How to open an "Integrated Terminal" in VSCode from a gnome terminal - visual-studio-code

I was wondering if it is possible to launch an "Integrated Terminal" in VSCode from a command line in linux outside of vscode.
Ex: I have vscode open and I have a gnome terminal open beside it. I want to run a shell script in the gnome terminal to create a new "Integrated Terminal" in VSCode.


Hide CMD After opening VScode from Run window in Windows

I am trying to hide CMD After opening VSCode from Run window in Windows and don't work, I test those solutions
How to exit Command Prompt after launching VSCode
But it didn't work.

How to use the WSL and CMD terminal from VsCode terminal?

I can only use the bash, tmux, and javascript debug terminal in VsCode. I can't use the CMD and WSL terminal.
I tried to change it in the default terminal profile but there's no CMD and WSL there.
Press on Configure Terminal Settings and open setting.json file and add this line
"": "Command Prompt",
Go to VSCode to learn more about terminal integration.

Visual Studio Code How to change to windows terminal

I am new to visual studio code and my terminal always shows integrated ubuntu LTS terminal in windows instead of windows terminal.
I searched google and followed some steps like Press F1 in the search entered "Terminal: Select Default Profile" and when i selected "windows command prompt" but still it shows ubuntu LTS terminal. How to change this to windows command prompt terminal.
Try this it will set the default terminal
Press F1
Type "Terminal"
Select "Configure Terminal Settings"
Select "Integrated"
Check this document, it should lead you to select integrated terminal.

VSCode terminal in ubuntu wsl

I've run into an issue where when I open vscode through WSL (command code.) it opens VSCode with no terminal whatsoever and there's no option to open one.
Terminal on WSL Ubuntu:
But when I run vscode from Windows I do have the option to use my Ubuntu terminal
Terminal on Windows:
Has anyone had similar issues? Did I miss a setting somewhere in VSCode?

What's the command to open a new integrated terminal from within the integrated terminal in vscode?

I'm trying to setup a chain of tasks that need a terminal for each one. To do so, I need to use a command that opens a new integrated terminal tab from a previous integrated terminal. Is there any way to do so in vs-code integrated terminal?
In mac I would use
open -a Terminal
Or something like ttab that immediately opens a tab in the current iterm terminal.
(edited: I'm looking for a command to type in the terminal, not hotkeys)
Ctrl+Shift+` (Tilda) is the keyboard shortcut to open another terminal on Windows.
Cmd+Shift+` (Tilda) is the keyboard shortcut to open another terminal on Mac.