML spec stated that buttons click in a form pass their value, and button "not clicked" did not get passed. Like check boxes... I always check for the button value and sometimes I'll do different processing depending on which button was used to submit..
I have started using AJAX (specifically jquery) to submit my form data - but the button data is NEVER passed - is there something I'm missing? is there soemthing I can do to pass that data?
simple code might look like this
<form id="frmPost" method="post" action="page.php" class="bbForm" >
<input type="text" name="heading" id="heading" />
<input type="submit" name="btnA" value="Process It!" />
<input type="submit" name="btnB" value="Re-rout it somewhere Else!" />
$( function() { //once the doc has loaded
//handle the forms
$( '.bbForm' ).live( 'submit', function() { // catch the form's submit event
$.ajax({ // create an AJAX call...
data: $( this ).serialize(), // get the form data
type: $( this ).attr( 'method' ), // GET or POST
url: $( this ).attr( 'action' ), // the file to call
success: function( response ) { // on success..
$('#ui-tabs-1').html( response );
return false; // cancel original event to prevent form submitting
On the processing page - ONLY the "heading" field appears, neither the btnA or btnB regardless of whichever is clicked...
if it can't be 'fixed' can someone explain why the Ajax call doesn't follow "standard" form behavior?
I found this to be an interesting issue so I figured I would do a bit of digging into the jquery source code and api documentation.
My findings:
Your issue has nothing to do with an ajax call and everything to do with the $.serialize() function. It simply is not coded to return <input type="submit"> or even <button type="submit"> I tried both. There is a regex expression that is run against the set of elements in the form to be serialized and it arbitrarily excludes the submit button unfortunately.
jQuery source code (I modified for debugging purposes but everything is still semantically intact):
serialize: function() {
var data = jQuery.param( this.serializeArray() );
return data;
serializeArray: function() {
var elementMap ={
return this.elements ? jQuery.makeArray( this.elements ) : this;
var filtered = elementMap.filter(function(){
var regexTest1= rselectTextarea.test( this.nodeName );
var regexTest2 = rinput.test( this.type ); //input submit will fail here thus never serialized as part of the form
var output = && !this.disabled &&
( this.checked || regexTest2|| regexTest2);
return output;
var output = i, elem ){
var val = jQuery( this ).val();
return val == null ?
null :
jQuery.isArray( val ) ? val, function( val, i ){
return { name:, value: val.replace( rCRLF, "\r\n" ) };
}) :
{ name:, value: val.replace( rCRLF, "\r\n" ) };
return output;
Now examining the jQuery documentation, you meet all the requirements for it to behave as expected (
Note: Only "successful controls" are serialized to the string. No submit button value is serialized since the form was not submitted using a button. For a form element's value to be included in the serialized string, the element must have a name attribute. Values from checkboxes and radio buttons (inputs of type "radio" or "checkbox") are included only if they are checked. Data from file select elements is not serialized.
the "successful controls link branches out to the W3 spec and you definitely nailed the expected behavior on the spec.
Short lame answer: I think it is teh broken! Report for bug fix!!!
I've run into a rather unusual issue with this. I'm working on a project and have two separate php pages where one has html on the page separate from the php code and one is echoing html from inside php code. When I use the .serialize on the one that has the separate html code it works correctly. It sends my submit button value in its ajax call to another php page. But in the one with the html echoed from the php script I try to do the same thing and get completely different results. It will send all of the other info in the form but not the value of the submit button. All I need it to do is send whether or not I pushed "Delete" or "Update". I'm not asking for help (violating the rules of asking for help on another persons post) but I thought this info might be helpful in figuring out where the break down is occurring. I'll be looking for a solution and will post back here if I figure anything out.